Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hello hello hello everyone and welcome
6s to today's live stream uh if you didn't
9s see yesterday we put out a little News
11s Post talking about uh what we're doing
14s uh with the future of the official
15s client uh and we've gathered some lovely
18s faces here one familiar one not so
21s familiar uh that you might have seen on
23s the video we announced uh alongside it
26s uh just for some clarity and some
27s background we first mentioned uh the HD
30s mode the plug-in API at uh the winter
32s Summit uh and yesterday we shared our
35s progress uh on everything related to the
37s official client with you so far uh so I
40s am joined by the lovely mod gengas and
44s mod Lenny how are you both Lenny we will
46s start with you I'm doing pretty good
48s thank you how are you s oh good man
51s that's nice you know you don't you don't
52s get asked that very often to hear it I'm
54s glad to hear it how's uh how's your day
56s been I know you've been doing some it's
57s been long it's been some exciting stuff
58s going on but yeah yeah it's good good
61s day excellent and I'm joined by very new
65s face mod gengas how are you I'm very
67s well thank you s excellent excellent
69s thank you uh right you'll notice m
72s gengas is a brand new face to the scene
75s and we're going to put him through the
76s ringer a little bit as we do with uh
78s most J mods that come on to the stream
80s uh but why don't you introduce yourself
82s to the lovely Folks at home uh and tell
84s us a little bit about who you are yeah
85s absolutely so I'm mod genas I joined at
89s the end of last year as product manager
91s for the old school team and my job is
94s basically to understand the vision of
95s the official client and kind of what we
97s need to prioritize that is best for
99s players and all the things that surround
101s the official client including mobile so
103s really what I really first started
105s focusing on was talking to players
106s getting on Reddit you might have seen me
108s there and I'm just excited to kind of
111s bring value to that project as much as I
112s can excellent I feel like you've done
114s that already honestly you know working
116s closely with you over the last few
117s months I feel like I feel like you're
118s doing that uh so can you tell us a
120s little bit about what your experience is
122s with old school so I'm I'm going to come
124s clean and I've been trying to avoid it
126s on Reddit but I'm a bit of an old school
127s Noob um I did play MMOs I started
130s playing vanilla wow like when I was
131s really young um I played hardcore wow
133s more recently before I joined but for me
135s old school like I just want to
137s understand how the players found it I'm
138s super fascinated by the history super
140s fascinated by just all the things that
142s can happen like I don't I don't want to
144s come up with and say like Thor Massacre
145s and stuff like that but I watch the
146s videos you know and it's crazy like it's
148s such a cool community and everyone is
149s genely so passionate so I'm playing I'm
152s getting through it I've realized I've
154s been playing more like an Iron Man more
156s than anything cuz I wasn't going on the
158s on the the the auction house I forgot
159s what it's called the the G the GE there
161s guy so I realized oh this is why it's
163s taking so slowly I'm not you know paying
165s for things but it's it's going smoothly
168s I just kind of want to get my pet now
170s pet you know what speaking of which what
172s is your favorite pet I I really want to
173s get the baby mole o interesting it's
176s blind I feel like it can't see very well
178s and I want to help it out you want help
179s it out I feel like it's thriving it's
181s natur environment I'll bring it up you
184s know you just want to take it away from
186s its mom and and take it into the light
188s bright world of Gil okay yeah
191s respectable respectable what's your
192s favorite thing you found so far just
194s while playing I have so much fun with
196s the quests so like it's it's they're
198s just so quirky and you feel like you're
199s just a a person going around and causing
201s Mayhem and trying to help but like
203s you're also a nobody like you're not
204s this like big hero you're just kind of
206s screwing things around and just having a
208s good time and all all the writing is so
210s fun so I I really enjoy reading the
212s quests and going through them and again
214s also just kind of going on all the
216s history around the game and just
218s everything that's going on awesome
220s school any favorite quests so far oo
222s murder mysteries those are the best ones
224s very nice very nice iconic yeah yeah uh
227s and finally how did you choose your J
228s mod name so I used to play a lot of wow
231s hardcore which is like you only have one
232s life and I was this orc Warrior and I
236s wanted to be like genas Khan right like
237s you know Warrior and then I just ended
238s up with genas and then I realized I
240s spelled it wrong so I thought cuz you
242s actually wouldn't know how to spell
243s genas like intuitively like it's a weird
245s one so I I don't have the H it's just g
247s n g i s and in that kind of hardcore
251s mode like you want people to recognize
252s you cuz if you die like you just
254s recreate the same character and so just
256s stuck as gangas and I've been gangas
257s ever since excellent excellent I like
259s how a misspelled name has led you to
262s become part of J te with that which is
264s good awesome all right uh before we dive
267s into all of your questions that we've
268s been collecting uh over the last last
270s few hours uh let's jump into some
271s announcements so of course exclamation
273s mark game update uh you can check out
275s this week's game update News Post
277s tormented demons drop rates revealed oo
280s teleport added uh to the drop table a
282s number of breach NPCs increased and more
285s so you can use that command to check
286s that out exclamation mark client the
288s reason why we're all on this stream
289s after all uh we've got an update on the
291s teams progress with the official client
293s that includes HD mode plug-in API core
296s client features I got it right this time
298s mobile UI Legacy Java client deprecation
301s and more so you can check out all that
303s you know open it on the side while
305s you're you're watching the stream we
306s know you've all got a second monitor of
308s some kind so you know just just pull it
310s up while you're you're listening to us
311s ramble uh but if you don't want to read
315s exclamation mark video we'll give you a
316s handy video summarizing all the progress
319s that we uh discussed in the blog and uh
321s you can see our lovely faces on on that
323s video which is which is nice it was nice
325s it was a nice video uh and one of the
329s most important things EX Mark survey we
331s want to hear from you about all the
333s things that we talk about today in the
334s News Post in the video how you felt
337s about the the progress of the video and
339s what it gave you uh cuz we really want
341s to know your thoughts and I would like
343s to point out if any of you play on the
345s Legacy Java client go and fill out the
347s form because we want to hear from you
349s directly so please jump into exclamation
351s mark survey and then two more things and
353s then I'll start with the announcements
354s exclamation mark DMM dead man Armageddon
357s is live and it's not far away until we
360s uh we come to the final and you can
362s experience that on August 1st and
364s frilling PVP action and finally
366s exclamation mark poll 82 our miname
369s makeover poll 82 closes tomorrow so if
371s you have not voted go into the uh
374s in-game settings and or poll booth and
376s uh let us know what you think all right
379s so now that ramble is over I can get
381s into another ramble um just to give you
384s an overview for those of that haven't
386s read the blog haven't watched the video
388s haven't been on Reddit or or where have
389s you've been maybe been under a rock for
391s the past 24 hours um but this blog
394s really handy guide of a little progress
396s update on on all the features I
398s explained earlier so we've got official
400s HD and SD mode so you know the team
403s we've been working very hard to ensure
404s that SD is in a very very good place uh
407s and HD uh which especially when it comes
410s to SD we've been very focused on
412s optimizing for performance on all core
414s platforms uh so you can enjoy either
417s mode on whichever platform you prefer
419s next we've got the plug-in API which is
