about 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to this week's weekly
2s old school Q&A I hope you having a
4s wonderful week
5s I've just realized we haven't got the
6s usual backdrop set up by our producer
10s but I'll carry on anyway it's our game
17s just in a different universe I guess
18s it's what I'm gonna go with while he's
21s working on that
22s I'm your host Maude Cabot and joining me
25s on the couch this week is Martine Mod
28s tight hello Maude Huskie hello and on
32s the end there we have a new face welcome
34s what a big warm welcome please for Maude
36s flipping hi what's up so yeah this is a
42s new face on the couch latest addition to
44s the old school team huge welcome thank
47s you well go for the usual questions and
52s introduce you to our to our stream what
55s is your was your role on the team I'm
58s the new junior content tab on the team
60s so kind of in the same spot as Huskies
63s and now obviously you're more
65s experienced but yeah started last week
69s last week yeah awesome
71s how are you finding it so far what's it
72s been like for your around the office and
74s on the team it's been real nice actually
77s I felt really welcome when I came here
79s and yeah basically only been sitting
84s practicing real script until today and
87s I'm gonna be doing that for another week
91s or so and it's been really fun awesome
93s cool so again getting to grips with the
96s code and the script and how it all works
98s on the back end
98s exactly awesome what's your history with
102s old school have you played the game much
104s in the past
104s yeah I've been playing for 13 years now
108s I think since 2006 so I've been playing
112s both runescape and rou skype iron man
116s and old school and old school iron man
118s so I've been kind of juggling accounts
120s and nice yeah very exploded kids
127s well he's for yourself answers what
129s you're up to you at the moment sort of
130s learning the ropes and getting to grips
131s with things do you know what projects
133s you'll be working on
134s future yeah as soon as I'm done with the
137s training I think I'll be put to work
139s with Halloween and I am still kind of
143s like debating what to do for that but
145s I'm kind of busy with real script for
148s now so I'll probably be thinking more
151s about that once I'm done yeah awesome
154s that's great we'll see right well I'm
157s going to throw you the usual curveball
158s that we do for new bodies on the sofa
161s right is that if you could add anything
163s to the game unfold what would it be
167s see I was thinking about this before and
170s although it's kind of generic and and
174s seem pretty obvious I think group Iron
177s Man just like husky said I know when
180s this first stream is probably something
182s that could be healthy for the game I
185s think I always loved the idea of like
190s changing rules or you know working with
192s the content we have but restricting or
195s changing rules to kind of make up for a
197s new experience and I also think it's
202s really fun putting players in a
203s situation where they have to really
205s think and theory craft and you know do
209s things in a different way so I'd take
211s like any chance to to do that sure
215s that's how very good I think you make a
216s really nice point about using the
218s existing game but playing it in
219s different ways right kind of a lot like
221s lousy swamp latex has done famously yeah
223s yeah
224s so yeah Group Iron Man could be a really
226s nice nice thing for that yeah new
228s players I mean they have the entire game
230s to explore and try out and obviously
233s while there is a lot of content for for
236s more experienced players it still keeps
239s it kind of fresh and and you can feel
242s like you're a noob again so yeah
244s absolutely
245s awesome well that's a mod 50 for you
250s guys our new junior content developer I
252s believe you have your Twitter set up
254s already so right yeah but what's your
256s what's your handle for people to follow
258s should be Jagex flippy on twitter twitch
261s and reddit amazing okay there we go so
265s yeah make sure with a drop mod flippy a
266s follow
268s on those channels yeah I think we've got
271s a well I forgot to sorry just mob
274s Bruno over in the chat so I'm not
275s introducing you as well earlier he's
277s dropping the link in the chat for you
278s guys now thank you very much for pushing
282s yourself and welcome again to the team
285s Bank and we look forward to having you
286s on future streams and seeing what you
288s get up to in terms of developing content
290s for us sure and if you guys have any
293s ideas or something you would wish for
296s Halloween then please just you know go
298s onto my Twitter and give me suggestions
301s that should be awesome sounds good thank
303s you very much thanks um so we're gonna
305s say goodbye to mod flippy for now and
307s bring on our super sub in the meantime
311s we've got some announcements the first
315s one being green fest so we're still
317s planning for room first and things are
318s looking very exciting we have had a
322s quick run-through of the reveal section
324s so the keynote of the main releases for
327s next year and there's lots of good stuff
329s on there exclamation mark runefest for
331s details about buying your ticket if you
334s want to attend what ash has joined us on
338s the sofa just getting miked up hello
343s so yeah exclamation mark green Festa to
345s check out
345s Rufus tickets also exclamation mark
348s merch will take you to our merch store I
352s believe and yes so you want to check
362s that out because we have our room fest
363s merch already sorted tees and hoodies
366s but we can get those personalized with
368s your names printed on the back so for
370s more information about those exclamation
371s mark merch yep so other announcements
377s the Bounty Hunter design blog went live
379s yesterday exclamation mark BH we'll take
382s you to it
384s there's a lot of stuff in there it's a
386s big overhaul of the bounty hunter system
390s and there's a lot to read and go through
392s so if you are interested please take a
394s look and give us your feedback I think
396s as a section well I know there's a
397s section at the bottom
399s for the channels that we've set up for
402s you to let us know what you think so
403s please do so
405s two things I didn't want to touch on
407s based on the feedback we've had so far
410s what's going to happen to your existing
412s points and emblems so the way we have it
416s currently designed is to give you guys a
419s lot of prior warning before any changes
420s are made in a grace period to cash in
422s your emblems and use your points after
426s seeing people's responses to this I'm
427s not sure if we can adjust that approach
431s and see I don't know maybe the technical
434s limitations of something like leaving
435s the legacy shop open for a while longer
438s what do you think about something like
440s that nice but we can manage that okay
442s because maybe that'd be preferable I
444s think one of the things Pleasant said
445s quite a lot while you guys have said is
447s maybe like a bit more time to spend
449s those excess points maybe leave it till
452s Christmas or something you sure sounds
455s reasonable the only other thing is
457s players asking where they're going to
458s buy their rune pouches from obviously at
462s the moment you if you're not interested
464s in working up the Slayer points the
467s alternative is buy an emblem and cash it
470s in for the rune pouch I think that's
472s something we need to redress like I
474s think the the initial pitch was maybe a
477s bit too high costing 250 points in the
480s new design that could always be lowered
482s alternatively we can look at maybe
484s lowering the Slayer points cost in that
485s reward shop or even just making it
487s tradable is also a potential Avenue
491s Trust to explore I guess
493s revenue thoughts on this one guys I was
496s thinking that we might be able to review
498s the limits how many of the things you've
