over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello everybody and welcome to this
3s week's QA I'm joined by mod West hello
6s ma taser hey mod Kiran all right what
10s Archie screaming over a year in that
20s time he started supporting Arsenal it
22s looks like hey how you doing it's been a
24s while it's like to be back on yeah we
35s get a time smiley faces for seeing mod
37s Archie and also how awesome is beard
38s look what oh it's a pretty impressive
43s bit is impressive I reckon it'll take me
44s about 25 years to go okay growin out
48s that's Ryan also a big shout out to
50s gambit for being on chat and mod shed
53s and more John for helping us in the
54s streaming room guys
56s standard way to start now I guess it's
58s lots of sellouts exclamation mark dead
61s man live on Saturday for the finals
63s that's when the season starts if you
65s exclamation what dead man now to tell
67s you everything need to know about the
68s finals and the season make sure you hit
70s it remind me for the event join us
73s exclamation mark sea chantey to our
75s vinyl was waiting on a merch store in
76s record stores we've actually charted in
79s the Billboard classics chart I think
80s with a sick for lifetime I saw also if
83s you do that you will see it as a tweet
85s available which if you retweet it you
87s can win a copy of the vinyl buyout
90s demonstrated by Kieran demonstrated by
93s either you come and wrap it if you want
95s we'll wrap it slowly you know I'm like
98s QVC and those unlike TV program so they
101s sell stuff like that one has the best
110s money or like the ripples going it's
112s amazing on the back we've got the list
113s of the dreariest tracks and there's two
116s discs this disc one side a and B just
118s true side a and B so inside mm-hmm
123s showing a red vinyl
129s to survive a slide out I presume my big
134s don't beat noise the tease that does
146s look sick and inside in the center it's
149s a Tim and corruption whatsoever that's
153s pretty awesome I love that that's cool
155s what's inside yours Molly either inside
158s mine yeah that's cool
162s that map is also available purchase on
164s the most or how much negative it's a
169s game agnostic map they have a look at
171s some both runescape and old-school looks
174s pretty cool
175s yeah so it's even better feedback
177s actually like this is an area isn't in
178s the game I play it's conceptual to try
180s and kind of unite the two games and it
182s makes for a cool map even if it's not
184s completely realistic it doesn't really
187s need to be realistic though is it just a
189s fantasy game yeah fantasy MMO saw out
192s agreed
193s what else what mobile rattling mobile I
196s think everybody knows that now but if
197s you don't that's a thing get them that X
200s makes Mike a boss I've got a new blog
202s coming tomorrow
203s it looks amazing it's from my use of
205s contribution everybody involved do you
206s want to talk a little bit about it what
208s they can hope to see tomorrow yes so if
210s you remember when we did theater of
211s blood in between the announcement and
214s the release we released a progress
215s update blog but kind of like spoke to
217s the different teams that had worked on
218s the project and where there are and what
220s they're going to be working on next and
222s any difficulties they faced we've been
223s the same for the khabar Solon's
225s we've got some words from the
227s development team QA artists and also the
232s audio team and there's going to be some
234s imagery in there that you'll never have
235s seen before so some of the environments
237s that we've not shown on any of the
238s design streams the rewards which you've
241s already seen and maybe even a sneak peek
243s at the alchemical Hydra and a little bit
246s of a surprise which I'll leave for you
248s on tomorrow
249s speaking of the audio team what Surma
251s has published this a short video of him
254s working on some music for Kaos I think
256s we have that clip ready if we could go
257s to that let be great
273s [Music]
273s [Laughter]
276s [Music]
277s [Laughter]
281s [Applause]
288s that music track the plan is to use that
291s with the hess poori which is the
294s following Debbie box so you plant the
295s seed from the cave under the filing
298s guild and you go back when it says grown
300s and you can fight it's different boss
301s then once it's dead you can collect your
303s rewards so that's gonna play doing that
305s bus fight give motto or follow he's very
308s active it's kind of tweeting out what
309s he's working on which is great whilst I
312s think we're getting better at casing the
314s work duel getting guys it's nice to see
315s them take that step themselves you
318s notice his work on all-stars
319s particularly the like Botti stuff yeah
324s he's done a really good job and that was
325s there's more than just that one music
327s track in this update yeah so there's a
329s whole horse they've done a little bit
330s yet again such an amazing trouble with
332s the music sorry you just sorry to
334s intrude I'll just remind me when you
335s said about the voiceovers my favourite
336s one was a bitter bitter I mean I said we
341s could publish that kind of stuff I don't
342s know maybe I can use it on their own
344s video you make your own little sound
345s boards that we can and the last sellout
348s you'll be pleased to know is exclamation
350s mark membership for premier club it's a
352s it's a great deal if you're on the
354s grandfathered race it's probably not so
356s great a deal but unfortunately we can't
357s really give you cheaper than that
358s wouldn't make much sense but if you're
359s not on a grandfathered right your bed of
361s a saving for three months six months
363s twelve months it will make sure you
364s can't play cowboys you can't play dead
366s man and the like and with that that is
370s the last bit sell out let's go straight
371s into a player suggestion I saw it in
373s during a week which is the change of
376s color to distinguish clues roles if my
379s drunkard showed up like this yeah
382s although the know if I do it exactly
384s that way yeah it's a weird part to color
387s it to be honest but I'd like
389s distinguishing them I wanna thank green
391s blue red yellow you know the colors are
394s an interesting choice I parent colors
396s for the bottles and the nests it's fair
398s enough okay yeah they are a bit because
400s some of most games rarity scale oh
402s there's some noise in the chat look at
403s that
404s yes I think it's a bit too much too
406s extreme of a change so perhaps maybe
407s like maybe make them a little bit more
409s like ruined and messy and torn as they
411s get harder the year I'll be as obvious
414s see I'd like to go with I mean sort of
417s sort of semi-related is the update where
420s you can store CLE scrolls so the way
424s that runescape did this is that you get
426s like a that's like a tied-up Costel is
429s still sort of like in the ribbon so to
430s speak
431s and you can stack those up all you want
433s you can only have one active at a time
435s but that gives you like a way to
436s generate a clue on demand as like stored
439s drops that you've got which means when
441s you get one on the flit as you know I
442s instantly have to go and do it and
443s you're not wasting any opportunity to
445s get more clues but it's an interesting
448s way because the this throws up the
450s dynamic of what were you willing to stop
453s immediately or it ain't me but may
455s change the way you interact with clues
456s but like other the chat it seems a
458s little split on the matter so then if
460s they split I was just like one yes and
462s then I can see well yeah it looks pretty
464s even to me
465s I want to do two straw polls Wow it's
471s out of control now what I want one poll
474s on the colors do you like the colors
478s maybe not necessarily the colors but
480s really liking the distinguish and will
482s something a distinguish them yeah and
484s then a second poll on do you want
485s storable storable clues should different
490s tiers of clues be covered to better
491s differentiate them I would say it'll be
493s possible to store clues so I'm seeing
496s him so I'm seeing the chat something
498s about system update let me consult my
500s the messaging service we've got you guys
502s crack on and I'll be able to hopefully I
503s can inform the players is that
508s definitely yeah okay so yeah there's a
511s cool fix coming up just to fix a small
513s issue with the login screen I like a
