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The VLS was an update that the Pking community didn't really care about, and was put through unpolled after failing multiple polls. Now, Jagex is trying to poll it to pvp worlds again by only letting Pkers vote. Why is Jagex obsessed with putting the VLS in the game, instead of focusing on fixing other issues with PVP? Still no word on singles pj timers, BH has been shut down for months, but the VLS will save everything! How about instead of focusing on an item that no one really cares that much about (VLS is only good for NHing really) why don't we look at actually adding real content.

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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

We have a whole host of changes and fixes that are planned and being designed for PvP, but they're not ready to be blogged and polled. When they are, you'll see we're not intentionally ignoring it like it seems at the moment.

Adding the VLS to PvP worlds is commonly requested to us, it already exists, its a really easy thing to do development wise and it gives us the perfect opportunity to test PvP specific polls.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by lnvu

Will you poll the food and potions as well? Possibly the rune packs?

It would make sense for all of them to be added as they’re ”Pvp supplies”

Look out for the blog tomorrow, we mention the Blighted items (which I assume you're referring to) in that!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by ImaCatMeowzer

Have you guys considered adding it to the wilderness in all world's? A large part of the community wilderness pks

One step at a time is the current mentality, hence PvP worlds first. If its well received and the community wants it, I'm sure we can look at it being used elsewhere for PvP only purposes.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by lnvu

Oh yes, I was editing back and forth and must’ve removed the word Blighted 😅

Thanks for the response!

Ahh I thought as much 😁 no worries!!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Compost_My_Body

push the pj timer from singles plus from the rev caves (already exists, commonly requested for decades, really easy to do development wise) to the rest of the single combat wilderness and you've solved 90% of complaints. Spot check the rest as they come in.

Not sure why there's still a lack of a timer. Would love some language on it - if not to me, then anywhere. Do you guys support singles clans? Are they providing meaningful pushback that competes with public opinion? Have you even considered it? etc etc etc. Most of the community is pretty baffled that it hasn't happened yet.

Those kind of changes are something we'll discuss closer to the time of the Wilderness changes project we have planned for later this year. I know waiting isn't ideal but it's not too far away now :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by KingHiggins92

PJ timer extended and some counter too singles teams. It's absolutely ridiculous to try and pk in the wild. Adding VLS makes this even worse as it's ridiculously overpowered.

The VLS isn't really overpowered in PvP worlds as the fights there are more about KO potential rather than outlasting, it just adds more variety.

Also one of the reasons we decided to go with just PvP worlds for now even though it had been requested to be usable on those worlds and in the Wilderness.

PJ timers and other Wilderness changes will come later this year (not too far away though) when we start the Wilderness changes project.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by xSocksman

Cool and all, but can you not lock content such as turn pouch behind pvp content? I don’t like PVP. I’ve never liked PVP. Frankly, I avoid the wilderness as much as I can. Don’t force me to do PVP content for certain items. I would rather spend 10x the amount of time required to do it in a PVE or skulking way.

You can buy a Rune Pouch via any Slayer master for 750 Slayer points if you don't want to PvP for it. Takes a little longer than via LMS tho!