about 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to this weekly old
2s this week's weekly old-school Q&A I'm
5s your host mod gambits and joining me on
6s the sofa this evening is mod Lenny hello
9s mark kieran yo it and on my right we
12s have mod tired hey thank you guys for
14s joining me up sorry we have mod Mads on
16s chat as well sorry so it's giving
20s overview there if you have any questions
22s throughout the stream send them to mod
24s Mars using I think I think finger login
27s you logged into the old school account
28s right at old school runescape and will
31s hopefully answer some of your questions
32s at the end good so I'm going to start
35s off the normal way with a couple of
37s announcements so we have exclamation
41s mark progress to link you to the song of
43s the elves progress blog where the whole
45s song of the herbs team gave some input
47s and insight into their development of
49s the quest and the extra content around
50s it including model any who's on the end
52s there
53s it also has details of the competitions
56s that we're currently running so if
57s you're interested in making a video or
59s art for the login screen and possibly
63s some law for the quest not sort of for
65s the Questor just lot for if teenis and
67s the game in general find all the details
70s over there
72s we also have exclamation mark rewarding
76s should take you to a tweet from the old
79s school Twitter account which has the
82s latest design document for the the skill
85s if you're interesting giving feedback to
87s that we'll be looking at it and using it
89s to make the final design I believe and
91s blogging that giving it to you guys
93s ready for polling and do s Commission
101s mark Deadman will link you to details
102s about the summer finals which are being
104s casted by II's earn in span in spam
107s those happening at a p.m. UK time on
110s Saturday it's going to be the last dead
113s man final that we have for the
116s foreseeable future while we revised dead
118s man as a whole and refine I find the
121s idea
121s well basically while we decide what
122s we're going to do oh and also don't
125s forget about runefest exclamation mark
128s runefest for all the details tickets are
130s on sale now so if you're interested in
132s joining us
134s get your tickets that just about covers
138s it so I'm gonna move on we posted was
146s when did we post it the account security
148s which is I'll choose yeah yesterday hey
150s so I got very short memory yes they we
152s posted a blog written by the player
153s support team regarding our account
157s security it's the second of four blogs
159s that they're posting to give some
161s insight into into what they do and
164s joining us Mike up over there at the
166s other end of the room we have mod
167s Parrott and mod steve w steve w is one
171s of the managers in player support and
173s well more parents going to give some
175s insight into what he does and also
177s answered some questions for us that were
179s resulting from the ad the blog we posted
181s what a parent would you gather sort of
183s give us some insight into it into who
184s you are and what you do yeah hi everyone
186s so I look after the payments and fraud
190s processing that we do so let anyone be
193s able to kind of put payments to us and
195s making sure they're all safe and secure
196s and about six months ago I was asked to
200s look into account security as well cool
204s so hopefully we're gonna reassure
208s players a little bit and give you guys
210s some of the the answers to questions
213s that you've had a rising from the player
214s block that we posted I won't read out
218s the names of the individual ones because
219s they're quite a few few players behind
222s each one or one who's know these things
223s but we'll get into them and hopefully
225s two months over they can give us some
227s insight the first one is what your
231s thoughts on an option to send in ID
232s documents to drag X to prove ownership
234s of an account many players would be
236s willing to go through the extra hassle
238s to make sure the count is secure I think
240s I also know that other some other
241s Studios use methods like this yeah it's
246s it's no idea which has come up before it
249s it's possible this there's two main
251s reasons why this wouldn't be great
253s one is regulation I think a lot of
256s people have said in reading things like
258s that that the more information you send
260s to us it has do to be our compliance
262s issues which need to be aware of so it's
264s not as easy as it might sound
267s the second one is if someone's sending
270s you more information how can you be sure
272s that the person who owns account and
274s sending your information we've spoken to
275s a lot of other companies who do this
277s kind of stuff and they have this problem
278s over time and so it's a great solution
281s if your account is already secure
283s because you might be able to add more
284s stuff if if it's okay for us to store
287s that information in the first place if
288s you're out count is insecure it is
290s really difficult it doesn't actually
291s help massively because then we go back
294s and forth on who's send us this
296s information sure thing
299s the next one is how difficult is to
302s factory authentication to implement on
305s the website I'm not the developers so
308s I'm not going to say exactly how
310s difficult it is it's not the biggest
313s challenge in the world the problem is
315s that if we add two-factor authentication
317s to the whole website then how do people
320s who don't have access for indicator for
322s whatever reason update it and change it
324s right now we get an awful lot requests
327s in every single week which we couldn't
328s manage the menu look every single one
330s but we're looking into how we can solve
332s it and how we can get it to a point
334s where everywhere you login has to factor
336s okay thank you
340s the next player wants to know so we said
343s that we'll be discussing
344s adding an Authenticator delay will that
348s conversation be open ice or including
351s the players or will it be internal and
353s among the support team so at the moment
357s it's been primarily internal we've
359s spoken about it a lot not just with the
361s support teams but with the product teams
362s community management all these different
364s groups around the company to get
367s everyone's input on what the best thing
369s we could do would be we want to include
372s the players as much as we can believe we
375s already read everything you're posting
377s to us as well so you're already involved
378s in that conversation even if you don't
380s directly know it so we are taking all
382s the feedback on board and all your
385s suggestions about how we could
386s potentially implement it so we're still
389s looking into it so you are involved when
390s we want to be able to share more
391s information about it when we're able to
393s sure thank you
397s the next one is so the recovery process
401s itself we talked about that we talked
403s about changes you want to make to the
405s recovery process
406s this play is asking if the changes are
410s more overarching or if we're simply
413s making it harder to recover accounts and
