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EDIT: FIXED you can now make all potions or just one. making all will deposit all at once and refresh everything, so will making only 1. Ty for the quick fix

(this hotfix is live, you can test it)

You can now make all 3 potions at once (which sounds like a buff), but if you do it that way, your point distribution will be 1:1:1 (mox:aga:lye). Whereas rewards follow a point distribution of about 1.5:1:2.

Normally yo would focus on Lye>Mox>Aga and get that distribution naturally. Now if you try to do that, when you fulfill an order it only refreshes that order, the other orders DO NOT refresh anymore. This means you cannot focus on lye and it takes longer to get the reward than before.

On top of that, since Lye gives more xp, from my 1 hour testing before/after the changes, not only do I get less points, I also get less slightly xp/h if I do all 3 potions at once, and a lot less if I do 1 order at a time. Apparently the only way to bypass that is to give a wrong order. If you do so it will reset all three orders. This is probably the fastest way to get points at the moment

That change was not well thought out (It was a requested change on this reddit, but it's not like our ideas are often well tought out too), unless I'm missing something.

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6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Heads-up, we just deployed another hotfix to Mastering Mixology - now you can hand in multiple orders at once if you'd like, but the full list will reset on any hand-in. This should make for a much better middle-ground ahead of this weekend!