EDIT: Have removed the link to the sheet because it looks like prior to sending this, all Sigil descriptions have been updated on this Wiki page. Rest of the message still stands though!
Hey all! I know I'm a little late to the party on this one but figured I'd chime in.
For starters: I totally agree, the blog is a nightmare to navigate, character limits on our newsposts mean that the table isn't searchable with Ctrl + F, to say "it's not ideal" would be a total understatement.
This is largely a result of the initial blog coming from initial design docs etc. and then having those initial designs updated with a lot of smaller changes, needing to reflect those changes in such a way that people know they're new since the last time they saw the blog, but then bloating the post. I'm in talks with the Wiki admins to try and get a list of Sigils put together and have thrown together a sheet which I'm hoping Wiki staff will use to update the pages there (Will endeavour to add this to the blog too, assuming character limit permits).
After any big project we hold something called a Retrospective, which is a look back at what went well, what went poorly, what we should do more of, what we should try doing brand new next time around etc. and I think this time around we'll need to have a lot of chats about the way we're communicating both internally and externally. Next DMM I'll absolutely strive for looping the Wiki in ASAP, maintaining an up-to-date landing page that reflects the most recent changes to all aspects, the works.
That said, you can get a pretty solid surface-level look that shouts out anything massively new in the video we dropped yesterday, which features a stacked lineup of creators and can be found here.
Additionally, have seen a handful of comments around 'conversations in Discords we're not invited to', wanted to make it clear that the Discord in question is (I presume) the PvP Discord which is open to everybody to read, and can be joined here. First up, the impactful information from any of those screenshots should be reflected in the feedback table at the top of the blog you're referencing, and if they're not then that's an error on my end and not some insider info grand conspiracy. It's largely a space for us to hear specifically from voices who aren't always favoured by the likes of the upvote/downvote system here, since they're still perspectives we value and use alongside sentiment/suggestions on other platforms, but it needs a little facelift and that's also on me to find the time to get it back into shape.
Effectively just wanted to use this message to hold my hands up and say that I agree with you, it's not my proudest work, I'm hoping to get Sigils stuff into place with the Wiki team before 5pm tomorrow (so that people still have time to look over everything). Lots to learn and next year will be better and more digestible.
To move away from the more 'down' tone though, Armageddon is by far the most friendly DMM has ever been for people without a bunch of experience, and I really hope that in spite of some details being a little out of the way you'll be able to give it a go, get stuck in and have fun with it because I think it's going to be a sick event.
Cheers for reading, appreciate the candid feedback, and rest assured that we'll do things better next time!