516s year late let me just consult my
518s messaging service yeah apologies for the
526s disruption but it's quite necessary day
529s never ideal but normal service resumed
531s this is possible to have you got this
533s rope I was coming so and
535s back on little crack on my social just
537s cool before I get into the resting oh
539s they're coming all right I'll let him
542s spam in the chat okay I'm being mislead
546s anyway
548s lots of questions this week before it
551s gets to the questions I want to talk
553s about a few things
554s one being the kind of poll results stuff
557s happen hiding them we've seen some lots
560s of questions some good memes and that
561s means all about there we wants it fairly
563s often as recently as last week will
566s endeavor to address it in the new year
567s it's not a cop-out but we're not gonna
569s make this sort of change before
570s Christmas because it's not really
572s realistic
572s next year hopefully it's something we're
574s talking about so residue dirt and we're
576s not taking it lightly
577s it doesn't mean spam us on 1st January
579s but these memes where they start with a
587s video than change into the killer that's
592s been enjoyable and the easiest thing to
593s see we should if you see a post on the
595s reddit that has more than like 500 of
598s votes it's a meme make one of those West
602s you can animate things we should roast
603s the community in one of those probably
610s one we could get away with it definitely
619s not about fighting it's about the unity
621s and bringing each together we need the
623s community to work with us and we need to
625s work with the community and don't think
627s would win the mean war they'd be like
631s why are you intimating this instead of
633s making like mud Roy's pretty good Nima I
635s reckon he could suck he could think of
638s probably make top you know top page
640s reddit post we've all got a throw away
647s right you're a couple also apologies to
652s a player on reddit a name backer bad
654s yeah the suggestion for new Superior's
655s it's not included in this week's Q&A try
657s that in next week that said cow boss has
659s a lot of slow content so don't expect us
661s to be in any hiring whatsoever add new
663s spirits but I'll look at showing that
665s next week also next week would be the
667s last Q&A of the year for Christmas so
669s we're looking with something with
670s festive perhaps anyway not first
673s question kale brace says can I charge
675s Drago five field count as a shield slot
677s warm clothing in winter Todd I imagine
679s it's because it's Ragna fires hot and
680s for the Dragon Fire that's entirely
683s reasonable what's gonna keep you warm
691s is it okay it's warm I don't really care
694s like it'll be a piece of warm clothing
697s or not it's a shield okay I also live
703s here in don't really care like it's warm
705s clothes for winter turn it's just a it's
708s not a big deal it's just there for
709s thematic reason really cetera so there
715s is precedent for she'll slide them one
718s place going to ask can we have it so
719s when a player uses compost on a patch it
721s changes color the family code so much
730s sadly that is not going to be feasible
733s not nope do you want to know the tech
737s reason why they using farming practice
740s use something called multi locs meaning
743s it can look different for different
744s players play based on one of your
745s variables it can only have two hundred
747s and fifty five different states and so
750s if you multiply all the different
752s vegetable patches watered growing dead
755s diseased for example and then you're
758s gonna have to multiply that by four for
760s no compass and then the three different
762s kinds of compost sorry it's not gonna
765s work
766s sorry Ron yeah boys can we see the
769s doctor strawpoll I did to see them pop
770s up briefly fixing me okay so should each
773s tier of clues call have a unique
774s appearance 89% of you said yes 11% says
776s no overwhelming so we'll get on the
778s backlog and second one should crew
781s Scrolls be made storable more
783s contentious 61 yes 39 no possible to
787s adds to the backlog and local feedback
788s Mabel on the next rip a batch job poll
790s blogs we put out but thank you very much
792s for answering those and from more
794s gambits for doing it first question from
797s our m tank I mentioned speeding up
799s cannibal making so we've discussed it
800s before n really much movement since
802s for hand we was talking about something
803s in a Poh he suggested cannibal look at
807s ball making cypriot previously we spoken
811s about something in the Poh player here
813s has suggested something like last bonus
816s some way means of doing it but do we
819s want to revisit it is it still in the
821s backlog that kind of stuff if we were to
823s do it I wouldn't want to do it as part
824s of the last forever sad what it to be
826s sweet more dedicated that you have to
827s earn new quest maybe two original quest
831s that unlocks them cannon itself
833s potentially ok well they could tie into
836s a question of weight loss I think we
837s discussed like a long time ago maybe
840s more like two years ago now there was an
842s idea about having like a furnace you can
845s build in your Poh yeah specifically for
849s this and maybe with that like decent
852s construction level maybe decent fire
853s making level to light it and then you
856s can go to your Peter witchcraft missile
857s if your fireball ever get cannonballs
860s there and do it faster but we all know
864s that we can might put 10,000 cannonballs
866s into it and then it just automatically
868s peaceful in it no absolutely you know I
870s know you're crying 295 slay a man but no
873s fair experience Incheon all right okay
878s so we are perhaps keen on exploring some
881s sort of high level content within the
882s Poh always part of a quest but not for
885s part - its week big one this time I do
889s ask my teens I'd like to talk about this
890s so this number four is from Sean Bay Zen
893s on my rates
893s what's particularly with runners was it
895s intentional initially so in a report
898s that we were rate attached and now with
899s runners it's way higher than that was
901s that intentional and as a follow-up
903s question from me I guess if not what can
905s we do cool some I I can't answer whether
910s or not it was intentional because I
911s don't know that was before my time if
913s anyone else wants to sign up for sure as
916s to what we can do it's something I
918s tweeted about I know that month or so
921s ago now but it was one of the known
922s things that were aware of and is there
924s anything that we want to do about it and
925s if there's anything that we
928s so I've no idea what people are laughing
931s at but anyway I'm going to carry on
932s sorry about you essentially the issue
935s that you run into is the fact that
937s running has always been I think so
939s running an essence for people at altars
940s exists and let's say for example you
944s just add an arbitrary blocker on the
947s Irani altar which means that you can't
948s trade players when you're next a little
950s it just doesn't feel fitting in any way
953s shape or form so instead what I would
956s personally like to look at doing is
957s actually having a limit on how many
959s times you could use essence on the altar
960s per hour and that would be basically the
965s altar like drains your energy of some
966s sort and it means that you can't then
967s continue to do it so you would never
970s reach that limit if you were
972s runecrafting normally so you'll always
974s be able to have the same experience
975s rates but like a irani altar for example
978s if you were trading essence between one
980s another it might be that you can only
982s actually get like an extra six
983s inventories of essence per hour or
985s something like that so that there is a
987s cap a hard cap on how much experience
988s you can get at the max but then the
991s problem with that is that people can
992s just go to another altar instead and do
993s the exact same thing for a little bit
995s less of what you would be getting at or
997s on ear but use more people to get more
999s XP so would you then have to do that to
1001s all that other altars as well and then
1002s balance out how many uses per hour you
1006s could have I can't see any other fitting
1008s way to kind of like make it change
1013s somebody once mentioned having taken
1016s damage because you're in like a samurai
