about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Hello everyone, as you may have seen we've been having some loginserver issues which have affected some of our players.

To address this, we're going to be performing some work to fix these issues, however, please be aware this may log you out in-game, so please refrain from doing dangerous activities in-game. Once we've fixed this, we'll let you know.

Additionally, we'll send out a broadcast in-game to make sure as many people are made aware of this.

EDIT: The login issues have now been fixed, you may now resume your activities!

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by sandith752

Would be nice if you had warned us beforehand about this, rather than after it happens...

It hasn't happened yet, we haven't started it hence why we're getting this message out here and in-game.

about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by Kylekub

Yes it has - I was booted in the middle of a slayer boss

That would likely have been related to on-going login server issues, we haven't started this process just yet until we tried to get some comms out in the duration.

about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by a_non-e_moose

i and others in my clan chat got disconnected from the server before you posted this message (NA servers)

edit: adding context to this now since apparently people think I'm a moron. the original post was made immediately after a large amount of people lost connection for the first time of the day. this was before the in game message appeared and I made this comment before the mod had explained that the fix was specifically for disconnects. I was trying to add helpful information for the mod to take back to the team to hopefully get the problem fixed faster

I believe this was related to the on-going server issues as it were, based on my conversations with staff we haven't started this process just yet as we wanted to give comms ahead of time as much as we can.