almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by idelivergoods

That new mobile UI looks absolutely disgraceful. Like, uttery awful. Bleurgh!!

Can you give some more specifics on this? Keen to ensure we address feedback and make it look as nice as possible for you!

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by NeonityNL

Mobile Portrait Mode when?

It's something I picked up from the iOS and Android Beta as *highly* desirable, unfortunately, it is a lot of work for the developers to do. It's on the radar but I don't know when or if this work would be agreed to begin.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Nigasaurus

It's not the UI that is an issue. As evidenced by the poll. Why are you wasting your time re design somthing not inherently broken. Yes I note you touched on alching button being on opposite side but that seems to be the only raised point for a UI change. What we need is loot tracker, ground items and clue helper. Quest helper would be nice too but I'll wait for the other 3 first.

I haven't heard a single person say "the mobile client UI is what is letting osrs mobile down" The new UI is disgusting. The sprites are all the wrong style it's completely lost its simplicity and now looks like a bad render of a proposed mobile app pre existance or a runelite skin pack...

Please please jagex don't ruin it, I play solely on mobile and have been a beta tester since the very beginning

The main reason we think it needs some tweaks is because the majority of our play testers want additional features on mobile, but the team is struggling to implement some of them with the current UI due to space concerns.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by thechasesteve

I hope the new ui gets changed to look more old school. The current ui buttons feel very old school, but the ones in the blog don’t and I don’t really like the look of them. Excited about the additional features though!

Define 'old school'

almost 3 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by thechasesteve

I guess it’s specifically the flat brown color. The icons in RuneScape have always had a slight gradient and texture to them. I like that the current ui pretty closely matched the pc client ui in terms of style

The aim here was to have more consistent graphics throughout the UI while also squaring up the buttons so they fitted together better. The new button backing isn’t anything new though, it’s just the border of the inventory repurposed for a more consistent style. It seems to have insulted a lot of players though, so perhaps something to reconsider 😅