about 3 years ago - - Direct link
Here's a roundup of the feedback we received and our thoughts after the recent Android Beta!
about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Edvis64

Can I still join the beta? if yes how?

Unfortunately it's closed for now, but as the blog says there's an Open Beta we're looking to launch in February January.

(Dates open to change but that's what we're aiming for).

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by LetsGoComptitive

Thank you, pretty good overall but as said in the post, what I really wish and miss is item ground markers. It's hard to see what's on the ground and for me personally, I'd say is the most important update we can see in near future

That was by far the biggest piece of feedback we were seeing from the Discord! We know it's a big one.
We really want it to have all the functionality you're expecting, so it's coming in a bit later. But definitely planned!

Thanks for taking part in the Beta & giving us your time!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Skullchaos

Is this the weekly update?

That's coming tomorrow, since last weeks' update was pushed to Thursday. :D

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Klorec

Christmas event today? Been hyped for more than a week already!

It's coming tomorrow because last weeks' game update was pushed to Thursday. Super excited for it too!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

The open beta should be in January, with an official release in February (according to the blog).

Ah - you're right! It may be very late January, we're not 100% sure yet, but we wanted to give some estimation for you guys on what we're planning.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ArrgsR

So we basically waited a full year to get some basic things like tile marked and ground items and they were just not included despite the huge amount of requests from the beta testers.

Can we get a smaller update that includes these soon, or are we expecting to wait another year + for another major client update?

Having Cox and especially Inferno at an extreme disadvantage still years after the app release is bumming me out.

Our last game update of the year is tomorrow, and when we resume in the near year, the update schedule will be chockablock with Nex and Leagues 3. The blog is saying that we're working through some bugs that the playtesters found as well as their feedback.

Provided all goes well, we estimate these features will be out in an Open Beta around late Jan and then the official roll is planned a month later, which isn't too far away imo. Hang in there!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ArrgsR

Yeah, still no tilemarkers for mobile as well despite the amount of requests from beta testers. I really just want some sort of approx time at this point, like are we talking IST half of 2022 or not til a major update in 2023?

The team is currently working on it, and we know it's a hugely popular request, but I don't have a date to share at the moment. I doubt it would stretch to 2023 but I have no dates for you, sorry.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ArrgsR

"Known pre beta issues"

Really worries me that lighting randomly flickering on all mobile devices was not listed here despite the community asking you to fix it since June. Is this on your bug list? Or was it already fixed in the beta?

Ty for the earlier response too.

I enjoyed being part of the program.

The feedback collected here is relating to the Android Beta which is testing out the enhanced client features. If there's an issue on all mobile devices it would be dealt with separately (via bug reports). Please feel free to DM me any more information on this bug/issue and I can try to find out more from our end :)

Ty for being involved!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by aPeake1

From what I saw the biggest request was ground tile markers, but this wasn't mentioned in the blog at all. Yes true tile ground tile was included, but actually being able to mark specific tiles wasn't.

Edit: I missed this, guess reading right after waking up at 430am didn't help me. My bad

Ground Item Markers was mentioned in the Blog, is that what you mean?

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by PoopyMcFartButt

I see this as a listed bug. “Portrait mode is not currently officially supported by the client.” Does this mean portrait mode for mobile is a possibility 👀?

It’s something we would like to support one day, however it’s such a large undertaking of work that we cannot really promise it. Sorry about that!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by aPeake1

No, marking ground tiles for inferno, tob, ranged bandos etc

That would be Tile Markers which is mentioned later in the blog

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by starryskies123

Any idea when we can expect raids 3 rewards blog post?

We have a gazette coming out hopefully this week and a leadership livestream tomorrow which should give some more clarity on this!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Carsian

No offense, cause I know things happen, but can we expect reasonable consistency on updates next year? The end of this year has been really disappointing in terms of content if you're not playing GIM. I know some big things are coming, but we've had things get delayed that people were looking forward to this year, and one could easily imagine more delays happening next year with how it's been thus far.

I think the plan is to address this topic somewhat in a gazette (hopefully this week) and leadership livestream (this week).

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by 77maf

Off topic: any data available on the success of the g.e tax so far?

We've got some internal data that we're working with at present, and we're actively looking into how we can build out our dashboards a bit more. We think there's some player facing information we can share about it but it's likely to be in a Gazette or separate Blog. The December Gazette is coming out soon but it's a bit early to share data on things so don't expect it to come in the most recent Gazette, possibly thereafter though

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by 1trickana

When is the poll/blog/update on Group Iron house entry update?

It's still on track for before we break up for the Holiday season though I don't have a date as I'm not directly involved in it

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by BigFinn

Portrait mode is not currently officially supported by the client

So not having portrait is a bug, or is it not a supported feature? Last I heard it wasn't officially developed for the mobile app at all.

It's not a supported feature - not technically a bug but we wanted to achknowledge it. The main thing to point out here is some users managed to get around things and 'force' a version of portrait mode on their phones, but it's not officially supported so it looked dodgy.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by uitvrekertje

I'm pretty sure I'm in the top 1% of osrs played on mobile daily, im an addict. How are these beta testers invited, is this a you must be known thing? Like streamers, yters, etc, or can I sign up for participation?

We made a blogpost about it and inviting players in a some weeks ago. It was open to anyone to apply

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by sixteenfours

Leagues 3 news??? We're a month away (for the second time).

We're expecting to share more info in an updated Gazette, and then more over our social platforms in the lead up to Leagues.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by BigFinn

That's what I thought, and why I was a bit confused seeing it under the bug section. Are there any plans to add official support for portrait mode?

Not currently, because it's a huge undertaking. It's something we'd like to do but hasn't been scoped out yet because of the work involved in such a big project like that. So, I don't have much to share on it: other than we know it's something you guys want and we've let the team know in our feedback meetings.