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Let me preface this by saying I hardly know anything about game balancing in regards to OSRS, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I wanted to type up a suggestion about possibly slightly buffing the Arcane, seeing as it is, according to the wiki "the only sigil spirit shield that doesn't have a passive effect"

, or to make the Tome easier to obtain while making it untradeable (also a possible nerf) to fit players who don't want to spend a good amount of money for a strong magic off-hand, but the Book of Darkness and Malediction Ward kind of already fit this description (though obv. not as strong). So what do you want the Tome to bring into the game? Do you think it's fine as is? Discuss.

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by thisfornsfwww

It’s definitely not fine as it is. The magic damage buff currently provided by it will likely replace arcane in almost all scenarios. Also, stacked with with other damage boosting items, and the new staffs proposed, it will be very game changing for magic, something I believe doesn’t need buffed. If it does need buffed, not to this extent.

I'm always interested in hearing player feedback and I don't fully understand why it is bad because it replaces the Arcane specifically, if we put out a new offhand from a new group boss it definitely has to be better than the arcane otherwise it's not worth adding it at all.

Is your feedback that we instead release an upgrade to magic not in the offhand because you feel like the Arcane should never be replaced under any circumstance? Because that is viable and valid feedback

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by thisfornsfwww

Appreciate the response. It’s not specially about arcane, although it does have no mage damage %, and the proposed 10% from the tome blows it out of the water. It would further increase the barrage max from 42, to 46 in pvp. Keep in mind the max on release was 30. Overall, the staffs and tome currently as they are, are overpowered. I’m sorry I don’t agree with the proposed update, but magic should not be hitting 80’s. I guess the poll will speak for itself, and I do agree the boss needs some viable rewards, just don’t feel massively buffing magic damage and adding a ko weapon that maxes over 80 is the way to go. The overall response from pkers so far is not very good. Hard to please crowd I know, but I’d trust their judgement.

That makes sense. Not sure if you saw but we did adjust the tome to 4% and have -10 in all defensive stats.

As for the spec weapon, remember the staves are 3 different weapons. If you dont like the volatile one (magic ags one) but like the harmonised and eldritch ones then vote no to volatile but yes to the others. They will be separate poll questions!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by DelonWright

Idc about my bank value, I care about making Corp drops useless. I’ll be able to afford any of the new gear I want, but I’d rather not see a mage off hand with as high accuracy as arcane PLUS a % damage boost

I'm curious if you saw that we reduced the damage % to 4% and gave it negative defensive bonuses. But thanks for the feedback anyway it could just be that the learning experience from this is we shouldn't touch adding better versions of corp rewards

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by DelonWright

I did see that. The negative defensive bonuses mean very little, especially in scenarios like COX and TOB where skill is more important than defence. I also believe that the damage % of 4% is still ultimately destroying the arcane spirit shields usefulness.

The one BIS item from Corp for many scenarios is the arcane. The ely is a niche item, used for tanking and infernal mainly. The spectral is only used at Cerberus. Both of them have passive effects.

I struggle to think of any scenario in which the arcane would be better than the sirens tome under these proposed changes. I think for long zulrah trips possibly, but even then the zulrah meta is tbow now, and those who can’t afford tbow likely won’t be able to afford the sirens tome upgrade.

With all of what I’ve just mentioned I really think the only item from Corp that is used in a variety of situations as a BIS will be destroyed. As Corp is one of the most nostalgic bosses, and should have at least one item serving a purpose across the game, I’ll be voting no.

That's a fair response and thanks for your reply instead of just saying its op and nothing else like other people haha. We'll probably still poll it but understanding why something might fail is an important thing for mr as a content developer because it infers how I might design future rewards!