about 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s buddy and welcome to this week's Q&A I'm
2s your host McQueen and I am graced with
4s the presence of mod Kieren ray
6s raise your right mod husky yep and what
10s IDI hope you're doing well I've run
13s through the usual announcements and
15s commands in a chat - exclamation mark
17s win a PC how would you like to win a
20s chill blast PC and all the school
21s branded GC and make a gaming share plus
23s membership or exclamation mark win a PC
26s and then follow the instructions and
27s maybe you can exclamation mark progress
30s this week we've been running a play test
32s in the office with the likes of add Wham
33s I use a JQ Saurus nice and Acer MMORPG
36s settled and others sorry for I forgot
38s your name we talked about I played test
40s shortly
40s in the meantime exclamation mark
43s progress take a read of the dedicated
44s blog we put together you can learn all
46s about the work going into somebody else
48s spoiler we've got a release date for you
50s a bit later on and you can also enter
52s some competitions there are a couple
53s going so if you're a budding a video
55s maker you should enter the Elven story
58s so far competition I'd recommend taking
60s a look at Jimmy he won the Calais
61s lowlands competition and his channel was
63s blown up since then so it's a great
65s platform to really elevate yourself if
67s you're an artist you should consider
68s entering the login screen competition
70s hundreds of thousands of people will see
72s your work and your winner's prize as
73s well and you're all invited to write law
75s for all the school send us your stories
77s your fan fiction historical fiction and
79s that will be found in a city of prif
81s also worth noting it does not have to be
83s elf related it can may be about anything
85s ingame exclamation mark partnerships I
90s can see the spamming chat I think you're
91s all aware of it anyway so we're polling
93s some new content that we think will help
95s grow to grow old school we're working
97s with our partners in the gaming industry
98s to do that you should take a read of the
100s blog and hit the pole boosting game we
102s will be answering a lot of questions
103s about partnerships very shortly stay
105s tuned
106s lastly exclamation mark runefest
109s tickets with runefest are on sale you
112s can meet us meet your friends see the
114s old school content reveals to the old
115s school content creators so estimation
118s want runefest to get your ticket now and
121s they'll select first record they are
122s selling very fast we're pleased with
124s your progress so far very early on
126s it's an October 5th so you feel free
128s knocked over start look sober you fancy
130s coming to the pleasant
131s scenes of Farnborough
133s estimation walkthrough fast cool I'll
136s crack on with some questions so we've
138s got lots of normal game related
139s questions but first of all a good
141s question about account security and then
142s I've got a lot of questions about
143s partnerships so I'll deal with those
145s first apologies if it seems like a bit
148s of a monologue because of the nature of
149s the questions I've had to go to others
151s for answers so you'll be hearing a lot
153s of my voice for a little while and not
155s enough of their voices that will make up
158s for that later on when it'll be all them
160s I will begin first of account security
164s this isn't from any one question it's
167s more seeing a lot of people asking this
168s question what are you actually going to
170s do with account security the blog wasn't
172s clear so in terms of actual tangible
175s results from the blog we're going to be
178s giving you Webb two-factor
179s authentication we're going to be giving
181s you stronger password options we're
183s going to give you notifications and
184s suspicious activity on your account and
186s it will also be a way to set kind of
188s account status changes internally for us
190s which then lets us take more action
192s widely for people with accounts are
194s compromised or lapsed just to make sure
196s we can look after your account if you
198s haven't been logging in for a while
199s that's the long side doing investigating
203s authenticated its removal delay the
205s reason why were investigating and not
206s just doing it is because all of these
208s things I've just mentioned
209s should stop you being hijacked in the
211s first instance which then removes the
213s need for a delay but despite
215s implementing the four things I just told
216s you about we are still investigating the
218s delay self we will share that as soon as
221s we have results I we don't enjoy being
224s like targeted with questions about the
227s delay we want to give you the answer
228s assumes we have it
229s so hopefully that summarizes what we're
231s doing with security which is actually
233s quite a lot just not yet and we're sorry
235s about that but we're doing it as quick
236s as you can
238s pub chips lots of questions a crack on
243s can you rephrase the partnership poll
245s questions
245s currently someone who has not read the
247s blog will think they're voting on
248s cosmetics only when they are really
249s voting for cosmetics initially a lot
251s behind a partnership program so it
253s wasn't our intention to be ambiguous the
255s text in the blog was always going to be
257s at the top of the poll but your feedback
258s has been implemented so now you know
260s exactly what you're voting for it
261s explicitly states that it will first be
263s by a partnership and then made the bait
265s with everybody
266s a big one why should we trust you what
270s if his passes and management sees
271s profits and partnerships and presses you
273s to follow us with more cosmetic things
274s or non cosmetic things basically we've
277s got assurance from every level through
279s the business that this won't be the case
281s you talk about what if management sees
283s profits well we've got very far a
285s forecasting we expect to see profits and
287s in spite of that profits we're still
289s being allowed to pull it they're
292s perfectly aware that if this stuff fails
293s then we won't do the partnership so
295s we've got we've got trust in everybody
298s at jagex to support us that's what
299s old-school and that's why you should
301s trust us we've gone out with promises
303s which are cosmetic only would always be
305s polled that kind of thing
306s basically what we're really asking with
308s the poll is we were identified a good
310s opportunity with the partnership we
312s think we can implement it without
313s damaging old school do you want us to do
316s that and I can't think of any other
318s company that would say hey we can make
320s lots of money here shall we do it but
322s ultimately it's your vote Paula Paul
325s public is open now you can't go in and
327s say I have a concern that's which free
331s membership may have brought in a lot of
332s new players but it also gave Bop farmers
334s away to get an effectively unlimited
336s number of bot accounts my concern is
338s that additional partnerships are
339s bringing more bots of and new players
341s how would Jagex is sure of any free
343s memberships are not abused by pot
344s farmers very valid concern we saw when
346s RS 3 had their recent partnership
348s membership promotion that had a knock-on
350s effect of old school particularly around
352s feeling bots especially black master
355s farmers and stuff so what we'll do is
356s the short bare allocation lightly
358s cheating resources to old school around
359s the time we offer more than worship
361s hoping a hold our hands up and save the
362s RS free partnership for membership we
364s didn't consider the knock-on effect
366s despite the fact that membership is
367s actually across the current lacrosse
368s game so we'll make sure we do have more
371s resource specifically for the time with
372s any membership promotion and we're also
374s going to explore additional points in
376s the bottle can't flow so we can stop
377s them getting to the point where it
379s really annoys you ok hopefully jagex and
384s communities have the same idea about the
386s additions fitting the art style of old
387s school some of the holiday event rewards
389s have had nothing to do with the old
390s school art style and then they cite
391s stuff like the birthday cake the egg
394s shell outfit with a clown outfit I think
396s largely we agree that
399s in terms of holiday rewards we've been a
401s bit silly we've always tried to be a bit
403s hysterical like historically rather
404s silly but we we've always taken your
407s feedback particularly around the
408s eggshell armor we know you weren't too