415s you know they note that doing so with
418s while doing the latter will actually
419s lock out a lot of people who don't
420s remember very specific old information
423s from accounts they made when they are
424s much younger yeah I mean so the recovery
427s is something that we're looking at we
429s know that things aren't perfect right
431s now with recovery and we're really keen
432s to fix that's one of the drivers bond
434s and why we're doing these initiatives
436s you know is it begun to take in looking
439s at our whole recovery process and what
441s we do about it we don't want to counsel
444s be hijacked we want to do everything we
445s can to sort of block that root that some
447s hijackers used to come in through the
449s back door if you like and use our
450s recovery there's sort of processes so we
453s are looking at there you know we have we
456s have to think of people that you know
458s the games been around a long time there
459s are lots of accounts that just don't
461s have much information on them through no
464s fault of the player but it's just you
465s know how things were back in the day and
466s we just haven't got lots of information
468s about an account and we do need to think
470s about you know those people want to come
471s back and play the game you know maybe
474s they're coming back from mobile or
475s something like that we want to get those
476s people back in the game as well so it's
477s about finding the balance about how we
479s get those people back in the game but
481s clearly blocking off that roof up sort
483s of hijackers and malicious account
484s takeover so a big piece of looking at it
488s there's a song we're gonna try and get
490s it right we know it's not perfect right
492s now and we're listening and working on
494s it
494s cool thing thank you much Steve W our
499s last question says you mentioned email
503s notifications for account behavior is
506s there any chance that we could opt in
507s for push notifications instead or in
509s addition I know some sites will send
511s those if you count logs in from a new
513s computer and some require you to confirm
516s yes or no on your phone before you log
518s in yeah I'd love to do this it's a it's
521s a great idea the reason why we didn't
523s mention it is we don't have a system for
525s push notifications which you do that at
526s the moment so we want to prioritize
528s email because we have email we could do
530s that a lot soon
532s we want to look into present occasions
534s in the future but we're going to process
536s what will have the biggest impact as
538s soon as possible
539s but it's a really good idea sure well
543s thank you very much
544s something I've seen in chat and I know
545s it's a question that we've we've had a
548s few times so I'll add this one in I see
551s players talking about jag and recovery
553s questions in a system like that maybe
555s Steve W you'll be well placed to answer
556s this um why don't we implement a system
559s like we had before with with jag yeah I
562s mean I've seen that on the reddit thread
564s from from last night and you know it
566s people do say they do they did like it
569s in some ways jag and Bert you know I was
570s around at the time when we were managing
572s that process and it did come with a lot
575s of problems people would set spam
577s answers for example people would type
579s out their answers and we used to get a
582s lot of contacts and people that couldn't
583s remember their recovery answers you know
586s that other companies do use recovery
588s answers it's a possible option there's
590s nothing's off the table we're looking at
592s everything but it's not a silver bullet
594s approach the kind of recovery answers
596s and it does come with those inherent
599s problems so if we can find a way to get
601s rid of those and it's something that
602s works for everything then we'll happily
603s look at it it's not completely off the
605s table but yeah
607s does does need considering that you know
609s even be thinking about current
610s challenges about things like social
612s engineering and that's very often a way
614s into security answers and you know need
616s to consider that in this day and age so
618s a decent idea is something we're looking
621s at but it's probably not right up there
623s is something that's and that we're
625s really given some really close
626s consideration just because of the
627s inherent problems that we've sort of
629s experienced in the past with them thank
631s you modern masters draw my attention to
634s a question from the chat about account
636s security so Blair has asked can we gain
639s the ability to have the choice to change
641s the login details to email instead of
644s using old usernames for accounts made
646s before 2010 we'd love to be able to this
652s goes into the challenges of our legacy
654s system so it's not impossible but it'd
657s be incredibly difficult for us to do so
659s which is why we haven't done it right
662s it's one of those things but there's so
664s many things we want to do we need to
666s focus on the things which we can deliver
667s fastest to make the biggest impact and
670s big improvement for everyone that one is
672s just a real real challenge for us sure
674s okay well thank you both I think that
682s just about covers it
684s if I could just pick up a couple yams
686s have seen the chance someone talking
687s about sort of could we just make our
689s accounts unrecoverable I can get that
691s sentiment I do understand it but you
694s know to just completely block how do we
697s stop someone who was genuinely forgotten
699s their password they can't get into their
700s account to just say to them well you
701s know go away you can never play
703s runescape again your accounts go on just
705s doesn't feel very sort of player
706s friendly so you know probably won't go
709s down there approach somebody else was
711s also saying something about our case
715s sensitivity on passwords and if you have
718s a read of the blog that is actually
720s something that we're doing so kept a
722s read of the blog piece right towards
723s atop the blog there we are looking at
724s the password complexity and that is
727s something that's coming so few people in
729s the chat saying you know just need to
730s fix that well that is one thing that's
732s definitely coming fairly soon cool thank
736s you very much right well if you have any
741s more I believe you guys are sticking
742s around till the end of the stream or my
744s okay cool so if you guys have any more
747s questions about account security for
748s either modesty table your moderate feel
751s free to drop them in the chat to mod
752s Mars in the meantime I'm going to move
757s on to the usual Q&A questions so let's
762s hop into it the first is from Escobar
765s and they ask if we can improve deviance
768s vectors saying that they are a lot they
770s offer lower XP and worse drops then a
773s bear inspectors may we consider lowering
776s their defense or some other buff what do
779s you think
783s they're supposed to be harder because
785s they're in the catacombs and they have
786s access to score teaser so I don't think
789s we really should that's fair but if
791s they're drop tables or words or it's not
