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I never thought I'd participate in Giant's Foundry as a main, but as I'm nearing max, I decided to switch it up to break the monotony of smithing training.

I'm a weirdo that has put smithing off for a while on my journey to max, because its one of the skills I genuinely don't like for some odd reason. Not only is Giant's Foundry genuinely engaging, its actually fun. Not too terribly click intensive, the outfit looks great and I don't feel as bad about sinking cash into smithing anymore.

Not only that, but the biggest thing to me is how NICE it looks. I'm using the HD plugin on RuneLite, but even outside of that. The way that area was designed is superb and the interface for the mini game? Absolutely clean looking.

I just started the grind yesterday and my girlfriend saw me playing the mini game and was like, "Oh, are you not playing Runescape?" When I told her that I was, she said, "Oh, that just looks a lot different. It looks really cool."

I just wanted to give a shout out to the devs on their great work on this! Looking forward to more stuff like this in the future. :)

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over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Glad you're enjoying the content :D