410s keen on that the stuff that's polled is
413s the stuff you're going to see there
415s won't be any surprises about like you
418s won't see any company logos and blazoned
421s everywhere so if you think the stuff in
423s the poll is fitting the bowler school
424s then I think we've done that quite well
428s what are you planning on doing to keep
430s customers in the game following the
431s partnership programs so I think this is
433s a kind of like multifaceted question
435s firstly alluding to the fact that
437s players think it's a slippery slope how
439s far we're going to go so we will not do
441s anything that will cause existing
442s players to leave we know you don't want
444s stores biowulf Cosmetics XP we were not
448s going to do that it says they're keeping
450s new players we're going to keep
451s releasing new like good new content that
454s we carry I'm doing what would keep me
458s feeling safe with the state of the game
459s after visas are introduced
461s why should I renew my membership if the
463s MTX route is being taken already well
466s all we can do is put you some what's the
468s promises were made in a blog we've
470s promised that there will be made
471s available for free for all members at a
473s later date they'll fit old school it
475s won't impact your playing experience
476s you'll be pulled on the content they'll
477s be purely cosmetic and what we talked
479s about impacting playing experience who
481s wouldn't why don't try to get to
485s practice that we've chosen pH house
487s styles and skin colors and stuff because
489s the peerage house style nobody sees it
491s apart from you and people you inviting
493s at home the skin colors can be hidden by
496s armors it's very non bin non impactful
498s it sounds of why should we know your
500s membership it's because this is just a
502s tiny amount of obstacle content you
504s should renew because somebody else you
506s should renew for Last Man Standing or a
507s new for bounty hunter and we new for
509s everything rule announcer in fest ok
513s more questions you guys mentioned that
516s you had a great partnership with twitch
517s what can be done to have them work to
519s remove the phishing scams that pretend
520s to be Q&A streams or famous players
522s pretty good question so they are
525s continuing to work on stopping the
526s streams from appearing you can see
527s they're experimenting with verification
528s and what we've done in the meantime is
532s actually
532s our own system which gets the streams
534s taken down really really quickly I'm not
536s going to tell you about how we do it
538s because then they perhaps could avoid it
539s but I think it's been quite effective if
541s you do still happen to see it
542s particularly of impersonating other
544s players and kind of let us know runners
546s the the time it happens and who they're
548s impersonating and then we can refine
550s what we're doing to take them down
553s would you consider adding me promotional
556s Cosmetics as rewards to clues quest
558s Diaries minigames it shouldn't take a
560s significantly a long time to obtain but
562s it could be used to give lackluster
563s content a little boost so the issue is
566s then that the partnership is essentially
568s like a big advertising tool for us it
570s lets us get new players and to make it
572s appealing we need to make the content
576s appealing to the partner if little bit
577s suddenly saying someone needs to do the
579s quest whatever together it in the
581s partnership is lessened we won't get as
583s much coverage from the partnership it's
586s a second point which is the lackluster
588s content I think we should probably make
590s it not lackluster rather than just
591s stickiness on the end of it why it's an
595s option the vocal free membership
597s wouldn't be fair to let us know on every
598s promotional aspect not just Cosmetics
600s typically we're holding game content not
603s business decisions we're polling the
604s in-game cosmetic rewards but in terms of
606s the membership stuff we listen to
607s feedback like concerns about botting and
610s we're taking action accordingly nearly
614s there
614s few more to go this is probably quite a
618s good one Kanda team going forward please
620s consider that cosmetic items are
621s entirely as valuable as non cosmetics
623s we're a fashion skate bytom set selfie
625s huge amounts and rewards like collar
627s slayer helms look impressive and filled
629s earned please don't go overboard of your
631s partner awards in an RPG how you look is
634s half the achievement we completely agree
636s that's why I voted for content that not
638s many other players will see there's
639s nothing equippable being polled no pets
641s are being polled
642s that's not a coincidence that's our
644s choice we don't want to diminish any
646s sense of recognition we know our school
648s is a grind for achievements and we won't
649s undermine now
653s it's okay regarding the punch this blog
656s how long will normal players have to
658s wait for cosmetics so it's gonna vary
660s according to the partnership we'll make
663s sure it won't be long so the context the
664s purple skin it was made available the
667s very next day after it ended which was
669s the coincide with the game update so
671s we'll always press to make it as quick
674s as possible and lastly I've got would
678s you consider partnerships for events and
680s tournaments like runefest and Deadman
681s the answer is yes we're actively
683s pursuing them it's progressing really
684s well actually sense of this it's not
687s just a case of du Pont's it's for the
689s game and all events rather it's if we're
692s looking at both of these things we won't
693s poll should we sponsor an event Lord's
695s return iment but we will poll game
698s content and that is all the questions
701s I've got for partnerships I'm really
702s sorry glad to listen to my voice alone
704s for the last 17 minutes I will answer
706s more questions should you have them
707s during a stream a started a stream to at
710s Jagex Queen and I will move on with
714s other stuff and the main thing I will
715s emphasize before we move on it's just
717s like this is being pulled I mean and I
721s just wanted to ask you to ask yourself
723s as well like what other company would
725s let you you'd let you guys decide
728s whether you want to see this coming to
730s game
730s I mean we've pushed for that that's why
732s we're doing that so you get to say yes I
736s know and if you want to say no you have
739s that power I mean I think that it's the
742s power of old-school
743s right at its core everything we do in
746s game is pulled so that's what I just
749s really want to emphasize like I feel
750s it's really important to what we're
752s doing here yeah
754s so I think there's maybe the impression
757s that we're under pressure to do this
758s stuff we're not we've been we've got
760s people in the company who work on
761s partnerships and they've presented the
765s old school with an opportunity for
766s growth they've said what can you do we
767s said we don't know what we can do we've
769s got some ideas we'll ask the players
771s what they want if it goes no we won't do
773s it if it goes yes then maybe we can I
776s listen because those two ads will move
779s on with the game questions cool a good
783s one here I heard there's a good story
784s surrounding it why was the green pixel
787s remove the new construction icon so this
791s is great because after it happened
794s how did this happen who did this and we
796s went to check and we went all the way
800s back right to the start of old school
802s and it was never there since the
805s beginning of old school there has never
807s green been a green pixel on that icon so
811s yeah that was interesting so we don't
814s actually know how it appeared but we're
817s guessing that it's something to do with
818s the way the image was saved and when it
821s got resaved as part of an update
822s recently the green pixel got removed
824s because for core spray itself does not
826s have the green pixel there so what mod
828s matters actually had to go and do is
830s she's had to manually add a green pixel
832s to that icon now people yeah what she
844s hasn't told us she's hidden another one
846s somewhere yep
847s what if it's a slightly different green
849s that's coming back in tomorrow's game
852s update and I think so yeah okay so
854s apologies we'll have to wait until 11:30
857s a.m. tomorrow you'll have the green
858s pixel back okay for for first dungeon
862s will the pages for the free tattered
864s tomes 12 in total be dropped by all
866s NPC's in the dungeon or will spiders
868s only drop pages for book 1 corrosive
