Great post, love the idea of a ge item sink.
I really wish we could get past "were thinking of doing X, Y, and Z" though. You're about to remove the Duel Arena, a fantastic gold sink. We need a replacement, or were going to notice a difference with a few extra trillion gold pieces floating around (just like were noticing an oversaturated item market).
The "we're thinking of doing" in this case is a segway segue to getting feedback on our proposition. I think we all know some change needs to happen, but that change needs to be one we can all agree on (hopefully)!
I don’t believe you guys committed to the gold sink meme.
Show me a WIP photo right now
It's literally a sink made out of gold
Instead of a set list of items you’re removing, would it be possible to make broader? Every 100 items sold (for any item) one would be bought off and sunk out of the game. This would sink out clue items, barrows, and every other item that could use sinks as well.
To put it simply, we don't want to inflate gold with this change. i.e. Spawning more gold into the economy than we are taking out.
The more broad you go, the less items we can afford to delete without breaking that above rule.
Imagine we have 10 billion accrued from the tax. Which items do you delete by spending that 10 billion? That's the question we're trying to answer in a way that can be coded and mostly automated. My view is it is important to target the equipment / items that players do not wish to see lose value.
The alternative is a higher tax. We've had 0 tax since the launch of the Grand Exchange, so it's difficult to just come in with a high tax % as it's simply going to be a slap in the face for a lot of players! Not to say in future we couldn't possible re-assess and realise 2% isn't giving us enough and make further tweaks though.
To put it simply, we don't want to inflate gold with this change. i.e. Spawning more gold into the economy than we are taking out.
The more broad you go, the less items we can afford to delete without breaking that above rule.
Imagine we have 10 billion accrued from the tax. Which items do you delete by spending that 10 billion? That's the question we're trying to answer in a way that can be coded and mostly automated. My view is it is important to target the equipment / items that players do not wish to see lose value.
The alternative is a higher tax. We've had 0 tax since the launch of the Grand Exchange, so it's difficult to just come in with a high tax % as it's simply going to be a slap in the face for a lot of players! Not to say in future we couldn't possible re-assess and realise 2% isn't giving us enough and make further tweaks though.
To add to that though, the exact list of items we sink can be adapted. If we wanted to include barrows for instance, that's entirely possible.
All raid items and engame boss uniques should be added on that list. GWD, Nightmare, Raids, Corp. Not sure why one raid item is included and the other one isn't. Those items need an item sink too.
All TOB items, the DWH, Zenyte jewelry, inquisitor's and Cerberus boots could use an item sink as well.
The list definitely isn't final! Thanks for the feedback :)
How would the 2% grand exchange tax work on items such as fire runes (when they cost 4 or 5gp?)
They essentially wouldn't be taxed. i.e. The tax would work out as 0gp.
How would the 2% grand exchange tax work on items such as fire runes (when they cost 4 or 5gp?)
I believe there would be a minimum sale value before tax could be taken off. That kind of detail could be included in a future blog once we know for sure what kind of % we're dealing with.
What is the purpose of the table when talking about the gold sink? It is not mentioned
Oh, it's showcasing other gold sink items that can be put in the PoH... Must have removed that line of text!
Inquisitor armour + mace have had a over 50% drop past 6 months, surely these must be part of the sunken items when the staff + orbs from nightmare are?
The same goes for all ToB rewards too. Way more critical than many of the items on that list.
Honestly all pvm items should be on the list. Dwh, ToB, CoX, dragon hunter, Jaws (they're even being monopolised apparantly and is at all time low) etc...
We'll definitely look at the list again following feedback from the blog :)
At those prices I can't see anyone buying above block 4 bank spaces, too much to charge for something that is minor QOL imo. At this point its cheaper to use an alt exclusively to store items.
I personally think that's okay - I know I won't spend the extra money because I don't need that many slots, but 20M for 240 extra bank spaces? Heck yeah count me in!
It seems pretty good. Is the 2% tax already set, or might the number change as time goes on, or based on feedback?
Also, why are Elysians not included in the deletable items, while twisted bow is?
Definitely not set %, we're open to feedback!
Since the tax is 2%, why not just use 50% of that tax (1% of the sales price) to buy and remove any item being traded? And I mean any item, also skilling, not just select high end pvm stuff. Every item would have its own tax and buyback pool so to say.
It would roughly equate to 1 item being removed from the game for every 100 of said item traded.
I'm not sure how possible it would be with current tech, even after the improvements we've had to make this possible, but I'd be okay with that being the future of G.E tax and item sinks!
Should be easy then..Pics or it didn’t happen, don’t tease me
Here you go...
Definitely did not do that in Photoshop just now based on the Wiki image...
Nah they are actually using Segways in this case to travel to the office to offer us the update
You ever ridden a Segway before? I had the chance to go on one in a woodland and it was the most fun I've had in ages. Can't imagine the 100+ miles drive to Cambridge would be as fun on one though...
Make the bank spaces purchasable with death coffer money for irons
It'd be pure gold as per the current design. I think Death's coffer might be too susceptible to abuse of item prices, but it's feedback I've seen and will be sharing with the team :)
You comment just made me realize we need to change “bolt racks”, to “barrows arrows”.
Barrows arrows