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Killed Callisto (Stage 1 acknowledged ), Vet'Ion (Stage 2 Acknowledged), Venenatis (Nothing noticed in chat log. Received drop. No damage help. Kill count increased from 0 to 1)




Thx guys. It was the world hop that was the problem. The stages 1 and 2 were not lost per/se but upon a Venenatis kill, stage 3 did not complete because the world in which it was completed was different from the world of stage 1 and 2.

C/P from post below.

Had to log back to the world where stage 1 and stage 2 were completed for the Venenatis kill. Now the task completed at KC2.

It's a cancer as you're forced to log and hop worlds in the middle of wildy steps (vennie gold farmers, pkers, etc).

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about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Very interesting. World hopping definitely shouldn't lose your progress on this. That was correctly fixed in 2016.

The only thing I can think of from looking at the code, did you happen to be mid-teleport before the loot appeared on the ground? Since it's Venenatis that caused it and you can teleport from that level of wilderness I figured it was worth asking.

If you didn't teleport, did you happen to click on anything in your inventory other than normal stuff like food?

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by ComradeHHH

Indeed. My version of the reasoning is just what I thought most likely, given the circumstances.

Folks were waiting to jump me so I teleported instantly after the killing blow. Killing was done on a small single's area tile, putting me outside multi cb area.

I saw drop on the ground as I teleported out (300 death runes), but it's too close to say if I clicked teleport before I saw it appear or after.

Maybe task completion can be pegged to the kill itself, rather than the drop becoming 'lootable' on the ground? I don't know which constraints led to the latter implementation. It shouldn't be an issue outside the wilderness tasks, though. On a rare occasion, it could impact the Godwars diary steps too -if a player out of food or prayer doesn't want to risk death by waiting for the loot to appear, and just wants to be done with the diary.

Oh if you definitely teleported during the "killing process" then I now know exactly why it didn't check off and it is something that we can look to fix.

It's kind of hard to explain unless you have coding knowledge but all I can say is that I'm sorry you experienced the bug, we'll try to ensure no one else has that same issue as it's not pleasant to have to go do all 3 again