794s liquid turf or something's little
796s capacity it makes it like if they're
799s harder it still makes sense to have a
800s better drop table right yeah I'm not
803s sure how profitable is it depends if you
805s think the totem pieces make up for it in
807s value yeah I dropped a terrible
812s apparently but then there's also other
814s people's thing is isn't the worst
815s I think the drops are okay it's just
817s because they take a bit longer to kill I
821s know me personally I'm not too worried
823s about I wouldn't change them no sounds
828s like no one here has had too many
829s problems killing DV inspectors I guess
831s we'll leave that way I mean I think I
834s guess that's the problem right like a
835s lot of these people on the I even in the
837s chat a lot of people don't kill them so
841s perhaps that is the problem maybe it's
844s worth looking at but it would take
846s investigation to review exactly how much
848s we want to buffer drop they would buy or
851s change the stats yeah sure thing yeah
854s love you in chat now saying then they're
855s not a live content let's say okay
860s non-member suggests that we remove her
864s boxes from the nightmare zone shop
866s especially given the drop of price in
868s herbs following the release of the
870s farming guild what do you guys reckon I
874s think on the team were fairly sort of
878s fond of removing things from the
880s nightmare zone shop when suitable so if
884s there's a big enough demand for it it's
886s definitely some we could look at but I
888s imagine there would be a lot of unhappy
890s players with it because it's kind of
892s sort of a consistent thing that people
894s spend their night Mazzone points on the
896s a lot of people just gotten into the
898s routine of at this point that's fair I
901s agree I mean wherever we can break down
903s the nightmare zone the better I think um
906s I also don't like that they were
908s essentially some sort of daily yes that
910s limit is right how many can purchase per
912s day that's for seeing a lot of support
915s in to actually I
916s thought that we lot of negativity
918s towards this one but okay be interested
922s in exploring that one further another
923s player suggested we actually moved them
925s instead of just removed them flat out we
927s could put them in the tide farm just to
928s make that a bit better which is I think
931s an interesting idea yeah we could screw
934s up all that one give you more an
936s incentive - to keep going back yeah yeah
939s I think so
942s another player asks can we see combat
945s spells on the Archaea spell book
947s currently it functions as a prayer
948s training method rather than like another
950s spell book
952s not guilty idea whatsoever we just need
954s ideas from what they would do it needs
956s to serve a purpose otherwise it would
958s just be dead but also I imagine people
962s are quite cautious when adding something
964s that's going to potentially be quite
965s powerful that's public we have ancients
967s we have two standard one they both have
970s their niches so it needs the niche yeah
974s that's not too powerful but what we
975s could do is since is resurrecting the
978s undead we could add some undead spells
980s so for instance a more powerful version
982s of crumble and dead that's not yeah but
985s do you think that's gonna be enough to
988s make it usable I worried that the
990s difficulty with combat spells on the
992s Archaea spell book is either it's going
993s to be too powerful for PvP like it can't
996s really be better than ancients but if
998s it's not powerful enough it just won't
1001s be used so I was really three difficult
1003s balancers - yeah if you guys have any
1004s ideas exactly why I'd say it to the
1006s person especially who's that's through
1008s the question like what combat spells
1009s would you want to say hmm seem
1012s necromancy spells in there but I'm
1013s pretty sure that wouldn't go down well
1017s if what they mean is of summoning
1019s essentially undead creatures yeah I
1022s don't think that's gonna gonna fly
1024s results from that straw polaron though
1026s so actually 76% of you would move the
1032s herb boxes to the type farm which is
1034s interesting 77% so thank you for that
1037s mod mass I'll move on to our next
1042s question which is from de close they say
1045s can we add some fire pits of eternal
1047s light to the following locations
1050s those come south dungeon the Lumbridge
1052s cellar dungeon and the shaysing crypts I
1056s don't know how often people a she use
1058s the changing crypts
1059s apart from Dragon's Lair - but I mean I
1063s wouldn't be against adding more of them
1064s to other doctrinally you it wouldn't
1067s make sense to do what people use so
1070s maybe not all of them but I have
1072s imagined doggish and so if dungeon
1074s people use digitally cause sometimes
1075s yeah sure it would make sense I'm
1078s probably gonna be sort of a bit more
1080s considerate of where we do want to add
1081s them rather than just off putting them
1083s wherever people go there needs a light
1084s source because light sources are a thing
1087s we've got the candor and headgear that
1088s acts as one as well and if we just go
1090s making everywhere permanently sort of
1092s lit by an eternal fire pit they all kind
1097s of lose their use in the game yep
1098s however small it may be that's true
1101s although the fire pits are locked behind
1103s a fairly like you know healthy
1106s requirement but yeah I see I see your
1109s point
1113s our next question is from aurorus and
1116s they asked if we're working on any ideas
1118s to get people who don't PvP - give it a
1121s try currently you need a specialized
1124s account so I'm usually a pure the skill
1126s gap is massive and supply costs are
1129s quite well considerable so these
1131s barriers prevent people from trying PvP
1133s have we got any eye ideas for this it's
1138s difficult it's really difficult because
1141s unlike back in the day like I'm talking
1144s like 2006 2007 when wilderness was very
1147s active the majority of people there had
1150s no idea what they were doing so it felt
1151s it's not extremely fun to go and do it
1154s now what the things that are upcoming
1157s are we got a potential update to LMS yep
1161s I say potential is being it's being
1163s looked at and potential bounty hunter
1167s update coming up right do you know when
1170s they're roughly they're expecting
1172s bearing in there I'm very hesitant to
1174s promise any dates the design is being
1178s shared around the team tomorrow I
1180s believe and we've already run it by sort
1182s of a focus group
1183s and individual sort of high high level
1186s members at the Bounty Hunter community
1188s um so yeah I see potential because some
1192s aspects have to be pulled and whatnot
1193s but yeah LMS up the bounty hunter
1196s updates are coming so they should be
1198s some incentive for new players to get
1200s involved and we'll see what happens from
1202s there
1203s yeah I understand from modern rock that
1204s he's started queueing The Last Man
1207s Standing changes so it is Yankee win and
1211s he tells me that before they're
1213s implemented
1215s there'll be beta worlds sorry a beta of
1218s Last Man Standing for you guys to try
