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It doesn't seem smart to rush players to the end game content without any replacements for said end game content.

On the other hand, what about every player that spent over 50m in supplies and death fees to grind TOB over and over again to learn how to properly do it?

The prices of everything are gonna crash from more players completing TOBs. The drop rate is 1/9 so items are much more common than COX.

If TOB isnt as profitable then most high end players are going to quit. The players that are going to learn TOB much easier are just going to go into end game content and quit from the lack of content.

I asked this in the Q&A, but I have never seen these points addressed.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by BlueEyesWhiteShark

Ayiza just leaked the "big content" reveal for summer just now on the Q&A stream, it's a new league - not even anything PvM or raids related.

The summer reveal will announce more than what was already mentioned back in December 2020 :D I didn't leak anything that wasn't already known!