500s got at any given time I mean it's not
502s gonna help with the getting of it but at
504s the moment you've got one
505s we won't that you have another and then
507s if you lose the one you've got then
508s you're a bit hampered too you can get
510s another right similar to what's going on
512s but quite a lot of the bags we deal with
514s these days so if we were able to relax
518s that limit it wouldn't let you carry
520s extra stuff around because all of them
523s how many copies the thing you've got all
526s your copies would point at the same data
528s space so you just they just be another
532s way of carrying the exact
533s sayo I think already carrying you don't
534s benefit from that which means that if we
537s let you have multiple of them and you
539s don't find it weirdly confusing they're
541s all pointing at the same item contents
543s it might help with the convenience when
546s you lose one okay
547s which leaves you with the exact same
549s question you start with about where you
550s get them in the first place but having
552s got a source of things you can grind
554s that and then have lots of them and not
557s have to do it every time you want
558s another one
559s sure yeah no players were saying the
561s same thing about the looting bag quite a
562s lot which is um something else I'd like
564s to maybe reconsider before pushing ahead
565s with the design the sort of looting bag
568s in particular at the moment I think
570s almost every creature in the wilderness
572s has the same chance of dropping it with
574s whether it be a rat or been an artist
578s and to be honest that's not something we
583s do these days we could scale it very
585s differently we can also look into
587s anything that's not so combat II if
591s necessary although it was only ever
594s intended as a looting bag rather than a
596s carrying random stuff around bag okay
602s yes so please let us know what you think
604s of well those issues and everything else
606s that's in the design I look forward to
608s seeing all of your feedback and thank
609s you to everyone who's already commented
610s and let us know your thoughts generally
613s though really positive perception so
615s there's a few particular points dying
616s out which you've covered but I'm quite
618s pleased with how the players reacted to
620s it we had a lot to live up to
621s considering it was announced at two
623s consecutive green fest events and it's
625s long over the Jews why you're rightfully
627s can concerned so it's nice to see you
630s engage with it positively and keep
632s giving us feedback and walking tweaking
633s the design until you move it on the
637s topic of PvP we posted the last man
643s standing rewards poll blog earlier today
647s exclamation mark LMS will take you
650s straight to it we are polling this is
653s not all the things but some of the
654s notable things we're polling are true
656s ver parchment which is essentially an
658s assurance system for allowing you to
659s bring untradable items deeper into the
661s wilderness without losing them
664s the dead man cosmetic armor which was
667s seldom used in dead man itself but
669s actually looks very cool and alternate
672s Halo colors 4p cares who like to use
675s those there's also a lot of other stuff
678s in there I think a chance to exchange
680s points for small amounts of experience
682s as well as a crate system a 3 tick
686s one-handed weapon lots of good stuff
690s we're expected to pull that from Friday
693s to Wednesday I believe are the dates we
695s have posted you know the news on Last
701s Man Standing
702s tomorrow's update brings the beta back
704s online again we've made some changes
705s including gear changes infinite run
707s energy and a cap on the amount of food
710s that you can carry at the same time
712s we're going to be testing some line of
713s sights changes actually able to give us
716s a little more insight into why those are
718s being changed yeah um your explanation
721s in the blog was pretty darn good I think
723s that was yours wasn't it no mainly icons
727s well anyway from 2004 onwards when idea
734s was written the line-of-sight algorithm
737s was not symmetrical so there'd be
738s situations where a could shoot at B but
742s B couldn't see a to shoot back which
744s makes no sense but some that's what we
748s had and what we've kind of always had
750s all the way back to the Lords of arrests
752s who in March 2004 I think now other
757s runescape they got there's some changed
760s at some point in the intervening years
762s old school coming from 2007 I had the
765s original version and we've been quite
769s cautious about changing that one because
771s it isn't just PvP it's going to affect
774s it's anything where anything shoots at
778s anything else
778s whether that's well you shooting Zuk Zuk
783s shooting you trying to get an angle on a
785s grapple short cut trying to use a safe
789s spot in a cave source versus garden
793s where you're dodging elementals Pisgah
796s tourists thing using
797s the same kind of mechanic all of these
799s things are affected by how the game
801s determines line of sight and of course
804s some of these are rather sensitive to
806s change so change like this obviously
810s we're not gonna be able to test every
811s single safe spot there's ever been to
813s see how it's been affected and even if
818s we were it's meant to make a difference
820s because the problem with the current
821s algorithm is it's buggy anyway so what
825s we're gonna do is put it online on some
827s vita worlds from tomorrow with
829s last-man-standing as well cause that's a
831s rather popular place to shoot other
833s players and we'll give you the 60 odd
838s thing as well why not um so you can try
842s out how the game feels with this new
845s line of sight algorithm and with any
848s luck we'll be able to iron out the worst
849s problems if any with it before rolling
853s it out to the whole game but ultimately
855s we do have to expect there will be some
857s changes because the whole point was to
859s make some changes because the current
861s one's buggy and look on the bright side
865s I think it's the same algorithm they
867s have had in the PTO Sierra you like that
872s thank you very much for faking that down
874s for us
875s so yeah that's the beta coming out
877s tomorrow in the same update we also have
880s a marble leg turn which is essentially a
887s combination of all the other leg turns
888s in your Poh I'll be allow you to make
890s all of the things that they can make
891s also improving the lector and interface
895s to have quantity buttons similar I
896s believe to the recent change to the
898s silver crafting and smithing interfaces
901s we're improving fishing the fishing
904s trawler minigame I can remember exactly
906s the tweaks we've made I can people
910s trying to fix the same leak
912s simultaneously most of them end up
915s having a dead click and achieve nothing
917s meanwhile their activity bar keeps on
919s draining even though they were trying to
921s do something but they didn't have very
923s good ping so sometimes get you've got
926s the trawler altogether what I've tried
929s to do is change how the
931s leaky walls and fixed walls transition
934s back and forth so that if multiple
938s people are clicking on it at the same
939s time it's a bit more generous about
943s letting more of them succeed in doing
945s something I mean it's like you know
947s maybe lots of them will end up using a
949s swamp a stall fits the same leak but you
951s know you probably weren't too fussed
953s about the priciest womp paste what you
954s really want is to be able to get the
956s leak fixed get your activity move on to
959s the next thing get back to bailing in
962s multiplayer tests we've done internally
965s it does feel a lot less dead clicky than
969s it used to also while I was in there and
972s by the way I had to trawl very deep into
975s its coat to work out do this one I found
978s out what's wrong with its timer which
980s has always said it's 12 minutes long
