Hi all, it's quite late in the evening now and getting close to the end of the working day for the team. We wanted to get this post out as soon as we could so you had plenty of time to digest the information, but please be patient with us as we might not be able to reply to all of your questions in this thread!
Rest assured that we will update the blog with feedback as we usually do!
Have a great evening and enjoy the read!
Do you know, is the raid going to be soloable? Or we looking at always needing a group?
It'll scale for group sizes of 1-8 :)
You have a spelling error. The Keri's partisan can have "on jewel effect at a time"
I fixed that, thanks for raising!
About the new wand, Heka of Tumeken: Typically autocast weapons such as tridents and the sanguinesti staff do not work in PvP, will the wand be the same?
Also can you realistically do this solo, or is it dead on arrival?
I doubt it'll be efficient, but it'll be a "supported scale", if we're to say ToB didn't support it.
Is this Leagues 3?
no this is patrick tombs of amascut