871s pages of book 2 red dragons pages for
873s book free for example no they're
877s currently all dropped from everything
878s one thing I have done to try and make
880s that as nice to collect as possible is
882s it will try and balance out which page
884s is giving you based on how many you've
886s added to the tome how many you've got
887s your inventory I can't really make it go
889s by if you haven't picked it up on the
890s ground similar to like dark totems and
892s stuff but what you'll find out is that
894s you're not going to end up with 12 of
895s one page and one of the other and unable
897s to complete the mini quest as part of
899s that it's I think it just makes it a bit
902s nicer the pages will still drop after
904s the mini quest as well there's a reward
905s for doing it where you can hand them in
907s for 1,000 coins a page the library it's
909s not a lot of gold it just because the
911s theme of the dungeon is incentivizing a
913s player to stay there and camp there for
914s a while doing activities it makes sense
917s to have this sort of stackable thing
918s that they can choose to collect if they
920s want
920s yeah I also didn't want people to feel
923s forced into going to oh I want the red
926s dragon pages but I can't find a red
928s dragon world's because people are doing
929s for another activity it just it kind of
931s spreads people out in the dungeon to
932s kind of do what they want then cool
935s that's good I've just seen an attack on
936s that book be stored in the player house
938s yes it can be cool essentially when you
941s complete the mini quest it's it's it's
942s on it's on the list when you click them
943s any quest no sorry when you return that
945s book to the ghost yeah that book will
947s then be able to be view claim from the
948s house and you can also just go to the
949s library in the UM in the actual dungeon
952s itself the available for tracking your
954s pages are stored in the player not on
955s the book so when you go in even if you
957s hand it in you can still go back and
958s read it okay I on the topic of the four
961s first dungeon the track you heard at the
962s start of the stream is coming with
964s tomorrow's update and we're also going
966s to be joined by mods so much later on
969s we'll give you another track and we'll
971s talk a bit more about for us later on
972s what Huskies update so he'll give you
974s some more insight questions free and I
978s didn't realize ed yeah I mean I knew
980s you'd be on the stream but I think I've
981s asked you this so many times now so I
983s apologize when will winter todd we
985s looked at as it stands winter Todd
986s punishes high leveled accounts while
988s rewarding low loved accounts which makes
989s no sense in a survival minigame
991s previously you have pitched a warmth
993s system rather than going by levels which
997s has always been received well just a
998s matter of when we prioritize it so I
1001s don't have an answer for when we'll look
1002s at it it's probably worth yeah
1006s revisiting soon we've one of the
1009s meetings as part of that one of the
1011s teams that were looking at what we're
1012s gonna put forward Nepal we actually came
1014s up in discussion look to that job and
1015s said are we actually wanting to do this
1017s is this something we want to poll
1018s obviously we have to look at the size of
1019s the job and don't take on too many big
1020s jobs and appalled at once and play that
1022s but um the discussion came back that we
1024s weren't exactly sure how it would be
1026s implemented is it your own food that
1027s feeds your warmth is it a special food
1028s in theirs at the potions and it came to
1031s the fact that yes we'd really like to do
1032s that but there's a bit of design work
1034s where we want to come to an agreement on
1035s exactly how that's implemented okay I
1037s think this might be my fault I sound
1038s here like maybe a year or so and and
1042s came up with the idea on the spot on the
1044s stream so yeah we probably think about
1046s what it actually is but yeah there's
1048s been a bit more of focus on fixing up
1050s some old content and it's not the oldest
1052s thing in the world but it's probably old
1053s enough now
1054s it can have another look at it I'm not a
1056s big fan of how it works with lower
1058s levels I think we should murder more
1059s level freeze okay so it won't be in the
1063s next poll but perhaps we can get a
1065s design work in the meantime and then get
1067s it into poll following that okay are
1070s there plans for continuing a white
1071s knight / witch Haven quest series in old
1073s school
1073s what about devious Minds as a follow-up
1077s question I want to continue them all at
1079s some point like just about finished of
1082s elves should we move on to next so we
1084s interested in knowing that people
1085s actually want us to work on story-wise
1088s devious Minds an interesting on because
1090s although it doesn't seem like it does
1091s actually well I say didn't seem like
1094s anyone who's played the quests in
1095s runescape free will actually know but it
1097s does actually feature into another big
1098s storyline it's just not obvious at the
1100s start so actually manifest wharves
1103s faerie queene sheeps the fairies of you
1106s could only get those arcs out of the
1108s house the nars have been my life is
1110s really interesting because you can dig
1111s so much traffic like it doesn't even
1113s have to be just progression right you
1114s can do so many little like individual
1116s one-off missions yeah the first one it's
1120s about I forget his name the Dark Mage
1122s who's a who's being a bit naughty mnv
1125s next one is about something about slugs
1126s it's completely different so yeah the
1127s third one could be about something
1129s completely different again but I do
1131s think it was probably best to deal of
1132s those slugs first probably not with a
1134s pillar this time but yeah cool
1139s so we asked hitters of his question kind
1143s of regularly but people always tend to
1145s rephrase the question and understand me
1148s they might not realize they're doing so
1149s is it possible to change the treasure
1151s chests so plays for the store separate
1153s parts of any set maybe with the design
1155s of the achievement log currently you are
1158s for example able to store separate parts
1159s of the trim monk's robe the sandwich
1161s lady set
1162s bein able to store a separate parts of
1163s other types of sets yeah I would like it
1168s yeah I can speak because I actually
1170s asked Ashe about that not long after I
1172s started the company yet so no I've seen
1174s that come up quite a few times it's a
1176s very tricky job that could result in
1179s item loss is kind of the biggest thing
1181s essentially we have a way of saying yes
1183s you have the set but we have to make
1185s sure that on login that would turn into
1187s I have the helmet I have the chest I
1189s have the was it legs or skirt because
1191s that changes and the kite shield and
1193s because so essentially is an Iron Man
1195s update nobody can say it isn't any
1198s normal character by it so anyone who has
1201s those items potentially had to go
1202s through a lot of effort to get them or
1203s will have to go through a lot of effort
1205s if we lose them so it's just kind of a
1208s high risk update and that's kind of
1212s where we are right now I don't think
1213s we're in a position where we can do it
1215s but I know that you know it is something
1217s we're aware that the players would like
1218s the stuff like which type of cape have
1221s you got in there which which legs it was
1224s it the legs of the skirt like all that's
1226s tracked so weirdly it's actually quite
1228s difficult to follow as well but yeah
1231s it's quite a big one and one needs
1233s substantial testing so it's never quite
1236s been prioritized to be done really no
1239s hey question along the same vein can it
1243s be some can we add some consistency
1245s about which combined items you can add
1246s to the treasure chest currently you can
1248s store some combined item such as the
1249s beret mask covered a camellia mask top a
1253s monocle white hat and specs but you
1255s can't store item such as to how eyepatch
1257s pirate hat and patch double eyepatch and
1259s any items with ornament kits attached
1262s related the same issue was it something
1264s different
1266s individually okay so we need to know
1268s which ones yeah okay cool easy how often
1274s are the dev team doing under the hood
1276s changes basically we rewrite the content
1278s an example is how Kieran rewrote the
1281s entire cooking skill to allow for left