1018s key an altar for whatever reasons I'm
1019s right past you but my retort would be
1022s with your trade from runners there
1024s probably start adding food with the
1026s essence as well he's come out eat it
1027s obviously just make the whole thing
1029s instant but I really wouldn't want to do
1031s that like so much of the fun is
1033s following other people and saying it's
1036s the crowds of people moving down
1038s honestly my opinion is runnings always
1041s been a part of runecrafting
1042s running was a part of like potential
1045s possible sorry running was possible of
1047s zmi in the original game and everyone
1051s knew that was going to be possible when
1052s everyone voted it in as well yep there's
1056s a point so I think this is probably more
1059s upsetting towards players who achieved
1061s higher runecrafting levels earlier in
1063s game they're kind of established then
1064s used to their XP race and stuff my
1067s personal opinion is it's the XP grace is
1069s too high I'm saying what some moving on
1071s so I will do that Elijah asked can we
1073s allow briar feed the staff to increase
1075s standard spell book free signs but one
1077s two and three seconds bind snare and
1079s entangle spectively I imagine it's due
1082s to the kind of nature connotations which
1084s bind spells do use actually I think this
1089s is the fact that you can you can't get
1091s their natures out that you I'd like it
1093s so you'd have to have the like the
1094s nature staff fully charged so that if
1096s you then oh I didn't get that they would
1098s kind of would they be lost because the
1101s currently you can't get them back out
1102s can be those nature's great to enthrone
1105s I'm seeing in a chat that music is a
1107s little bit too loud and audios a bit too
1109s quiet
1109s could we you just out of it thank you
1111s sorry I user what were you saying no I
1112s just I was just trying to remember how
1114s the mechanic works in terms of when you
1116s put natures into the staff I can't
1118s remember if you can get them back out on
1119s I don't think you can one way but it'll
1122s be really cool if you could like charge
1123s it to the minimum and then have like an
1125s additional supply that you add in there
1127s that would then get lost on death so
1128s that if you were to use it because it's
1129s only gonna be useful really in PvP
1133s then the PvP would get something back if
1135s you were to die with it and it has like
1137s a minimum risk associated but it sounds
1138s really cool
1139s I put an interesting idea nature's staff
1141s is hmmm not having to worry about
1143s changing the way they protect from magic
1144s work so that would still reduce the
1146s durations but it does give you a little
1149s bit of extra if you have that critical
1150s iron
1151s so yeah it's making it that woman okay
1154s next question from Molly mole seeing the
1156s immense support for graphical changes to
1158s items
1158s more recently the dragon pickaxe and
1161s start of light and stuff could we see
1164s the same applied to the our middle
1165s crossbow it's just a recolor hunters
1167s crossbow yeah they did they did pull an
1174s original design all the way back when it
1176s first came out who am what Alfred he
1180s made it all and it failed the poor now I
1185s offer something else perhaps would he
1188s make the original I wanna do make
1189s something new himself
1191s I don't put the on bad order perhaps
1195s it's worth exploring making another one
1198s but I would've expected every priority
1200s or new things really oh yeah sure I was
1202s going to a bit of an aside which is if
1204s you want all of the graphics time being
1206s spent on kind of recovering existing
1208s items and stuff what we have only needed
1209s be like a graphics core poll in February
1212s yeah that that's to remind every year we
1215s tend to have February dedicated who can
1216s call issues on the back of the large
1218s release that happens in January so we
1221s can look at doing something graphical
1223s sounds good
1224s sweet mattiece Allah asked the who says
1226s the expert mining gloves are
1228s underwhelming with two sets of mediocre
1229s perks attached how about a 1% XP set
1232s bonus if used in conjunction with full
1234s prospector I do agree that they're quite
1238s underwhelming The Farewell to get hold
1241s of as well hmm
1243s I've never felt the need to get them but
1245s then at the same time I own did mining
1246s so I could get a quest cope so but I
1250s don't mind it being sort of sapphic used
1254s to be quite supported in the chat it
1258s looks a bit conflicted I'm not too keen
1260s on XP but if we can think of another
1263s effect that's relevant and sure either
1265s way I'm happy to kind of look at it
1267s again perhaps in the skinning call we do
1269s our s table and ask can we redecorate
1272s our pa rates to be more Christmasy ties
1275s it to the event I would say it's too
1277s soon the site to the event and an aside
1279s that comes out tomorrow so hype for that
1281s one perhaps next year I'd say so kind of
1286s you to offer Karin sorry I can't do the
1290s graphics work ill you could have it
1292s might look a bit rubbish existing ones
1296s just paint everything red yeah we all
1297s right Josh my favourite my favourite poh
1300s it's the Halloween one yeah it's great
1302s we're just sick not that Halloweeny it's
1304s just like really cool perfect if I was
1306s in it yeah I would love to hear which
1312s kittens but we don't have don't think we
1314s have many spaces left there's a few
1317s slots and that's it so I'd like to think
1319s carefully about when we spend them but
1321s cool if you're just joining us for the
1323s stream at the very start I spoke about
1325s results welcome to keep spamming that
1328s alternatively you can always go arrest
1330s with proper questions to ask and all get
1331s on asking those good no hype train in
1334s there one man spam hmm get your phone
1339s out you were mod right what we've got
1343s we've got okay Lane Hammond six asks why
1346s don't you accept a story of twenty bar
1349s why don't you accept applications for P
1350s mod so had lots speak about this kind of
1353s stuff
1353s long short is there's be a lot of wasted
1355s time the quality of the players we would
1358s accept would be invited anyway because
1361s we're done to find good candidates of
1362s data and then do manual research when
1364s selecting sometimes people change after
1366s being invited or like bad eggs slip
1368s through the cracks but we take action
1369s quickly that's it if your time zone if
1372s you feel these times like has a shortage
1373s then of like P mods let us know and
1376s we'll pass to the sport team and we can
1377s look at recruiting P mods from the
1379s certain language or time zone
1380s specifically to help you so that's the
1383s assets that one Jo card asked could we
1387s add extensions to hellhound kalphite and
1389s Dagon off tasks again it would be so
1392s easy afk wolf cannon gasp I imagine
1398s ah the tasks that we added extensions
1401s for were generally the ones that had
1403s reduced tasks in maps I believe but
1406s honestly like I'm I feel if you want it
1409s I'm having to add more extensions to
1411s really bother me but at the end of the
1413s day adding extensions of those tasks
1415s would just be a slayer buff yeah so it'd
1417s be how how in California can often it
1419s person will be asking purely for a
1421s slayer buff to be able to kind of just
1423s smashed out and easy cannon tasks that
1425s typically they would IFK anyway just use
1427s braces of slaughter I've been doing yeah
1432s they're sort of gift universal it's that
1433s undermanned yeah I'd agree with that it
1436s was also a really bad suggestion from I
1438s think an undead scape which was to add
1440s like some of the enemies egg bosses to
1444s make them count as what he'll know stuff
1446s like that which is even worse because I
1448s think the what you give up when you when
1451s you're a fkn nightmare zone is the
1453s possibility of Slayer XP do we call it
1457s bad suggestions now this is great for it
1462s ok they're gonna do what you want to
1464s come back and be like I want to do that
1465s someone wouldn't stop me though to do a
1467s demon task in nightmare zone so you can
1469s get Slayer experience in there I think I
1470s think it's more attaching the exuberant
1472s bosses in existing times the bosses in
1474s there give more experience don't they
