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In this weeks QandA skull tricking was brought up and was asked in a neutral way just to see what jagex's option on it as its becoming an issue mod wolf said he thinks its fine and that you "cant get skull tricked if you arnt in the wildly 200iq" well guess what the people its happening to arnt trying to pvp and just got tricked into it. its a problem for the people who are force to go there to do PVM content that you the DEVs put out there to force people to go out there so next time you want to talk out your ass take a min to think before opening your mouth to make an ass out of yourself aswell as jagex who you represent on the these live streams * Edit for some reason you ppl think im debating skulltricking im not nor do i care about ppl dying its his comment on the question basically being well if you dont like skulltricking why are you in the wildly thus derailing the question as to if its currently a problem in the game

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about 5 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Players have the capability to not only turn off attack options on other players but also to remove auto retaliation.

We provide the tools not to skull to any player.

I stick by what I said: it's a case by case basis on if something is defined as skull tricking or not. If you auto retaliate and it skulls you, that's a problem. That shouldn't be happening. That's a bug and something we would address.

If you click on a person dressed the same as your previous target? Yeh, ok, that's not good too but there's not much we can do about that. Is that scamming? It's a pretty fine line.

It's not irrelevant, however, to also raise the fact that negative outcomes educate new players. It's not nice dying to someone and losing your full set of mithril as a noob, but you certainly walk past that area that says you may lose your stuff if killed again; at least without educating yourself on the potential ways to avoid those issues again, would you?

Regardless, the point of our Q&A discussions is just that: discussions and general commentary.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.