421s our attempt to build a collection of
423s useful and flun fun flun fun plugins
426s they could be flun too if you want them
427s to be um much like the Run light plugin
430s you all know and love uh behind the
433s scenes we've been working uh with some
434s of the most well-known developers and
436s plug-in makers to ensure the experience
438s of uploading creating and Publishing
440s plugins from scratch is uh where we want
443s it to be and where we think you want it
444s to be too um so we're hoping to give uh
447s everyone the opportunity to create and
448s share their own plug using our API which
451s means making the whole process as safe
453s as possible and then some upcoming
455s client features we've got coming to the
458s the official client we've got high
459s scores in the works we've got new Mini
461s menu changes we've got menu entry
463s swapper which we know you've been
465s requesting for a long long time so that
467s means mobile and desktop will get that
469s and Bank tags uh there'll be more but
471s we're not quite ready to talk about uh
474s that just yet uh the mobile UI rework if
477s you haven't seen over the last i' would
479s say year and a half half we put out two
481s betas uh for a change in how the mobile
484s UI works and we feel like uh we're
487s getting to a very very close stage of uh
491s hopefully making it happen soon um so
494s yeah there's some nice new hotkey
496s additions there which is one of the
497s biggest changes that you can assign any
499s of those lovely interface buttons on the
501s right hand side to uh and some extra
504s features which are lovely there's loads
506s of stuff in there there's a handy guide
507s in the blog that you can you can read
509s over your own Leisure so please go and
511s do that uh the Legacy Java deprecation
514s is up next uh we revealed that we are
518s soon and the soon is a very big TM uh
521s going to deprecate the Legacy Java
523s client uh our Legacy Java client to make
526s that clear run light Hoss will not be
528s affected it's just our own one most of
530s you probably don't play on that client
532s anyway uh according to our data it's
534s either run light Hoss or the official
536s client or mobile um so we're looking to
539s deprecate that uh and leave the others
542s as it is so we can work on all the
543s benefits that the C++ client give us uh
546s and finally there's a little handy
547s reminder that DRX accounts are the best
549s way to keep your gains Under Wraps you
552s know it includes two Factor
554s authentication super complex passwords
556s email verification notifications and so
558s much more you can check out all of that
559s in the blog I don't want to ramble
561s anymore because you're probably sick of
562s my face um so you can check out all of
564s that and then fill out exclamation mark
565s survey after the point I'm done that's a
569s wrap I'm going to talk for a little bit
571s more uh because we got some questions
573s now but at least it's not just my my mug
575s you're staring at for the whole time
576s which is probably a nice relief for you
578s all I like your thank you production um
582s so we've got some pre-prepared questions
584s that we've gathered from you fine folks
586s uh over the last couple of hours from
587s the Reddit frad that we put out uh and
590s the previous one from yesterday so I
592s think we should jump straight into it
594s and let you find folks have uh a chat
598s first question we've got is what does
600s this mean for updating Java based
601s clients like runite and
604s Hoss sure so I guess the the short
607s answer really is that it doesn't mean a
609s whole lot like s said the core Java
612s client is still going to be available
613s for players oh sorry is no longer going
615s to be available for players that's all
617s that it really changes it's just the
619s sort of unmodified no plugin experience
621s that's going to be taken away uh while
624s we're not going to be offering that
625s client ourselves anymore we are still
627s going to be working closely with other
628s clients with runite with do uh and
631s offering them all the support that they
632s need to sort of keep building upon that
635s Foundation um so yeah you shouldn't
638s expect any change as far as those
639s clients are concerned it's just the raw
642s unfiltered offering that's going to be
643s taken off the
645s table Yeah and again like like Lenny
647s said we're going to work to ensure that
649s they get the support they need because
650s that is uh very beneficial to everyone
653s at home playing because we know most of
655s you are playing run light uh probably as
657s we speak um so we want to make sure that
660s they have everything they need to uh
662s keep doing what they're doing which is
663s fantastic work of course um right the
666s next question then is are the future I
668s say this come up a few times uh are the
670s future plans for the plug-in API to
673s include paid plugins yeah that doesn't
676s really fit the ethos of what old
677s school's about like we're not looking to
679s monetize plugins nor do we ever plan to
681s um especially for the the official
682s plugin API that we're building so I can
684s confidently say no way yes no not yes no
690s get that clear no monetization in in the
692s plugins we want it to be freely
694s available for everyone and I think it's
695s very important for everyone on the team
698s um has that samey for and we do which is
701s which is great because it's what old
703s school is all about you know um right
705s next question then is are you worried
707s that with the eventual introduction of
710s more and more plugins it will be more
712s difficult to get new players on board
714s without having them sort in their
715s plugins or settings for an hour it's
718s it's something for us to be mindful off
720s for sure um it's something that we're
721s sort of very wory about we don't want
723s you know the ideal outof the Box
725s experience to be something that you've
726s got to sit there for two hours going
728s through this huge list of plugins and
729s checking off everything that you want
732s we've kind of had conversations around
733s offering sort of batches and bundles of
734s plugins effectively that you know you
736s can say here's the sort of high highest
738s rated Community plug-in package install
742s them all for me take that sort of Burden
744s off of your hands um and that's
746s something that you know we'd ideally
748s like to sort of support in a
750s semiofficial capacity and be able to
752s promote these packages even um yeah it's
756s hard to say what exactly that might look
757s like just yet but it's definitely
759s something on our minds and something
761s that we don't want to let get out of
763s hand yes indeed we all know I think the
766s struggles as a new player and especially
769s a new player recently I know like a
770s couple of my friends have recently
772s played on run light and getting them set
774s up isn't exactly a pain but definitely
776s could be made a bit smoother so if we
778s can make that happen on our end like I
780s think that's great for everyone um
783s awesome all right the next question then
785s is one I saw a lot regarding plugins but
788s will jods vet plugins before they go
790s live and I know this one has a couple of
792s more bits will everyone be able to make
793s plugins that can be submitted or only
796s the current content creators jagex are
798s in contact with yeah so to answer the
802s first part uh yes jods by some
805s description will be vetting plugins they
807s will go through a sort of moderation
808s process uh I say J mod by some
810s description because that's not
811s necessarily going to be you know the J
813s mods that you're familiar with it might
814s not be myself Kieran s ed people like
818s that but there's going to be jagex staff
820s who will be responsible for moderating
821s these plugins and ensuring that that is
823s a smooth Pro process uh and that we end
826s up with the right Pro plugins right with
828s the right plugins live on our Hub um as
833s for who will be able to do it yes it's
835s going to be opened up to everybody uh we
837s don't want to keep this restricted to
838s some sort of Select group of people
841s we're sort of currently working with a
842s small group to make sure that we've got
843s our offerings right with you know these
845s people that have done it for years
847s already with r like with HED us um so
850s yeah like you know we don't want our
853s experience coming out of it to be just
855s 10-fold worse than what's already out
857s there we want to make sure it's got all