1283s click make all optional ranges when this
1285s happens this is done mostly because some
1287s unexpected problems arose or does it
1288s happen that the primary goal is to
1290s rewrite hex piece of code just so it's
1292s nicer to work with in future it's a bit
1295s of both
1295s I mean feeds and everything there's a
1297s lot of benefits drops you'll be writing
1298s code for future maintenance future
1301s support but also sometimes it's
1303s basically necessary for what you're
1304s doing in the way of the example the
1308s cooking one we had to add left click
1311s cook on to the ranges and basically if I
1316s was to do it without rewriting it I
1318s would have made the code
1320s worse and I've had duplicated a lot of
1322s stuff across using items on the range
1325s and left like in the range they would be
1328s completely separate code so I had to do
1331s something bigger but now when he comes
1334s to writing a new item that can be
1337s roasted it's obviously a lot more
1341s straightforward the other point is this
1346s games regatta for a lot of years and the
1348s number of years in the future that seems
1349s probably very hard to date it's been
1352s taught since 2000-2001 old school itself
1356s is six years old now this code we write
1358s today is very likely gonna be looked at
1360s in ten years time and still be really
1362s important if we take that cheaper option
1366s every time that's gonna build over over
1368s ten years and all of a sudden we're
1370s gonna have problems and when it comes to
1373s do you want to add a warmth meet at a
1375s winter charge it might not be so
1376s straightforward as a random example
1378s similar was the construction one right
1381s it was written in such a way that it's
1382s actually now quite hard to go and deal
1384s with so it's not easy to do that update
1386s and we're struggling to find an ability
1388s to do it yeah so it is I think it's
1391s really important and the way we approach
1393s it of I mean the whole dev team
1395s basically has a strategy of if you rinse
1398s some old code it's a really good
1400s opportunity to take the time to improve
1402s it and it's really important for the
1404s longevity of longevity of this game and
1406s the ability for us to deliver updates
1408s frequently yeah and I had something on
1411s those lines with a multi combat recently
1414s I wanted to first song elves actually
1416s for a section of a quest so it's only
1417s multi combat in certain situations
1419s rather than all the time and
1421s unfortunately a former developer had
1424s wants to do something similar a couple
1425s of years ago and they decided to plug in
1428s this exception into every single place
1430s that multi-car might happen so every
1431s single spell every single special attack
1434s all had a unique check for this one
1438s exception so when I did it I had to
1440s first of all go through and delete all
1442s of our exceptions and then centralize
1444s the system so that if a future developer
1446s came along wants to do it again we
1448s wouldn't have to edit 100 files or
1450s something you know you don't have to
1451s edit one with the exception
1453s or that what content was it for the
1456s exception in these spells it was just if
1459s if you're in this type of world combat
1462s if not it's only it's in the multi
1464s combat area yeah it was for a specific
1467s game type wherever it was to make the
1468s entire world multi combat and rather
1470s than making it centralized they're
1472s edited 100 files I always enjoy hearing
1476s you devs moan about
1480s it's like years ago and so on I like the
1483s for that and maybe in 10 years time some
1485s will be moaning about your work very
1488s likely but not about cooking or multi
1490s combat I mean I mean for example like in
1494s cooking like the fact that cooking on a
1496s fire was separate code to cooking on a
1498s range
1499s didn't the lumbridge range have
1500s completely separate so everything was
1504s there twice just from the laboratory and
1506s no cooking so when you make the little
1508s bulls and cocktails and all that was
1511s just completely separate again like no
1513s idea what so yeah ridiculous really but
1519s no it's all together well practically
1521s answers and the examples why is the king
1524s of all black dragons less rewarding than
1526s his lackeys of a brutal black dragon was
1528s his lackeys you would have kind of
1531s dragon lore guy what's the story there
1536s he's Lucky's we just need a brutal king
1539s black dragon there that has better loot
1541s yeah yeah I guess I guess what's the
1543s hierarchy of dragons weak he's the king
1545s black dragon he's in the willness he
1546s probably should drop more drops the
1550s dragon pick they I think the most
1552s important thing here is first we need to
1553s going to establish a proper hierarchy of
1555s a black dragons we do understand their
1557s society and from there we can work out
1558s who should be having the biggest drops
1561s realistically it's telling us the case
1563s of the king by dragons loot was
1565s untouched
1565s and then we added brutal black dragons
1567s and then it became better so we should
1569s revisit the drop label yeah can you make
1572s seagulls drop feathers no that's a
1576s massive integrity change we can't just
1578s do that I've heard they do have feathers
1580s in real life
1583s isn't isn't visa isn't it's actually a
1585s meme or something I swear to god this is
1586s like a news like years ago
1588s this is an ancient meme yeah I don't
1593s really care well well I think they do
1598s because they got so obsessed about the
1600s green pixel that was never actually
1601s there but we actually had to we had to
1603s break some content was actually not
1605s broken so we should be really actually
1607s probably quite careful of the seagulls
1610s what's going to happen the dead man how
1612s long would a break be and this is quite
1614s relevant his last weekend this is gone
1618s we had what is the last of a Deadman
1620s event for the foreseeable future I was
1622s really pleased at how it went
1623s it's probably this movie statement we've
1624s had which is unfortunate in a way that
1627s it was the last one but equally you'd
1629s want it to be this movie as one it was
1630s the last one so we ended on a high but
1631s put a time on it and I think that's
1634s what's important about having the brief
1636s like one of the big problems of dead one
1637s is that we had vestigial that we had to
1639s keep - so we're saying that like oh in
1641s the next three months we're gonna do
1642s another dead man and that it meant we
1644s never had time to properly make those
1645s changes because we were on such a tight
1647s schedule like as soon as one's finished
1649s we're working on the next one so I think
1651s the good thing is about like we haven't
1654s decided on a time yet that gives us the
1655s time to actually work out how long we
1657s need the other things going oh that jag
1659s is just recruited ahead of eSports just
1662s eyeing next week so yep next week even
1664s let's see oh that's amazing so the
1666s studio itself is gonna have a lot more
1669s knowledge and in this industry as a
1670s whole and how to best do this doesn't
1674s mean the head of eSports is gonna be the
1675s one coming into the game and developing
1677s content for eSports and coming up with
1679s exactly how that is but it means we've
1681s got the expertise to know how to run
1683s these events and how to best apply our
1685s game to this to this to this world I
1688s guess so yeah I mean there is no
1691s timeline right it's but it's something
1693s that we're gonna be thinking about over
1694s the coming months and maybe the next
1696s year when it's ready and we'd benefit
1698s from taking the time to make it right we
1702s some person in chat so three months
1704s should be enough time that's see if
1705s there are no other priorities and but we
1707s think as we got ongoing dev work to do
1709s that we've got to engage with the
1710s Deadman players and lots of people don't
1712s play dead man because one end blade - to
1713s get the design right we update every
1715s single week as
1716s always something going on yeah I wish
1717s free months of enough time but we're
1720s working on a game where we get
1721s developers come on and think it's okay
1722s to edit 100 files to change something in
1724s multi combats sometimes not always about
1726s quick and unfortunately I had to sort
1729s mud gambit spammed the straw poll
1731s what is the straw poll surprise we
1736s haven't seen this raw poll
1737s but there was one scrolled up and vote
1739s okay so this is concerning the recent