1476s some of the bosses that come from
1477s questio specially so that would have to
1479s be like now just move on yes I agree
1483s should be left should we know if they
1484s expel Labour's oh yeah I think so should
1487s we especially the bosses would you give
1489s bonus xp it'll be fine for now I didn't
1493s have that on my sheet but it looks like
1495s the most popular aliens are so far
1497s caring legitimately how should we nurse
1499s should we remove combat expansion we
1501s reduce comebacks being half something
1504s like that so that if you're playing
1506s legit cut seeing an XP drop it's still
1509s useful right so we're moving completely
1511s might be annoying but we like reducing
1514s by 50%
1515s they still obviously just nerf it
1517s because you can still afk and get quite
1518s easy experience that's be realistic but
1520s as soon as it stops being the best
1522s I think that's a big difference
1525s it's got to be good enough for people to
1527s carry on doing it and I actually think
1528s I'm a zone is a good thing - to present
1530s minigame by itself it's fine
1533s - the bonus experience you get from
1534s bosses that were from quests or however
1536s that works it's actually okay because it
1539s gives everyone that wants to FK train
1540s because let's face it not everyone out
1542s there does play all day every day and
1544s focuses the entire time and I think
1546s that's okay - like just accept the fact
1548s that that happens because if they're not
1550s in nightmare zone they're going to go to
1551s the bandits or they're going to go
1552s somewhere else which is then going to
1553s crowd an area for another player who
1555s might be trying to do something else or
1557s they could just actually be a bad egg
1559s and going but instead and if people are
1561s going to play legitimately doing
1562s nightmare zone instead of butting in
1564s like the stronghold of security or
1566s something
1567s I'd much rather that they do that I just
1568s don't like how it is the the top
1570s experience per hour is just go to
1572s nightmare zone and exactly barracks all
1575s right at the end there's so the other
1576s place you can go on F cake and we're
1578s going to kiss sand crabs all you like
1579s it's the same thing at the end of the
1582s day but not as powerful so I think
1585s nerfing it it seems a very reasonable
1587s thing for me to do I wouldn't say
1589s blanketly that 50 percents the right
1590s amount to do but that sort of thing
1593s should we do a strop or on that again
1597s gambit out on the air I'm sure about
1599s that today let's go off should we nerf
1601s nightmares oh and combat experience by
1603s 50%
1604s this much don't mind a big comeback you
1610s give them options between like yeah
1613s percentages so we go we are nerfing it
1616s 10 20 30 40 50 that was that doesn't
1620s work that doesn't compare it so well as
1621s most campers getting that up for us this
1623s move on with other questions Jo asked
1624s asked can we get the herbivore harvest
1627s count added to the Poh adventure log
1629s counter herbivore harvest coat mmm so we
1636s already tracking that because you do get
1638s a count given to you afterwards
1640s does it yeah yeah
1646s yeah yeah yeah cool
1649s works for me OSR estas I don't idea it's
1653s killing more competitive with bossing
1654s and I would also add a follow-up
1657s question which is should a okaying at
1659s something like a tree be something that
1661s requires engagement well this is why I
1663s like adding the more interactive
1665s skilling stuff like winter togs isn't
1671s great for it but obviously it's an
1672s attempt at doing that sort of thing
1674s we've got the volcanic bytes of mining
1676s which is more interactive and dangerous
1679s other skilling methods like I want to
1682s add engaging stuff like blast mind for
1684s example it's very interactive without
1687s requiring like ticket manipulation to be
1690s why it's interactive so I like skilling
1692s buffets out interesting like that type
1695s file is another one that's like
1696s interactive one we're doing of cameras
1699s aerial fishing wants to be it's gonna be
1701s quite fast-paced that's the idea so when
1704s we start doing things like that more I
1706s think there's a lot more scope for
1707s giving them much better rewards the
1708s normal parity yeah you're afk skill
1710s methods so like in the comparison
1713s between being comparables the money that
1715s you would make from PBM rather than the
1717s interaction yeah I think it was alluding
1719s more to the money let's not forget that
1721s if song of the elves and prifddinas pass
1725s a poll there is potential for a brand
1727s new skill emboss that would be similar
1730s to a traditional PBM style encounter but
1733s using skilling method no combat required
1736s and you would still get rewards as if
1737s you were doing a combat boss so that
1740s might be a potential for people that
1741s want to just use their skills rather
1743s than combat and still make money
1745s something else about as well which is
1747s the drop take what we work which we are
1749s still committed to delivering like
1751s eventually should hopefully kind of even
1754s out the the money you'd get from in
1757s tanks giving methods versus bossing that
1759s kind of stuff we've already done it
1760s we've liked some of certain bosses but
1762s we're looking at rolling out more wider
1766s what gambit do we have the results in
1767s the straw poll we do he'd wrap my mind
1769s should combat experience gain from the
1771s nightmare zone be nerfed we've got 40%
1773s for no 20mm so but nothing by 25% yes is
1778s 26%
1778s sorry
1779s quite awkward to say those who are
1781s voting yes we're a 50 percent enough
1783s there are 26 percent of you and those of
1786s you are voting for a temp Center there
1788s are nine percent of you so we combined
1789s the yeses against the nose so you would
1791s do that to kind of gauge the sentiment
1794s like how many versus yes how many
1795s brushes no than pick in between I don't
1798s know I probably that 60% is very low but
1802s still worth a discussion I say I agree
1805s yeah I know okay
1810s talking of the Farmington tell me what's
1814s will it have a pet or will it offer at
1816s Tanglewood farming dairy buffs will
1819s offer the kangaroo pet cool would have
1821s its own pet the only pet coming with the
1824s capital or loans will be the alchemical
1825s Hydra both pet sweets and we're not
1828s going to show that until release correct
1830s I don't know all right I mean you've
1834s seen the box it looks like a mini
1835s version of that just just zoom out on
1838s the picture it looks like that yesterday
1841s read the chapter to it was--didn't we
1843s pretty much mother we were like what
1845s what what can we show what should we
1847s show over the next few weeks kind of
1848s build up hype everything and we've gone
1850s for everything - mechanics
1853s - boss mechanics yes yeah you won't get
1854s to learn how to do stuff but you can see
1857s stuff yeah we'll be are IRS asked can do
1864s blow right sword and normal Silverlight
1866s become reclaim herbal and I'd say should
1868s we roll it out to other useless
1869s cosmetics if so is it as simple as them
1871s they're sending us a list of uses it
1874s might vary to be honest like that thing
1878s is written let me checking your
1879s variables on which quests you've done
1881s and if you've done this one I'll give
1882s you the dark light and so on it ain't
1885s gonna be straightforward and completely
1886s but yeah there's only a handful mm-hmm
1891s cool most of them we let you keep so
1898s what makes working a Jagex so much fun
1904s so the slur actually been quiet I was
1907s going to say I saw these questions so I
1909s had a bit of a think beforehand if I
1910s answer which gives you a bit more time
1912s to have a think that mainly me for me is
1915s the kind of variety from day to day I've
1917s worked other jobs like while studying
1919s stuff where it's just the same thing
1922s after the same thing after the same
1923s thing or I was working with you all
1926s give us something different to do each
1928s day lots of different projects plus I
1929s get to work with a great team
1931s I've made many good friends both in work
1933s and now outside of work spend a lot of
1934s time of some of these guys so the people
1938s and the variety for me I think that's a
1941s really good part about Jack I think it's
