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Originally posted by ki299

was expecting the alpha today to be frank, given the 4 hour downtime yesterday.. figured that time was used for prepping it coming

Generally speaking downtime on non-Game Update days is associated with server-y stuff and not strictly related to the game content side of things, for the likes of the Sailing Alpha we tend to roll out some of the backend (typically Engine) stuff over the course of weeks before as 'under the hood' changes

Originally posted by Mushroom_Squiggles

I don't see the Tonalztics of Ralos listed under the auto-charge changes. Currently you're able to over-charge them, and if you try to manually charge them any extra splinters over the true 20,000 limit are deleted. Is this just an oversight in the post, or something we'll need to be aware of until a later date? Related, if someone was dumb enough to delete say... 10,000 splinters is there any chance those would be refunded?

Will raise this with the team, looks as though it might have been an oversight. On the refund front, if you message me your RSN I might be able to get the Analytics team to take a look and see if we can identify similar cases, but can't make any guarantees!

Originally posted by metro_polis

Draken's castle step too please! Shortcut with the special rope would be perfect.

I'm pretty sure we've said that we're keen on this in the past, likely in a backlog somewhere waiting for a future poll - will see if I can get the team to pull it into Poll 84!

Originally posted by fitmedcook

Or go straight ahead and poll the leagues relic. People are okay with it for farming.

God forbid a master clue step takes over 1 minute

God forbid you've got an Agility level in the 90s and shave some time off of one specific step while engaging with one specific piece of content - feels suitably rewarding for having levelled a historically low skill imo!

Originally posted by GoDayme

The pest control changes are only for W45, correct?

Correct, we wouldn't 4x Pest Control points unpolled, or ever probably.

Originally posted by xHentiny

Hello, it's the list guy back with another list. A lot of these things were talked about over half a year ago now or have been very popular amongst the community recently. I know sailing is taking up a lot of time recently but it feels like a lot of these could be added/fixed with minimal issue (besides the poll section ofc).

  • Feature: Adding the missing teleports to the POH

  • Feature: House on the Hill Shortcut

  • Bug: Ancient Sceptre healing %

  • Bug: Abyssal Bludgeon special attack is non-functional

  • Bug: Miscellania favour draining faster for some people since leagues (1.5% per day instead of 1%)

  • Bug: Quetzal whistle stacks all incoming damage during the teleport animation (You can die upon teleing if enough damage is done on you)

  • Bug: Buying Mixology rewards with a full inventory deletes the item, removes the points spent but gives you the collection log

  • Bug: POH Jewellery Box still says PvP arena instead of Emir's Arena

  • Poll: CMs having lower prayer scroll drop rates similar to HMT with avernics

  • Poll: Chiselling down Revenant statues into ether

  • Poll: Dragon Sq Shield/Kiteshield to have anti-fire properties

  • Poll: Reworking Corp to have group loot mechanics like most other group bosses (and a harder, solo-only variant)

  • Poll: Stackable clue scrolls (with stack amounts based off clues completed)

If I've missed any known bugs or popular suggestions let me know and I'll add it to the list. I'm not including things that have been addressed recently.

Edit: Kieren has confirmed stackable clues are currently being looked at and may be in an upcoming poll. Link to his comment

- Portal Nexus teleports: aiming to include in an upcoming QoL Poll (likely as an unpolled change, but just to put it in that 'bucket' of work) now that it's more technically simple to do than it was in the past
- House on the Hill Shortcut: same as above.

- Ancient Sceptre: I'm not sure why but I was certain we'd fixed this one, if you have more info for me to give the team a refresher then let me know.
- Abyssal Bludgeon: fixed next week.
- Miscellania Favour: Team's taken a look at this on numerous occasions and aren't able to reproduce the issue at all, it's inconsistent across players regardless of client usage and is proving tricky. It's still being investigated though in the hopes of understanding more. Would invite anybody who believes their Favour is draining faster than expected to reach out with an RSN in an effort to help track down what's happening here.
- Quetzal Whistle: Have raised with the team, imagine this is extremely niche but still wants fixing.
- Mixology Rewards: Due a fix soon, believe this is only the Alchemist's Amulet rather than every item there.
- POH Jewellery Box naming: hopefully adjusted next week.

- CM Prayer Scrolls: Iffy on this, lots of differing opinions and disagreements among the team. Not totally outside of the realms of possibility, but in the interest of transparency I wouldn't expect this to be something we talk about in the near future.
- Rev Ether chiselling: Will likely include with Poll 84.
- Dragon Sq Shield anti-fire: it's a shield made of metal!

Originally posted by nine_tendo

Consensus was that he wanted it but not everyone on the team iirc

We are actively looking at its design and you may see it on an upcoming poll.