1742s wilderness lair update
1744s considering that L'Orange am I saying it
1746s right Loran skis with balance the sames
1748s cone ours and most mobs in the
1750s wilderness for balanced years ago with
1751s low combat and bad drop tables would you
1754s consider rebalancing the key loot or
1755s increasing the chance of a key emblems
1757s were a big moneymaker up a felling price
1759s the risk of wilderness lair doesn't
1761s outweigh the slight chance of loot all
1763s it needs is a few numbers tweaked needs
1768s ports I think these are some keys saying
1770s just a few numbers tweaked it makes it
1772s sound really easy but drop tables are
1774s really hard I had to go through that
1776s with Surat Nasiri cently and it's been
1779s up-down left-right had to get you know
1782s Kieran in to review it and things like
1783s that it's just really hard to get it
1784s right and it doesn't take much for a
1786s player of suddenly said that's
1787s overpowered I think we can look at it
1790s I've I think it's safe to say we can
1793s it's just getting the numbers to
1794s actually be like what's an average key
1795s worth what does it need to be
1797s what sort of supplies are appropriate to
1800s put on there I think the risk for it
1803s being in the wilderness kind of water in
1805s States it's not going to be something as
1807s heavily farmed like it doesn't matter if
1810s there's a certain type of resource that
1811s comes in a just leave the field like I
1813s mean the mean the main meaning behind
1816s the question is spawn there right like
1817s yeah if it's wilderness slay it ought to
1819s feel like you're getting rewarded for
1821s doing it so if you're not feeling like
1824s that then it probably warrants looking
1826s at it actually would have to be polled
1828s as well why I'm reluctant to do is say
1830s hey Chad this it women are powerful and
1833s then once it's in game make it more
1834s powerful I don't have to feel right I'd
1836s love to hear suggestions for potentially
1837s even a unique to add it to make it feel
1839s more special I know there was talk of
1840s have we've got the dusk Mystics actually
1842s we have the dawn one it's maybe not as
1843s exciting some other dusk mystic set
1845s isn't actually worth all that much even
1846s though it's rare from cone our justice
1849s so use mystic is so low but if players
1851s have ideas for a great unique that would
1853s fit for that then you know that's good
1856s so yeah letting us know your ideas okay
1859s thanks for that straw poll we're just
1861s checking the results now
1862s the answer's no feathers of white be
1865s added is going to drop to see girls drop
1867s single didn't hits them
1869s thank you for voting next up is a
1872s question about somebody else'll it's you
1874s let's use that as an opportunity to talk
1875s about the play test and perhaps even
1876s given a release date well crystal
1879s implements give clue scrolls and
1881s finalized the drop table yet so maybe
1884s it's fifty answer like we can get sided
1887s depends if we want to do that all other
1889s airplanes give clear schools that's
1891s specifically yeah I imagine that it will
1893s but yeah it's not being it's not being
1895s done yet cool okay tell us about the
1897s play test how did it go what the plays
1899s enjoy doing summer actually in the chat
1901s so if you'd like a little players I'm
1902s not going to try listening all their
1904s names but you mentioned most from
1905s earlier and if most we march at Vick and
1907s they can shout themselves out but yeah
1909s we had if he was we had twelve people in
1911s total a couple of days this week to a
1913s play through various new things that
1916s coming with some of Al so we had been
1918s play for the gauntlet of a new minigame
1920s we didn't play for it what are you
1922s laughing at all those guys Robert it was
1925s actually a lot more than talking about
1926s mean the whole chat was there we had to
1930s play through I've completely lost track
1931s I was your fault when their fault
1933s everyone's fault we had been playthrough
1935s Zell karnov a new skilling boss we we
1938s put them we even put them proven you a
1940s like puzzle that's coming in the quest
1942s my mama run around the city as well and
1943s there's got lots of feedback from them
1945s and it was really helpful like there's
1947s so many things that they switch
1949s information we gave us like there's a
1950s lot of things that he was a developer
1953s like maybe don't always consider like if
1955s you're they're developing the content
1956s from a ground up you start to think
1958s about in a very specific way and then
1960s someone comes in and suddenly plays it
1961s completely differently how you're
1962s expecting so it's always really useful
1964s to see more people playing and get their
1965s feedback and they seem to love a
1967s gauntlet like so gauntlet is a looking
1970s like it'll definitely a good win and got
1971s a bit few improvements to do on zalqara
1973s no to get her up there as well but it's
1974s looking really promising
1975s you said you couldn't get them to stop
1977s playing go on their struggle to do it
1980s I've done a few of these are like play
1982s tests now we've brought people
1983s and I've never seen anything quite like
1985s this one where you're doing wrong it was
1988s great it was brilliant but was saying
1990s like I couldn't get them out the
1992s gauntlet like every time I turn around
1994s I'd look back and someone had to jump
1995s back into the gauntlet again it was it
1997s was crazy so we must have done something
1999s right I saw a comment there was like I
2002s think said no gauntlet for ultimate
2004s Ironman I'm like I'm pretty sure we've
2006s made it so they can right yeah I mean
2007s you can go in sometimes you go in near
2009s go on that yeah people got quite
2011s competitive about that times as well yes
2013s the gauntlet so I think that's
2016s definitely Sevilla dried like there's
2020s not really that many like time-based
2023s pieces of content in old schools so I
2024s guess that that aspect of it is quite
2026s fresh and interesting I was guilty of
2028s following a few playtests just staying
2030s in the world on my lunch break just
2031s trying to see if I could do it I
2033s couldn't even do it my first two
2035s attempts I just didn't and I'd consider
2038s myself a fairly competent PBM her third
2041s or fourth attempt I was getting it down
2042s and just learning the strategies so so
2043s much fun okay for one more something
2046s else question before we give him the
2047s release date will I end man and main
2049s accounts be able to do Soekarno together
2052s yes they will
2053s yeah well okay would you like to tell
2055s them when somebody else is being
2056s released Oh should i yes so I think a
2061s few weeks ago we said it was gonna be
2063s coming late July and I can now confirm
2065s it's going to be the 25th of July not
2069s winter 2017 not winter 2017 or early
2073s August well I'm glad we managed to get
2075s in July because if it slips another week
2077s it's early August and I'm not on Wakana
2079s again 25th of July that's very soon it
2082s is it's quite soon so if I don't us
2086s enough for requirements yet make sure
2087s you get all the quest requirements
2088s because you need to have fully finished
2090s song avails to be able to access a city
2091s and all the fun new content in it
2093s I really like in the main development
2095s sprint yeah yes just saying like we
2098s haven't quite gotten to bouncing drop
2100s tables yet boy just about there like we
2101s just doing the finishing touches now
2103s implementing all the feedback we got
2105s from the players that came in and then
2107s do the bouncing and stuff like the quest
2109s is fully playable
2110s kion is actually behind a bit of it
2111s earlier and I don't know did you or did
2114s you enjoy it
2115s I'm enjoying it yeah
2116s gonna be good it's a good banter yeah
2120s yeah I would see something else is a
2122s massive update and I'm not sure you guys
2124s understand how big this is something
2127s else it's at the longest do you think
2129s it's the longest Grand Master we've done
2130s it stop there yeah like it's the longest
2135s project I've worked on and I worked on
2137s mobile like I've been working on this
2139s verb I've forgotten how long it's being
2142s that long I can't remember a time before
2143s I think I feel longest maybe that's
2145s rather the biggest in terms of yeah like
2148s the request is request is a similar
2151s scale to Dragon Slayer - it may be it
2153s may be a little bit longer I'm not sure
2155s really I haven't timed it but this is