1220s and test before it's actually put into
1223s the live game so watch out for that in
1228s terms of getting people into PvP more
1229s generally I was having a conversation
1231s with pure spam Knight and Greg see when
1236s they were here for the spring finals
1238s rerun of dead man we talked about this
1240s and they suggested an idea which was
1242s like you know how we have tournament
1244s worlds pop up every so often where
1245s players can set their stats and gear and
1247s whatever and try out PvP having that but
1251s not having it within a sore clan wars
1254s portal area so a very small area
1258s permanently rather than on sort of on
1261s rotation or on an offseason what do you
1265s think about the idea I think if we added
1269s it in put the focus on it I mean when we
1272s do launch those worlds they say a lot of
1274s attention at first like in the first few
1276s days after we notion about generally if
1278s we have them up for a month there's
1279s barely anyone on them by the end so we
1283s need to put some focus on it and how we
1285s can do it like instead of letting it
1287s would get any gear maybe on a specific
1289s week you go in with this specific set up
1292s right and so everyone who plays place
1295s with the same setup so you can actually
1296s start to get some practice of certain
1297s setups each week I'm just spitballing
1299s ideas to be honest but I don't know okay
1303s that's not in the world but I think you
1305s would need that sort of deeper thinking
1307s but how are you yeah sure that's a very
1309s like sort of basic idea that would need
1312s working on but yeah the other thing
1314s people imagine is ranked
1316s and actually keeping track of like sort
1318s of notion some notion of skill levels
1320s right and actually sort of matchmaking
1322s but it just require quite a lot of I
1324s mean doing a full level healer system is
1327s huge but perhaps this ways to try and do
1330s that on a smaller scale with a sort of
1331s mini game I don't people are shouting
1334s about fists of go fix there's another
1335s area of PvP that was a little bit more
1337s accessible but again that's it's quite a
1340s large update I think we'll see how LMS
1343s go and how about you ago but I'd be
1346s quite keen on potentially doing using
1347s tournament worlds and some capacity
1349s again sure okay our next player hon
1354s Peter wants us to increase the value
1356s gained from lehren's chests so that's
1358s the one where you get goodness lackeys
1361s right where you can open up chests and
1363s deep wilderness and get a reward based
1366s on Kona's drop table a few players have
1371s said that it feels a bit lackluster that
1372s it's not real got enough to be exciting
1376s so they want maybe new unique or
1377s something something else to draw players
1379s there what we reckon ideas here be
1384s unique but I think with the items is
1386s going there right now I think it's quite
1388s nice because we'll distance layer is
1389s really good for points already it's good
1391s for XP now right and it doesn't really
1397s need buffing but a unique would be nice
1399s ok for the hunt all right let's just do
1403s it yeah apparently yeah mod rock again
1414s had an idea for this actually he said he
1416s was looking at the cone our table and
1418s obviously it offers the dusk color
1423s scheme for the mystic set and he thought
1425s what about because Larenz chest rolls on
1428s the same tear at the same table
1429s what about have it offer a different
1432s color set for dawn so we sort of
1434s opposing colors like a light version I
1437s thought maybe that was a cool idea but I
1439s don't know if it'd be enough to draw 300
1441s players there
1445s spiracle box says looking at previews
1447s for some of the elves the gauntlet looks
1449s very dark and is lit by the runic stones
1451s around it can it be lighter on release
1453s so I think the screenshots that we've
1457s previously shown of the gauntlet had it
1459s on minimum if not they're pretty low
1462s brightness settings if you turn it up a
1465s bit obviously it's just significantly
1467s brighter I think when we've been play
1469s testing it ourselves I don't think
1471s anyone's really had any issues with sort
1473s of the darkness of it because everybody
1476s tends to play with it
1477s separator than those screenshots were
1479s taken I didn't personally know its
1481s problem of rightness I'd only on max
1483s brightness could be power compared to
1486s cure before picture potentially yes your
1489s picture on much graphics yes I worry
1491s about it I think I think the image used
1494s in the progress blog was darker than it
1496s would actually appear
1497s yeah that's given the impression that
1499s it's very dark yeah I can put a
1500s screenshot out on Twitter of the
1501s environment we've sort of like max
1503s brightness or somewhere in between
1504s after the livestream and let people see
1506s how that looks cool just respond to the
1510s chat absolutely hated that idea an
1512s alternate mystic color set so I'm
1514s probably not gonna I'm not gonna do that
1518s so got a noob question next from pandba
1521s and they say what quests would you guys
1524s recommend to get some starter levels up
1525s mostly skills I was thinking of doing
1527s sea slug for fishing XP do you have any
1530s recommendations for them I mean the
1535s go-to is waterfall quest but that's
1537s salty started on combat over quest to
1539s get skills a fishing contest before that
1543s the Knights still that light swords are
1545s on each site is another good one for
1547s mining yeah chat do you wanna help this
1549s guy out you have any suggestions I don't
1552s know which quests are best actually for
1553s the skilling XP to piperine earth
1555s another good one a feud monkey madness -
1559s yes it wouldn't be good for XP but
1562s throwing up for an early flare fair
1565s enough yeah ok museum quiz yes 1k and
1569s then one Kinsler straighten up my mind
1572s yeah so good cool we can avoid the
1574s annoying Birds
1575s you start out on otherwise an eclair
1581s crumble wants to know when we can expect
1583s to see the other god related halos from
1585s castle wars ie bandhas armadillo lands
1587s or us currently only get the saradomin
1589s samurai can gothics coloured halos I
1592s don't actually know much about that's it
1593s do they have the same stat for the
1595s equivalent just cosmetic differences yes
1596s only so so there are actually several
1599s different purpose to add these four it's
1601s just cosmetically cool okay okay I mean
1609s they're primarily used by bounty hunters
1611s so sorry bounty hunters PK is so it
1615s makes sense to maybe add them as a last
1617s minute annual bounty hunter reward I
1618s think as it is a lot of people who try
1620s and go for the existing halos just kind
1622s of go and grind out Castle Wars without
1624s really wanting to play it so adding more
1627s rewards would just be encouraging the
1629s exact same might not be the best option
1631s finding those items to the game sure so
1638s our next question is from gypsy and they
1640s ask can we get a group hunter activity
1642s where a team of four or five players
1644s hunt down a large beast that's pretty
1648s cool
