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4 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

I am keen on this but with a tight limit. A limit that could be increased by some sort of progress.

For example we could use the completion of entire Achievement Diary tiers (all easy, all medium, etc).

IMO if we do this I would want to remove the extended drop timer.

4 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by LuitenantDan

Or what if it was tied to number of clues completed?

Say you start with a stack of 5, and then you get +1 for every 50 clues in a tier, and each tier is tracked separately.

So if you've done 50 beginner, 200 easy, and 49 mediums, your caps for the stacks would be 6, 9, and 5 respectively.

Yeah, it totally could be with clue completion - open to other options really. Just whether people rather it be connected to some wider progression system or simply connected to the clue system itself.