2158s obviously got the entire city of proof
2159s as well which is what makes it so much
2160s bigger yeah and like that's a huge
2164s that's a huge addition and of itself
2165s let alone all the big features are there
2168s like the cordon that's a whopping
2169s feature by itself like full solo ppm
2172s sort of minigame a skilling boss like
2175s it's a massive update so you got a lot
2177s to look forward to if there's never been
2179s a better time I couldn't finish off the
2180s movies and to make sure you're ready for
2181s this and that's coming on the 25th of
2184s July I've seen someone ask wonderful
2185s stunt is coming out and that is tomorrow
2187s tomorrow we're also in the part of a
2190s test we also gave the play test an
2192s opportunity to play in The Last Man
2194s Standing rework some very positive
2196s feedback we should be in a position to
2198s roll about that baits are publicly quite
2200s soon maybe as soon as next week but
2202s we'll keep you informed their aim was
2206s for next week yeah the plan is but after
2210s that the week after that will be an off
2211s week so that'll be the 18th the week
2214s prior to something else will be no
2217s update because we want to make sure we
2219s could dedicate some focus to really make
2221s sure that some of the others were ready
2223s for its launch
2224s so yeah off week you mean there's no
2226s game update then yeah so actually I say
2229s no game update that service will still
2231s be rebooted because there's actually a
2233s new there's the new engine race going
2235s yet so there's some stuff we need a
2236s handle technically but there's no new
2238s there's no new content going up that
2240s week okay so in terms of aligning
2242s players can expect for us tomorrow
2243s possibly the public last-man-standing
2245s beta next week no game content but the
2248s engine update on the
2250s 18th and something else on 25th sweet oh
2253s yeah yeah so we're about just over two
2256s thirds of the way into the stream I
2258s understand a lot of people asking well
2261s have we spoken about partnerships yet
2262s yes with you right at the start and
2264s we'll put this brought up as soon as we
2265s can and you can read what we said their
2268s estimation mark when a PC if you'd like
2270s to win a tool blast PC and all the
2272s school brand is GTM a gaming share Plus
2274s membership exclamation mark progress if
2276s you'd like to see more about some of the
2278s elves which have you spoke about and
2279s also ended some competitions there's a
2281s video competition a login screen art a
2283s competition and you can write law for
2285s old school runescape escalation mark
2287s partnerships to read the blog that we've
2289s talked about earlier exclamation mark
2290s runefest
2291s to buy tickets to come and meet us meet
2293s your friends meet content creators and
2294s see what will could be revealing on
2296s stage get your ticket I will crack on
2299s what sir miss has entered the room when
2301s would you like to join us on the sofa
2303s looks like now sure good a time as any
2311s we playing a track shortly we'll be
2315s playing another track from the fourth
2316s dungeon soon anything signed keep
2318s spamming win a PC why not well whilst we
2322s get the track set up and Muslim against
2323s Mike start I'll ask another question
2326s track explain let's listen to the track
2331s so what is this song how would I want
2334s one will they see it hear it over
2338s [Music]
2344s we'll listen first
2350s [Music]
2376s [Applause]
2377s [Music]
2382s [Applause]
2386s boom my entrance II yes so that's the
2392s track for the boss battle and in the new
2394s dungeon I can't pronounce the name
2397s against Iraq Ness the rockness I would
2399s have difficulty pronouncing boss names
2400s in the bottom has an interesting story
2402s actually see at CM once asked how did
2404s you come up with serratus it sounds cool
2405s and I'm like what a rack for spider
2407s decided to start with an S and then just
2409s put some letters on til it sounded cool
2412s people said doesn't got an order change
2414s they got a thing like nope just just
2416s took that and made it cool names are
2418s always oh oh always translations from
2421s other languages
2423s that's the keyboard in that case it was
2428s the battery had a far too long on a boss
2432s name yet so me about was fee that was
2436s the truck for the boss and I didn't
2439s notice in the chat before the stream
2441s started some of you notice that there
2442s was another peep another new piece of
2444s music just playing and that is also
2446s gonna be appearing in the in the dungeon
2449s and so myself and Michael ski we before
2453s we probably started V the music for
2456s obvious piece of content we decided that
2457s we wanted to conduct a very kind of
2460s spiritual aged ancient theorem for
2462s football dungeon itself then of course
2464s the only requirement for the boss track
2466s was just make it epic and make it cool
2468s and I hope I delivered on on that on
2472s that aspect I know in that respect I
2475s really enjoy both tracks actually I
2477s think one of the best things as well if
2479s you guys don't I go to adult follow mod
2481s certain around Twitter just listening to
2484s him like going play I stumbled into his
2486s room one day going to speak to him he
2487s just having so much fun creating these
2489s tracks and I think listening to them you
2490s can see the passion that's gone into
2491s them they're all pretty epic and awesome
2493s thanks the cambric could we get the link
2497s to Twitter just to give them a shout out
2498s answers yeah
2502s we'll definitely work for follow because
2504s you share quite regularly don't you yeah
2506s I'd write you know it's um you know
2507s there's a lot we do a lot of stuff in
2509s audio so I'm always trying to kind of
2511s share and I love sharing what I do it's
2513s a it's a big passion of mine so you know
2517s and I like receiving the comments and
2518s the feedback and whatever really it's
2521s always it's all good to share you
2523s there's all kind of soundtrack teaser as
2525s well yeah not long ago so it's quite
2527s it's quite a good month you've got a
2529s couple new tracks going out and we have
2530s week and then loads more of the
2532s indignant for yeah yeah it's been it's
2534s been incredibly busy and how many are in
2537s sales well we're still more being added
2539s so we keep making more myself and body
2545s and T we just kind of just keep going
2546s many will stop until we stop lost count
2551s how does it work you brief the tracks do
2554s we brief this pregnancy or is it just
2555s that you see what the content is a
2557s little idea it's a bit of both really
2558s so I know like what that kind of gives
2561s us like a very good idea of what we
2564s could do and then we take we take we
2566s take that information and we we you know
2568s we need to say yes let's do this and
2570s let's do that and then if there's
2571s anything else that we see as possible
2573s then we we add that as well
2575s it's a it's very much mmm it's what you
2578s make of it in some ways and we try to
2581s sculpt our music to the content there's
2584s been a couple of times going on so much
2585s yeah we'll have one track for the
2586s farming guild this is a kind of similar
2595s situation really you know we got you
2597s know for so it's it's you know a piece
2599s of music for every climb and obviously
2600s Sarkar know the boss the boss fight and
2604s the dungeons it's musics just one
2606s element as well like it's all effects as
2608s well yeah then you know yeah absolutely
2610s and you know like when when looking at
2614s the art for example Zarkana
2615s and I mean what ghosts work on that is
2617s incredible and that really helps and
2619s helps me write the music indeed the
2622s sound effects for that animation it's a
2626s very helpful yeah
2628s there have been any consideration of
2630s suppliers asked us to kind of fix
2632s existing content all the time
2633s to go back and think ah we should add a
2636s track to this area of this coin of this
2638s quest as possible as possible I've never
2640s really fought a bit like that but um
2641s it's I don't see why not
2643s okay so happy Flyers feel like they're
2649s playing for requests maybe they've heard
2650s something being playing before whatever
2651s some sound effects they like are they
2653s they could let us know but yeah
2654s absolutely absolutely I think we always
2656s want to kind of improve what we do and
2659s if there's anything that people don't
2660s like then absolutely you know we want to
2662s know we want to know that and because
2665s you always want to please we have to we
