6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Hey all!

Not exactly a major update but wanted to keep you all in the loop in terms of what we're planning to do with the feedback we've gotten so far.

Note that these aren't changes we're looking to make today but more an indicator of the discussions we've had around the most significant feedback points you've left for us!

Cheers all!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by rdhvisuals

The OG wintertodt crates are technically discontinued items now, right?

You can still get Supply Crates by trading in Pyromancer gear at Ignisia I think, so technically not!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

thank you for pushing for those mentioned methods.

Really don't understand why we need a warmth meter when we're getting %hp healing potions in the mini-game. can those not be used to heal normal hitpoints?

still a few minor concerns such as the double health bars, or the giant health bar for warmth.

You raise a good point! I think it largely comes from a place of the Warmth Metre undergoing development first and halfway through sort of realising 'Yo, what if we could drink the potions?'. Think it also alleviates some concerns about clever smuggles and just better reinforces the feeling that everybody's on a level playing field, but you're right that had we started from a point of 'what if we could drink the potions' then we could likely just have done that...

The double health bars is something that was raised, just requires checking in with Engine to see if it's doable so wasn't something we were able to commit to on such short notice, but if it's feasible then we'd be keen to reduce that visual clutter!