981s when it isn't it's 10 minutes but the
984s timer started at 12 and just ticked down
986s well 1.2 minutes per minute the Devi
991s wrote it left a comment saying that this
993s bit of this process runs every 6 cycle
998s every 5 cycles but in fact it's running
1001s every 6 cycles or vice versa like that
1003s so the clock is just as wrong in there
1006s it always has been
1006s I've taken the opportunity to make the
1008s clock correct we're all aware by the way
1011s the players would like the trawler
1012s some players at least would like the
1014s trawler to be shorter that's not
1017s something we've snuck into this update
1018s but you know something we can talk about
1021s changing aspects of design because I've
1024s been through so much of the code to do
1025s this thing about the dead clicks that
1028s I'm a lot more confident being able to
1029s change other bits about it now might
1031s even be able to let the trawler run more
1033s than one copy on the world at a time
1035s which would be an interesting conversion
1037s anyway so we've got the dead clicks got
1042s the timer being corrected also you don't
1046s there's weird behavior where you stand
1049s next through one leak you can fix the
1052s leak you're standing next to you can fix
1054s the leak on one side of you but you
1056s can't fix the leak on the other side of
1057s you without walking around
1059s and I found out why that is and fixed it
1062s so now you can fix for leak you're in
1065s front of you and the two on either side
1067s which makes a lot more sense really also
1071s the activity bar it's always been quite
1073s harsh shower activity bars go and in
1077s particular carried on ticking down even
1079s if there was no water for you to bear
1080s and no links which you know being
1084s penalized when you couldn't possibly do
1086s anything useful is harsh so I've changed
1090s it so that the activity bar goes down
1092s only when you could credibly be doing
1095s something like only when there's but at
1099s least some water and or maybe a leak to
1103s play with hopefully I'll be fairer
1107s without letting people just free load
1110s that so I think oh yeah interfaces if
1114s you go in there and open a menu like a
1116s skill guide not that you go through the
1117s tool to read skill guides surely but
1119s some just sometimes you want to be able
1121s to open an interface maybe report abuse
1124s current behaviors the trawler shuts all
1127s your interfaces like every three seconds
1129s I've made it not do that obviously it
1133s has to shut your interfaces when it
1135s moves you between the half sunk trawler
1137s and the and the nuns and the dryer aller
1141s but apart from that it's a lot easier to
1143s read things while you in there I hope it
1146s helps awesome well thank you so much I
1149s know those are some very popular changes
1151s it's been a while that players have
1153s wanted us to uh maybe streamline some
1155s aspects of fishing trawler so thank you
1156s for those and big thanks course to mods
1159s Wolff and rock for and getting this one
1162s through testing so that we can actually
1165s launch it without you know launching my
1168s own tested code and hoping very hard
1170s players have been trying to fix the
1172s trawler for years and actors just done
1174s it in a couple days take it Wow yep nice
1184s other things happening in the update
1187s we've got a few song of the office
1188s changes as well so we're adding a replay
1191s function for
1192s all of the cutscenes so once you've
1193s completed the quest you can go through
1195s the cutscenes if you want to see the
1196s story again and we're also allowing you
1198s to replay the main boss fight I won't
1203s say anymore just for fear of
1205s accidentally spoiling some of the story
1206s but yeah that's something you'll be able
1208s to do I think we can at least confirm
1211s that it's got time tracking on it yes it
1214s will have time tracking and a kill count
1216s for people who want to flex those I
1219s think some of us have global
1221s leaderboards as well or am I mistaken
1223s there it's got the global best time
1226s items really they've been able to do a
1228s global best name okay okay I'm not sure
1233s off the top of my head there's something
1236s global we're also adding two of the boss
1241s fights not the one that we just
1243s mentioned but another two I'm sort of
1245s giving away how many big fight there on
1247s the quest another two of them are being
1249s added to the nightmare zone for you too
1252s well replay there if you wish that's
1257s about it for tomorrow's update there are
1260s even a few other smaller changes as well
1262s quite a lot of graphical bug fixes in
1265s this one mod West has fixed quite a
1269s little bit it's a costume that's
1270s stretched when you did certain
1271s animations not every issue of that
1275s nature but there's a pretty long list in
1277s there look forward to the patch notes
1279s having the top ten fixes will dedicate
1281s to stretching with Lex but okay the
1287s house just reminded me another graphical
1288s change I believe mod West is responsible
1290s for is bringing the clue caskets in line
1292s with the color coding system for the
1294s clues Scrolls yes which is a nice one
1298s all right I'm gonna move on to the
1300s questions then if you have any questions
1304s that you want to ask during the stream
1306s make sure to send them to mod Bruno who
1308s is on the chat at old-school RS way to
1313s read what are they laughing at did we
1315s say something funny that I didn't must
1317s have missed it I think it's ash as we
1319s get flex a bit delayed um lag right so
1325s our first
1326s was the high stop voted one that I saw
1329s so I figure we should address it so this
1333s player asked with WOW classic around the
1335s corner has Jagex thought about the value
1337s that you get for a runescape membership
1339s versus a WoW membership while classic
1342s will directly compete with old-school
1343s for players who are chasing the 2004 to
1346s 2007 nostalgia of the Golden Age of MMOs
1349s and I think mod Sween you were offered
1352s to field this one haven't really
1354s prepared anything this is more of a
1355s matter of opinion on how you perceive
1358s value personally I think we offer quite
1360s good value for membership we our weekly
1362s updates apart from Christmas when we
1364s take some time off you don't pay for
1366s expansions like you do in well it's just
1369s the description alone also we don't sell
1371s level boosts like well do how I'm not
1374s trying to throw shade on well I'm
1375s probably going to try classic myself but
1377s we don't really know anything about
1378s their kind of update cadence if they're
1380s gonna release expansions if we're going
1381s to have other sources of monetization so
1386s I guess it's right if you're rightfully
1388s able to look at weaknesses in our
1391s subscription so stuff like player
1393s support and account security you're
1394s unhappy with well that's what we're
1395s working on currently I'm assured that
1398s there's a blog coming this month which
1400s is our next step for account security so
1402s having more information now so we're
1405s trying to address the problems you see
1407s with our value and we're going to keep
1409s on making good content every week
1412s awesome thank you for that one I'll
1416s crack on them with the other questions
1419s Muslim content related the first is can
1422s you buff wilderness Slayer Barrens keys
1424s currently don't offset the loss of value
1426s in Tier one emblems I actually pulled
1428s this question before we posted the
1430s bounty hunter design blog I think the
1432s loss in value they were referring to at
1434s the time was just a steady drop that
1438s we've seen in Tier one emblems I think
1440s it's maybe even more relevant now with
1441s the suggestion in the bounty hunter
1443s design something we held back from when
1446s we first added Larenz keys is adding
1450s various unique things that might make
1453s good well combat rewards for the