2667s have to nail a couple of things like a
2669s wild I had players asking me for the
2673s surge spells to have their sound effects
2675s of day because they just sound like wave
2677s spells and uh so I went I went digging
2679s deep into deep into the archives and I
2682s found the original sound effects of a
2683s search spells from runescape and I port
2685s even my over all right I guess
2686s interesting physically I had to go into
2695s the secret vault and yeah a floppy disk
2699s with the right
2703s probably disk with old-school one which
2707s reminds me actually I saw someone asking
2709s to update via dragon claws sound effects
2711s so they have the original one and we can
2713s probably do that as well so someone
2715s remind me and I'll try and dig that one
2716s out okay a whole sort of what is there's
2719s like fight in the inferno to have its
2720s own track it's all in fellas just one
2722s music track everyone right now everyone
2724s who owns a music cape is screaming
2726s scream I wouldn't I wouldn't screw music
2730s myself I would make the track unlock
2733s with the other one so that I was so that
2736s it wasn't harsh have to be triple Chad's
2740s now to get a who's it cake it would be
2743s the same requirement is getting the in
2745s further research rack already it would
2746s just play automatically at the boss
2748s fight basically to be fair found I said
2751s the infernal track is epic itself though
2753s yeah I was what I'm saying is a fine
2756s isn't it
2756s well I think it's
2758s how much heard the creative inspiration
2760s when it comes to the boss and how you
2763s could spice it up even more make that
2765s epic mode even more epic play a unique
2767s sound effective if you get killed by
2769s Zakia that's the plan of the plan we've
2774s got time for a couple more questions and
2776s this one is about accessibility could we
2779s see baby dragons rename to reflect the
2781s color for accessibility reasons I'm in a
2783s player sites difficult to see it's
2785s heling baby blue dragons and baby black
2786s dragons apart in the myths guild yeah
2788s that makes sense
2789s they've brought they've probably added
2790s so long ago that at the time they
2792s couldn't have a name that long but yeah
2793s should be able to do that someone asked
2798s about could we do something about Casa
2800s wars
2800s sabotaging but doesn't really tell us
2802s I'll be honest I don't play castle was
2804s enough competitively to understand how
2807s it could be saboteurs if you can tell us
2809s in what ways of content that can be
2810s sabotage I think it might be like
2812s someone has an alt account and they'll
2813s go on the make sure on the opposite team
2815s from their main they'll maybe grab the
2817s flag and just not deliver you could have
2818s seen stuff about barricades as well yeah
2821s I've spoken to quite a few members of
2824s the castles community saying should we
2825s put a maybe reduce the limit or change
2828s the way can't the the limit of Akkad's
2831s work but that was met by negatively so
2834s you can tell us what content needs
2835s changing how we might change it that
2838s would be a big help in stopping it being
2840s summer times yeah that turn that
2841s barricade limit I think is one of the
2843s biggest problems like people would just
2844s go and put the little stupid places and
2846s ends obviously come listen where you
2848s need them but I tell us if you have a
2851s good solution for how we can try and fix
2853s that because obviously we don't wanna
2855s let you have infinite barricades because
2856s that's also it could be a limit per
2859s player maybe or something like that I
2860s don't know how much difficult I'd be to
2862s rework but so that's where we look to
2864s you the players who actually played Casa
2866s Wars day in and day out to tell us what
2868s you think might work and wouldn't
2870s negatively impact your playing of the
2872s game
2873s another some of the elves raise the
2874s question how much better can be expect a
2877s new crystal key chest to be on the table
2879s just not super better like it's not
2883s meant to be a new best money maker or
2885s anything is just meant to be like a nice
2886s little addition like all you've got a
2888s few spare shards lying on you've got a
2889s key go try a look and see if you can get
2891s something
2891s a little bit a bleach s not meant to be
2893s anything huge like similar to or earlier
2896s we haven't actually really done any
2897s balancing of drop tables yet so I
2899s couldn't give an exact value okay but
2903s another question here which is initially
2904s concerning content by think it could be
2907s related to music as well
2909s how many hours have we spent on content
2911s that didn't reach the game due to not
2912s passing a poll and the player kind of
2914s worded it as it's wasted time so what we
2917s think about kind of wasted all wasted
2918s failed content as you ever engage with
2922s music tracks quite a lot and then
2923s whether maybe we turn the tracks down or
2926s you decide this isn't right we've never
2928s had a music track team that you know of
2936s course and you know when in the creative
2939s process when writing music or making
2941s audio you know it's a many time I I
2944s start a piece of music and I'm thinking
2946s no and the service isn't suitable this
2949s isn't right I need to get back it's very
2950s beginning is start all over again it
2952s happens it happens a lot and it's very
2954s frustrating because you spent all this
2955s time and and and in commitment and you
2959s know to me to make this right but then
2961s you just kind of at the end of the day
2963s think yeah no maybe not and it's just is
2967s just how it is but you know it's hard
2972s because give her you attached as well
2973s it's like a child
2974s yeah the window I guess the same thing
2978s with simpler screen content like the
2979s creative core so that works and you
2982s don't like in I mean I had similar with
2984s the with the Hydra bus but I work on the
2988s Hydra bus for like a few weeks and I'm
2991s not getting anywhere with this and like
2993s I just struggle to make something work
2994s and I decided I'm just gonna work up
2996s something else for for the next few
2999s weeks and then go back to it when I went
3001s back to I was like now I've got it the
3004s Hydra bus turned out I think there are
3005s main different ways in a way that people
3007s like absolutely I think there are many
3008s ways to kind of combat that you know
3010s there's working on something else taking
3012s a break or just live sometimes just
3014s slumming head across the table and it's
3015s like can I get this done you know that's
3017s not sometimes my method just don't know
3019s something's gonna work like yeah and we
3021s being on one of the cutscene to someone
3023s else that most of a day doing this
3025s some of the elves and in the end just
3026s conclude like this just doesn't work
3028s this is an awful cutscene just deleted
3030s the entire thing and start it again like
3032s but don't you say about like wasted time
3035s it's like what what is wasted tires like
3037s me here a question like because by doing
3040s that I then learned that yeah that kind
3042s of thing doesn't work and I now know
3043s from the future no hmm in terms of that
3045s side failed poor questions I mean I
3049s never really see that as wasted time
3050s like the reason we're doing it it's the
3054s stuff that some wasting more time
3055s because we do design and then we don't
3058s waste the dev time yeah I mean sometimes
3059s with like prototype things and play
3061s around repair because it might help us
3062s design but yeah a structure that became
3065s the gone that we developed that back in
3067s December long before we pulled some
3070s girls but that was because we needed to
3071s know if it was possible before we pulled
3072s it and how do we pulled in and failed
3074s then we still learnt something that we
3076s can apply to future content not only
3077s that not only that if we didn't pull it
3081s and we spent the next six months working
3082s on it and then we delivered it and you
3084s do guys didn't like it we've wasted time
3086s that's six months wasted it's much
3089s better that we waste one month Paulette
3091s and then you tell us yes I know but as
3093s it says it's not even wasted we learn
3095s things from it and it's the make
3098s really the cross let's make sure that
3099s we're doing the right things that you
3101s guys want to see in old school so it's
3103s worth it because it makes the quality of
3104s what we deliver better
3105s I suspect the question was asked because