1649s it obviously you've quite a big skilling
1651s update like I love doing that sort of
1652s thing the more interactive skilling
1656s methods that require some a higher level
1659s of attention rather than the more afk
1662s stuff or even the highly intense that's
1664s like wouldn't it's quite intense right
1665s you're watching a traffic constant going
1666s under all five but it's relatively
1669s mundane it's repetitive yeah I heard the
1673s boss quite nice because it's is yes it's
1675s repetitive but it's a bit bigger scale
1677s so I love this sort of thing
1679s yeah it's similar to like it before I
1683s really like volcanic mine from mining a
1686s similar idea for construction like gang
1688s a contractor like builds build certain
1691s things for people which are longer form
1694s training methods are a bit more
1695s interesting
1695s sure yeah I like this idea
1699s would you would you do some group Hunter
1701s if it was invented more tied I would be
1704s fun to do instead of just sitting there
1706s in the swamp get my swamp lizards
1709s yes fair all right
1713s Middleton 93 says can something be done
1716s about people crashing imn accounts in
1718s the catacombs
1719s especially when bursting I know we lost
1722s this one before but the question was
1724s asked and I thought maybe it's time we
1726s say it again say on what to field this
1729s one basically I think our stance is that
1734s it's a multiplayer game right it's an
1737s MMO competing for resources is natural
1740s when expected tell them clearly economy
1741s um it's it's it's a restriction on the
1744s account that that you accept when you
1746s make it right so um no we're not really
1749s gonna change anything for that
1751s specifically it's difficult to stop to
1754s be honest even if we wanted to
1755s I mean reality reality is really as
1758s realistically having I mean if it's
1762s overcrowded that's a problem that's what
1764s leads to crashing right which which
1766s isn't obviously that nice to have
1767s happened here true
1772s lazy asks what are the team's thoughts
1775s on adding more endgame Group bosses I
1778s feel like we've actually quite good on
1780s the top end end game right now like the
1784s next sort of thing I would like to do is
1786s a bit more closer than maybe more like
1788s chambers of Zurich which is where a lot
1790s of more people can get into it may be a
1792s little bit high like God will sort of
1794s thing that sort of area like we have to
1797s we have obviously half Chambers's oh we
1799s have favorite blood which is ik which is
1801s K it's quite well to the really high
1803s level ppm community we have inferno
1807s as well obviously it's not a grinder
1808s boss it's not group bus like that but
1811s doing something more that's a could get
1813s more people involved I think would be
1815s cool okay not God was simplicity but
1821s like I'm thinking more like maybe it
1823s gets like alchemical hide or difficulty
1825s but as a group bus sort of thing would
1828s be cool alright Nick wants to know if
1835s something can be done about the issues
1837s with house advertising on world 330
1841s he's got suggestion whereby you put up a
1843s notice board which would have the hosts
1847s name construction level and the lights
1850s are quickly joined their house rather
1852s than just having people also chat
1854s spamming their their username outside
1857s that's an idea that's come up a long
1859s time ago as well I think it's I think
1860s it's still sat on our list somewhere
1862s it's a potential idea to do but yeah I
1865s do really like that idea
1867s okay yeah I like the idea too I think if
1871s it's not in our backlog I'll double
1872s check we should add it and see if we can
1874s get it polishes and the fact that I
1877s remember it's looking at a few times
1880s okay well speaker than the chat
1882s answering the sorry in reference to the
1884s boss question talking about next is that
1887s something we consider adding to the the
1889s game next who would probably fit the
1891s bill quite well for those group mothers
1892s it's probably a bit more difficult than
1894s I was talking about but next and knowing
1897s you only see through one of these
1898s fossils that used every entered feature
1899s we don't have it's actually not an easy
1904s one to do I me as a player I played next
1909s so much back in 2011 literally a year
1911s and a half
1912s non-stop basically but I would love to
1916s have that bottle at least mechanically
1918s in the game rewards obviously were a
1921s sticking point for necks because we
1923s can't do at least I don't think the
1925s community would be on board with HP
1927s boosting armor because it was quite
1929s mother changing they would have to come
1931s up with something original for the
1932s rewards for sure okay well there's
1936s definitely space for a as our esteemed
1938s god wars boss at least even if it's not
1942s an X exactly I mean a lot of its
1943s mechanics we can do there's certain
1945s things like the way it jumps around the
1946s room first also it runs right we can't
1949s be caught Nick buses run except if it's
1951s quite straightforward like below where
1953s we can sort of hack it in right yeah
1957s okay Tom wants to know if we could get
1962s an earth warrior room in the new fourth
1963s horse dungeon he says there they are
1966s assigned as a task by Eve Anika but this
1969s can only be completed in the wilderness
1970s if it was a bit weird for a non
1972s wilderness master to
1973s his only task authorities are quite
1975s annoying you have to do obvious is
1977s similar for the champion school as well
1979s what people are killing like 5,000 and
1982s there's only that small wilderness spot
1984s I wouldn't mind adding a forest outside
1987s of the dungeon and I still feel really
1989s strongly that it's like no it's gonna be
1991s hard it's gotta be wilderness content
1993s they don't really serve much purpose to
1995s be honest other than that Slayer to a
1996s skillet and the and the champion school
1999s so it would be nice but would it fit
2002s into the dungeon their theme I'm not
2005s sure if it's the theme of the fourth
2006s dungeon no yeah yeah I think the fourth
2010s all dungeons already very it's got a
2012s very particular theme and especially law
2014s wise as well we probably couldn't work
2016s in earth warriors but maybe somewhere
2018s else more suitable yeah I agree if we
2021s added a mouth where it would not be
2022s multi hmm Authority multi please says
2026s motox even good-looking in the throne
2032s altar if some things multi it makes
2036s getting the shipments go really easily
2037s no it would be every single way all
2042s right lunch guy wants to know why
2045s farming was taken out of the warding
2046s design document you can understand
2049s putting more emphasis on hunter but says
2051s that farming could still be a source of
2052s warning materials
2054s so basically give context to how we do
2058s the feedback process I mean when we
2060s first bought the original blogs which
2061s like how long ago was that I'm two
2063s months ago getting a while ago obviously
2066s the feedback was quite strong there's a
2068s lot of negative stuff but maybe the
2071s direct call if it was okay but we