1457s wilderness
1458s because we knew we'd got a couple of
1460s blogs coming out with bounty hunter a
1462s lot of understanding both of which
1463s needed rewards that kind of fell in the
1467s same category of stuff so through a
1471s certain extent we deliberately left
1473s Larenz keys that left ideas off those so
1476s that we could offer them elsewhere
1478s but now we've got slightly more clarity
1480s on what our plans are with Last Man
1482s Standing and bounty hunter we can look
1485s at ideas we didn't use on those knowing
1488s that they're available for Larenz chests
1491s I'm surprised that names stuck so well
1493s cuz it was I just threw a couple of
1496s syllables together sound sound good
1498s enough I reckon Lara would we like to
1502s offer uniques in those chests rather
1504s than increasing the overall sort of
1506s average value I would prefer to partly
1511s because a unique can be a lot more
1512s effective than say staffing out a lot
1516s more resources from pvm that could
1518s otherwise have come from skilling
1519s content or injecting lots of coins into
1524s the game whereas a unique will hopefully
1528s have more significant value and also be
1532s a things hope for when you're heading
1536s there and wondering whether you even get
1539s strike it lucky there's nothing like you
1541s need to make it feel like you did strike
1543s it lucky something we learned long ago
1545s on a thing keep as far back as a
1547s polypore dungeon is if you get even if
1549s you make a loot table where the average
1551s rate is acceptable to players but
1554s nothing on there is uncommon it stops
1558s feeling very exciting to them this was a
1560s actual source of complaints at the time
1562s so since then I've always been in favor
1564s of there being something very uncommon
1568s to watch out for in the hope that it's
1570s going to be that moment especially if
1572s you can carry a stack of em keys around
1574s okay
1575s players do constantly tell us how much
1577s they love to God Wars dungeon loop
1578s tables for example because of the
1579s promise of larger uniques that said
1582s we've gone there
1582s we do have the blade of solder offered
1584s as the being unique but players are
1587s complaining that the
1588s isn't viable enough it's not quite
1590s enough or kapha was over but it used to
1592s so maybe it will players aren't the same
1595s or maybe who need to find a better
1596s milligram personally prefer the
1598s approachable uniques I think corrupted
1602s gauntlet is actually better than people
1603s think more so the corrupted version and
1605s people often forget to account the value
1607s for the shards sure they need processed
1608s by the player but they're worth quite a
1610s bit actually and they add a lot to the
1612s thing and you can't see them in your
1614s price checker the same so I think people
1617s under played that quite a lot yeah that
1622s drop table as far as I know speaking to
1623s the devs was created purely to be kind
1625s of gods war Z with you know you kind of
1627s you know have supplies to make your cost
1629s back obviously but you get enough that
1631s it's worth doing in the hopes of getting
1632s that those rare unique even the armor
1634s seeds are you know there were they like
1637s just shy of a mil that's still a
1639s reasonable drop to get you know let's go
1641s and make that our better than some of
1642s the other hours that's true I think you
1644s make a really valid point as well about
1645s distinguishing between the standard
1647s corrupted corrupted gauntlet yeah we're
1649s still quite early days after the release
1651s and especially that initial feedback
1653s came in most players were dying to the
1654s corrupted gauntlet far more than
1656s actually completing it so maybe once
1659s we've got more data on the average value
1661s players getting back from that they'll
1662s even out of it also I don't think ed and
1664s Lenny have revealed the rates for either
1667s gauntlet yet have they no I don't
1669s believe so
1670s no that is a topic we touched on before
1672s the stream went live though it's a
1675s question later on but I'll address it
1676s now which was what is the rate of the
1679s agility pet on the prisoners course
1682s we're not going to tell you just now
1686s we're going to leave that as a spoiler
1687s we can't confirm that the unity pet is
1689s available on that course if you were
1691s wondering but I do believe the song of
1693s the elves team planned to release all of
1695s those sort of stats including call the
1697s drop table in the near future
1699s as we often do a little while after
1702s their release I think what the
1704s interesting things with the gauntlet
1705s drop table as well as people were not
1707s doing it consistently at first and they
1709s were still doing speed running
1710s strategies with the emphasis on the
1712s tournament and seeing how well the
1713s competition see how well they can do it
1715s now that there is no incentive to go for
1717s that fastest time and it's instead what
1719s is the best method to get the most kills
1720s per hour is it
1721s you know it's better to have safer
1723s guaranteed kills are slower to compare
1725s to that risky quicker kill so I think
1727s that even now it's a bit too early to
1730s say one we need to kind of get numbers
1731s on what the average you know completions
1734s and hour is for someone who's
1735s consistently doing them that's true
1738s all right I'll move on to our next
1740s question which is could we store axes at
1743s the canoe stations they're currently not
1745s convenient to use and this might help a
1747s little bit we have any thoughts on this
1750s the tech isn't hard except for axes with
1753s charges built into them but for which it
1755s is why do you maybe don't need that kind
1758s of axe thought in your canoe station
1760s unless you're really flexing when you
1762s travel by River it's not a cruise ship
1765s so for the more basic axes that would be
1770s fine I think cool happiness is genuine
1774s quality of life change and there was
1777s talk as well when we posted a new player
1780s blog for example we posited the idea of
1781s a transport system some players did ask
1783s us to consider rather than forcing
1785s something that has you floating around
1786s the map or whatever to use existing
1788s methods of transportation like canoes so
1791s I guess would players be up for us
1793s allowing you to store your acts and also
1796s expanding it to free-to-play and making
1798s morph-o-matic way of getting around the
1800s map mmm the question for players
1802s possibly adding more canoes to other
1804s rivers yes the are doing you ever could
1807s benefit a little yeah that'd be nice
1810s they are very underused so I remember
1812s the last time I used one there wasn't
1813s four things a diary even if one of them
1815s isn't there you know there's a house it
1818s I mean a trip back to age 4 when you
1819s haven't got a glory it has its uses and
1822s they actually difficult ly slower than
1824s the teleport alternatives so I still
1825s think it's worth you know we can expand
1827s on that without fear of you know feature
1829s creeping and making transport and you
1830s still have to unlock those levels you
1832s know so our next player asks what they
1837s say excuse me
1839s challenges such as the inferno are
1841s difficult even with a twisted bow
1843s however in five years time new better
1845s armors and weapons will have been
1846s released making these challenges easier
1848s and devaluing the achievements of
1850s players in previous years does the team
1853s think this is a serious issue and what
1855s be done to limit this it's essentially a
1858s question about power creep and how we
1860s how we handle that
1861s I mean players themselves is quite a
1863s good job of limiting power creep should
1866s we miss it in the first glance when it
1868s goes to a blog we're quite solved that's
1870s power creep you guys the poll if you
1871s look at the Chamber's Eric rewards poll