3107s warding for example I don't consider it
3110s waste of time because whilst players
3112s might not like the skill and I might
3114s vote no they might then say actually we
3116s liked this aspect of being able to
3117s create robes can we apply it to existing
3120s scores
3120s when we pull the ceiling we didn't spend
3124s the team was a lot smaller back when we
3127s did ceiling so it wasn't as much time
3129s dedicated to going through feedback and
3131s stuff like that but a lot of the stuff
3134s that was pulled for sailing has since
3136s been delivered in other content rewards
3138s why's different features here and there
3141s same artists skill itself like we just
3143s we've stolen so many things from our Sun
3145s and use them in other places where
3147s they've worked even though our Sun
3148s itself did and yeah cool I'm coming to
3152s the end I've asked my John if he could
3155s play a little video by a chap named lil
3158s smokie
3159s actually I've got an idea I wanted to
3161s talk about before okay
3163s QA so just before we going that video
3167s I've got an idea okay
3168s thinking about like what we could do
3171s that's like as a set for like modes to
3173s old school itself and especially the
3178s minute with Deadman's not currently
3179s there the problem with old school is
3183s what element firstly the high scores
3185s were already full all of these different
3187s bits like why don't we just like our I
3191s like the idea of spinning of a second
3192s old-school instance essentially
3195s alongside it but for for a fixed period
3199s of time so we spend up an overall school
3201s for two months we can modify that so we
3205s could do some interesting things with it
3206s like for instance locking it down to
3211s like a certain area like sort of like
3213s what some latex does if it's mauritania
3216s like we could do something like that I
3217s mean we could even just say it's like
3219s say our only wherever we can make it
3220s followed or only or that favorite free
3223s uh play area something like that do it
3225s for a fixed period of time and see how
3227s far you can get in that time with its
3228s own high scores and everything like that
3231s there's so many different interesting
3233s things you can do with that that that's
3236s just what that's just one version but
3238s like it we could do it again next year
3239s and do something completely different
3241s with it
3241s so that it just keeps it interesting and
3243s different and something different and a
3245s different way to play old school
3247s especially when you're like maybe bored
3249s of him man you want for me to do on the
3250s side stuff like that but that seemed
3254s quite in support of it someone has asked
3256s if it's like Diablo Seasons I get it
3259s sounds like that in a way it could be
3261s like it could it could potentially go to
3263s that degree like but as a core concept I
3267s think it might be quite fun to play with
3268s swamp scape kill sperm officers just
3271s know that's a cool idea let us know what
3274s you think about that chat you seem quite
3276s on board with it before we head over to
3278s the video and end with the video I've
3280s seen a few people ask how he spoke about
3281s PvP yeah Last Man Standing was rework
3284s beta was played through by our play
3285s testers hoping to get out next week
3287s there will be we're still working on the
3289s design for the Bantam to rework its
3291s cupboards I'm a big boy
3292s have we spoke about partnership to MTX
3295s yes we have right to start the stream
3296s we're getting a vote up or you can watch
3297s the WOD back on switch you can spoke I
3300s spoke at length for about 15 minutes you
3302s have to
3302s they have like goes free but I'm afraid
3304s that you'll get what you answers you
3306s want and any other points we'd like to
3308s raise before we watch the video yeah I'd
3310s like to speak a little bit about for us
3312s an order in short on time there's a few
3313s things that have changed through QA
3315s since the design it's not a lot but just
3317s to make players aware in case they'll
3318s you know so they're ready going in
3320s tomorrow first of all is that the we
3323s found out through some testing that
3324s adding the temple spiders and their
3326s druids to Kunar was just a direct nerf
3328s and they weren't particularly fun tasks
3329s so we're not adding those you'll still
3331s get red dragons on in the area there
3333s that's fine but Connor is already
3335s struggling to compete with Jared Ellis's
3337s so we decided that we didn't just want
3338s to give bad tasks to Kohn are
3341s potentially look in the future as an
3343s unlock if players want or like we might
3344s just add them if players again pass a
3346s poll but we don't just want to
3347s straight-up nerf it especially since the
3349s reason that it was added was more just
3350s an afterthought hey the only monsters
3352s maybe add them to corner there was no
3354s real design reason for it
3356s the other one is sadness has there's no
3360s longer an instance boss you'll be able
3362s to just go in and do it straightaway as
3365s well we've removed the lock behind the
3366s mini quest because the mini quest was
3367s visitors their lore thing right
3369s it was content that your foursome was
3370s forcing people to do that they they
3374s didn't maybe need to necessarily want to
3375s do that the lock didn't match the
3377s content so you can still do it it's
3379s still a mini quest still gives hints 10k
3381s experience lamp for doing it you get to
3384s learn all about the lore but you don't
3386s have to do that to get to the boss
3387s because that doesn't fit and then I've
3391s seen it covered to chat a few times yes
3393s it has a pet we've already said that
3394s before and one thing we haven't actually
3395s said is it has a jar while mod West was
3399s doing stuff he was like hey I made a
3401s boss case if you want it and I'm like
3402s sick ship it it looks very cool so the
3407s earthly X you know what would it be
3412s quicker just a code 10,000 runecrafting
3413s experience but you know just just in
3415s case you know I mean I'm genuinely
3417s curious if we pull up
3419s everyone gets lit in every crafting what
3420s feel good foot but the yeah I just
3423s obviously didn't want people spending
3424s Slayer points getting tasks of doing
3426s that we've said exist hopefully players
3428s won't mind and I just want to say thank
3430s you to everyone who actually voted in
3431s that poll and the huge success it was it
3436s blew me away it was my first piece of
3437s content so just thank you to everyone
3439s for for supporting that and I hope it
3442s lives up to all your expectations
3443s tomorrow and a graduation stone by
3446s completing the project yeah feels kind
3449s of empty a little bit moved on to other
3455s projects but you it was kind of weird we
3457s had a lot of feedback from internal
3459s playtests and QA and back-and-forth and
3461s yes like say well earlier this week we
3463s finally signed it often yes yesterday
3465s today was just music tracks and actually
3467s plugging them in and it was like I mean
3469s I'm not allowed to touch it I've
3470s actually been banned from touching it
3472s and potentially adding more stuff to it
3473s like last minute obviously that'd be bad
3475s practice it's getting released tomorrow
3476s but like I'm just kind of like cool wait
3479s and wait
3479s waited to see and I know what that's
3481s been I know that's been like and
3483s compared to something else that's
3484s miniscule because they're pretty it's
3485s still a pretty big first major project
3487s so so I can't even imagine what its
3489s gonna feel like going into song elves
3490s I'm nervous yeah I'm already nervous for
3492s tomorrow how it's gonna go I can't
3494s imagine what its gonna look like usually
3495s it's like your baby and yeah yeah yeah
3500s so I'll be doing it make sure you get
3503s your music on guys that's the one I'm
3505s gonna be in a position to industry with
3508s the video court I just like to say thank
3510s you so much summer for joining us and
3511s for the music track holidays enjoy them
3513s and thank you to everyone and culture
3514s for joining me
3514s players sorry we couldn't ask as many
3517s game related questions you'd like but
3518s understand that we had a lot of
3519s questions to deal with around pond ships
3521s next week will you business usual thank
3524s you very much joining us there's been
3527s about 200 hours of progress done in
3529s these last three weeks and next episode
3531s we're going to be pushing that to over
3533s 300 because I'm gonna be getting the
3535s abyssal whip next of