2075s basically spent a week a week to two
2078s weeks basically going diving through all
2080s of that feedback and we formed a bit of
2082s a bit of a unit in the office we got
2085s basically a bunch of people from across
2086s the different teams we have and we sat
2088s down for three dedicated days and just
2091s went through all the feedback and we
2092s addressed the main points and we
2094s highlighted in prioritize what we think
2095s is the most important things to fix one
2097s thing we saw quite a lot of was you've
2099s just been so much for farming yeah sure
2101s we've hadded the farming guild which
2104s added a whole horse of new stuff and
2106s you plants that I've never fired farming
2109s expansion starting to become a little
2111s bit unnecessary and we don't have much
2113s scope on certain patches etc as well so
2116s when quit no warning design was written
2119s it was sort of without the full
2121s knowledge that farming guild was
2122s happening so we decided hunters the
2127s skill that really makes more sense sure
2129s when we were thinking about it because
2132s hunter he doesn't offer that much right
2134s now there's a couple of things that are
2136s useful but really try directly making it
2139s a partner skill for this would makes a
2141s lot of sense so instead of doing sort of
2144s growing things and a Magnum Marie they
2148s were looking at for originally it said
2150s it will have muffs that you can catch up
2152s her bus line there and also different
2153s types of trap as well like luring them
2155s in with a lantern you know what moths
2157s are like it's summertime right now
2158s you've got them all over your bloody
2159s bedroom I think that's cool all right
2166s yeah I saw some comments and I know the
2170s twitch chat particularly is warnings
2173s particularly contentious for you guys
2175s maybe more so than in other parts of the
2178s community I know there's some concern I
2180s just saw it in a message there that
2181s we're quote-unquote forcing warding into
2184s the game we've commented on this before
2186s and I know you have particularly Kieran
2187s but that's that's not really how it is
2190s at all especially given that it will be
2192s polled just like any other major content
2194s change we just saw a position where
2198s we're still acting on feedback we're
2200s going to come up with the final design
2201s draft I mentioned this at the beginning
2202s if you miss the exclamation mark warding
2204s will take you to the current design
2205s draft feedback on that is going to go
2207s into forming a new blog which will then
2209s be based this is a list for the poll
2211s it's simple if we take for any update we
2213s made an initial pitch we listen to
2215s feedback from the blog and re pitch it
2217s it just so happens the skills quite big
2219s and there's a lot of conversation around
2220s it and obviously the feedback chrysalis
2222s has taken a while but you know what Wes
2225s went on stage at really fast last year
2227s to announce warning I feel a bare
2229s minimum we should do from that its
2231s present a coherent skill that we feel
2234s delivers on that promise you guys have
2237s the power to say yes or no
2239s and we'll see what happens from there
2242s cool me serious
2247s wants to know if interfaces like the
2249s chat box and inventory will ever scale
2251s with high resolution monitors on some
2254s monitors they look sorry just sorry I
2256s just want to answer them especially like
2257s oh yes I just on the warding thing I've
2259s seen a bunch of people saying this
2260s online as well not just on the twitch
2262s app but how much time are you spending
2264s on warning I mean we're actively like
2268s definitely limping a lot of warning
2270s right now it's not like we spent the
2271s last three months working on it we've
2273s been doing it along the side of other
2275s things it's been a lot of mod West focus
2277s to do some design work and a lot of the
2280s time has been sending the design
2281s doctored various people in the community
2283s various other people in the office and
2285s getting feedback on it which is
2287s generally quite a slow process and
2288s you're waiting for those points to come
2290s back then you do a little bit of
2291s iteration on it you get more feedback
2293s etc it's not being like a whole team sat
2296s developing warning right now it's not
2299s that at all
2300s sure thank you for that because I think
2304s I think there is that perception where
2306s it's not necessarily clear what each
2309s individual developer in the old school
2311s team is working on so there's this worry
2312s that was spending all of our time on one
2314s particular thing and that's not really
2316s how it is I suppose I'll take this
2318s chance sort of model any and mod tight
2320s haven't had a chance to weigh in much
2321s just yet and you guys don't give some
2323s insight into what you're working on if
2324s you're able to question is I'll be able
2327s to or just give you guys yeah I don't
2330s know I don't know how much you can talk
2332s about what you're on at the minute so
2335s mod tight and I and mod Bruno is on our
2341s team we've been working on first-time
2343s user experience stuff so we're trying to
2345s optimize the early game we got a lot of
2348s new players coming in with mobile and
2350s it's trying to best bet each them and
2354s equip them with the tools they need to
2355s be able to navigate this this game which
2358s is intentionally got this steep learning
2360s curve etc that's what we're trying to do
2363s really the minute I'm currently working
2366s on some of the elves so there's a fair
2369s bit of detail and the things I've been
2370s working on and said
2371s working on in the progress blog that
2373s went out last week I believe it was yes
2377s I mean we're currently solve coming up
2380s to the final stretch for the whole
2383s project which has been a very long
2384s ongoing thing so it's really to kind of
2387s try and get everything tied up at a
2388s minute and wrap it all up nicely ready
2391s to release I feel like people don't
2393s understand the perspective of how
2394s massive it is yeah I think it's pretty
2397s safe to say you like from content
2399s development perspective is one of if not
2402s the biggest update that we've had for
2405s old school sort of everything included
2407s it's it's a big quest there's a big pvm
2410s challenge there's a big skilling boss
2412s there's like this is an update in itself
2415s coming from the look away and most
2419s importantly a big light puzzle for you
2421s guys to to enjoy if you guys want more
2425s insight into what modelling the rest of
2427s the song of the elves team have been
2428s working on exclamation mark progress
2430s will take you straight to that blog he
2431s mentioned I don't know if it's still a
2434s command let me know in chat but
2436s exclamation mark elf stream might take
2439s you to the specific stream that we did
2441s otherwise it should be on youtube on our
2444s channel overflow we're due at the light
2445s puzzle I mean the one thing I did we
2449s announced that the shadow stuff we don't
2453s think we've mentioned that we can we can
2456s do you want to talk about it so there's
2459s certain things that looking at the ones