1943s something that everyone says who's
1945s worked if Jack exists they love working
1947s for the people here but for me it's the
1950s satisfaction they get from what I get to
1952s do for my job like I grew up playing the
1955s splitter game like everyone else here
1956s and majority people in the chyme I don't
1959s have been playing since like 2007 or
1961s even earlier and getting to be part of
1964s making it now getting the debris on the
1966s other side it's absolutely amazing so
1968s when it comes to things like and
1969s launching Inferno and launching fear of
1971s blood and watching it it's incredible
1974s it's like any other job you don't get
1975s that satisfaction I was just about to
1977s say these how everyone how involved
1980s everybody gets so I think it's quite
1982s common for our players to think like all
1983s the soldiers that kind of exists
1984s separately we've been Jagex but that's
1985s not the case with Inferno where fear to
1988s of like people would gather in like the
1989s big hall you'd walk around and everyone
1991s everyone screams regardless of what team
1993s and what game they work for words like
1995s enjoying awful content it was sort of
1996s surreal to view I look crazy like
1998s sitting in the saying in the atrium I
2001s got big auditorium there's like it's
2003s full of just people watching it on the
2005s big screen and watching like Bowie's
2007s failed attempts and look successful yeah
2009s Archie what you want so yeah I was
2011s actually gonna say pretty much the same
2013s thing as you the variety in work it's
2016s not you know if we do a stand-up it's
2018s it's not what are you working on this
2019s week and there's one thing it's a list
2021s of things and it's a list of different
2022s people you're interacting with and
2025s working with projects and then also the
2027s creativity that we get to have so one of
2029s the tasks before the end of the year
2031s though some of us are tasked with is
2033s creating two projects as pitches just
2035s not
2036s nothing too crazy just kind of
2038s conceptual and then put them forward and
2040s if if they received well there's
2041s potential for that to go into the game
2043s which is really cool because you know
2046s you I'm not a designer but I could
2048s potentially contribute to something I
2050s could go into the game well you did
2051s already with their blood so did you get
2054s a job putting together a lot of those
2055s rooms and bosses and thank you helping
2057s out that design say the dream so if
2060s someone suddenly loses a bet which i
2061s think is in reference to his arsenal
2062s sure I user and West so much fun well I
2072s mean probably the fact I get free
2074s membership and on my account but no it's
2078s a it's almost echoing the same as what
2080s everyone else said I love working with
2083s the old-school team in particular
2084s there's a lot of people within the wider
2087s team of Jagex as well that are awesome
2089s but the old-school team is almost like
2091s someone's like a extended family and
2094s that's really cool but then the actual
2097s community being able to kind of like
2098s take what you guys say yes some of its
2101s negative but there's a lot of positivity
2103s in there and there's a lot of stuff that
2104s I've been able to kind of like use to
2106s help bear myself going forward and just
2108s to yeah kind of take what a bunch of
2112s people on the internet can be talking
2113s about and actually make that a reality
2114s in game just it it's pretty awesome to
2116s see so take the salt with a pinch of
2118s salt I mean yeah oh and obviously you
2121s know drawings of in-game characters you
2126s hear yeah but I don't get tagged in them
2129s constantly okay I don't even have to
2131s look anymore
2135s today that's a good one
2137s that's it I've already seen that one
2139s I've seen that one already - and there's
2141s anyone who doesn't want to view you as
2142s you heart drew a picture of me a Pokemon
2144s training on the road yeah it was super
2146s quick and I was a pokemon trainer with
2148s yeah pretty beastly yeah and tacky you
2150s gots a perk oh cool what what makes her
2153s so much fun last week on the design
2155s stream but just like so well building
2157s and creating the environments just like
2159s adding story to this of less scene
2162s elements creating like a sense what sort
2164s of sense of exploration when people can
2165s come to
2167s explore those areas and being able to
2169s make your own world it must be quite a
2171s lot of power there we have a lot of
2172s creative creativity like freedom so
2175s great to just sort of run wild
2177s I was must say I've heard that before
2179s but then I remembered I've watched the
2180s Q&A last week but also it's almost word
2183s for word the same statement that's in
2184s the progress update blog like what do
2186s you most enjoy I can't say one thing
2189s because I just love everything can in
2191s most most particular though I love
2193s working with in my creating environments
2195s and so on that if you just joined us we
2200s could touch back what earlier we will be
2201s releasing a revised or brand-new
2203s actually a Kaos Progress blog which has
2206s all sorts of stuff including model West
2208s having us how much he loves working
2209s jagex on building walls so expect
2211s tomorrow
2213s next question from meow coming out
2215s additional ghoul locations besides
2217s mauritania there's champion score
2219s hunters in the game basically is this
2227s champion scroll this would make it
2229s possible for Pure's to hunt champions
2233s outside of mauritania yes think so now
2239s that you've said that then those are
2240s coming in that's why I left it off the
2246s question I'm trying to rig it with up
2248s yours yes we do what defense do you get
2252s it's prayer that was you guys that yeah
2254s yeah because the priests in peril you
2257s can give it one defense still yeah
2259s that's fine
2261s you probably see them over the river
2262s maybe if they just use long but this
2271s thing this is bloody most up voted one
2273s in response to my spread from BW and
2275s starts boy he saw it and could with
2279s Ian's bulwark have a duplicated attack
2281s option so that your attack style doesn't
2282s change when you can equip and unequip it
2284s this has been done to weapons like with
2285s trident and a bizzle bludgeon in the
2287s past they say yes
2291s it seems very reasonable me oh yeah yeah
2294s there's a precedent for it I wouldn't
2296s mind it yes is and just before anyone
2300s tries to say this wasn't a question from
2301s me is the number one at voted fret a
2303s post on reddit thread and guess what
2305s it's not my throwaway account either
2307s it's someone else's but I just so
2308s happened to have been using a bulwark
2309s quite recently because the special
2311s attack is amazing when you're at Dagon
2313s offs and it is very frustrating when I
2315s constantly have to change back from stab
2317s like pick option to aggressive option
2320s because the bulwark is just one option
2322s same reason they oughta curse things
2324s yeah auto cast in defensive and then I
2327s switch over said the bulwark to like
2329s tagged some dust devils and like oh well
2331s it's my suspect not working I'm there
2332s for 10 seconds oh it's because I'm in
2334s defensive stance so I okay cool so I'll
2337s add that to Alonso Daulton asks could
2340s more quest Keys be looked at at being
2342s added to their still keyring it
2344s currently holds at most 13 Keys 12 if
2346s you've completed the enchanted key mini
2347s quest and my question to you guys would
2350s be is it easy to do do we just new
2352s players to give us a list of keys I'm
2355s not sure how easy it is to expand I know
2357s a while ago Ashley wrote some of its
2359s code that was horrific so potentially
2362s okay but yeah I don't know it well
2365s enough to really know how easy it is but
2367s we did make it so that firstly we've
2370s caught the wise old man who will clear
2372s up members junk items now so if there's
2374s any Keys you don't need that should
2375s clear I'm out secondly I believe at
2380s least the majority or almost all of the
2381s key should have an examine message which
2383s tells you where it's used or what it was
2385s used for so you should be like identify
2388s keys you don't need very easily and then
2392s it might be less of a problem okay yeah
2395s double check how it is keys that if
2397s there's keys that are useful that are