858s the right capabilities to make the right
860s plugins for you guys uh so that's why
862s you might hear us talking about working
863s closely with these people but it's by no
865s means going to be restricted to them
869s there's a part here I'm forgetting
871s worlds yes uh so these uh plugins when
876s they're developed will be able to be
878s tested in an Ideal World and this is
880s still something that we're sort of
881s working out the The Kinks in uh on a
884s beta world or some description we don't
887s want people to be able to just go into
888s the live game with plugins that we
890s wouldn't approve and that we wouldn't
891s sort of authorize to go up on the Hub
894s and so yeah we're going to make it sort
896s of a little less loose a little more
898s Loosely restricted on specific dedicated
901s development
903s worlds yes I think we we've still got a
905s lot to think about in these in these
907s areas and like the very core specifics
909s but these are like the big baselines
911s that we want to make sure we're hit in
912s so that you guys get the best experience
913s out of all of this cuz you know it's
915s very important for us to uh keep the uh
919s official plugin API as safe and secure
921s as possible from our end CU you know
923s that's what we need to do uh as a
925s company um make you guys all safe um all
928s right next question is is the team
930s exploring uh possibilities of allowing
932s players to import like for like settings
935s from run light to the official client
937s well the truth is we'd love to do
939s something like that um we are looking
941s into it and we understand the
942s frustration which would be you as a
944s player you've been using a plug-in in a
946s certain way you have your settings and
949s if we can make that happen and just have
951s you automatically import all your
952s settings straight into our client and
953s have it work the way it works on run
955s light like that's the best case scenario
956s for us so we'll be looking into it and
959s uh will let you know but hopefully yes
962s excellent excellent stuff I hope I hope
964s I hope we can do that it's such a this
965s will be such a nice feature for real and
967s then you guys can pick exactly how you
969s play which is exactly what we want so
971s all right next question uh is a bit more
974s of a negative one but you know I think
975s it's important to ask because I've seen
976s it quite a lot uh I don't know why you
980s guys are wasting Dev time on this when
982s run light does the same thing well the
984s reality is we want to get the core
986s experience up to par with u with run
989s light as they've kind of really set the
991s Benchmark for us and in doing so we can
993s really focus on things like HD and just
995s bringing the mobile client into the Eco
997s system and delivering tools that can be
999s shared between both so ideally you
1001s should be able to play on your mobile
1002s client the same way you play on your
1003s desktop so that's kind of what we're
1005s going for so it may seem like it's
1007s wasted time because of course there's
1008s such a good product out there like R KN
1009s but for us it's really important to just
1011s kind of work our way up there and get
1013s something just as good yeah par is so
1016s essential to us especially like you know
1017s we want to make sure your playing
1018s experience is as close as possible no
1021s matter what device you're playing on and
1023s we're fortunate enough that we can give
1024s you that experience um on the official
1026s client so hence why we need to make it
1028s good cuz run light have set the bar
1030s pretty high I'd say um so you know I
1033s know it's going to take a while to get
1035s you know up to that standard but
1036s hopefully this is a good start for for
1038s you all um all right the next question
1041s then is how long will it be until you
1043s officially retire the Legacy Java
1046s client so we don't have a concrete date
1049s for this yet uh we wanted to take the
1051s sort of first big step of you know
1052s letting you guys know that this was our
1054s plan um and from here we're going to
1056s sort of figure out what the next best
1058s steps are there's really not too much
1060s more on it than I can say right now um
1063s it's yeah a bit up in the air and open
1066s to how you guys feel about it yeah i'
1069s I'd say overall we've seen a pretty
1071s positive response so far um and as I
1073s said earlier if you do play on the
1075s Legacy Java client and you'd like to let
1076s us know your thoughts please please go
1078s and fill out the survey cuz it really
1080s does help us like identify exactly where
1083s your gripes are or maybe it it's a case
1085s of like we take that list of players and
1087s we we know set up some interviews or
1089s something and we get your like initial
1090s feedbacks on on on everything which you
1093s know is important for us um so we want
1094s to make sure that you know what we're
1096s doing and then we can follow suit in
1098s what we think is according uh with you
1100s guys awesome all right next question
1103s then is can we please know what language
1107s the plug-in API will use
1110s yes so I can confirm that the plug-in
1111s API is going to be using L for its uh
1114s scripting um and this is something
1116s that's hopefully going to be you know
1117s really familiar to people that do a lot
1119s of sort of modding for other games it's
1120s something that's used all over the sort
1123s of gaming industry you know going away
1125s back to Gary's mod and and people start
1127s creating what they want to in that years
1128s and years ago um yeah it's you know been
1131s really widely used in all sorts of
1134s player created sort of aspects of gaming
1138s um so yeah BL it is sick oh man you you
1143s you mentioned Gary's model and my mind
1145s just I've gone back in time um yeah I
1148s need to I need to focus because this is
1150s not about Gary's Mod this is about uh
1152s the the official client um right next
1154s question then is uh when will we see the
1157s new mobile UI come to the game there's
1159s been a good number of us uh that can't
1161s wait for changes well look as we
1163s mentioned in our blog um the most
1165s important thing for the mobile UI is
1166s that we have a lot of players on there I
1168s think like 125,000 daily active users
1170s and I think we've done the changes
1173s addressing a percentage of the of the
1175s pie and what we really want to do is
1177s just check that all the players are
1178s happy and that we're kind of doing our
1180s due diligence that we are approaching
1182s Mobile in the correct way and I can say
1184s with a lot of confidence that so far
1186s everyone we've spoken to has been very
1188s positive and very happy with what we're
1190s doing so we're on the right track and I
1192s do hope we can get that out as soon as
1193s possible yeah um um don't hold me to
1196s this but I feel very confident in that
1198s we're on the correct path and that means
1200s hopefully it's more of a sooner rather
1203s than a winter 2017 kind of deal CU we
1206s don't want another
1207s one um awesome all right thank you genas
1211s um next question then is do we have any
1214s timelines for one we'll see menu entry
1217s swapper uh it's probably the most
1218s requested feature for mobile client uh
1222s so I guess the slightly unfortunate
1224s answer is no we don't really have a
1225s timeline on this uh the upside to that
1227s is that it's going to be once again soon
1229s TM the core technical work that goes
1232s into it is almost over the line and as
1235s far as I'm concerned it looks great um
1239s once that's you know live in the engine
1241s all that's left to do is create a couple
1243s of settings for it so it's not a million
1246s miles out by any mean but I wouldn't
1248s want to sit here and try and give you a
1250s date thank you very much Lenny yeah one
1254s I'm just going to qu KAC this isn't
1255s pre-recorded bro all right we are we are
1257s live okay just I've seen you in chat
1260s right it's not pre-recorded why have we
1262s pre-record this this is nice I get to
1264s spend some time with with the lovely
1266s jods here you know all right so it's
1269s it's live all right uh right next
1271s question then is uh which is a a fairly
1274s big one I think for quite a um vocal
1278s proportion of the um play base and and
1281s rightly so um can we finally have an
1284s answer to having some form of official
1286s Linux support
1289s so we know how important this is for a
1291s loss of players to have official support
1293s for uh old school on Linux unfortunately
