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Not sure if it’s servers or just my internet but everything was fine until the update 30 mins ago.

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about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

If you're using Runelite can you please try disabling the Quest Helper plugin or use the Vanilla client and see if you're still experiencing the lag spikes?

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOneJat

Same problem here. Turning quest helper off didn't make a difference but vanilla client works fine.

I've heard reports that deleting the plugin entirely has helped when disabling it did not.

Not to shill the Steam client but don't forget to use it for the extra FPS and interface scaling in the meantime!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TNoStone

Turning off quest helper and optimal quest guide fixed it for me. Any idea what’s causing this problem?

I'm not sure sorry! I know Runelite are looking into it though, I imagine they'll have it resolved soon enough!