2399s not on that key word they ought to be
2401s busy yeah so sorts of questions in the
2404s chat one ways when's the Christmas mint
2406s coming the answer is tomorrow and no
2408s question which is a good one actually
2409s will the Slayer ring have a teleport to
2412s the nucleation will the campus release
2415s we're still exploring this like we
2417s haven't actually decided fully how we
2419s want the teleports to work currently in
2421s game the closest is a fairy ring which
2423s is down a mountain it's a little income
2425s to be
2425s we're discussing how to improve it I
2428s believe the diary will have a teleport
2430s to the top of the like volcano but yeah
2434s this is something we're not discussing
2436s we're working for towards the end of the
2438s project now so after the net course of
2440s the next week and a half or so we should
2442s have essentially all the features for
2444s chemical ona is complete and then we'll
2446s be in a position like to spend some time
2448s focusing on the polish bringing in
2450s concerning that sort of stuff like
2451s teleports and there's a few different
2453s options like we're talking about every
2455s creature you kill in that dungeon having
2457s a chance of dropping a teleport at
2458s school or maybe Slayer points can
2460s purchase teleport to that region but
2463s there's all sorts to consider and we'll
2465s sit down as a team and come up with
2466s something also keep in mind that
2468s typically large projects would spend the
2470s next week or and possibly longer
2472s revising it based on your feedback it's
2474s that kind of stuff
2475s novels question from a chat from El
2477s Chapo which is regarding the content
2479s being on Walking Dead mind season will
2482s the Barrows armors be unlocked at the
2484s same time as ancient spells that both
2486s fall on the same week on which i think
2488s is one week or two weeks those to me it
2490s would happen at the same time right
2491s burrows unlocking in week 3 because
2493s that's when the increased drop rate the
2495s double drops from burrows are yeah
2497s pretty sure that's what it is so
2500s regardless of week the time wise if it
2503s is the same week it would happen because
2504s it's just standard 1212 GMT there is out
2507s of the third week so if it's the same as
2509s when actions unlock then yeah it'll be
2510s with barrows as well okay Claire would
2512s be at 12 GMT maybe that midnight yeah
2515s yeah or just after lovely Cheers next
2518s one empty goon bag our canoes player
2522s named purge again so I've got a taste of
2525s answer for you it's very time consuming
2526s I think the best way to do it will be to
2528s automate it more effectively I would
2531s expect it soon but it's definitely worth
2533s discussing it's only once web dev who
2535s are working on a substantial project in
2536s the moment are able to do so the rapper
2541s asked could be update pvp mini games by
2543s adding new rewards and the answer is yes
2545s but what war wars would you like them to
2546s be yeah Thunder will yeah
2549s can we also give everyone a limited
2551s prayer LMS already can we do that just
2554s as a test probably quite easily so it's
2557s not going to PvP quo
2559s in February that type of stuff I reckon
2561s that's a good show
2562s excessive Fox asked can we develop more
2564s quests that continue on 2007 storylines
2567s like the red axe gods luna or fairy tale
2570s so we always asked about I've got I like
2574s this quest line can you continue it I
2575s think excessive Fox has been fairer with
2578s this question by saying I want 2007
2580s continuations I'd also say like over the
2584s last five years we've gone from like a
2585s skeleton team which has been focused on
2587s like refining quest light and a brown
2588s refining gameplay sorry to a much larger
2591s team which is capable of producing big
2593s projects and big quests so getting there
2595s I'd also like to remind you that we're
2596s ending like the 2002 quest line the elf
2598s series hopefully if the passenger pole
2601s in the summer but in terms of the 2007
2604s quest lines I love the red acts one like
2605s the idea of like flown big consortiums
2609s and groups of like economically driven
2611s dwarves fighting for war something
2614s really cool I'd love to see that going
2615s yeah a lot of stories are awesome a lot
2618s of them are being progressed in
2619s runescape including like the vampire one
2622s which I think it's the first one we
2623s actually went and ended up like old
2626s version off so this year just before we
2629s launched they were blood we launched a
2630s quest called a taste of Hope which
2631s modded work done and that was a what's
2635s the quest name and runescape the legacy
2637s of C I guess it's the one that I
2639s essentially mimics and so it tells the
2642s story in a different way but gets the
2643s like you know the same sort of
2645s conclusions so it works quite well and I
2648s much prefer that way of doing it rather
2650s than replicating the same questions I
2652s think you can you can play runescape if
2654s you want to play that we've got
2655s creativity different ways a story lane
2657s it's like to do something a little bit
2658s different so the option is completely
2660s there for us but of course there's other
2662s value in doing our own quests as well
2665s but quest as a whole we've done so many
2668s now we've really ramped up the amount of
2669s quests like just earlier I was I'm
2672s talking to someone about all the updates
2674s we've done in 2018 and I was going for
2675s like damn it's quite a few quests isn't
2678s there and well potentially also notably
2682s two new quest of chaos for second tower
2684s ascent of our chaos get some of the
2688s elves and the warding is still up on the
2691s air but this might end up being an
2693s traductor equal warning you make sense
2695s like there's all sorts so we're really
2697s really done a lot more they're
2699s considering 2013 2014 2015 first for the
2703s years of old school had zero request
2705s 2016 what monkey madness tree was the
2707s first one it's crazy when you think
2709s actually about how old the game is now
2711s and it's almost at the point where we're
2713s really just almost just starting of like
2716s a whole new cycle of development and
2718s updates and the quality of them to think
2720s that the game was running perfectly fine
2722s for three years without like a single
2724s quest obviously it's it's grown
2726s massively since then and we started
2727s adding more content but to think that
2729s it's really only in the last three years
2731s that we started to ramp up how many what
2733s else can come in there in the future
2734s it's really exciting I'd be interested
2736s to see you sorry someone noticed these
2738s mentioned from the exiles in the in the
2740s chat so soon oh yeah as well potentially
2743s might at some point yeah I think we're
2745s looking to try and do something with
2746s that next year but it's something yes
2748s though I think the difficulty doesn't
2749s tend to be designing a new story or
2753s picking a question specific in saying
2755s let's carry on this storyline it comes
2756s to the rewards of course and then
2758s bringing it to a pole and seeing if it's
2760s gonna pass I'd be interested to see a
2762s priority pole as far as going through
2764s the quest list and then picking out ones
2766s that we could do potentials equals four
2768s and then seeing a percentage vote on
2771s where they rank things yeah we should
2773s have about data yeah we don't have it to
2775s hunt because last well this year already
2776s we working Matt Kay and what stone both
2780s worked on like a big survey for 2019 and
2783s then separately a strategy team which is
2784s growing to considerably which is gonna
2786s be great news for you guys have also
2788s released like a which I'm more general
2790s survey which includes kind of quest
2792s stuff so we'd always refer to that
2794s before going for pitches but I think the
2798s long short of it is our team has got
2801s bigger now we can definitely look at
2802s giving you more quests also be
2804s considerate of when I was first
2806s re-released it most of the time had to
2809s be spent making it more playable cool
2812s maybe got an ex question hasaki asked
2814s can most Giants in the wilderness drop
2816s and Watsuki at half the rate
2817s similar Hill Giants and then a follow-up
2819s question from somebody else was could