2462s n part - like puzzle my dad's kind of
2465s looked at and said ok this makes the
2467s puzzle difficult but not in a sense of
2470s like a challenge that you had expecting
2472s the quest it just makes it so
2473s frustrating more than anything and he's
2477s done a lot of work in this new like
2479s puzzles
2480s avoid those same issues without going
2484s into too many details it's still
2486s difficult but in more of a sort of
2488s logical challenge sense rather than just
2492s frustrating you to the point of no end
2496s sure okay that's what was the question I
2501s read
2503s available scalable interfaces like the
2505s chat box and the inventory so people
2507s playing on they're playing old school on
2509s their 4k malas is on there like beastly
2511s battle station setups and blimp little
2516s Bruins game yeah yeah they have very
2518s small chat boxes in inventories are we
2520s going to be letting those scale anytime
2523s soon I'm not mistaken isn't that
2525s something that several years ago now
2526s muddy and started to work on I say
2529s started to work on as it was definitely
2531s not in a state completely and ready to
2533s release it a very very rough prototype
2535s it's one of those things I think with
2538s the game as vast as old school is now
2540s that's a lot of work can be done and
2543s you'll see a lot of quick progress for
2544s it but so haven't really polished and
2547s ready to put out to you guys will take
2549s such a long time and it's just such a
2552s huge undertaking that I don't know when
2556s we're likely to get around to it obvious
2558s I think it's something that a lot of
2559s people would like to do but it's just
2561s not a simple thing to do it's not
2565s actively being worked on right now okay
2567s little other priorities taking president
2570s of the minute all right
2571s I've seen in chat it's probably because
2574s you're here mod cure and I think you've
2575s seen it too
2576s TOB drop rates we're at look coming up
2583s barrage like non-stop I said this week
2587s the other day are tweeted saying I will
2589s get them done this week the problem is
2592s it's not like just saying it's one in
2595s five twelve like the whip it's it's a
2598s whole system to try and explain so it's
2599s not a quick job it's actually gonna take
2601s me a few hours to sit down and properly
2603s document that out on an infographic but
2606s yes I am doing it this week I'll squeak
2608s I literally and the reason I created is
2610s because I wanted to hold myself to it so
2612s tweet at me if it's not done by Sunday
2614s but I'm planning on tomorrow spending
2618s their time to do it and then I'm gonna
2621s send the infographic to the CM team so
2623s that it's it's gonna be scheduled for
2625s being put out so that it can be prior
2627s course all that's social media platforms
2629s and stuff awesome that's great thank you
2633s I know players are very keen to see it
2636s so last question before I move on to
2639s chat questions if you have any of those
2641s by the way don't forget sue senator
2642s Maude Myers at old school runescape in
2644s chat I last sort of pre-selected
2648s question asks for the option to choose
2652s which music plays in our player owned
2654s house is that something we can can
2658s achieve be nice have a little jukebox
2661s Anneli the jukebox suggestion yeah I
2663s think it's come up a couple times before
2664s I don't know okay I do it in a way that
2673s you basically changed the default rap
2675s that plays in your house it should be
2678s doable I think okay so I then you know I
2682s like the idea of June find the jukebox
2684s so you build the jukebox in your house
2686s you set which track it's the default
2689s track for your house right and obviously
2691s you when you do that your house plays
2694s that music when something else comes
2695s into your house it checks the dress does
2698s the jukebox and and plays that track
2700s instead of that warm sweet home one that
2702s nobody plays right but I like the idea
2705s just everyone's gonna see Charlie T
2707s playing 24/7 you say that but I think
2711s flutes I'll have to take cake in my
2712s house okay open Spotify different yeah
2724s there's a second part of this question I
2727s think I think this is where it gets more
2728s complicated and sort of pushing the
2730s limits of what we can achieve would we
2732s be able to sort of create a playlist
2733s whereby it goes through several tracks
2736s oh is that not you know not at the
2739s minute unfortunately to do that we'd
2743s need actually know the song ends funnily
2746s enough you think yes you can know what a
2748s song ends you know what it starts you
2750s know how long it is but things can delay
2751s it things can stop it and so we would
2754s just make an arbitrary guess and it
2756s would just probably end up skipping mid
2757s song so we actually have no means to do
2760s that I have added the request to be able
2763s to do this to the engine team's backlog
2765s whenever they get to it I'm not sure but
2768s okay
2769s well in the Merida lift I would love to
2771s do it in the mean time at least on
2773s Spotify there are a bunch of old-school
2774s tracks I think I remember when we
2777s uploaded those but I think it was
2778s alongside the album release
2780s so you Veliz got those to create
2783s playlists with in the meantime so these
2785s the last ten minutes to look at chat
2787s questions the first one is well it's
2794s been asked a lot of times they're asking
2796s if there's any info on group Ironman I
2798s don't think much has changed in that
2800s department in terms of what we can say
2802s current we really want to do it as soon
2805s as we as soon as we know that anything
2808s is actually probably going ahead - we'll
2810s let you know but it is a project that's
2812s being investigated constantly we've been
2815s going through scoping sessions designing
2817s the exact requirements for exactly what
2818s we want to do with it so that the
2820s development teams around the around the
2824s studio can can understand what works
2826s that will entail for them okay so I'm
2833s just reading the next question a little
2834s bit confused by it
2838s sorry I'm the Archaea spell book so yes
2842s a suggestion I spelled allows players to
2845s a grow monster that's attacking someone
2847s else in multi combat and could be cast
2849s every two minutes requires the cast
2851s would include architectural Alliance 88
2854s magic ruins to cast so 10 souls 10 death
2856s and 10 Bloods sorry acá sorry 88 magic
2860s of the level wreck and then yeah the the
2863s runes I described I think I've not think
2867s I've described that really poorly
2868s because the chat doesn't understand no
2871s idea okay so a spell that you can cast
2875s once every two minutes that allows you
2876s to aggro monster that is already in
2879s combat with someone else given that it's
2880s in multi is that broken PvP I think that
2887s could be broken mmm can't box now if
2889s you're in multi that's true
2891s but if it was on the Archaea spell book
2894s maybe it wouldn't be so broken no I give
2897s this public use in PvP I probably
2900s wouldn't have it in PvP No
2902s I think I just believe my trick in pvm
