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My account has been locked for over a week now and I’ve put in request multiple times a day since then. I am the only one to use the account and am the only one who knows the details of the account but somehow my request haven’t been approved.

My request get denied in seconds I’m assuming it’s automatic. As far as I can tell there’s literally no way to contact support about an issue like this. Have any of you had issues like this or have advice as to what the hell someones supposed to do in this situation besides turning to social media?

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12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Hey u/Serious_Day4842

Sorry to hear you're having trouble recovering the account. We have stringent requirements for recovering accounts, but I understand it's really frustrating to get appeals denied.

Could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

One of the primary reasons an account gets locked is if suspicious activity has been detected.

It's really important to ensure you follow these security steps on your e-mail account before you regain access to your account, so we don't end up in a similar loop:

  • Change the password to something brand new that you do not use anywhere else
  • Enable two factor authentication.
  • After the above two steps have been completed, log the e-mail address out of all instances. If you're not sure how to do this, you will need to find out through your provider.
  • Finally, review the inbox rules currently in place on your registered email address - the hijacker might have set up 'rules' which will redirect your incoming emails to another email address, meaning you might not be receiving important security information about your account. Each email domain uses different systems, but for Gmail, you can follow the advice here or for Outlook you can follow the advice here.

I would also suggest upgrading to a Jagex account once you get back onto your account, to minimise the chance of getting hijacked again - but please only do this once you are certain the email you are using is secure as there is no manual recovery options for Jagex accounts.

- Jagex Support

12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Originally posted by Serious_Day4842

With what I just said explained. Jagex has locked an account for no reason. With no proof of any real suspicious activity. Essentially taking an account and all of its progress from someone who has spent immense hours into the creation and building of the account. I am left with two options. One. Quit the game because of what I can only see as poor management of strange (to say the least) circumstances. Or actually break the rules and just purchase an account so I don’t have to go through the troubles of putting thousands of hours into a fresh account when my account was essentially stolen from me by the creators of the game. I’m going to go ahead and quit and charge back my membership (since I don’t get to play because of something jagex did I see this as completely justifiable) because I don’t want to waste real life money and give jagex the benefit of my monthly membership. But I did want to express that in situations like this jagex is pushing people to, if not out right promoting the breaking of “in game rules”. I won’t go into the hypocrisy of if I purchased an account because they unjustifiably locked mine how in reality the account purchased would technically justify being locked and not mine as I’m sure it would be falling on deaf ears. But I figured I would inform anyone who reads this post of the situation and outcome

Hey u/Serious_Day4842

Sorry about the delay in response here, I've been off the last couple of days. You will have received that message because the information provided in your ticket wasn't enough to find the correct account (this can be caused by something as simple as a typo or misremembering of login info).

Could you let me know your RSN so I can look into this for you?