10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Likely not a post many people were expecting, so surprise!

We're keen for any and all feedback, some questions we see might get asked in tomorrow's Q&A so if you have anything you think would make for a compelling stream response then let us know!

Also extremely interested in feedback on the section from the Art Team, so share your thoughts with us all.

Hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourself

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by holemole

It doesn’t seem too promising that we’re already going down the “hard mode” road before the bosses have even been released.

What makes you say that? The base bosses are tougher than other GM quest bosses, we just had a little extra time and think we could spin up very hard variants as a one-off, fun challenge for people looking to push themselves a little more - what about it has you saying it's not looking too promising?

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Americon_

Really would love to see this added to the game but what happened to the old design that was posted on twitter? There seems to be more red in the previous design and feel that looked 10x better. Would love to see that design over this new one!

Think most of this was covered in the section from the art team about changes to base Torva and having to adjust Soffan's incredible design for better parity.

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by KevinRudd182

My only issue with this is it’s SUCH a shame you didn’t keep your mouths shut and just drop this with the quest

Imagine how f**king cool it would have been to drop some random orb and unlock a powerful second inferno level version of the bosses and you find out on Reddit or on streamers that they’re chasing blood torva

This game needs that feeling or excitement and an ornament kit isn’t something that breaks the game and needs polling imo - if people were unhappy with the design it can be hotfixed later

Totally get where you're coming from, we had considered it, but the Polling Charter does make it pretty clear that we're not meant to start development on content until it's been greenlit by players, hence polling it!

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by wizzyrofl

Are the four new bosses also instanced solo only like zulrah, vorkath, muspah, gauntlet, sire, GG, hydra etc?

Or GWD style where you can play with friends/GIM? An MMO after all ;)

They're solo bosses, since they're all designed to be fought as part of a quest, though we had initially considered some of them being fought in scales like duo, none of them felt like the right fit in the end!

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Apprehensive-Top4535

Paragraph 7, last sentence, sell the orbs on what?

Maybe a UK turn of phrase, meaning sell them on to other players or sell them on to the Grand Exchange etc.

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Fxrguss

If you have extra time why can't, something, anything be added as a compromise to removing prayers?

Ultimately, tweaking existing mechanics to make a harder variant of existing content is much easier to do in a short span of time than concept, pitch/poll, balance + take feedback on a reward, get new art made for an extra reward, have all of that QAed etc.

2 weeks of 'extra time' isn't enough time to deliver on something that can fill that void for people who really wanted the prayers, and while we still want to have those conversations - maybe this is a spicy thing to say - I don't think anything we could pitch this far into development would really fill that void for the people who are already understandably upset about it.

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by noobtablet9

As the torva kit was initially discussed as another incentive to HMT, will HMT ever see any more updates to make it more appealing? Most people quit after they get their kits.

Tangentially, I would love to see Blood Shards for the blood fury added to HMT's drop table, for example. Or anything active, really, rather than the two incredibly afk and slow methods that currently exist.

Would also love to see blood shards come from HMT, but I'm also extremely biased in that I can't stomach the current means of obtaining them

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by mumbomination

I feel like this is inspired by path of exile's uber elder/uber pinnacle bosses I wonder if the boss mechanics have more inspirations from poe (I mean muspah/akkha already have such mechanics)

Fair few POE players on the team (myself included) and Arcane happens to be a big POE player - do with this information what you will!

10 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by bert474

i wish the team would move away from 1 and done transmogs, i enjoyed grinding for the cm/hmt kits/dusts even tho i went pretty dry it feels so much more rewarding getting a transmog that isnt 1 and done. it is also harder to get boosted as it would be a lot more expensive.

I think variety is good, some skill based challenges for cosmetics is nice, and others that you grind for too.

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by SnackLife00

Can we expect Poll 80 this week? I'm beyond excited to see what it holds

Either late this week or very early next week, yeah!

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Ketchupboi

Well, they announce the names of the bosses..

Desert Treasure II – The Fallen Empire is almost here! Among the many exciting parts of this quest, you’ll encounter four brand new bosses: Duke Sucellus, Vardorvis, the Leviathan and the Whisperer.

The only one I could find on the RS3 wiki was Duke Sucellus.

For what it's worth, these names were included in the Winter Summit Summary Blog from last December: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/winter-summit-summary?oldschool=1

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by anomynose

Tbh, I'm fine with difficult quest bosses but I'm not really liking the idea of these being "super hard" even with their quest variant. I'm not great at PvM stuff, so hearing this quest is going to be very difficult apparently is a little discouraging.

At least it'll be great content for those that love super hard challenges. Maybe I'll enjoy it, I dunno.

I guess it depends on how punishing the death costs are gonna be.

On the other hand, the new torva design looks pretty good. The faces on the shoulders still kinda bug me, though for some reason.

The quest variants are definitely up-to-par for a GM quest, but feel like 'super hard' depends on who you're asking. Either way, even if they're a struggle - just think how good it's gonna feel to overcome each of them and finish the quest, feels miles better than just a one-and-done slapfest!

10 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TheGeralt0fRivia

Never played poe. Have you played the witcher 3? Hoping you might like the rs cross over i made in my post history

played hundreds of hours of TW3, plus 1 (which has some very ahead-of-its-time storytelling, even though it's aged like milk) & 2, read all of the books maybe 4/5 times through, have a wolf medallion tattoo and recently hatewatched Season 3 on Netflix - your crossover post was a fun read through!