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I am an old hand at MMORPGS, started with Ultima Online back in the day and went on to play DAOC, WoW and some of the other failed attempts to copy WoW. When Runescape was new I was deep into UO and Daoc and didn't pay it any attention. Now with the sad state the genre is in and OSRS popping up on steam I thought I might as well give it a try. 24 hours later and holy cow, I am hooked.

This is giving me the exact feels I got when I started my adventures in Britannia. I am now debating if I sub to OSRS or RS3. Still not sure if this is geared more towards Runescape veterans or if I as a new player can have fun as well in the long term. For now I am having a blast just humbly leveling my skills in and around the starter city trying to find runes to get my magic skill from 8 to 10 for the adventure path.

Here I am with my beastly pc, Nioh 2 and Death Stranding waiting to be played and having a blast in OSRS instead. Anyway just wanted to get my opinion out as one of the many new steam players out there.

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about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Welcome to Gielinor :)

Take your time, explore both games and decide for yourself! They're very different in how they play but both are great games when you get into them.