about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Biglippedafrican

Agility - Lackluster and why are we decreasing Seers agility xp per hour???

Thieving - Alright boost

Slayer - Great for the 0.1% of people that kill killerwatts?

Mining - All for it

The Seers course adjustment is to smooth out progression so that you're actually moving over to new courses rather than parking up at Seers for ages, and rolling out some similar Diary-based rate improvements at other courses.

Slayer is probably primarily aimed at people who are less likely to be posting on here since they're aimed at super early-game Slayer grinders and not necessarily at people who are already comfortable with the skill!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by AfroDizzyYak

Love zalcano changes except offering cash. It’s one of the most disgustingly botted pieces of content in the game, surely you’ve got a plan to combat bots before pumping in loads of pure gp?

The regular loot is totally unchanged, the proposal effectively means 'get shards, trade in for the same loot you would currently get or for Mining XP - your choice'.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Kresbot

Slayer - Can we have jellies added back to higher level slayer monsters too please?

Mining - if you’re improving motherlode it seems redundant to nerf the outfit pieces required for the task, it was hardly an outrageous grind to begin with. - amethyst change will be nice, thanks!

~Zalcano - any plans on tackling the bots there before dumping pure cash to them as a new reward?~ Seems the blog was adjusted for this comment

Can raise the Jellies stuff as a feedback point with the team!

Think the Diary task change is more that the number of hours you have to invest into a specific piece of content is a little out-of-line with other Hard tasks where it's usually 'get a requirement, do one reasonably quick thing'.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Fleschlight36

Why not buff other content xp instead of nerfing the xp/hr though?

Other courses are getting diary-based XP buffs to compensate, namely Pollnivneach & Rellekka.

That being said, team's not beholden to any of the changes proposed and could absoltuely dial back if it's common feedback!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by AfroDizzyYak

Appreciate the quick response. But pardon my confusion:

“When handing over the currency you’ll get to choose between xp or cold hard cash”. Sure makes it seem like the bots will also get this currency, and they’ll likely choose “cold hard cash” instead of xp right? Don’t think there’s many bots doing zalc for hiscores and cold hard cash certainly makes me think raw gp.

Have updated the blog, think something got lost in translation with some of the edits - my comment is effectively a TLDR, choice becomes 'loot I'm already getting' or 'more XP', uniques unaffected!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Jukkii

What in the world is that tzhaar thieving xp rate, surely that has to be a mistake.

Think /u/alpersena gets it mostly right, but the team aren't beholden to anything on here and if it's felt to be the wrong direction then it's easy for us to adjust the proposal and take parts out or add other parts in!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Puddinglax

New chance to drop the Bug Basher, a new degradable weapon that breaks after 1,000 uses. Has a 3-tick attack rate and a minimum hit of 5 against bugs.

Will the bug basher roll between 5 and the max, or will it round low hits up to 5?

Assuming you actually hit and pass accuracy check, the former - damage rolls from 5-max

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by KingPolitoed

Thieving gnomes is pretty lackluster considering the best odds for success cap at 57% with cape and diary and their loot is pretty poor, the best reward being a fire orb. Could it be possible to add a rare clue drop to their thieving table to make them a more interesting? Maybe a 1/100 for hard or elite?

Part of the way the increase is achieved is by increasing that success rate, but I'm sure the team would be open to adding more Clues from Thieving if people want to see it happen!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

Still a tad confused.

Is it similar to Temp/WT where you'd get "Zalcano Shards" and basically trade them in for a roll on the table from an NPC or trade in for XP?

Pretty much yeah, moving the existing loot into that interaction (i.e. not increasing the output of Zalcano) and giving players some flexibility in terms of whether they value GP or XP more.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Totally appreciate people feeling underwhelmed by Agility and expecting higher XP rates. Aim of these changes at this point is primarily to smooth out existing progression and make more courses worth engaging with so that players aren't parking up at one course for 20 levels at a time (unless they particularly like that course), but these changes don't rule out more significant work on Agility specifically in the future.

That being said, nothing in the works on Agility-specific overhauls or adjustments for the time being, these are just the suite of changes that came from the initial Game Jam proposal - and we'll be taking note of everything that comes in feedback-wise for any future projects that might focus solely on Agility rather than a whole bunch of skills and combat/NPC tweaks.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Iqode

Sepulchre instances please?

Will ask the team about this one again and see if their stance has changed, I know it'd be super popular with a lot of the really skilled Sepulchre-enjoyers!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by modmailtest1

Does it work against KQ, Vespula, Verzik?

Depends on what people indicate they'd like to see in the survey - I'd be surprised for something like Verzik to be included (though lore-wise I get where you're coming from)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Hey_Ily

I’m a bit confused by this. The blog has a lot of “in the future” verbiage for some of the changes regarding more substantial changes, but not everything. Are these proposed changes, or implemented changes?

Proposed changes, the team are not attached to any of them and are happy to chop and change! Not looking to implement anything until we've seen what people have to say about them all, and we've still got two more blogs after this one!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

Other courses are getting diary-based XP buffs to compensate, namely Pollnivneach & Rellekka.

I don't think this is really stated. or at least how much you'd like to buff them

They're in the table, but can understand that they might feel a little buried:
