6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by cheeseisntdairy

Guardians of the Rift next please!

That's in the works too!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by NzRedditor762

I genuinely don't feel like a "beta" should be considered a weekly update.

It's tuesday, not wednesday. We feasting.

It's not a weekly update, those happen on Wednesday, this is entirely separate. That said, this week is a 'no update' week because we need to get a bunch ready for Varlamore: The Rising Darkness next week!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Thaloman_

Players with 99 hp won't be able to camp Hitpoints Cape/Regen Bracelet with Redemption up anymore, now they have to eat?

Hopefully players will be interrupted less to compensate...

Interruptions have been toned down considerably, but the team are already aware of use-cases for Redemption/Heal Other etc. and are open to implementing them if players still feel that it's necessary

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by bsk1ng10

So an escape crystal won’t save you if you DC? Similar to Volcanic Mine?

Escape Crystals have been plugged in to the Warmth system, and the usual triggers like inactivity time should function as normal!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by sabrireyiz1

Do you get interrupted if you get damaged jn warmth?

Interruptions while fletching have had an internal cooldown added, so should feel far less oppressive than before if you're getting them chained-together.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Kind-General-9154

Update looks amazing, definitely going to wait out 99 fms till the live update. Have two questions though:

Can there be a (visual) cue to see if you have enough warm clothing equipped? Could be an npc as well telling you that you're sufficiently warm or too cold for example.

In the original blog there were changes to how the (lobby) area worked in downtime. For example, can we now create the rejuv potions inbetween rounds as proposed?

Can absolutely speak to the team about finding some clearer way of showing the value of warm clothing!

You should be able to make potions in between rounds yeah, with the changes to Rewards Crates you can effectively extend a trip indefinitely until getting nerd-logged! It looks as though you can't pick the herbs between rounds at the moment, but we'll be hotfixing that since it should be the case that you can make pots between rounds!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by LiifeRuiner

Do all foods give the same amount of warmth?

As long as the food heals more than 3HP when consumed normally, it'll always restore 35% Warmth, so there's no benefit to bringing something like Lobsters over Cakes, for example.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Glad_Ad_6546

Are you guys thinking of changing how the action interruptions will work? Woodcutting will not make you cancel your action, but fletching and burning your logs will cancel your action. Will it be too much of a QoL to never cancel actions when "damaged" by the Wintertodt?

We actually went into some detail about interruptions and our reasoning behind retaining some interruption in the 'Blog Updates' section of this post.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Justanotherstick

Was there ever any talk about wintertodt instances? would be great to have so you dont get griefed trying to solo. Also anyway to be able to test this out solo? with limited beta worlds i imagine its next to impossible

It's something we're aware of the demand for but given the size of Wintertodt, making it instanceable isn't trivial at all (it's actually a massive deal of work). It's something the team are open to doing down the line, but doing it alongside these changes would likely have resulted in significant delays to the other Poll 82 Minigame changes.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Mecenary020

Is there still a maximum point gain allowed per game? Can we now solo unlimited points or are we still forced to leave at a certain point?

The points shouldn't have been changed, other than actually claiming the rewards, reward behaviour should be the same. Effectively, it should remain capped at 13,500 points per game, just distributed differently - not looking to drastically change up the meta or encourage even longer kills etc.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Dsullivan777

So to clarify, regen bracelet and hp cape don't increase the passive regen?

They do not, but the team are open to implementing them if people want them - which I imagine will be the case!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by NzRedditor762

Oh, then forgive me I thought today was Wednesday. Love the minigame updates!

All good, they really gotta add a way to check what day it is, would be huge QOL.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Abigboi_

How long is the cooldown?

I don't know the specific timing off-hand but you should always be guaranteed 2-3 Fletch actions before being able to be interrupted again. Ultimately should reduce those scenarios where you feel like you've not been able to fletch a single thing for loads of consecutive interruptions, should feel a lot better!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by HOSMARGARCIA

Hello. What about rings of life and Phoenix necklaces? Do they still save you when you get low warmth? Implementing this would be very convenient. I actually manage to save my HCIM using them.

Escape Crystals, Ring of Life, Phoenix Necklace and the Defence Cape should be working - but it's worth making sure that the Warmth bar effectively assumes that you're at 10HP, so it's not as reliable an option as if you're at 99HP and it's not easy to reliably dip below 10%. There is some variance in the mix though, so it's definitely possible to fish for procs on items like that!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TheCardsharkAardvark

Please add clearer in game explanations of mechanics

Which ones in particular are you asking for here?

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by itsWootton

What happened to the run energy changes?

They're on the back-burner for the time-being, but I imagine we'll be talking about them in the relatively near future. We're in no rush to get them out in a state that's not in line with player expectations and we'll absolutely be revisiting them, I'm just not able to provide a clear timeframe of when.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Revlos7

Rather that hp cape and regen bracelet being prevalent after the changes, the effects should be passed into the fire making cape. Rather than heal over time, it should make warmth decrease at 0.5 or 0.75 times the normal rate. Would give some use case to the skillcape

Perhaps, but that doesn't really help people doing Todt to get 99 Firemaking, which is the overwhelming majority of players engaging with the content in the first place!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by oysterghost

Maybe the solo instance could be smaller? Having to run so much is the worst part of solo Todt anyway.

Making it smaller would likely mean remaking the area in some vicinity, which is bigger in scope than just instancing what's there. On top of that, introducing actual meaningful differences in the environment for Solo players might create some imbalance that we'd rather avoid!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by LetsLive97

I know it's incredibly minor but is there any thought into changing the Wintertodt leaderboards and collection log to use the number of rewards searched rather than number of kills? People who solo will have significantly lower kills even if they have obtained more rewards than people massing

It'd also just be really nice to have a more accurate understanding of luck when looking at the collection log

I actually think this would be feasible with our new rewards system and is something I'll chat to the team about!

Worth noting that we can't really do anything retroactively (i.e. if you've done 100 kills at 20 loots per kill then we couldn't retrofit that to say 2,000 searches) but we could convert existing kc to searches at a 1:1 and then use the new system going forward for Clog entries in particular, though we might be a little hesitant to change the HiScores for killcount.

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Blog post says 35% - can you clarify if 30% or 35%?

Edit: post updated, no longer relevant

Ah 35% will be the correct number if that's what's written - just getting numbers muddled because of juggling a few things at once, will adjust my initial reply!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by chofol

Do those get a beta too or will they just be implemented? They seemed more qol and tweaking than overhaul like the wt changes to me so a beta sounds overkill there.

I think the team are still keen to run a beta for them because so many of the changes interconnect with each other and it's difficult to get a proper feel for how they'll add up to be 'more than the sum of their parts' so to speak. For example, if the ability to just charge barriers without them needing to have taken damage turns into significantly more XP/hr than we'd reasonably have expected, or players find some creative way of exploiting it that our QA team wouldn't - we can't reasonably ship those changes.

6 months ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by Slight-Mountain7892

So let me get this right, you were set to launch the beta two weeks ago but encountered a bug for mobile players. So you waited two weeks and didn’t fix the mobile bug, and also now have an issue with the persistent UI element?

So what was the reason for the two week delay? Seems like nothing beneficial was produced during that time frame.

Attempting to find a solution to the issue preventing beta testing on mobile. When it became clear that the fix would take longer than we were ready to wait, we went with the workaround. Nothing was really changed with Wintertodt during those two weeks.

6 months ago - - Direct link
Check this blog out for a crash course on how you can help us test upcoming Wintertodt changes!