1874s that failed on a number of occasions and
1875s we had to completely revisit and
1878s rebalance accordingly and that's why we
1880s seem to be pursuing looking at niche
1883s weaponry and nisha armors rather than as
1886s a straight new tier he's another new
1887s tier wait is $10.99 now you know there
1892s was a time when the King back dragon was
1893s the ultimate boss in the game power
1896s creep has patterned since 2004 it now is
1902s not the most awesome boss of the game
1903s but other bosses have been released
1905s since then that are a bit more
1907s interesting and by including the inferno
1911s I do expect there'll be more of that
1914s nature in future in the same it
1916s regardless of what it what happens to
1918s the armored weapons just because
1921s sometimes we add really top end
1924s challenges I think it's worth also
1927s pointing out Inferno has a lot of
1928s difficulty that's just even just beyond
1930s gear a little bit there's a lot of quick
1932s decision-making a safe spot that you
1934s suddenly spot and you need to take
1935s prioritizing monsters that's very
1937s different doesn't like fight caves which
1939s is mostly you just safe spot it and jad
1941s is very you know you have to react every
1943s six tips or whatever the attack speed
1945s abasement
1945s hey miss suck on the other hand like it
1948s doesn't matter if you have the best
1950s defensive gear in the game he's still
1951s gonna one shot you still need to follow
1952s the shield you still need to do it while
1954s flicking and killing a jad and dealing
1956s with the fact there's a mage and Ranger
1958s spawn those mechanics aren't going away
1959s it's going to get slightly easier if we
1961s power creep a little bit but the
1963s mechanics of the fight are still of the
1965s nature that it's going to be difficult
1966s regardless and hey if people think that
1968s the inferno is not hard enough and we've
1970s got better gear we can make something
1972s more hard more difficult you know for up
1974s to the inferno crops an inferno Inferno
1977s hard mode perhaps but there's just the
1979s nature of a thing I mean fight cases
1980s once prestigious wasn't it and then
1982s blowpipe kind of ruined that as well as
1984s a few other things so
1987s yeah I just think it's um I think I
1990s think yeah I'm still just a shower in
1992s there it makes it easier I don't think
1996s it makes luck any easier though yeah
1999s funny you mention um the blowpipe I saw
2001s a comment in the chat which was 275 the
2005s twisted burn the blowpipe should be
2007s maybe increased to somewhere around 90
2009s we have talked about this before like I
2013s remember what part of general consensus
2015s is maybe let me know your thoughts guys
2016s I I'm personally in favor of rebalancing
2018s the tears I think the weapons are maybe
2021s well I think that well I know they're a
2023s lot more powerful than other weapons
2024s that similar tears so I would be up for
2026s this yeah I think the only concern that
2028s I think I raised last time was came up
2030s was if someone has an account that they
2032s used to twist a bow to kill suck on has
2033s an infernal caped a PK with if we make
2035s it to your ninety range that increases
2036s the combat bracket a little bit I don't
2038s think that's a reason to stop it I think
2040s it would do a lot good for the game to
2041s set almost these is a power ceiling if
2044s that makes sense
2045s yeah in a way where you know we need we
2049s can suddenly say here's a tr-85 weapon
2051s that's not as good as a twisted bow
2052s against things we to magic but it's
2054s better than some of the other stuff you
2055s know yeah it does open up that tear as
2057s well where we haven't got much tougher
2058s sort of 80 to 80 to 90 as well would be
2061s I think useful yeah and in that way it's
2064s not really power creep because although
2067s because we're now at free now for
2069s example we couldn't add an item that's
2071s very powerful at tier 80-85 but it would
2074s still probably not be as good as you
2076s know your side he twisted bow so that
2078s would feel a bit strange I think it is
2081s worth saying that the site interested
2082s more powerful but they do require
2083s specific stats on monsters to be
2086s powerful this is true such as the size
2088s of the creature for the site along with
2089s low defense lower defense so and
2093s obviously the magic level for twisted
2095s bow it's not difficult to make a
2097s creature pre resistant to a twisted bow
2102s move on to our next question which is
2105s can you improve the kalphite Queen's
2107s drop table their new reason to kill the
2109s boss at the moment is for the pet its
2111s head or the achievement diary
2114s requirement
2117s what we reckon I don't know what the
2119s average route of the KQ is off the top
2121s of my head but I do know it's not
2122s particularly good it still has some
2125s pretty good drops though I mean it has
2127s two magic seeds it has the wines we've
2132s already well before I worked here as an
2134s already been buffed like two or three
2135s times I think from its initial initial
2137s at least once it's partly to add food so
2140s you could extend your trips there mm-hmm
2142s it is a boss with no requirements as
2144s well sure the elites diary makes it
2146s quicker but I'm seeing a mixed reaction
2150s in the shadow actually a lot of people
2151s saying it is already quite okay
2154s others saying is dead content so quite a
2156s mixed range of opinions in there if we
2159s ever made a new armor that was created
2162s by bolting something on to a dragon
2163s chain that might indirectly bought the
2165s cake you without buffing the cake you
2169s that's true and the idea of upgrading
2172s existing kits to make the new top-end
2175s stuff has been well it's quite well
2178s before where people didn't want the
2179s existing items to become valueless I've
2183s seen few numbers I mean people saying
2185s cake use one to two mill an arrow with
2186s the diary I don't know the numbers but
2188s that feels about right for a boss with
2190s no requirements I know you just need to
2192s diary but it does hit really hard though
2196s boss yeah but is that easy to access
2199s that's all another suggestion which was
2202s just decrease the respawn timer because
2206s at the moment it doesn't make a
2207s difference if you say banking or
2208s teleporting back after every trip but
2210s people do want to get one or two kills
2211s or more per inventory that could improve
2215s it I don't know how many people that
2217s would the difference when you've got a
2219s dragon war hammer spec is pretty
2220s significant against the cardfight queen
2221s but especially with the dire you get
2223s back really fast so I don't think a lot
2225s players would take that option but I
2227s don't see why we couldn't just make it
2229s quicker if to make it easier for those
2230s that do want to stay especially in
2231s groups okay I relied his next question
2239s which was is it possible to follow your
2242s pet to have the same effect of two
2244s players following each other
2247s the onion team program the player
2249s following player thing very specifically
2251s they would need to do likewise for the
2255s pets I think if they were if we're going
2257s to have it exactly the same I do not see
2260s this being something that gets their
2262s time anytime soon okay given the number
2265s of other things we want from them
2266s besides dancing of your pet what have
2269s you made it so you could also tell your
2271s pet to follow someone else so you're
2272s following your pet which is following on
2273s Sinai's let's say you got there's a lot
2274s of training going on that'd be awesome
2277s isn't the engine it wouldn't be exactly
2279s the same but periodic just try to make
2282s you walk back to your pet you might find
2284s it really really frustrating that this
2286s was happening when you might want to
2288s stop but some we could probably let you
2292s mess around and dosey doe and keep