1296s we can't say right now that we're 100%
1298s going to be doing it but it is something
1300s that's very much on our minds and we're
1302s exploring potential options for it uh
1305s primary priority is on sort of work
1307s affecting the larger majority of our
1308s player base which Linux is unfortunately
1312s quite a small sort of fraction of um so
1314s our explanation will be a little bit
1316s slow uh but there are other Solutions
1318s out there as well there's a few that are
1320s linked by our support Pages um you know
1323s as I'm sure already is the case for the
1325s people using Linux we just recommend
1326s that you do your sort of own research
1328s into it um but it is on our minds we
1331s would like to do more and more to
1332s support it
1333s better yeah so we're not saying it's a
1336s firm no for that and we definitely are
1338s open to things but we want to make sure
1340s we're taking our time and
1343s essentially we know that you know Linux
1345s is a small part we want to make sure
1347s that the majority of features we're
1348s doing are helping the majority of
1350s players before we can really focus any
1351s time into properly exploring those
1354s options so as Lenny say that's why it
1356s will probably take a lot longer to even
1358s come to some sort of stand where we can
1360s say to you this is happening this is not
1362s happening Etc so just please bear with
1364s us I know it's been a while but please
1366s hopefully you can give us a bit more
1367s time of your time and patience um all
1370s right next question is which I saw and I
1372s I understand the confusion with this
1374s next question which I saw pop up a lot
1376s um why do you speak about SD like it's a
1379s new thing isn't that currently what we
1382s have well the technical answer is that
1384s in order for us to have HD we need to
1386s emulate SD so it's going to feel the
1389s same as kind of what you have now but in
1392s reality it's going to give you much more
1393s increased performance and you won't
1395s really see a difference but with SD we
1397s really just wanted to focus on making
1398s sure we kept that classic feel in the
1401s game and so you shouldn't see anything
1403s besides increased performance when it
1404s comes to SD is there um I'm going to go
1406s a bit off script here cuz I think it's
1407s important to to but is it is there a
1410s reason why we decided to do that and we
1412s couldn't just keep the original SD no I
1415s think just for HD to function as a whole
1416s you got to bring up the whole system
1417s with it so SD was part of it yeah I
1420s think it would be a huge technical
1422s undertaken to sort of permanently
1423s support two entirely different rendering
1426s systems um it's just not a sort of
1429s feasible long-term future for the
1432s client y yep and I will say like the the
1436s even calling it simulated SD is kind of
1438s weird weird but like that the SD mode
1441s that we've we've made in the uh like the
1443s HD engine if I'm saying that correctly
1447s yeah sure um is pretty m is like like
1450s for like I I wouldn't be able to tell
1452s the difference honestly so um it's very
1455s very good and again hopefully you get
1456s increased performance using it on uh you
1459s know a lot of core devices so that's our
1461s Hope anyway um all right awesome next
1464s question then is uh will there be
1466s toggles or slide bars added to control
1469s certain effects like increasing fog or
1471s luminance levels of objects uh for
1474s HD yeah so we likely will expose a lot
1477s of sort of functionality as toggles uh
1479s within reason within our HD offerings we
1482s want to make sure that you can toggle
1483s off things like fog if you desire um
1487s yeah there's going to be a lot of sort
1488s of offed atmospherics within the game a
1491s lot of sort of lighting options that
1493s would like to be presented in the sort
1495s of way that you know the art teamc fit
1497s that you know morania isn't spouted in
1500s pink light for some reason there's going
1502s to be some restrictions in what
1503s flexibility we offer versus you know
1505s what the renderer could theoretically
1508s offer uh but yes we
1510s will of offer some flexibility there and
1513s let you tailor it to what works for
1515s you thank you very much and thank you to
1518s whoever it was in chat that told me the
1519s iPad was upside down it probably looked
1521s a little bit strange um also I've seen a
1525s couple people in chat asking for your
1526s hair in game gangus so a lot of love for
1529s your girls thank you so you know you're
1531s already making such a good impression I
1533s know I look like the oats guy John Oats
1535s that's what I've been told i' to Google
1537s a couple people yesterday excellent
1539s excellent all right uh next question
1541s then is probably one on a lot of players
1543s Minds is are there any popular runelight
1545s plugins that will be immediately
1546s available or integrated into the
1548s enhanced client yeah so there's all
1551s sorts of you really popular Mo light
1554s plugins that we're already actively
1556s working on integrating into our core
1557s client as we just discussing the menu
1559s entry swap is going to be coming in the
1560s near future for example uh by the time
1563s the plug-in Epi releases we'd like to
1565s have a sort of core Suite of you know
1567s really popular plugins from other
1570s clients available so that you it's not a
1573s race to catch up once it does release so
1575s that you can come sort of come on to our
1577s client in familiar standings really um
1582s you know already we've we've gone and
1583s looked at things like door kicker even
1585s we we've we've made sure that's a
1587s possibility the familiarities going to
1588s be there the these things are all going
1590s to be possible and it's just you know
1591s matter of time to get it quite right I'm
1593s honestly so glad you said the kicker cuz
1595s I was going to bring it up it's been
1597s weirdly you know it's like menu entry
1599s swapper for like yeah we need this to
1601s functionality to like make mobile feel
1602s really really good and then everyone
1604s else that's on desktop is like we just
1605s want we want to kick some door doors in
1607s man like can I say something about door
1608s kicker I was so disappointed when I
1610s first downloaded door door kicker cuz I
1612s thought it would open the doors
1613s automatically for me like I just
1614s expected someone kick the door you still
1616s got to put the worst
1619s this is the beginning I'm just giving my
1620s my early day experience I was like why
1622s is it not kicking it when I walk through
1624s this building be too easy Escape too
1626s easycap we don't want that we don't want
1627s that we don't want it uh cool all right
1629s thank you Lenny that very very uh very
1632s informative uh next one then is will
1634s there be an open Beta uh for the
1636s enhanced client particularly for plugins
1639s uh and you know what we might as well
1640s talk about here HD as well look we're in
1642s it's still early days so to be honest we
1645s only we don't have any dates yet but we
1648s will come out with that very soon but
1650s again still early days so we'll figure
1651s that out and get that out to the players
1653s yes so hopefully you will have a chance
1655s at some point for sure for sure soon TM
1658s uh our famous saying um so you can try
1661s out for yourself which would be great uh
1663s because we we we want that feedback uh
1665s all right next question then is uh with
1668s plugins for mobile will we finally see
1670s Quest helper come to that
1674s platform um yes we will see Quest helper
1676s coming to that platform um again it's it
1679s will be up to the players whether they
1680s want to have it on their mobile client
1682s or not but we're trying to kind of
1684s bridge the parity between kind of the
1685s desktop experience and the mobile so
1687s following that kind of ethos yeah we we
1689s should expect that excellent yeah again
1693s someone out there is going to design
1696s Quest helper for our plug-in API at some
1699s point it's inevitable it's one of the
1701s most highly used plugins and I found out
1704s recently one of the most like
1706s indepth chunky PL that is offered on run
1710s light so I'm sure people are already
1712s like itching to start creating that if
1714s it's not the original creator of quest
1716s helper themselves doing it yeah I mean
1717s for you know for how in-depth that
1719s plugin is it's one of the things that's
1720s been on top of our minds to make sure
