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Hello, I've been playing off and on for a few years now and just hit 1500 skill points, 100cb on my main and will want to start bossing soon once I get my combat skills up a little bit more. Would love to use league these next few weeks to get my feet wet.

Was thinking of focusing on melee and doing A/F/M as my regions. Is that a good path to check out a bunch of bosses this league?

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4 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Depends which bosses you want to get hands-on with! Pick stuff you think looks cool in videos you've seen and just pick those regions + have fun! Can't go wrong with Raids regions (Morytania's probably got the coolest offerings on that front with TOB, GGs, Nightmare/PNM, Barrows, Araxxor)