Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello scapers today we're going to share
3s an update on a bunch of things related
5s to our official clients on both desktop
8s and on mobile including some long
10s awaited progress updates on stuff like
12s HD and our own plug-in API since
15s January's winter Summit we haven't
16s shared too much as we've been heads down
19s and grinding away but we think now is
21s the time for a little update on what's
23s been happening we're really ramping up
25s our efforts to give everybody a better
27s core experience when playing old school
29s regardless of what platform you're
31s playing on so let's head over to the new
33s face for our first update talking about
35s HD and the improved
41s SD hello I'm mod genis and I'm one of
44s the product managers for old school you
46s might have seen me talking about plugins
48s and clients on Reddit and Discord and
50s I'm really excited to properly introduce
52s myself here it's a pleasure to meet you
54s in January we announced that HD was
56s coming to desktop and to mobile since
58s then we've seen an extremely positive
60s reaction from the community that's
62s continued to this day I just wanted to
64s start this section by thanking you for
65s all your support knowing that our early
67s direction is a good starting point the
69s team has been working hard to ensure the
71s core of the HD experience is in a great
73s place while we're in the final stages of
75s tooling to illuminate the game world
77s most of our time has been spent focusing
79s on two things performance and SD it's
82s very important for us to ensure that
83s both HD and SD have streamlined
86s performance so that you can enjoy
88s whichever mode you prefer on on whatever
90s platform or device you want without your
92s gameplay ever suffering and with our new
95s pixel perfected simulated SD this
97s actually means everyone should see
99s increased performance when using this
101s mode while we've encountered a few
103s challenges along the way we've remained
105s focused on making this the best core HD
108s experience possible currently we've
110s released an internal beta for the team
112s to try out HD across all their devices
115s and to create an internal feedback loop
117s before we let you try HD for yourselves
119s while that's it for update on HD we will
121s be back at this year's summer Summit
123s with some further details on our
125s progress so don't miss out for now let's
128s swing over to talk all about
133s plugins alongside the announcement of HD
136s last year we spoke for the very first
138s time about our official plugging API
141s which like HD will be coming to desktop
144s and mobile this is a separate project
147s and our attempt to build something
149s similar to The Run plugin Hub you are
152s all famously familiar with what you
154s might not know is that since the
156s announcement we've been working with
157s some of the most well-known client
159s developers and plug-in makers to ensure
162s the process of creating and Publishing
164s plugins works best for you after all who
168s better to work with than the people
169s who've been doing this so well for so
171s long they know what works and what
174s doesn't and their input has been amazing
177s it's really important for us to get this
179s right as we would love to give everyone
180s the option to create and release plugins
182s through our API which means ensuring
185s we're making it as safe as possible
187s those plug-in makers will have the
188s chance to start creating through our API
190s very soon as we want to offer a great
193s range of plugins when this launches to
194s everyone the team have been working hard
196s to identify some of the most requested
198s plugins you can't live without and we'll
200s be working with the developers to create
202s some of their very best on our platform
204s that's all we have to share on the
205s plug-in API for now but we'll be back
207s during this year's summer Summit with
209s more details on our progress for now
211s let's see what's next for the core
213s client features with Mod
217s Lenny over the last few years we've
219s given you some core improvements to the
221s official client on desktop and mobile
224s such as tile markers ground item
226s overlays and XP trackers with the
229s plug-in Hub on the way what's the
231s difference core client features are a
233s little different to plugins as they will
235s be baked into the client itself and work
237s straight out of the box without the need
239s to install a separate plugin and we're
241s not stopping there we've got some core
243s features coming up that you've all been
245s patiently waiting for including high
248s scores new Mini menu changes menu entry
252s swapper Bank Tags and More there are
256s plenty of core features we could choose
258s to work on and we're constantly looking
260s to see which of the most popular and
261s most requested features to include as
263s core functionality inside the client so
266s keep those requests coming this also
268s means changes to mobile but but what
271s exactly are
272s [Music]
274s they with changes to the client in full
277s swing one of our big focuses is to bring
280s more parity between your desktop and
