Alright, to begin with some of these just don't really make sense for the region they're in, as they straight-up can't be completed in that region, and some of them REQUIRE another region to be unlocked that you don't have by default. Several are broken because of Dragon Slayer 2 as well.
There's a few tasks that I couldn't really figure out if they were broken or just a bit iffy, but those are here:
In Fremennik Isles, complete the Penguin Agility Course. This requires Cold War which is a Kandarin quest, so if you picked the Isles and not Kandarin, you're just out of luck on this one.
In Tirannwn, craft a Toxic Trident. This also requires Kandarin because that's where the Kraken boss is, so once again if you didn't pick Kandarin, you're completely out of luck.
In multiple regions, the Hard and Elite Western Provinces Diaries. These are pretty much purely Tirannwn/Kandarin tasks, and you can only complete up to Medium with Kandarin alone.
Now as for the broken tasks that I've found.
In Misthalin:
Defeat a Rune Dragon. This is locked being Dragon Slayer 2 which you can ONLY complete/get with Fremmy.
Equip a Dragon Crossbow. You need to have Dragon Slayer 2 unlocked for this, which is once again, gotten with Fremmy.
Equip a Dragon Platebody or Dragon Kiteshield. Dragon Slayer 2 strikes again.
Equip an Infernal Tool. This just doesn't make sense to be an Asgarnian task, it can only be done if you have Fremmy or the Wildy unlocked to get a Dragon Axe or Dragon Pickaxe.
Equip an Iban's Staff (u). You can't complete this quest without having Tirannwn unlocked, and if you have that region unlocked the quest is automatically completed. This one is a bit rough.
Enter the Myths' Guild. Dragon Slayer 2, Electric Boogalo
Defeat a Bloodveld. You can't get a Slayer Task for them even from the Master right in from of the Gnome's Slayer Cave.
These were all of the tasks that I could find that almost can't be completed. If there's anything I learned from this it's that apparently the Fremennik Isles are the solution to everything, and Dragon Slayer 2 is an evil quest that can't be completed in this league. I really hope that some of these can be fixed or addressed, because it's a real shame that you simply can't complete some tasks for the regions you might have unlocked.
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