2294s teleporting back forth with your pets
2296s well we could do something else just
2298s reminded me of a bug I had when I was
2301s implementing these tractors Pet pun
2302s intended where she just randomly decide
2305s to walk away from the player after
2306s talking to them okay and I was like
2307s that's strange
2309s ash can you help me with this an ash
2311s point out the problem that I had done
2312s with my implementation better all used
2314s to happen to quite a few of the pets are
2317s um quietly fixed a lot of them after
2320s their first launch but going further
2322s back these are nara Squier thing that
2324s will contact whether a six-headed entity
2328s in one dress turns up and um looms at
2332s you ins and iris that had it too for the
2335s same reason and it would just go
2337s skidding off rounds as long as all by
2338s itself but still beyond the impression
2340s it's following somebody so if you just
2342s approach this random quiet oats leave it
2345s alone and it's following somebody else
2346s but it wasn't maids and iris feel very
2350s even more weird than it should and I do
2354s not like that piece of content sorry can
2360s we stop Rangers in PvP from using full
2363s armor sets and still having good ranged
2365s accuracy I saw this question come up
2369s quite a bit or at least this feedback
2372s point come up quite a bit while I was
2373s discussing about the other changes a lot
2375s of people saying I shouldn't be hit so
2377s often
2379s someone ranging me when they're wearing
2381s a fighter torso Marin plate legs for
2382s example I think we did in the initial
2385s PvP changes section of that blog want to
2389s offer renew a reduction in the offensive
2392s stats to ranged of those items but we
2395s had really settled on any specific
2397s numbers yet how do we feel about this
2400s generally not thank you Bruno for
2402s pointing out this you referring to like
2405s a piece of armor rather than armadyl oh
2407s I use me I say okay I'm I've been
2410s misleading okay yeah sorry I mean metal
2416s melee armor specifically it's
2419s interesting because most PK accounts
2421s have really low defense anyway so
2422s they're gonna be hard hit and basically
2424s all the dps of any ranged weapon is
2426s front loaded by the ammunition having
2427s the entire bulk of the strength so it
2429s doesn't matter even if we'd reduce the
2431s accuracy you can still wait for a hard
2433s hit and time your specs accordingly sure
2436s but that better accuracy you can get
2437s these more often I think we were talking
2441s about it just yesterday actually and
2442s like it wouldn't be the factors
2444s essentially a ruin plate body with
2446s strength so why don't we make it have
2449s the same negative as a rune plate body
2451s but it's stuff like this would need to
2453s be polled I think yeah absolutely I
2456s think I whichever way it gets
2459s implemented I do like the the concept of
2461s keeping the combat triangle like each
2464s corner more distinct I think that's not
2468s the whole point of like you know
2469s switching and trying to out now play
2470s your opponent in PvP is the point of
2472s changing styles quickly but cases where
2475s you can do things like this like
2476s attacking one mode but be get up and
2478s defending another is well we should try
2481s and reduce that if possible the
2487s interesting to see what they thought of
2489s negative range strength on melee gear
2490s that would be something that's never
2491s done we don't do negative strength on
2493s anything it would be a more direct fix
2495s to the problem but I don't know if that
2497s feels old-school which is quite often up
2499s it'll be unusual but it might be the
2501s most effective way if this is something
2503s people want us to balance yeah can we
2508s get a space in the play roundhouse for
2510s storing the Ardoin Knight armor from
2512s some of
2512s elves it is great fashion escape and I
2516s think more Lenny did it for tomorrow's
2518s update there you go
2521s they all says yes it's coming tomorrow
2522s I'll let it with you that wasn't me
2529s turn anything oh sorry can't superious
2533s they're monsters in the eye Worth
2534s dungeon have a guarantee drop of crystal
2536s shards I think at the moment the the
2540s monsters in there drop crystal shards
2541s occasionally but the superior's as far
2544s as I know don't drop them at all which
2545s seems possibly unfair if that is the
2547s case they didn't Lee just pull a change
2549s to what those odds do it hasn't well it
2554s passed the poll but it hasn't been
2555s enacted yet right might not be a bad
2557s thing if we just didn't do anything else
2560s with the shards until that's taking
2562s effects and players get to see it well
2564s then probably see more changes on the
2565s back of the one they haven't seen yet
2566s sure that makes sense the charts hold a
2569s lot of value to the activities done in
2571s proof I think if we make them more
2572s common or guaranteed drops then it
2574s reduces that also that whole dungeon I
2577s believe is can in a bowl yes so yeah so
2582s change in drop rates in there would be
2583s quite a big change because of that
2585s because the rate you can kill them would
2587s be significantly higher sure ok so we
2590s probably wouldn't look to add more
2591s crystal shards into the game at this
2593s time I realized we're actually getting
2596s well we're about 3/4 of the way through
2598s the stream and there was some
2600s user-generated content I wanted to share
2602s two pieces of our door so I know mods we
2605s and you wanted to get away a bit early
2606s sorry I meant to do this possibly idea
2608s it's not quite about headaches I was
2610s gonna shoot off halfway through but an
2611s idiot now so I might as well on the
2614s safer longer than you wanted time sort
2616s of got away from me
2617s if we can bring up the pictures the two
2620s things I wanted to share I can't
2621s remember the the names of the I think
2624s there were two marked at the bottom
2625s there it looks like Instagram is cosplay
2628s underscore shots so yeah they've dressed
2632s up as a well a guard here for you which
2634s I thought was excellent I really like
2636s this yeah so these guys you know it's
2642s nice from here the shirt it doesn't look
2644s like the shirt looks like it's been
2646s the chains that you've been painted on
2647s from here oh yeah I can see what you
2649s mean I guess I wanna comment say it was
2651s freely printed whether the pattern was
2653s free or really it's um oh yeah nice be
2655s careful life expectancies pretty low for
2657s guards so that's a very distinct muscle
2662s on the arm um yeah so it is hmm yeah
2668s we've also got a I believe a picture of
2671s the Bears brothers again apologize can't
2673s remember the name Volkov and local man
2676s is it yeah I just thought it was well
2679s nice funny picture of the the Bears
2683s brothers already like the style of this
2686s one particular guffin yeah bottom right
2690s there play my favorite girl up arms face
2692s there yeah is it meant to be to
2694s adventure time seems okay
2697s yeah it could be it does look like that
2699s style very nice I just wanted to share
2703s those with you guys I think we're likely
2705s to credit them probably on social at
2708s some point as well it's the plan alright
2711s I'll crack on with our remaining
2713s questions then
2717s so our next player asks if we can add a
2719s way to select roles in theater of blood
2722s at the the board stage when you're
2724s setting up your group this would be to
2726s avoid conflict during the raid and
2728s resulting in people leaving the party
2731s there are thoughts on this one
2733s the only roles I can think of is you
2736s might not want everyone to bring mage so
2738s my own people specifically to freeze the
2740s nigh locust to freeze the yeah the now
2744s the kiss and the maiden fight and that
2745s actually to amazed Americus I don't see
2750s there's no like sort of its role thing
