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Edit: to make my stance more clear

GM speeds are fine in raids, inferno/fight caves/colosseum, and even CG (yes sometimes rng will f*ck you over here, but skilled players can compete this semi consistently, fast CG has skill, fast prep, 5:1, low supplies = no mistakes, redemption flicking. While it's not necessary, it gives skilled players a consistent way to quickly do GM time)

But most short solo bosses with speedruns are either insane RNG or ruby resets. That doesn't make you a GM

Some bosses do an okay job with GM speed. While this might be unpopular, muspah has an unintentional mechanic that offers a massive time save, smite skip. This makes muspah GM feel like a real CA. While it's not needed, it makes GM time much easier. You can rng the CA in max gear, or use the skilled approach to get it

Bosses like vardorvis have 0 time save mechanics other than double veng or rubies. That isn't engaging

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6 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

We don't like CA speed tasks devolving into resets either, it's not fun for anyone.

Araxxor will be trying something different for speed tasks where it will be to get X kills in Y time, so speed and efficiency is still important, but averaged out over a period of time, so resetting shouldn't be a factor at all.

As always this is something different and if people don't like it then we won't bother doing it again, but seems worth a shot considering how poor speed tasks are received on most content.

6 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Nerd321123

the one content where it would be very interesting you let us down with a very bad gm speed for colosseum.. ;( also seemed the total time was bugged aswell there

I didn't work on colosseum CA's, but picking times is pretty difficult. Too easy and it's boring and pointless, too hard and its frustrating.

It's difficult to pick a time that works for our wide range of players and is ideal for all of them.

6 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by AnthonyHunt123

is Y only going to be tracked in the instance or are you expecting people to leave the arena for faster respawn times?

It'll track when the first spawn happens and you'll need to stay in the instance for it to track multiple kills.

6 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Apollyon_

That sounds so much worse...
What I get from this is that if now you have to get RNG multiple times to be able to kill it x times in y amount of time

Depends on your perspective, can be seen as less rng required since it averages out over a period of time.