1722s our API is capable of doing um you know
1725s we've had these few test cases in mind
1726s as we've been sort of developing it to
1727s make sure can we actually achieve this
1730s functionality and you know making Quest
1732s helper at least for a quest or two has
1735s been you know top of that priority list
1737s um we're not sitting down right now and
1739s you know making it for every single
1740s Quest but we' made sure all the
1741s capabilities are there and that it's a
1743s possibility within our API at
1745s least awesome awesome stuff thank you
1748s Lenny all right I think for the next
1750s question then uh does anyone want to
1752s take the next question before I answer
1754s it we can skip that one I'm not going
1756s to cuz we didn't pre-write anything for
1759s this one
1760s so no we we can skip it it's fine cuz I
1763s know this one are the upcoming features
1765s or updates that players should look
1767s forward to in the near future future
1769s what are they yeah so there's a few big
1771s things here uh one that we've already
1773s kept touching on is the menu entry
1774s swapper and that comes hand in hand with
1776s some other sort of mini menu uh
1779s improvements you improving the spacing
1781s of it ability to scroll through it
1782s things like that um we've also got
1785s upcoming work on the high scores that I
1787s believe was showcased in the video the
1789s other day um so coming soon to a client
1792s near you you'll be able to look up other
1793s players as I'm sure you're used to doing
1795s on third party clients already uh but
1797s doing it from the comfort of the game um
1801s and you know our other big Focus that
1803s again we've already touched on a little
1804s bit is bringing all of these features
1806s over to mobile uh while some of them
1808s have just of worked out the box on
1809s mobile others haven't they've needed you
1811s know sort of more UI ux changes to
1814s really you know integrate them into the
1816s game um and we're really looking to sort
1818s of push forwards with that and get that
1820s in your guys'
1821s hands sick awesome awesome stuff all
1824s right um next one which is a bit more
1826s like community Focus but how will
1829s feedback be gathered and implemented
1831s into future versions of the client well
1833s look it's it's very much business as
1835s usual for us so we'll be looking at news
1837s posts streams surveys um one thing that
1839s I've tried to do as as kind of product
1841s manager is introduce more user
1842s interviews so when you are answering a
1844s survey we're hoping that maybe there'll
1846s be a little box at the Bottom insert
1847s that email and we'll kind of get in
1849s touch for a onetoone just to understand
1851s exactly like what's ticking for you what
1854s works what doesn't um so that's really
1856s important but as usual we're just trying
1857s to be as player face as possible and
1859s just maintain that gold standard yeah
1861s you all know what we do with our uh game
1863s content uh blogs and news like blogs and
1867s videos and live streams and everything
1868s we're going to take that same approach
1870s to this but just not the P bit
1872s essentially because these are core
1873s client aspects that we want to make sure
1875s are are right so yeah uh I think the
1877s interviews honestly the mobile
1878s interviews have gone like really well so
1880s far like you know you know and I'm I'm
1882s enjoying them I'm enjoying listening and
1884s taking in all the all the info so
1886s definitely something we're going to do
1887s more of in the future
1889s um all right next question then is what
1891s support will be availables for players
1893s who experience issues with the official
1896s client uh so I guess the answer is
1899s hopefully all the support you need um
1901s you know we're going to be available on
1902s all the platforms that you'd expect us
1904s to be available on um if people come to
1907s Reddit and Twitter or rather X I guess I
1910s should say uh with concerns with
1912s problems that they found with the new
1913s client will hopefully be on hand to you
1916s know raise them and actually get them
1917s dealt with internally um we have sort of
1920s started to foster a bit of a community
1922s for the mobile client within the
1923s official Discord that's been a really
1925s good place for a lot of feedback and
1926s sort of bugs to be raised there um and I
1929s you know expect that's likely to sort of
1931s expand in the future as well into more
1933s of the official client not just mobile
1937s um so yeah I mean however you'd like to
1940s see us support it we we'll do our best I
1943s guess if there's any sort of platforms
1944s you're hoping for the support on and
1946s don't think is going to be available do
1948s let us know and yeah yeah please and I'd
1951s highly encourage anyone that is really
1952s into Mobile want to know more about the
1954s mobile the mobile part of the Discord is
1955s actually really good and I know
1957s especially uh mod gecko is very very
1959s active in there and make sure that we're
1961s always up to date with uh with things
1963s that are going on in there I don't think
1964s it's his job to do but he seems to have
1966s just stuck around and they've kind of
1968s adopted him in there yeah yeah they have
1970s they have it's very it's very cute to
1972s see all the back and forths not cute is
1974s the wrong word but yeah you can see for
1976s yourself um all right all right we got
1979s final uh big question and then we can go
1981s on to some like extra little questions
1984s um but next up is how will the enhanced
1986s client affect the balance between
1988s maintaining the old school feeli and
1990s modernizing the game so we want to
1994s provide a lot of sort of modern
1995s enhancements to the game things like HD
1997s in the plug-in Hub uh that can just sort
1999s of really enhance your overall
2001s experience but at the same time you know
2003s we are player first and the feel of old
2005s school is something that's really
2007s important to the entire team everybody
2009s working on Old School um you know these
2012s extra sort of modern features are all
2015s entirely optional and you can sort of
2016s opt in and out of what you want to be
2019s available um none of these plugins are
2021s going to sort of be shoved in your face
2023s and turned on for you it's on you if you
2026s if you sort of want to make use of
2031s them I'll take a second cuz my face my
2035s face was on the screen for a good three
2037s minutes while Lenny was going through
2039s that and I couldn't I couldn't take my
2042s eyes off of just like not making it
2045s obvious but obviously I couldn't help
2047s myself um but just to recap the question
2050s we want to empower our users to select
2051s the experience they want do you want
2053s like a more higher Fidelity do you want
2054s the nostalgic old school feel like we
2056s want to give you the choice so just
2058s exactly drive it back home empower the
2059s players I think is always something that
2062s everyone on the team keeps in mind when
2065s we're going through any stage of this
2068s process essentially anything we're
2070s providing or wanting to provide you we
2072s really do want it to empower your play
2075s style how you you know experience the
2078s game and essentially like Empower those
2080s those choices that you have so that is
2082s an EOS that I think the whole team
2084s carries throughout uh this whole uh
2087s project I suppose um and it's something
2089s we're going to continue to to strive
2091s towards going on into the future so yeah
2094s it's good it's very good all right let's
2095s go on to the not necessary questions we
2097s don't have to talk about kicker cuz I
2098s think it's uh clear where everyone's
2100s mindset is that uh will the setting menu
2104s be revamped so we can adjust things
2106s without interrupting whatever action we
2107s are doing so this is something that's
2110s been on our minds a lot um it's
2112s something that we've sort of kept coming
2113s and going on and we we definitely want
2116s to make it better uh what exactly that's
2119s going to look like is still sort of
2120s pretty up in the air whether it's it
2122s retains its current form you know it's
2124s this big sort of full screen interface
2125s but you can do things in the background
2127s behind it or we decided to move it over
2129s to our pop out panel you know where
2131s we've currently got things like the loot
2132s tracker and ground items where you're
2134s used to run light settings being um
2136s those are still questions to be decided