282s mobile experiences we've already seen
284s how mobile can be used for way more than
287s AFK activities as we've seen mobile only
289s players dominate areas like The Inferno
292s and the fear of blood but the beasts
294s taken on these are few and far between
297s so we want to ask what if you felt like
300s you could take on any activity in a more
302s portable mode that's a key goal for us
304s when discussing the future of mobile not
307s to dumb down the desktop experience but
309s instead allowing you to bring your
311s desktop gameplay to mobile not only will
313s the new HD improved SD and plugin Hub
316s work on mobile alongside the new core
318s client features and the new UI we want
321s to give you more customization and
322s flexibility to closer match to your
324s desktop playing we're still in early
327s development for how our HD and the
328s plugins API will work on mobile
330s but rest assured we're going to focus on
333s making it the best it can possibly be
335s we've also made a number of changes to
337s the first mobile UI beta and we want to
340s just reassure you that with the new UI
342s and new features you'll be able to have
344s a very similar experience to the way
345s that you currently play if you missed
348s out on the beta we've got a handy guide
350s featured alongside our news post that
352s will give you a great
354s breakdown finally without the jagx
356s launch on mobile we're aware it's been
359s tricky for players to easily swap
360s between characters and we're going to be
362s working to improve that
364s process now from the new to the old
367s we've got something a bit different to
368s talk about
372s next when we're talking about clients it
375s can be confusing the original official
377s client was in Java then a few years ago
380s we released a new modern client into
382s steam which was in C++ and last year we
385s added that to the jaggets launcher as
387s well this client is known as the
389s official client whereas the old Java
391s client is known as the Legacy Java
393s client you still with me a while ago we
396s made a change which prevented the Legacy
398s Java client from being downloaded and
401s installed players who had it could keep
403s using it but if you didn't have it you
405s wouldn't see it on the launcher it's
407s safe to say that most of you probably
409s didn't notice so it's time for us to
412s take the next step we are retiring our
414s Legacy Java client completely before I
417s explain more let me be clear this
420s affects our client and only our client
423s it doesn't impact other Java based
425s clients like runlite soon it will no
428s longer be possible to play using the
430s Legacy Java client even for those
432s players with it installed but what's the
435s point in changing this well we know that
438s the majority of you lovely lot use other
440s clients like runelight the official
442s client Hoss or you play on mobile
445s comparatively we wanted to know who uses
448s the client after looking at the number
450s number of players it's clear to us the
451s majority of players are using the Legacy
453s Java client for malicious activity
456s additionally it's also the least secure
458s way to play the game due to the outdated
460s Tech on which it's built so here we are
464s we want to remove the least secure way
466s to play the game and stop the dodgy
468s players using the client for dodgy
470s things alongside jagex accounts and the
472s jagex launcher this means that the most
475s core way to play the game will become
477s much more safe and secure so with that
479s in mind this is the very first step in
481s completely retiring the Legacy Java
483s client simply letting you know it's
486s happening it won't be too far away but
488s we want to give that small percentage of
490s players that use the Legacy Java client
492s for genuine gameplay the chance to
494s switch over before we remove it for good
497s once the date has been announced you'll
499s need to swap to playing either via the
500s official client run light or Hoss you'll
503s need a jagex account to play on the
505s official client and we've got a handy
507s guide featured within the News Post on
508s how you can transfer your your
510s hard-earned
512s grinds well that's a wrap on everything
514s upcoming with the official client so far
517s we've got a handy News Post that
518s launches alongside this video giving you
520s some further details on everything we've
522s covered here today not only that but you
525s can look forward to some more updates on
527s our progress and work throughout future
529s gazettes and at this year's summer
531s Summit in September we can't wait to get
534s all of these fantastic features and
535s updates into your hand and rest assured
538s the team will be working hard to get
540s them to you as soon as possible to give
542s us some feedback on our little
544s presentation today and the upcoming
546s updates you'll find a survey in the
547s description below or the news post to
549s give you a chance to tell us your
551s thoughts a huge thanks to each and every
553s one of you for your consistent feedback
555s and the chance to make the core
556s experience better for everyone goodbye
559s for now
560s [Music]