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I picked treasure seeker and just completed a hard clue right after the update. The update itself works, I dropped the hard clue 4 times to finish it, no juggling. The weird thing is that it took me 6 steps instead of 4. Did this happen to anybody else or is it just me? The relic description still says it takes the lowest number of steps and they didn't write anything in the change proposal.

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Thanks for raising this. Did you get this clue before selecting Treasure Seeker or did you already unlock that Relic and then complete the 4 steps?

Edit: Please see Husky's comment - this should now be resolved

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Astatos159

I already unlocked the relic. They we're all freshly opened from boxes I collected beforehand.

Edit: Welcome back =)

Thanks, I've let the team know and they're currently investigating. I'll reply here when I know more!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Astatos159

I already unlocked the relic. They we're all freshly opened from boxes I collected beforehand.

Edit: Welcome back =)

If you can (and sorry to bother you for this) can you provide me with a full list of steps to be able to reproduce this? I've tried to do so myself and it seems to be working for me so I believe I'm missing something.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Astatos159

I only can recall those:

  1. Heckel funch (the gnome in the first level of the stronghold)
  2. Martin Thwait
  3. Dig in the middle of Mort'ton
  4. Doomsayer
  5. ?
  6. Lumbridge guide

Sorry, I really can't recall what the 5th completable step was... I already finished 6 or 7 clues after writing this post. I have a feeling that it only appears on the first clue box. Maybe even hard clue only since I did exclusively hard clues.

I have unlocked Kandarin, Asgarnia and Morytania.

Possible clue steps on Karamja:

  • Red spiders egg spawn
  • Saradomin mage right on the volcano entry on crandor

Possible clue steps in Asgarnia:

  • goblin general bentnoze


  • Sir Prysin

I think those are all I could have had. Just in case those weren't it: I had no step in kandarin except heckel. I had no step in asgarnia except martin thwait. I had the doomsayer and the lumbridge guide a bunch of times. I only had the mort'ton step in morytania.

If it helps, I can provide my ign via pm so you can do some digging there.

Sure, in-game name would be fine so I can look up a few variables in the back-end incase.

Are you saying that the first clue you did since the update had the issue and that every subsequent clue has been fine?

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by theccub

just had this happen to me - have had TS for about a week now. opened beginner (edit: scroll box from before the hotfix) -> STASH step -> complete step -> get hot and cold step -> complete step -> get hot and cold step again -> can't complete -> drop -> STASH step -> complete + casket. so 3 steps for beginner.

EDIT: adding image https://imgur.com/0Id7lHT

From another user on this thread it appears that it might be only the first clue done since the update, can you confirm if this is what you are also seeing?

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Astatos159

I can't write you a message here sadly. Yes I think that could be it. I didn't count all of them but they all seemed fine to me. After posting this I checked most of the clues I did and it never appeared again.

So just to confirm.

Have you only collected these boxes and never ever opened them since the update?

IF you had received a clue (which set your steps to 6) before unlocking the relic and then dropped that one and opened a new clue from the scroll box while it's still set to 6 from the first clue then the issue is that we don't update your clue steps after selecting the relic.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Astatos159

I only collected the boxes. I didn't have any unfinished clue scrolls anywhere when the update went live. I never attempted anything beyond medium before the update and never looted a clue scroll beyond medium before getting the treasure seeker relic in the second week of trailblazer.

And have you never received a hard clue as a drop at all ever? Because if you had that would confirm my theory

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Just a headsup for everyone!

This should now be fixed for everyone, if you had the treasure seeker relic unlocked you should no longer be getting clues longer than the minimum amount.

We apologise for any inconveniences caused by this.

If however you are (for example) currently on step 5 of a hard clue you will still need to complete just one more step to get your reward unfortunately