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A list of a few things Jagex has done recently to cater to pures:

1) Reworked the requirements of the Elf City quest to remove the defense requirement.

Why are low level pking accounts getting to decide the requirements of an end game grandmaster quest?

2) Removing the prayer exp from the first 100 dragon bones after CHOOSING TO ATTACK Olbertus.

This negatively affects all players. Thanks to a few pures, anyone who goes this route is now throwing 100 dragon bones in the trash instead of getting prayer exp for them. All for an altar that I highly doubt any pures will actually use. Any pure with a brain would have choose to give the dragonstones and avoided the prayer exp.

3) Trying AGAIN to bring negative exp lamps in the game.

This has already failed in polls and since Jagex is willing to poll this again, it is only a matter of time until this is an "Integrity Issue" for pures and gets implemented without a poll.

TLDR: Pures choose to limit themselves, Jagex shouldn't change the game to cater for their special builds.

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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Since this has come as a result of a change i've made I feel like I should comment.

First of all, no pure actually contacted me or asked me to make the change. I came to the realization myself post-release that getting the altar back awarded prayer xp and that this choice becomes more significant to an account wanting to train at the undead druids next to the altar but did not want to gain prayer xp.

The intention when designing the content was to make the player face consequences for choosing to attack Olbertus but only so that they would have to walk a harder path to get it back. Since there is no warning when attacking Olbertus that the altar will be cursed it felt more harsh than intended to take away the altar from them when they had access to it beforehand. The player was always supposed to be able to get the altar back given a bit of work.

However, if I had designed it so that they couldn't use the altar at all before making the choice then I would not have made this change at all.

I've seen criticism that I could've allowed them to un-curse the altar another way but they all felt very artificial. One such solution was to give the bones to Aimeri instead but to me it was always supposed to be the player that did the work to earn the altar back not an NPC. This solution fell in-line with the original design which, as I previously stated, was to provide a consequence to those choosing to not help Olbertus. If I had thought of this earlier I would've implemented it this way from the start.