2753s that we've put in to say this is we need
2755s this person to that it's kind of just
2756s what the players have figured out for
2757s their meta so I don't see why they don't
2759s just communicate with each other and
2761s even if everyone brings if everyone
2763s brings magic it's only I think I
2766s personally only take a sessional top and
2768s a trident so it's not even that many
2770s more inventory slots maybe runes as well
2772s water rooms so it's the the raid still
2775s very doable even with everyone taking it
2778s I think if you can't communicate with
2780s the people even as something as basic as
2781s take magic yes then you probably
2784s shouldn't read for them personally sure
2787s I suppose maybe this suggestion comes
2790s from a wider issue which is just the
2793s difficulty in finding teams yeah and I
2796s don't know if well maybe we can't think
2798s of something off the top of our head
2799s right here on the sofa but that's
2800s something I'd like is to think maybe a
2801s bit more about generally do we have a
2803s minigame chat channel for it very
2805s theater bud maybe so actually if we did
2808s would that make it easier for people if
2810s they could just go in and be like
2811s looking for a plus-one or somehow that
2812s or I don't know how possible that is
2817s well making one isn't a problem but I
2822s think within it if a party could
2825s indicate even just with toggles have one
2828s want more mage one more tank whatever
2835s via the recruiting board then people
2838s might be slightly more likely to um join
2840s an appropriate party when scanning
2841s through it which might cover what
2847s they're looking for slightly more
2848s directly and of course once because if
2852s somebody actually does get into that
2856s party vial of accouting board then at
2859s least I'll know who they want to talk to
2860s rather than having to shout to anybody
2862s to try to find the person they would
2863s need yeah I just think that if someone's
2866s gonna join the group and say sorry we
2867s can you mage and he's like no I don't
2869s want a mage then I think that's also
2872s just being a bit unreasonable their
2875s magics that would be exposed for the
2877s rest of the party to see which they can
2879s accept someone on as well because they
2881s can see that so yeah I mean I suspect a
2883s lot of people and there have pretty
2884s decent stats regardless and it's not the
2886s inability to mage is gonna hold them
2888s back although apparently their refusal
2890s to do so yeah gonna move on to our next
2897s question we're actually very close to
2899s the end of our list of questions and
2901s thankfully were at the end of the stream
2903s as well but if you do have any you want
2904s to ask still at old-school RS in the
2907s chat mod Bruno will gather them for you
2909s and list them at the bottom here for me
2911s to read
2911s same as usual every stream we seen lots
2914s of questions about with higher man
2915s confirmation lover bla it we know it's
2919s something that some of you seem to want
2921s but we're not in a position yet to plug
2923s it up hole it and we're going to be
2924s doing that until we can offer the
2927s content because it's still relying on
2928s other teams work so we went off the
2931s content until we're in position didn't
2932s be able to do it our next question I
2937s thought was really nice the next player
2941s asks if the well they say that the home
2943s teleport icon is based on the standard
2946s spell book teleport could its color and
2949s style be updated to match your current
2950s spell book for example the Arceus home
2953s teleport would be a teal triangle
2955s instead of a purple circle I like that I
2960s I think that would that would look
2961s pretty cool I don't know how much we've
2964s got the graphics work for it it depends
2965s on artists I guess what they want to do
2968s I mean being relatively small icons
2970s hopefully they wouldn't be too drastic a
2971s change for them to make given that they
2974s already exist that changing it to a H
2976s seems with a bit of smoothing for the
2980s large version of the icon yeah okay yeah
2986s it's a nice little small change I think
2988s mathy doesn't change very much and I
2990s think we were saying earlier about this
2991s question players don't tend to use the
2993s home teleport on some of the other books
2994s so much as they've the standard one no
2996s it's interesting because lunar has a
2998s lunar teleport anyway to the Moon clan
3000s edgeville both you probably have it as a
3002s respawn point so killing yourself will
3006s be quicker reducing your hit points to
3009s zero will be quicker in the game in the
3013s game but as a little sort of aesthetic
3017s change if it's popular maybe you'd go
3020s ahead with say haven't got the wrong try
3027s to get to Lumbridge the wrong way so I
3030s have heard people who lost their
3031s hardcore status because they want to get
3033s the lumbridge quickly and killed
3034s themselves the 14th reason why yep
3041s moving on
3043s one player gave a number of ideas for
3045s the town of sleep such as fishing and
3048s mining spots along the coast as well as
3051s pickpocket a bull via watch at a higher
3053s high thieving level and a house portal I
3057s just wanted to comment on this because
3059s it's it's not the first time we've had
3061s players ask us if we could do more with
3063s that area it's quite a nice thematic
3066s atmospheric place but there's not a
3069s whole lot to do that all we can say for
3073s the time being is that we do have some
3074s plans for that sort of town but we're
3079s not going to go into too much detail
3079s about what those are just yet
3082s but thank you for your suggestions we
3084s wanted to just acknowledge them and say
3086s we'll be taking them into account my
3088s work highlighting that sleep is
3090s introduced with a taste of Hope which
3092s didn't quite end the questline
3093s so perhaps as the quest line unfolds
3095s forever so to all the time asleep that's
3098s absolutely true
3099s I do wonder where the heart buying these
3102s questions come from a little bit and is
3103s it just we want to make settled life
3105s easier you know I think yeah the the
3108s player who made this comment said
3110s something along the lines of in before
3112s table takes conspiracy yep for that that
3115s has been the response for a while now
3116s whenever something is suggested in the
3118s Mauretania region which is not to say
3122s we're not open to suggestions for that
3123s area but if they do sort of sound like
3126s they're designed to benefit one specific
3128s player you may consider other changes
3130s instead you keep on the other hand the
3132s fishing spots were the same ones you get
3133s on the south coast of burg to rot then
3135s it would be relatively uncontroversial
3136s yeah equally I think there are snow
3139s flake accounts popping up everywhere so
3141s it might be the case that we can't touch
3143s any bit of content lest we make one
3144s person's account easier it is
3146s interesting the influence that content
3148s creators like that have I'm sure even if
3150s we just made like pickpocket Alvira
3152s watch and it happened to have a rune
3153s crossbow on the drop table whether we
3155s wanted it or not that is just seen as
3157s like interfering with this account
3158s doctor can't do that for a reason so
3160s upsetting they're like the players and
3162s that would be a special update yeah
3165s highlight the idea eesti pontiff amp
3167s iron port or very large crossbow outfits
3173s rotten potato anyone we've had a
3177s fantastic if there's been pre possible
3179s have we know the old school if you do
3182s get one it won't do anything for you
3185s moving on to our penultimate suggestion
3188s before questions from the chat someone
3192s has asked if we could move Abigale ax
3194s yep
3195s am I saying that right Abigail Abigail
3196s ER from the northeast wall of the grand
3199s exchange to a chair in gypsy irises tent
3203s because this would fit a bit more