2138s on especially you know as we come into
2139s designing our own plug-in browser and
2142s sort of trying to establish how it's
2143s going to sit alongside
2145s that awesome awesome stuff thank you
2147s this is where it gets interesting
2148s because there's a bit more on the Fly
2150s questions now which I'm excited to see
2151s you guys tackle uh right the next
2154s question then is a logout timer for the
2156s official client also in the works
2159s I believe so yeah it's been it's being
2162s discussed
2163s o very nice I'm sure that will uh make a
2166s lot of people happy especially mobile
2167s players cuz I know how much of a pain it
2170s can be uh time to time when you're on
2172s mobile and uh yeah you're like logged
2175s out within what a couple minutes yeah
2176s boom so yeah there will still be some
2179s things out of our control there I'm sure
2181s people have realized that you know if
2182s you're playing on your iPhone and sort
2184s of go out focus to another window it
2186s will disconnect you a lot more quick L
2188s than you know otherwise would do and
2190s that's because of how the phone's
2191s actually communicating with the game in
2192s those circumstances those things are
2194s still going to be out of our control
2195s unfortunately we're not going to be able
2196s to keep you in game if your phone stops
2199s talking to us entirely yeah yeah it's a
2202s very very good point I don't know if
2204s some players know that so that's really
2205s really insightful no especially iOS is
2207s super aggressive with calling background
2209s activity yeah so the moment you just
2210s answer a call just cuts it it's like we
2213s don't want that running we're all
2214s learning something new here today is it
2215s great H great we should do these more
2219s um all right next question then is uh
2221s will we get profiles similar to run
2223s light that will follow us across
2224s characters and game modes I think
2227s whether we call it profiles or just
2229s linking it towards the jagx accounts I
2231s think the the question is I want to be
2233s able to play with my plug-in profile
2235s across different devices and and how
2237s that comes into form we still have to
2238s properly understand and assess but
2240s definitely some version of profiles I
2242s would say yes awesome awesome stuff all
2245s right that's very good to hear I'm sure
2247s many people will be happy about about
2248s that all right uh here's a off the cuff
2250s one now there's so many improvements
2252s being made with a client can we talk
2254s about portrait mode a portrait mode
2256s option for the mobile client
2260s please it's a conversation that keeps
2262s coming up and it's not a simple one um
2266s you know the especially Keen mobile
2268s players among you will be well aware how
2270s long the existing sort of mobile rework
2272s has been on our minds it's not been a
2275s quick thing for us to get right and it's
2277s going be an even slower thing for us to
2279s do Port portrait mode right with so many
2282s other priorities around the client it's
2284s hard to say that yes we need to of bring
2285s this top our list
2288s um yeah I know that people have already
2290s sort of got these workarounds about
2292s taking Android into split screen and it
2294s forces it into portrait mode or whatever
2295s it might be Legends but it it doesn't
2299s mean that you know we can do it to a
2300s quality that we would be happy with
2302s releasing officially um so yeah it's not
2306s something I want us to commit to at this
2307s point in time it's it's a very nice
2309s thing to have but not simple yeah I I
2314s imagine as well there's like one core
2316s way people want portrait mode but then
2319s there's probably like various other ways
2322s that people want portrait mode that
2325s trying to you know make sure we're we're
2328s hitting all of those is going to be so
2330s tricky um maybe one day uh I don't know
2334s if the API the plug-in API will be able
2335s to do something like that
2338s if somebody got really creative perhaps
2340s it wouldn't be a simple plugin but it
2342s might be hey player empowerment I was
2344s going to say I if if there's any
2345s Community I wouldn't put it past it's
2347s this one so like yeah you know maybe if
2349s anyone manages it do let me know I'm
2351s eager to see it yeah yeah agreed I'd be
2353s very very keen to see it um awesome all
2357s right thank you guys um next one then is
2360s can you give us a time frame for when
2361s all these features will be launched big
2364s question so maybe it should have been a
2366s not all of them
2369s specific yeah for every single thing
2371s that's a toughy a I don't think that's
2374s possible to answer yeah agree we we
2376s can't answer that it's a big question um
2377s sorry we will look though I will say we
2380s are looking to make sure we're getting
2383s more progress updates like in your hands
2385s essentially um as time goes on so the
2387s closer we get to different things you
2389s know when we have Summits coming up um
2392s will more likely have News Post and
2393s again like we're doing with the uh
2395s mobile interviews at the moment there'll
2397s probably be more
2398s times for you guys to get directly
2399s involved with us so even though like we
2401s can't give you official dates there will
2402s definitely be more opportunity for you
2404s all to work with us to empower you guys
2407s to do what you do
2408s best uh right next one for us is uh very
2413s specific one uh can you make the mobile
2416s UI a bit more fat fum friendly I would
2419s appreciate it as someone with fat thums
2421s so and this has come up in the
2422s interviews right and and I think the
2424s reality is like it is much more of a
2425s hardware question than it is kind of an
2427s R end um if if you got a tiny phone and
2430s big thumbs like that's tough but what
2432s we've done in the new UI revamp is that
2434s now you can use both thumbs so hopefully
2436s if you have two fat thumbs it'll be
2438s maybe better probably worse but probably
2440s bigger device is the way to go um if you
2442s have a really small phone but it's on
2445s them I think more than us what' you say
2447s Lenny or yeah I mean it's hard with you
2449s know with so much information that we
2450s need to get across in the mobile UI so
2452s much stuff that we need to fit on screen
2454s there's only so big that we can make it
2456s all um you know with the way that you
2459s know we sort of need to scale the game
2460s to look right on your phone there's just
2464s only so much flexibility we can sort of
2465s really give it I'd like to think that
2467s most parts of the UI sort of already do
2469s a reasonably good job of it um and you
2472s know I'd encourage if there is a
2474s particular sort of pain point if there's
2475s particular interaction that you find
2477s really difficult on mobile let us know
2479s what they are and you know we will see
2480s what we can do in a more Case by case
2482s basis as well yeah use the mobile disc
2485s you know use the official Discord jump
2486s in the mobile Channel give us your
2487s feedback I'm I'm pretty sure there is
2489s just a feedback channel in there that
2490s you can just yeah just just complain
2492s just complain to us let us know honestly
2494s the more you guys let us know about
2496s stuff like you know the more we can
2497s raise it internally and we can have
2499s discussions uh again one of the biggest
2502s strengths of I think this game and this
2503s community is how open we are I think
2506s from devs to players and vice versa and
2509s we should always take that strength
2510s honestly with uh with uh open arms
2514s because it's great it's great I love
2515s this community uh right next question
2517s then is uh how will the enhanced client
2521s uh handle older systems or lower spec
2526s devices uh I mean hopefully the answer
2528s is going to be they'll handle it well um
2531s you know it's something that we are
2532s constantly keeping an eye on we're sort
2534s of very aware when we do see performance
2536s hits from certain things and we get all
2538s sorts of metrics about it as well it's
2539s something that we're constantly
2541s monitoring and looking to improve um
2545s obviously you know there there's going
2546s to be a sort of line as to
2548s as the game keeps getting more and more
2550s complex if you're playing on a
2551s 10-year-old phone it's it's probably
2553s going to struggle a little bit there's
2554s only so much we can really do there um
2557s but you know I think especially as we're
2559s changing you how we're looking at
