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I haven't played in almost a year. It seems I can't login anymore, and the runelite client says something about a Jagex launcher. I try to login on the website to see if I'm not misremembering my password before downloading a launcher, and I can't login through my character name, but I can through my email. Problem is, the email is associated to a default character (same name as email pre @) back on tutorial island (I logged in using email to check). So where is my main character? Why is the character not bound to my email already? I have mails from Jagex refering to this character, it should already be bound to it I suppose. I've had this email and account for almost 20 years now, it's never changed.

I also tried password recovery but I'm not sure I'm doing it right because I don't know where this account is, is it a jagex, email, whatever account? I may be appealing for an account that doesn't exist, and I got refused twice for (I imagine) this reason.

I'm also very confused with the website. From the osrs website, you're redirected through 4 different pages with captchas up to some generic jagex website.

What exactly do you have to do to upgrade your classic OSRS character to a modern account?

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12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Hey u/Sharklo22

Mod Melora here to help!

Your best course of action would be to get into contact with us here, providing as much information as possible about the account you're trying to locate, and we'll do our best to point you in the right direction.

The 'default character' you're seeing may be as a result of creating a Jagex account that does not link to any existing characters. If you previously logged in using a username, rather than an email address, and your registered email for that account does not match the Jagex account you've created, our system can't link the character to you and so isn't automatically imported.

With this being the case, you're just given a brand new character.

Hopefully we can get this resolved on the form above :)

- Jagex Support