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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

I know it sounds like a great idea and I wish we could do this but unfortunately without engine work to change how instances work we cannot have an instance remain open if there are no more players inside it

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by pakdatyak

I know this might come off as rude, but when did RS3 undergo these “engine changes”? When EOC came out? I play both games, and in RS3 your instance stays open for an hour even with no players in it.

I couldn't say when because it was before I started working with Jagex but both games run on separate engines so just because one game can do it doesn't mean that the other can unfortunately

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by TheLotusEyedOne

With all due respect, I don't think it's productive discussing what you CAN'T do. Corp crashing seems to be a highly pervasive issue within the game that goes well beyond the "competing for resources is ok" stance that you guys have taken. It's straight malicious, toxic and bad for the community as a whole.

If you can't change the way instances work without significant engine changes, that's fine. But what CAN you do to fix this issue?

Obviously, you don't need to answer in this thread right away, but I think it's important you and the other devs discuss this as a change that players want.

No offense taken. I was merely just saying that the suggestion wasn't possible. I actually am not sure right now what we could do to fix it without making significant changes to corp or the way instances work but I can definitely raise it with the team to see if anyone knows of anything we can do to help. Any changes which could be made would have to consider any knock-on effects for other players other than Irons and for the uniques themselves.

I'm sorry that I don't have an answer right now which is likely to be satisfactory to you and I am aware how frustrating it is to be crashed and lose the kill.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Discord_Show

Hey Mod Husky do you think with group ironman there will be maybe other ways added to prevent this? Groups of 5 trying to kill a boss and trying to avoid other groups of 5 to not touch their boss once might get ugly.

I'm afraid I can't answer how this is going to work for Group Iron as that hasn't been decided yet but we can discuss how it will work with corp during the development of the game mode