2560s rendering with the sort of upcoming
2562s changes to HD that manages to spread out
2565s the sort of load on a on a technical
2567s side as well you it takes things away
2568s from you know certain parts of
2570s processing and hopefully yeah as we
2573s discussed earlier make things a lot more
2575s performant there excellent excellent
2577s I've seen one I have seen a question in
2579s chat actually which is probably worth
2580s discussing but is there any thoughts
2582s about making a low detail mode because
2584s we see a lot of players that you know
2585s especially doing High intense PBM stuff
2588s want to have less on the screen so they
2591s can have more focused is there any
2592s thoughts about doing something like that
2595s it's not something that I've ever really
2596s discussed with others on the team a
2598s whole lot it's something that I know's
2599s come up a few times on social media um I
2602s believe that is something that RuneScape
2604s offer as well and I think you know they
2606s started offering it a few years ago
2609s um there are some difficulties in the
2612s sort of way that we actually approach
2613s mapping certain parts of the game where
2616s you know the bits that you'd consider
2617s High detail the things that you want to
2619s filter out in some places will really
2622s conflict with other parts of the game
2623s and sort of just destroy the way that it
2626s looks um so you know getting it quite
2629s right might be a little bit tricky um
2633s but yeah it's not something that we've
2634s really spoken too much about so far if
2638s you if you guys think it's a big
2639s priority in our end then again let us
2641s know we are very open to hearing all of
2643s your suggestions um because you know
2645s it's very helpful for us it's not worth
2647s us making something that only one or two
2649s of you are going to use and we'd rather
2650s focus our efforts on uh something that
2652s uh a good majority of you going to use
2654s so um awesome all right thank you guys
2658s uh next question then is uh are you guys
2661s looking at any uh longstanding minor
2664s visual glitches while we're at uh HD
2668s hard to say without knowing specific
2670s examples I guess um I I think generally
2673s you know we do see things come up every
2674s now and then about longstanding visual
2675s glitches and we try to address them um
2680s you know there are a few sort of quirks
2681s that are just kind of the way old school
2684s is um that I don't expect we who likely
2686s to be addressing so it really depends
2688s what sort of specifics you know it is
2691s that you're interested in yeah again
2693s just let us know in that case there is
2695s something specific that you maybe want
2697s fix I know with the work on HD funky
2700s things happen just with the you know
2702s creation of HD anyway so there's also
2704s that that the team have to battle with
2706s um so you know but again if there's
2708s something particular oh someone says the
2710s camer palm tree leaves um which is yeah
2714s you know when you're running from like
2715s brim Haven and you get to the volcano
2717s and you can see all the trees like
2720s through the volcano yeah I I think that
2724s the HD renderer will probably
2729s in some ways address things like that
2730s yeah I think we will see some changes
2732s there as part of it
2735s um yeah that's one case I guess there is
2738s probably something to oh I've just jagx
2742s mod mod Ry has appeared in the chat uh
2744s and said that will be fixed so thank you
2747s Ry mod Ry is the exact person I was
2749s thinking would know excellent I was
2751s going to say if not we raise it
2753s internally and get back to you on
2754s another Q&A but Ry himself has appeared
2756s so thank you Ry appreciate you uh all
2759s right uh on to the next question then um
2762s we can skip that one because we've
2763s already answered it great uh are you
2766s looking into potentially having a day
2768s and night cycle with the HD update maybe
2772s even
2773s weather it's something that's come up in
2776s conversation a number of times now um I
2779s I think it's one of these things that
2780s when we've been looking at HD we've kind
2782s of said idealistically we want to be
2784s able to do that we want to sort of be
2785s able to offer all the flexibility to to
2787s make it look like day to make it look
2788s like night um and that you know a
2791s plug-in might in theory be able to do
2794s just that and have a day night cycle
2796s whether it's something we sort of put
2797s into the base game is an official
2799s feature I'm not sure yeah there's all
2801s sort of concerns around you're playing
2802s through re Quest and somebody talks oh
2804s it's a long night and this Bright Day a
2807s little bit weird um so you know whether
2811s or not it's quite often like that I
2812s don't know but it it's something on our
2814s minds yeah yeah I think the best example
2816s of that is um oh God I can't remember
2819s the quest off the top of my head south
2820s of our Ardo monks friend there we go
2824s when you go back and it's like I'm just
2825s going to have a little Kip and wait till
2827s tomorrow and you're like okay how about
2831s now um oh man I love this game for that
2833s though uh all right next question then
2836s uh are there any plans to add the client
2838s features to the sidebar similar to run
2840s light or have them only accessible
2842s through the
2844s settings yeah this is uh very much the
2846s sort of conversation I was talking about
2847s earlier with the core settings as well
2849s um it is sort of a bit of a big question
2851s mark as to where all of this stuff will
2853s end up living um you know there's a lot
2856s of stuff that I think needs to be in the
2859s sidebar for I mean both for familiarity
2861s with how it is that you know you
2862s currently play as well as just making
2865s sure that it is really available in the
2867s middle of your heated gameplay that you
2869s know if there's a plugin certain that
2871s you need to toggle off in the middle of
2872s a boss fight you can do that um you know
2876s as for whether would move the entirety
2878s of the settings menu over there at some
2879s point in the future
2882s maybe yeah I think I think again it goes
2884s back to that sort of element of
2886s familiarity right like you are all very
2888s familiar with uh run light and how that
2891s works and we're trying to give you a
2894s again experience that you are familiar
2896s with uh and again it goes to that to
2898s that whole par um top point that we've
2901s been making for this whole stream is
2902s that we want to give you parity with
2904s however you play essentially so uh this
2906s this helps with that
2907s all right cool next question then is are
2910s there plans to add different options for
2912s UI
2915s scaling uh so we've already got in our
2918s official client some form of UI scaling
2921s uh we've got a few different options
2922s around what sort of filtering it uses
2924s exactly and a big slider to let you
2926s choose how much it
2927s scales um it's not something that's
2930s offered on mobile at the minute again
2932s because of that same sort of concern as
2934s before that we've got a very specific
2935s screen space there you know it's not
2937s that you can resize your client and make
2938s it bigger spread it across two screens
2940s or anything like that we're working with
2941s a finite space and we need to make sure
2944s that it's big enough for your fums uh so
2946s there's only so much UI scaling on offer
2948s there but yeah it's something that we
2951s have some offerings in
2953s already yes so if you you know you
2955s haven't used the official client go and
2957s go and check it out see see what it's
2958s like and let us know you know because it
2960s is there for I don't think many people
2962s are aware of it which is why I'm glad it
2964s was added to the questions um cool all
2967s right all right we've got two more
2968s questions on our list there might be
2970s some chat questions we can go over um
2972s typ in on iOS mobile client is still
2975s painfully annoying will that be fixed on
2976s the client side instead of requiring the
2978s player disable predictive Tech system
2980s wide in their
2982s settings um that's not something that I
2985s can speak very well to um it's something
2987s I guess would be better opposed for an
2988s engineer but yeah I mean I don't know
2991s how much control we have over it you
2993s know from the script side of things at
2995s least from you know a designer
2996s perspective we just tell the game to
2998s open up a keyboard and let it do its