2821s the could buy free to drop an insult
2823s giant head like Oh borders
2825s seems very reasonable me both I thought
2828s the wilderness austere is already half
2830s right of the key no I didn't know I
2834s thought if they don't very happily make
2836s them do so that seems reasonable pretty
2838s sure that we that we went with that yeah
2841s I thought we would have hmm
2844s so yeah both reasonable could we get
2846s that highlighted my gambit both of those
2848s if you want - 22 years and yellow boxes
2853s has a very interesting idea and before I
2856s express it I'd encourage you the person
2859s to mock up something some visual that we
2861s can share that would make it easier to
2863s kind of communicate on the Q&A
2864s essentially it's using github for OS RS
2867s content where branches are where
2869s branches equals new ideas and imagine
2871s mind maps where the center's are PvP pvm
2873s skilling usability and narrative loads
2876s our existing content slash features
2878s branches start from existing nodes that
2880s relates that are related to and
2882s basically mods asks could like manage it
2884s and allow the player base to add their
2888s own ideas communicate based using git
2890s card github so there's a single
2891s repository but all of you guys can can
2895s look at and interact with us that's
2897s really cool idea it's kind of a way of
2898s replacing or working alongside reddit
2902s Twitter etc yeah yeah it would need a
2904s lot of moderation it would yeah but
2906s maybe the time safe from having to check
2908s kind of ready on Twitter
2909s yeah would be spent good nicely well if
2912s you had like someone that was dedicated
2913s to having that wasn't was feature of
2918s Trello though because when I was looking
2920s into doing the backlog and be made
2922s public through Trello I'm sure that you
2924s could have like cards that were able to
2926s be open to the public and if we were to
2927s put ideas that players could just
2929s comment on the actually ODS and submit
2931s that own one of these one of the upsells
2933s from this person for github was that
2935s players were able to kind of elevate
2938s useful ones okay I think you can do the
2941s same one you can okay I mean either way
2943s yeah a piece of software whether it be
2945s geared well Trello a play yeah a third
2948s party assistant encouraged kind of more
2949s interaction between us and the player
2950s base yeah we've you be able to
2952s contribute more and judge more would
2954s definitely be worth looking at it would
2956s be nice to kind of organize them
2958s two different sections that require
2959s different different amounts of resources
2961s as well because obviously the community
2963s don't really know typically when
2965s designing a piece of content whether
2967s something's gonna require engine or
2968s whatever we might be lacking in resource
2971s for that time but if we could have like
2972s a backlog built up with all these ideas
2974s that'd be really cool sweet and probably
2977s the last question we have to finish a
2978s bit early today I'm afraid from the
2981s Gollum were say sports always intended
2982s during development like from I we won't
2987s hear back I think like this is for you
2991s you're told to shoot your bow fire your
2993s bow like we're the same spot for a fence
2995s I imagine it must have been yeah general
2997s general was like that
2999s yeah like the the ever-present guard
3002s behind a fence talk walk around it is
3004s absolutely intended and knowing about at
3007s launch
3009s it's hard to know obviously what develop
3011s is one of the various bosses and whatnot
3012s but you look at something like the fight
3014s caves that's completely designed with
3017s that in mind like the whole piece of
3018s content is looking at like that and
3020s obviously that's fairly replicated with
3021s the inferno as well so it is known about
3025s it's something that we can design for
3027s because we know how NPC behavior works
3029s so I think it keeps it creative I'm
3033s surprising here that it was designed in
3035s a fight game but that's cool I presume
3037s it was yeah I mean there have been
3043s instances though where now we look at
3044s stuff that has potential safe spots and
3047s we want to remove them so I remember
3049s when I was testing through areas of
3051s caboose lowlands and Mount Kurama and
3054s inside that sled and gin there's a few
3057s areas where you could say swap before
3058s it's like hey guys do we really want to
3059s have this safe swappable and it's like
3061s no actually that's maybe changed so I
3063s just admitted I'm the one that no
3066s there's no safe spots it's my fault good
3068s testing yeah it works both ways so I
3071s guess yeah we do and we don't cool lots
3074s of people spamming stealing creation and
3077s sometimes they spawn so or sometime they
3078s span Vista gothic so I don't think
3079s there's a consensus for what you'd want
3081s minigame wise also I would I'd I'd
3084s hazard a guess that without the clay
3086s rewards no one would probably place it
3088s in in creation after the first week will
3089s stay that said we're not opposed to
3091s developing
3091s any games that kind of stuff much Wes
3094s had a cool really cool concept for a
3096s mini game password shared out of you
3097s next year I love that so much it was so
3099s good and it was honestly took the best
3101s parts of every single mini game that
3103s exists in runescape but not always cool
3105s so it'd be great to share that at some
3107s point my family back touchdown you the
3108s best minigame that you could potentially
3110s in game and mod West designed it well
3113s get some tests on your hyping really
3118s really good don't keep them high it's
3121s mod West you've all seen his more best
3123s the Sidious
3124s rework and as yeah as Swain point out
3126s mod West his best so cool so before we
3130s before we finish I've had over to model
3134s user lead to have something you like to
3135s say that play bass yeah should I should
3137s I say it and then similar to each other
3139s somewhat week now and then say now they
3142s know there's a tweet so whatever you
3144s want to do my friends okay so I'm about
3145s to send out a tweet for my Twitter
3147s account from Jagex I use that correct my
3149s Jagex I use their account and it's sent
3153s to check my Twitter you'll see it
3156s there's actually my last ever tweet from
3159s that account very likely and this is
3161s also going to be the last Q&A that I'm
3162s going to be on as well I actually leave
3165s drag X on Friday so yeah check the vid
3169s I've put a video into my tweet you will
3172s be able to watch that and kind of figure
3174s out why I'm leaving I think I'll take it
3176s way too much time in this Q&A and we've
3179s got to leave like pretty early anyway
3182s but I just wanted to say very quickly
3184s that I apologize to everyone that I've
3186s not been able to tell you any sooner I
3187s only really knew myself what was
3189s happening last week even though I had it
3191s in my notice in quite a few weeks ago
3193s and but now that it's all kind of like
3195s confirmed and it's finalized and my last
3197s days on Friday so that'll be me parting
3200s ways with the old-school team nobody
3202s else will come in to see though I'm
3203s still going to stay engaged to still
3205s need to get myself 95 Slayer and I will
3207s get 99 runecrafting surely I'm not sure
3210s whether it's gonna be my first night in
3211s line now though because I want to get a
3213s 95 Slayer first and my combats are
3215s getting quite close but yeah go check
3217s the tweet out check the video out that's
3220s pretty much me I'm gonna be casting dead
3222s man this weekend but I'm not gonna be
3223s casting dead man as
3225s a employee of the casting as I guess
3229s content creator a regular Joe yeah maybe
3232s one day I'll be a professional custom
3235s and yeah that's me
3237s do I still get free membership no dammit
3240s Vegas the wonder CS so what you're
3243s saying like he's mentioned parting ways
3245s the article team we hope that's not the
3246s case we're going to be working with dead
3248s man maybe you will work together with me
3249s to Deadman's and we've got we enjoy a
3252s very good relationship I've seen the
3253s video you posted it it's great really
3256s kind of expresses that's kind of
3258s difficult you were facing what's working
3259s here recently but I want to end on a
3268s kind of positive note which is so I've
