over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by bjrs493

This is a really nice change, I’m excited for these rewards!

I’m a big fan of the crossbow and it’s effect, but sad to see the bow go as the multi attack sounded like a real cool idea. Excited to see what’s coming RE Virtus, I’m excited to see some real upgrades for a change 😊

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Just a quick update on the Zaryte Bow. I've talked to Mod Arcane about the original Zaryte Bow (not the Crossbow, but the one you guys tested in the beta). It looks like a lot of you really liked this reward and you thought it was interesting. We would like to clarify that we are very open to adding it as a reward for future content. I will also make a slight amendment to the wording of the Blog to make this clearer. Thank you again for your feedback. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by adeadhead

Edit- clarified in the discord, bow is removed. Very disappointed Follow-up

Please clarify-

Nihil Shards

These have remained unchanged. Nihil Shards are consumables dropped by all foes in the Ancient Prison – including Nex. They can be used to charge the Zaryte Bow, or they can be crushed to make Nihil dust, which is a secondary ingredient in new Ancient Brew potions.

Is this suggesting the zaryte bow is still going to be added, in addition to the zaryte crossbow? I'd be happy with this if so, please don't just throw out the Zaryte Bow

(Additionally, it doesn't actually say the bow is being removed, just that people were underwhelmed by it, in contrast to explicit mentions of Virtus' removal, clarification would be great)

Please consider the possibility of adding Redwood Long+Shortbow(and (i)) in consolation, we've been waiting for a general use dragon arrow launcher for a very long time.

I've amended the Blog as the wording was confusing - thank you for picking that up!

I'd also like to clarify something about the Zaryte Bow (the original one that you guys tsted in the beta). It looks like many of you found this interesting to use and don't want us to scrap it all together. We're very open to the idea of adding this item as a reward for future content later down the line. I will add some words to this effect to the blog to clarify and clear up any confusion.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by quenox

Disappointed that the Zaryte bow got removed. It was actually really fun to use in the beta, with a couple of tweaks I think it would be a great addition.

A generic crossbow feels mega boring, and crossbows are kinda shit anyway lol

I'm really happy that you liked the original Zaryte Bow and I've asked the dev team for their thoughts on this. We would like to clarify that we are very open to the idea of introducing it as a reward for future content later down the line. So I'm going to add something into the Blog to clarify this. Appreciate your feedback.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by adeadhead

Clarified in discord, bow is gone.

Very disappointing.


Hey guys! I would like to clarify that the Zaryte Bow has been replaced in this Blog with the Zaryte Crossbow, however I have spoken with the dev team to see if we're open to adding the Zaryte Bow as a reward later down the line.

The devs have told me that this is absolutely possible (provided there is appetite for it and it fits in with content). So we are very open to the idea! We're going to keep your feedback in mind when looking at rewards for future content.

I will add some words to this effect to the blog to clear up any confusion. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by glory_poster

Rip zaryte bow wtf it was so cool and niche

Hey there! We're very open to the Zaryte Bow (original one) being a reward from future content a little later down the line. I will amend the blog to clarify this. Thank you for your feednack, though, I will definitely pass it on. How did you find the other rewards?

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by adeadhead

Thank you! It's absolutely nothing against the crossbow, it's just heartbreaking to see such a cool (but niche and without power creep) mechanic be teased then withdrawn, especially as it paves the way for some new types of fights. (And makes dragon arrows relevant)

For sure! I'm so glad you liked it. I'll definitely be passing this feedback on to the team and letting them know that it was received really well! <3 They will be happy to hear you had fun with it.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by DusteenBTW

I am a huge fan of these changes!

I do have a question about one thing though. The breaking down of bandos items to get bandosian components, and using those for better gear is, at a very basic level, then Invention skill from RS3. Have you guys thought about seeing how players react to that? It seems like itd be very health for the game and if pitched right, I think players might go for it. I am a big fan of invention as it is a great item sink and allows another dynamic to the game.

In general I think it's just a good idea to try and keep existing items within the ecosystem when making new rewards, rather than scrap them completely. I'm really glad it's getting such a positive response!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by TheAbysseOSRS

Very happy about this update blog post. The solution to not make bandos obsolete by requiring pieces of it to make torva (same with acb for the zaryte cbow) is a very good work around in my opinion. Really excited to start that grind!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm really happy to see you excited about some more goals in the game. Here's to many more!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by FisherGaming

Credit where credit is due for listening to feedback and making changes. You get my +1, sirs.

Thank you - we really appreciate it! It's really down to you guys for giving us such helpful and constructive feedback on the original blog. You guys really explained things so well, I have to hand it to you for being such a great crowd.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by CTProper

I like it. Thanks for listening to the community. Looking at the comments it seems like someone will always have something to complain about but I’m happy with the direction you’re taking!

Thank you very much! Again it's down to a very helpful community for explaining your thoughts so well. <3

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Mrunited12

Really awesome changes, and fantastic way to keep Bandos valuable. Would love to see the Zaryte Bow still added in the future though!

Thanks! We're definitely keeping it in mind, and I've added an additional few sentences to the blog to clarify that we are very open to adding the Zaryte Bow as a reward in future, provided there's still an appetite for it and a place where it fits thematically.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by PerrserkerRS

So refreshing to see you guys listening to the feedback like this, thank you- great updates all around

Thanks! You guys gave us some really helpful points to consider when we went over the feedback, so it's really down to you! :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Chacaka

Nihil Shards are consumables dropped by all foes in the Ancient Prison – including Nex. They can be used to charge the Zaryte Bow

Assuming this is still the case for Zaryte Crossbow and it's just lifted text?

I've removed the part about charging the Bow - The Crossbow doesn't need charges. Was an oopsie on my part.

over 3 years ago - - Direct link
Following your feedback, we've made some changes to Nex's rewards, including bringing Torva Armour to Old School!