2999s thing um whether the sort of the core
3003s client itself you know all of the
3004s interfaces with the mobile phones have
3007s the option to say open it with or
3008s without protective text I'm not sure
3010s maybe they do and maybe that's something
3011s we can explore um but yeah I'd need to
3013s speak to an engineer and find that out I
3017s Know M gecko has raised it internally so
3019s um I'm sure there are some discussions
3021s it's just like the three of us here
3023s can't speak to it um straight away uh so
3026s maybe another stream we'll be able to
3027s address it or maybe more gecko appear in
3030s the mobile Discord and and and you know
3032s sling some words around uh right finally
3035s uh will there be a remember device
3039s option I guess this is about remembering
3043s your sign in even if it's not your last
3046s in your settings I imagine so um I mean
3050s I suppose you we we've discussed the
3052s account switching uh stuff that we'd
3054s like to improve on in the
3055s future uh whether or not it's going to
3057s be a specific remember this device
3059s option I don't know but there will be
3060s improvements in that same sort of nature
3062s at
3063s least awesome stuff awesome stuff and
3065s then I see one chat question which uh
3069s I'm going to just pick up is there any
3071s reason why we picked lure over
3073s JavaScript why not use the quickjs
3076s engine um so I couldn't say that quickjs
3079s is something that I'm personally
3080s familiar with we did have you know
3082s conversation sort of around what
3084s languages to go with and we did do
3086s investigations into a few different
3087s options um from all the sort of you know
3090s exploratory testing that we did trying
3092s to actually sort of prototype some of
3094s these things and make them work with old
3096s school uh as well as considerations
3098s around you know what familiarity there
3100s will be with these different languages
3102s we just found that leis seemed the best
3104s option to us um I'm sure there are
3107s plenty of Engineers that be go into a
3109s lot more detail in it than I would be
3110s able to um but yeah I mean we made our
3114s decision because we felt like it was the
3115s best one
3117s yeah yeah and I think again like uh
3120s Lenny said earlier like lure is
3121s something that I think a lot of people
3123s are familiar with so it's it's going to
3124s be nice to get to use that and I know
3126s from various conversations with other
3128s team members there's like tons of
3130s documentation out there there's like
3131s tons of YouTube videos so even if you
3133s aren't familiar with L or you know
3136s coding in general you there's probably
3138s something out there that will let you
3140s you know get the basics at least of
3142s something down and maybe you know if you
3144s thought about it but you've never had
3145s the the chance to do itbe maybe when the
3147s plug-in API comes out you can create
3149s your own plugin you know who knows you
3151s could create Crest helper uh maybe
3154s that's a bit too ambitious for a newb
3157s dream big why not you know why not um
3160s awesome all right I think that's it on
3162s our questions so uh thank you both very
3165s very much uh for joining me how you how
3167s you feeling how you feeling gengas after
3169s your first first stream feeling good a
3171s little nervous at the start but kind of
3173s got through it and then it's super great
3175s to be with Lenny and S you guys are
3177s chill dudes and super comfortable and
3179s that made me comfortable so excellent I
3180s hope so I hope so maybe I'm a bit too
3182s comfortable maybe I've gotten too
3184s relaxed I remember my first couple of
3186s streams and it was a bit like stick to
3188s the script stick to the script but now
3189s it's a bit more I feel a bit more loose
3191s like yeah man you know like Jack
3193s Nicholson just done maybe not that far
3195s but
3197s yeah um awesome elen how you feeling
3200s yeah I'm feeling good it's it's good to
3201s get to talk about this stuff in front of
3202s uh in front of the stream you know I've
3204s been on a couple of videos about it over
3206s the past couple of years and yeah it's
3208s nice to have a sort of more live engaged
3210s chance to talk about it yes yes I agree
3213s and you know the updates are not going
3215s to stop here um we mentioned it in the
3218s video and the blog uh we can't give you
3220s the date but in September there will be
3223s a summit um which is very very exciting
3225s I know a lot of you uh cannot wait for
3228s those and US internally there're some of
3230s like the most exciting time of the year
3233s um so just stay tuned for some more
3235s announcements at some point about uh the
3237s summit which will be great um but for
3239s now I think I should probably go back
3241s over the announcements and uh let you
3243s have a little look at what we've got on
3245s offer while we wrap up exclamation mark
3247s game update you can check out this
3249s week's game update News Post tormented
3251s demons drop rates have been revealed the
3253s teleport there has been added to the
3255s drop table a number of breach MPCs has
3257s been increased and much more and you can
3260s check that all out for exclamation mark
3262s game update finally the reason why we're
3264s all here exclamation mark client we've
3266s got an update if you haven't read it yet
3268s on the teams progress on all the things
3270s we've been discussing today so the uh on
3272s the official client so that's HD mode
3274s plug-in API the core client features I
3276s did it again let's go uh mobile UI the
3279s Legacy Java client deprecation our
3282s Legacy Java client deprecation not run
3284s light not Hoss it's just us so don't
3286s worry you'll still be able to continue
3287s playing on them that you can find all
3289s that and more exclamation mark client
3292s and if you're not a big reader but you
3293s want to stick something on your second
3294s screen exclamation mark video is just
3297s for you cuz we got a handy video with
3299s our free lovely faces summarizing the
3301s progress of the official client
3303s improvements uh just for you so you can
3305s rather sit back and watch something
3307s instead of read uh and we do want to
3310s hear from you and I cannot stress enough
3312s please go and you know read the news
3314s post watch the videos chat with your
3317s favorite streamer uh hop on Reddit and
3319s then use exclamation mark survey go and
3322s fill out the survey please please please
3324s please please let us know your thoughts
3326s cuz it is so helpful and like me and
3328s genas were discussing uh we want to do
3330s stuff like more more player interviews
3332s and stuff like that so this is going to
3333s give us a really good chance to just you
3335s know get that information from you
3337s directly um and in a bit more concise
3340s way so please exclamation mark survey uh
3342s finally two last things exclamation mark
3345s DMM dead man Armageddon is live and
3348s there's not long to go until it comes to
3351s its uh thrilling PVP action conclusion
3355s on August 1st is when it ends and I
3357s think the stre I think the finals are on
3359s Saturday I can't remember if that's
3361s August 3rd or not production is that
3363s August 3rd it's August is it's not this
3367s weekend not this weekend next weekend
3370s that's what you want basically not this
3371s weekend next weekend so get your gains
3373s in while you can if you want those
3374s rewards go and get them because they are
3376s pretty nice uh and finally exclamation
3378s mark poll 82 our mini game make over
3381s poll 82 closes tomorrow so make sure you
3384s have your say and cost your vote in game
3386s by going to uh the settings menu or you
3389s can jump into a pole booth and let us
3391s know your thoughts on that that has been
3394s everything for this stream uh it's been
3397s a pleasure I think it's been nice to
3398s finally give you a little update cuz I
3399s think the last update we really gave was
3401s in uh in January for the summit so this
3403s has been it's been very nice um and so
3407s yeah I have been your host modani thank
3410s you again to the wonderful mod gengas
3413s mod Lenny and every lovely jod behind
3415s the scenes uh for all their lovely work
3417s and support I will say production put
3420s this set together very quickly um so uh
3424s much appreciated production we love you
3426s a lot uh and yeah I hope you guys have a
3430s lovely rest of the week and a wonderful
3432s weekend and we shall see you very soon
3435s goodbye bye
3438s [Music]