3270s got a couple of questions to ask you I
3271s user what's been your favorite memory of
3273s his time here oh okay you even gave me
3276s that gave me these questions but I
3277s didn't think about them because I
3278s thought I would just wing it when I get
3279s on stream because that's just what I do
3283s my favorite memory yes I think actually
3287s one of my favorite memories I have so
3289s many but one of my favorite ones is
3291s probably the drag Express inspire last
3294s year where we've gone to the slay so
3298s good it's on my desk
3305s yeah in a little frame that just sits in
3307s the corner and yeah that's that's one of
3309s my my favorite I was going to tweet that
3310s picture actually and response to your
3313s leave my thing
3313s cool what's one thing you wish you would
3316s have been able to do in the time here
3317s like had you stayed a bit longer that
3318s kind of thing yeah so I really really
3321s really really really wanted to see
3322s people you know come to old school I've
3325s got a few other kind of like content
3326s ideas that I've got that I'm probably
3328s going to end up fleshing out and then
3329s post in publicly so that you guys as a
3331s community can kind of continue off from
3333s where I left but PvP arena especially
3336s was was the main thing it's something
3338s that I came forward with when I actually
3340s had my interview at drag X and had like
3342s a design that was kind of like all put
3344s together that I had a lot of help from
3345s with the PvP community and stuff like
3347s that and I think it would be a really
3348s cool update to old school cool one thing
3351s you're proud of doing you know time here
3352s so different from your favorite memory
3354s one thing you're really happy with being
3356s able do
3357s okay this is gonna sound really vain and
3359s I apologize I'm actually really proud of
3362s basically everything that I've ever
3364s worked on so if you look at any major
3366s piece of content it's probably been at
3368s the point I was probably one responsible
3370s for writing the blog's and taking the
3372s feedback thanks mostly to the fact that
3374s Sween was dealing with all of the other
3375s crap that I just didn't have the time to
3377s so he dealt with all the crap I got all
3378s the good stuff I got to deal with the
3380s deal with the content but if I had to
3382s say two specific things I can't do one
3384s it's got to be two the first one would
3386s be revenant caves where they are now so
3390s essentially just carry on fighting
3392s through to get it to the point that it's
3395s at I know that it was rocky to begin
3396s with but I think that it's in a good
3397s place now and I'm really happy with how
3399s that's turned out and the activity
3401s levels that you see there it's so so so
3404s so popular when you look at the stats
3406s and then the last one will be the most
3409s recent blog really that I worked on
3411s which is for kept us lowlands to see
3414s every single question pass which is like
3417s the best feeling ever because I know a
3419s lot of that came from the team and their
3421s fantastic design suggestions but I felt
3424s like I did a good job and that's in
3425s terms of like taking community feedback
3427s on board and making sure that it was
3429s presented in the right way and he seems
3430s to have worked out because I think it
3432s was the first time that there's ever
3433s been a major content update that we've
3435s never had to do a revised poll for
3437s rewards so much that it just worked and
3440s I was happy about that
3440s thank you let's crack on with
3442s development without a worry about
3443s redesigning things first mahjongg I told
3447s him to try and finish early but instead
3448s it might you know I know goodbye to ease
3451s it might over my fault sorry I've asked
3453s everybody else to kind of think of F
3454s favorite memory of working with my you'd
3456s like to start you have one west
3458s counselors working cuz we're at the
3460s young pub at the time but the whole why
3462s they mean I didn't find that funny when
3472s you guys were doing that and I'm like
3473s three months later I started picking up
3474s on it I was like this is a really walk
3477s actually you kept saying we just keep
3479s saying why they're all the time now I'm
3481s like why though
3482s okay Kieran just discarded all our
3487s memories because you remember but
3489s literally just upon the start of this
3491s dream you told us all who shared you
3496s shared something about yourself you like
3501s what do you drink before I prefer flat
3513s soda as well no this honestly is so hard
3521s to pick anything because like you've
3523s just been a great member of this team
3525s you've been a great friend and it sucks
3527s to lose you
3527s yeah like yep amazingly easy person to
3532s talk to you about anything and sorry
3534s someone huge difference to everything
3536s we've done so yeah completely agree
3539s integral Sonia chat said now let me know
3542s about your soda they're glad you're
3544s leaving literally I draw my motivation
3550s from I use his hair every now and then I
3555s either would come in with his hair not
3557s develop like this I would just filled
3559s out for that all day this is like I'm
3565s ready Marty what's the favorite memory
3569s of working ELISA I will answer it
3576s slightly differently I'll say the the
3579s barbecues and get-togethers that have
3580s come as our friendship that those have
3583s always been great great cooking great
3586s times good hosts great host the I'd say
3590s probably how passionate you are towards
3591s projects it's never it's never a
3593s half-ass job it's always like he takes
3596s it home with him and it's nonstop so
3599s that's a memorable and my favorite
3602s moment I would say is a casting all
3605s stars for just a few minutes that was
3608s nice because it was like this is what
3610s it's like this is not that easy really
3612s for just a few minutes it's trying to
3614s talk and make things sound interesting
3616s and you did that for 10 hours like
3624s you're like don't say it don't say it do
3627s it sit do it's it's going down to the
3628s wire absolutely incredible wonderful
3638s iron reminds of a turkey for this
3641s because we both were assessed together
3644s going through your school cm and I think
3646s from that assessment which is a group
3648s project we knew instantly that we just
3650s need to kind of vibe we worked really
3651s well together and we were like if we
3653s both get the job we're gonna actually
3655s smash it and I think we did yeah and we
3657s had then we had loads of events in quick
3659s succession that you helped us a lot of
3661s people championship we did last year
3663s warden this wars then dead man
3665s Dragonslayer too smashed out at runefest
3668s you were great at runefest working with
3670s us we went together that's like wind
3673s swished like three months we went at
3674s twitchcon like that Suribachi as well
3677s and we had an amazing time and that kind
3679s of really bonded the friendship don't
3682s man I'm losing great friends and really
3684s good colleague I think my favorite
3686s memory probably would be twitchcon yeah
3688s you're walking into the window hilarious
3691s walking to the window falling down on
3693s the floor then waking up in the bathtub
3695s at 4:00 a.m. every got until he was
3698s there as well as I mean he was just me
3700s being gone he was on the floor in tears
3702s anyway you know you've been incredible
3706s since you joined the on school team
3707s I'd like the the I know everyone a
3709s strapping polarizer but okay can you
3712s throw some love hearts in the chat just
3713s to show your appreciation for how great
3715s this guy is we will miss him sorely his
3718s last date is Friday yeah Friday and I'm
3721s gonna be cutting dead man so you're
3722s still seeing me you're still here from
3723s and he's gonna be publishing an amazing
3724s couple Spock tomorrow which you get to
3725s look forward to
3726s so it's horrible to have to end on that
3728s note chat but thank you very much for
3730s watching and if anyone else like say
3732s goodbye I love you all I'm gonna miss
3734s you all dearly I'm gonna miss the old
3736s school team dearly - I love them all
3737s I've made some amazing friends both in
3740s and outside of jagex
3741s and within the community as well and
3743s yeah thank you
3744s I'm not crying you're crying thanks for
3747s watching guys we'll see you soon