3204s thematically perhaps she could be
3206s Harris's understudy I'm an offer her
3209s scrying service from there instead I
3210s think you heard dialogue she says she
3212s likes trading but yes we could stick
3214s with her chair somewhere else she's also
3217s afraid of wooden lovin bridge everyone
3218s wants her she's upstairs in the general
3220s store yeah I don't know how big a change
3225s this is for people I wonder how many
3226s people are actually bothered by her
3228s being where she is she's quite out the
3229s way we can stick her more out the way in
3232s the corner in a different corner of the
3233s grand exchange where bit less visible or
3236s in a field somewhere else entirely the
3239s thought was that if you have killing
3240s time waiting for a trade-off to update
3242s you might want her services to just have
3243s a look-see at what's going on down the
3245s theater her blood so she's there because
3249s you might have time on your hands in
3251s that vicinity but whichever somewhere
3253s else I'm not so inclined to try and make
3255s her the assistant to another character
3258s who's got a huge dialogue tree from
3260s multiple quests already because if she's
3262s gonna be working for the Gypsy then she
3266s ought to the two acts you ought to refer
3268s to each other in some way and that's not
3273s something we're likely to be tying into
3275s a complex dialogue tree like nazarius
3277s has so maybe somewhere else if you don't
3280s want to at the grand exchange but in a
3283s tree down a well whatever in a chair
3288s that's the word okay and the rare drop
3295s table be updated it's no longer exciting
3297s to get a drop from it
3300s . that was that was the question it's
3304s certainly not as exciting as maybe it
3305s was when the Red Rock table was first
3308s introduced I think that's fair to say I
3311s think it should be feared about changing
3313s it it was just renamed it to the troll
3314s drop table personally like that was kind
3317s of the philosophy I had designing when I
3319s was doing fourth of stuff was oh okay
3320s everything has like a 1% chance to upset
3322s the player which is kind of very
3325s different to the rare drop tables
3327s intention so I feel like even when they
3332s get lucky people say it's unlucky
3333s because they're probably going for a pet
3335s and they got a one in several hundred
3337s thousand drop for the dragon spear or
3339s something like that right or whatever it
3341s is I think it's kind of a meme at this
3344s point in the community kind of like to
3347s laugh at people who got them yeah that's
3349s true there is so I think even if we did
3351s change it for better design purposes of
3353s actually being a rare drop table players
3356s would probably be upset that we've
3359s changed something that is been with old
3361s school for as long as they think what a
3363s number but maybe they dissect another
3365s thing being added to it I thought
3367s they're unique maybe if they were one
3369s that was suitable to get from the
3371s collegian Eric thing from any monster
3373s and a few other features of content
3375s besides the problem as well as we've got
3377s things like it's a Gore ax is that with
3379s a cord they have a who very high rate of
3381s hitting that table so if we even if we
3383s did produce a have a unique on it we're
3386s caring people into that content to farm
3388s it which is not very good content in
3389s itself it's things like that let's of
3392s made me cautious about changing the
3393s thing at all on the grounds that some
3396s you change a piece of loot code that's
3399s called by hundreds of monsters you
3401s suddenly buffed all those monsters by
3403s different amounts because they all call
3407s it with different chances especially
3409s Gore axe so I've always be a bit
3412s cautious about that one that said go
3415s back a year or so one of our team did if
3419s any substantial buff to the rare loot
3422s table and the gem table by making it
3424s always give you something rather than
3427s nothing if you've got a ring of wealth
3428s on and that makes us surprisingly a big
3430s difference to the very end of it
3432s um something I'm not sure all players
3435s really took into account because they've
3437s got rings a new combat damage instead
3439s but they're thinking about I ain't a bad
3441s thing
3442s for the rare loot table if of course you
3446s don't mind that what it's got at the
3447s bottom of it is as half a shield and a
3450s pointy stick so putting something else
3454s kind of unique down there is quite
3456s appealing to me because making the ring
3459s of wealth useful again in for that sorry
3463s I seem to be half-asleep some reason I
3466s might have to reboot after this that's
3470s alright we are nearing the end of the
3471s stream I will ask maybe one or two
3472s questions from the chat it's around
3475s things off the first is from blood dusk
3478s and they ask if we can get a DPS counter
3481s at Sawle Carnot similar to how the
3482s winter tada has the point system and
3484s Corp has a DPS counter so damage counter
3492s inside damaged rice I don't see why it
3501s couldn't be added it wouldn't be a true
3505s reflection of your actual score relation
3508s to everyone else because there's the
3510s mining part and everything in there I
3512s think gives some points on some level
3514s right that counts towards your sort of
3516s contribution yeah so someone might go I
3520s got done like ten percent of our health
3522s and there's 12 of us but why didn't I
3523s get the MVP and that might feel weird
3525s right unless we just made the points
3527s visible which I don't think we want to
3529s do probably not sure okay
3534s alright sounds like we probably wouldn't
3538s do something like that then actually if
3539s is all Connor we've on to our last
3543s question which is can you allow us to
3545s mount amulets of avarice in the lair and
3547s house for sculling I'm personally I
3551s think against this one is quite I mean
3553s it's easy enough to scale up at the
3555s urban trader who's very accessible in
3557s edgeville
3559s so I'm not keen to make the parent house
3564s any more powerful at this point yeah I
3567s mean if you've got your play on house
3568s you literally just teleport to Edgeville
3569s and he's there right I think they were
3574s hoping to get it and then go somewhere
3575s else than Edgeville or somewhere
3578s I know Karl or whatever okay all right
3584s seeing lots of those in the chat so
3585s probably won't take that one any further
3587s all right could I answer some people are
3590s asking about BOTS in a certain location
3592s specifically who's old where I seem
3594s special on the right Fred and let's dig
3597s think we're purposely ignoring it I
3598s think that's it the same answers
3600s everything report BOTS and the ICU team
3602s will know where to focus their attention
3604s they are being banned oh thank you for
3608s that yes so just before we do wrap up
3612s then I realize we're at time out of
3615s start the stream we introduced flippy
3617s our brand new content dev so if you
3620s missed it make sure to rewind the vaad
3622s and check that out he will be dabbing
3624s the Halloween event this year if you
3627s have any ideas or suggestions for that
3628s send them his way and drop him a follow
3630s on at jagex flippy on twitter
3635s exclamation mark runefest and estimation
3637s mark merch for your room fest tickets
3639s and reinvest merch we're doing
3640s personalized hoodies where you'll be
3641s able to print your name on the back as
3642s well as t-shirts exclamation mark bh4
3646s the Bounty Hunter rework design that
3648s went live yesterday and exclamation mark
3650s LMS for the rewards pole blog that went
3653s live today we're polling that from
3655s Friday to Wednesday next week that's
3658s just about covers things we hope you
3660s guys have a wonderful week we'll see you
3662s in the next one and thank you to
3663s everyone on the couch and mob brewing on
3666s the tap bye-bye everyone