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Anyone else feel the colosseum is just absurdly difficult for the rewards that you get for it? For a massive content update for “mid level players” it seems a little silly to gate the completion of it behind the best 5% of players. That’s just the noob in me speaking.

“Those of you who own a Fire Cape should be able to get your feet wet in the early rounds” This comes from the blog post. It made it seem like you’d be able to fly through early rounds is what i’m getting at.

TLDR if u aren’t 99 in everything GL getting past wave 4.

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12 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

The majority of Varlamore is super approachable, but under no circumstances would we ever consider pushing deep into Colosseum waves something achievable by 'mid level players', Colosseum has hands and that's fine because there's loads of other stuff in the release to enjoy, including Perilous Moons and the Nepotzli dungeon!

12 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by w-holder

aren't perilous moons and nepotzli dungeon the same thing or am i stupid

Perilous Moons is the quest that unlocks Nepotzli, but I think people will probably call the dungeon as a whole 'Perilous Moons' just because that's what we've been calling it the whole time