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This would be the single biggest quality of life update for mobile by far. Having to long press on an extremely tiny portion of your screen, and then tap another extremely small option surrounded by other menu options that often have annoying results if you miss, often times needing to be done quickly For maximum efficiency, is a nightmare. It makes some content so tap-intensive and require such precision that it becomes nearly impossible to do. Menu entry swapper or something like it should be the #1 priority for the mobile dev team.

Edit: This was literally just addressed a few hours later in the post from the client devs!


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8 months ago - /u/Jagex_Gecko - Direct link

Originally posted by goonsquad50

THANK YOU! Any timeframe? This will make mobile infinitely better.

8 months ago - /u/Jagex_Gecko - Direct link

Originally posted by starid3r

Will we get extended logout timer on mobile? Pretty please 🙏🏻 🥹 i beg of you respectfully 😭

8 months ago - /u/Jagex_Gecko - Direct link

Originally posted by Skrue-Mcduck

Does this mean that with the new pluginhub, we finally get quest helper for mobile? And maybe a puzzle box solver for clues?

Puzzle box solver - not coming in an official capacity, but if someone makes a plugin for it then sure. I don't feel that you need a solver for those tbh, but that's personal opinion.

Quest Helper - I expect to work with the Quest Helper crew to make something that we're happy with Yamflex side. I think we've been open about this, we'd be fine with something that does less than the current iteration, which effectively does the quest for you. It's a Quest helper, not a quest solver