Originally posted by OreOfChlorophyte

Prob worth changing the tutorial on how to use beta worlds, it mentions wintertodt

Ah my bad, thought I'd caught most of those - will get it sorted!

EDIT: it was literally the last line in the whole blog, embarrassing but also no shot you read all of that so quickly :(

Originally posted by Kresbot

Thank god for a beta..Jokes aside,

The barrier changes will definitely help out with failed games, it felt so bad on current live that you're effectively punished for using them and have to time it right when the barrier takes some damage. Would love to see the lantern getting some use outside of GotR, pouches degrading during normal rc is such a boring mechanic

Assuming things go well are these changes looking to be bundled with the wintertodt ones for one update day?

I think the releases might be offset from each other, since Wintertodt stuff should be more or less ready to go (including changes to include the likes of Redemption in the Warmth system).

Originally posted by PrePro2

Morning Goblin

gm beast!

Originally posted by pangestu

been putting off my rc training since i knew gotr was getting buffed

It shouldn't feel like a massive buff particularly, mostly just alleviating some frustration. XP/hr should increase slightly with the changes to Barrier repairs even if they're at full HP (assuming you're actually trying to repair them) and with fewer failed games on the mass worlds on average!

Small-team GOTR (particularly in very small scales like duos) should also be a little more reliable off-the-bat which should be a lil boost too!

Originally posted by Osmold

Been looking forward to this, GotR is such a big frustration at the moment on so many levels where this seems to fix all of my checkboxes. Hope it goes Live pretty soon and smoothly!

How long can we expect the beta to be up before the release?

Imagine the beta will run until next week's Game Update and then the maingame release of the changes will depend somewhat on the volume of feedback and how actionably it is!

Originally posted by ConfuzzlesDotA

Wait does this mean you don't need to be 85rc to use the colossal pouch? Do you need 85rc to craft it though?

Should be able to craft it with solely the Crafting requirement!

Originally posted by Ghi102

So, funny question. Let's say 100 people join a game, they all do one "round" of runecrafting and 99 players leave the game. Does it essentially autocomplete?

My understanding is that it'll recalculate its existing % and the charge needed to complete the game dynamically, rather than just ending the game, so you'll probably need to do about the same amount of work yourself (if not a little more since the 20% penalty for players beyond the 20th is no longer a factor).

Also if 100+ people specifically join, the scaling shouldn't decrease below that 100 - so strap in for a long game if you're trying this!

Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

New use for AI - have it proofread Goblin's news posts so we can tease him about mistakes

Stuff's effectively always proof-read, just me goofing by saying 'this stuff's been read before and is just copy-pasted' and leaving some artefacts in, loads going on at the moment so a silly mistake on my part!

Originally posted by Niryna

I look forward to the scaling changes and open entrance, allows me to do the minigame at a normal pace and not spam click the damn portal while camping for ages outside. When I am done with my amulets, I go to bank to refill and then I'm bored waiting to get a chance to get inside spam clicking, good that inconvenience is going away.

Is it possible to get a white/black list for deposited runes? Would make combo runes easier to handle.

I'm not sure we'd be able to make a list like that, but it's probably feedback worth passing on to the devs who worked on the 'Deposit Lock' feature in Game Jam that got shown off at the Summit, might be a nice place for it to make some sense!

EDIT: chatted to them about this, seems like it could be doable as part of that update, but currently some concerns about how 'clear' it would be that certain runes are locked since it's not opening up a specific interface in the same way that banks or deposit boxes do. It's on their radar in any case!

Originally posted by Kind-General-9154

The colossal pouch degrades rather quickly (every 8 uses), especially compared to the smaller pouches (large degrades after 29 uses) can the degrade ratio be adjusted when the colossal pouch takes fewer essence, before it unlocks its full potential?

I think the degradation is based on the amount of Essence used, so it feels like few uses because it holds so much Essence, it should naturally balance itself out if you're using it at lower levels!

Originally posted by KataKataBijaksana

Will the SoDN changes come with the wintertodt changes at least? It'd make sense considering how each would pretty much affect the other

took me a minute but I'm gonna presume the S stands for 'suck' and I've filled in the blanks. I'm not angry, just disappointed...

Originally posted by Shot-Cheek9998

Could you make it possible so that pouches are "fill" when completely empty and "empty" else?

Feels weird to do gotr on mobile if that make sense :)

Hoping that the addition of Menu Entry Swapper to mobile in the near future should be able to rectify this, but appreciate that it isn't the cleanest experience for the time being, will see if those ops are able to be moved around content-side rather than relying on doing it client-side as a feedback point!

Originally posted by dovvydaddy

Not sure I understand the capacity numbers around the pouches? Previously you were bringing every pouch with you, is the collosal pouch essentially just every other pouch in 1 inventory slot instead of say 4 until 85 where it becomes even better?

Or is the collosal pouch going to be another pouch you bring with you each trip?

Colossal Pouch is every other pouch you're able to use in 1 slot, unless you're 85+ Runecraft where it becomes a buff. For example, Small + Medium pouch hold 9 Essence and take up 2 Inventory slots, giving you +7 Essence. At the same Runecraft level, the Colossal Pouch takes up 1 Inventory Slot and holds 8 Essence, giving you +7 Essence but requiring half as many clicks.

Let me know if this clears things up!

Originally posted by icanttriforce

Why those items in the inventory, what are you trying to tell us?

They're just Jmod tools, probably should have cleaned my inventory up a little before the screenshots but there's no hidden message or ARG occurring, I swear!

Originally posted by workpoo99

Is the beta available on mobile?

It should be yeah! Issues from the previous Wintertodt beta have been resolved!

Originally posted by reddevils72

Will this be active now? Or pushed out after the beta? Been excited for this one!

It should already be the case in the beta!

Originally posted by dankp3ngu1n69

Please fix exp rates. I can l barley hit 45k at level 78.

Why of why do you feel this skill must be a 500+ hr 99?

Should be able to break 50k past 75 RC at GOTR if you're more comfy. Alternatively you could AFK some Daeyalt essence and hit the mid 80s at Ourania Altar, push to 85 and you can break over 100k/hr doing Lavas without Runners or stick at Ourania if you get the pouch. It's a zero-input minigame with pure profit that provides token Crafting and Mining XP, with its own rewards alongside.

Why do you feel it needs to be a faster 99 if you don't need that level for anything? If 99 Runecraft isn't a reasonable goal for you, why not set a different goal?

Originally posted by MilkofGuthix

The extra XP is a welcome. I would love to see something to shake up the lava method meta though for higher levels, bit of variety for the long stretch!

If you don't mind racking up some Daeyalt Essence, would advise giving Ourania Altar + Colossal Pouch a look, it's super competitive with solo lavas (though a little less fun imo) if you're not fussed about the time lost by mining the Daeyalt Essence. For me, I'd mine Daeyalt when I otherwise wouldn't have been logged in, so the time loss wasn't really relevant!

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