Original Post — Direct link
4 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

It's me!

Wanted to jump in on this briefly to say two things:

  • First up, we're interested in re-polling stackable clues. Mod Kieren left a comment on this a few months ago to the same effect. We've got an open invitation for the entire team to cook up fun designs that might make stackable clues feel a little more well-integrated and tie in with other content. There's never a specific desire to re-poll x/y/z ASAP, but near misses or older ideas that we can rework absolutely come into consideration when we start thinking of new content that might be appropriate. For clues in particular, it's probably something we should just look to do as a standalone, and that's what we'll be working towards.
  • On Chivalry: we started from a place with the Royal Titans of wanting to bridge the gap between CoX Prayers and not having them, Chivalry wasn't initially a consideration. After throwing down designs for Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, we felt it would be a significantly more appropriate time to try and make tweaks to Chivalry that position it a little better in the game and act as the melee component for a mid-level tier of prayers. This might already be apparent, but just wanted to reiterate this in case the feeling was that we specifically set out to re-poll Chivalry stuff and shoehorned it in. Ultimately it's a case of us recognising some desire for tweaks from past discussions, feeling as though this was a good fit and wanting to see whether or not this is a more acceptable implementation. Add on to that that even with an earlier unlock, Piety is infinitely easier to obtain than Rigour or Augury, so trying to give Chivalry a wider use beyond leaving it as a footnote in progression is something the team are keen to explore.

Appreciate that the post is largely humour and it did get a chuckle out of me, but wanted to jump in quickly and contribute to the conversation!