2905s it can make sense on certain bosses like
2907s I mean obviously I bought like Grodd or
2910s people have generally do with a specific
2912s person tanking so you could maybe make
2916s it switch it so the wrong persons on it
2917s and stuff like that but right yeah draw
2919s the aggro from yeah I got it something
2921s stupid boxing in multi I was gonna let
2926s that slide I said I don't like you that
2928s there's not a huge amount of bosses that
2930s actually do entail a specific tank tank
2934s yeah that's true this could help to give
2936s that purpose but yeah I would say a
2940s spell might be actually the wrong way to
2942s do it given that it would be quite
2944s limiting if you try to actually design a
2946s boss because set bosses you won't be
2948s able to be on engine so you want people
2949s to be using the standard spell book I
2951s mean maybe it gets flexibility but
2957s what's the odds that we'll see a new imp
2959s or butterfly get added to the game if
2963s you've hoped for water get moths
2966s quite the same thing well we do have
2971s there's an idea for a will do simply at
2973s one point but I'm not sure you don't
2975s move no samplings it sort of again it's
2978s one of those things that's going to draw
2979s skillers into the wilderness who will be
2982s risking basically nothing anyway I'm not
2985s really enhancing PvP yet
2987s as far as I'm concerned we do have the
2990s new implants coming with prif though
2991s don't we yeah we had crystal implants
2993s which will pass out as part of poultry
2995s for somebody I wasn't proof - which will
2998s be exclusiveness and have sort of a
3000s unique drop which I believe we had also
3003s polled I can't remove my head yes yes oh
3007s they'll drop the elven signet ring which
3010s will soar prevent your crystal equipment
3014s of some nature over from degrading or
3017s have a chance of doing so and yeah
3021s you'll be able to catch those as any
3022s other limping
3023s moving proof Ness okay so yeah there you
3028s go there'll be a new ending and
3029s potentially new butterflies or similar
3036s sorry reading again so the next player
3040s says speaking of the tie farm
3041s can we get an update on ba Logano
3044s blessings I'm sure I've set that wrong
3047s currently it costs two points for one
3049s scroll and one scroll only affects one
3051s grape could we make it bless the entire
3052s vine instead that's for getting the Sam
3058s Urick grapes yeah okay yes I think these
3060s are really currently under underused
3063s underpowered and no one does it because
3065s it's so so bad it could absolutely do
3068s for buff because I like the idea of
3070s these coming from skilling as well as as
3073s well as the few few months is that drop
3075s of them yeah I've seen a lot of demand
3077s for I don't really do tight farms and
3080s I'm I'm not sure how bad it is by I hear
3083s it's bad
3083s quit farming itself it's pretty awful
3085s most crippling separate to type farm
3088s itself yeah but you basically have to do
3089s both if you want to get those at me does
3091s that me whines okay all right Shane Mars
3098s is not miked up because we've got a
3102s question here saying how about that
3103s fossil boss he's just just shrugged at
3107s me so I'm not really in a position to
3111s answer that but maybe she'll though type
3114s something here for me to say in the
3116s meantime why not make a clans sorry yeah
3121s why don't like a clan Slayer because me
3123s and my friends wanted to do something
3124s where we would for well would have we
3126s would have to kill for example a
3128s thousand-plus type of monster in a week
3129s for a nice reward in a clamp
3133s yes clans there so it's an interesting
3135s one it's like team player but much much
3138s bigger that's really cool I like the
3140s idea
3141s we need a clan system first really
3143s because clan chats aren't really like a
3147s proper group it's just um but you can
3148s join and leave so it needs to be a
3150s dedicated clan thing but yeah so client
3153s system first which is something like
3155s repo man that's currently going through
3157s that investigation process to understand
3159s this how long is it going to take to do
3161s when can we get done for etc but yeah I
3165s mean doing
3166s like that and that's what cons really
3167s gives you I mean firstly you can join a
3169s group but also unlocks potential for
3172s they sort of thing and doing interesting
3174s things
3176s sure yeah cool I think that's a really
3179s cool idea as well yeah I like stuff that
3181s plans can drive themselves and make
3184s events for themselves it's it's awesome
3194s the next player wants us to let them
3196s store molds in each furnace separately
3197s making 13 rings per run is for scrubs
3200s they say Bob Myers likes the idea was
3207s the chat think him a second what do you
3211s guys think storing molds so when you use
3216s them on the furnace and then it would
3217s show up on the side like a little rack
3220s yeah I guess we need to be nice you
3223s don't need them in your inventory mm-hmm
3226s although it would be nice just a
3228s straight-up it's just out there but why
3231s they mmm does it need a straight-up buff
3232s like that I mean all those nice to have
3234s a full inventory well for supplies that
3236s you can actually craft if we were to do
3239s it I would want it be reward a reward
3241s for something so you get a special sort
3244s of mold that cannot be attached to the
3245s furnace like a magnetic one like but
3250s yeah okay we reward request reward from
3252s some sort of other skill something like
3254s that as opposed to just saying
3255s everyone's got it sure that's we've got
3260s an answer from mod matters regarding the
3262s fossil boss so unfortunately it's not a
3264s priority for the team at the moment but
3266s depending on how well warding and other
3269s things go in the future there may or may
3271s not be space but it's not a priority
3274s it's not really planned or scheduled for
3275s is no timeline but we do have a design
3281s can we have a final chapter for slug
3284s Menace as the main boss please at the
3286s end once completed it would allow us to
3287s obtain a rune tier prayer armor maybe
3290s via monster drops
3292s I think midnight spot one here at dig
3295s this at some point there's no current
3298s plans to do it
3300s we are looking at a bunch of different
3302s quest ideas already but I don't see why
3306s not
3306s I mean we've done vampire sequels
3308s obviously we're doing a huge elf sequel
3310s these are both quest that RuneScape's
3312s done before this is similar that
3314s RuneScape's done it so it's not off the
3317s cards sure cool I mean I know there's a
3322s lot of demand for the knowledge to that
3325s quest line in terms of a better
3327s programmer I'm not sure
3329s I mean we've we've seen suggestions for
3332s it but I don't if we need that based on
3333s how good the current one already is so
3338s like um look we've got a new a new chat
3344s question just come in so for the new
3346s Spider boss could we have an item which
3347s prevents our health from regenerating
3349s perhaps a fossilized spider egg this
3351s would be equipped to meet a MOS lot and
3355s would be great for Derek's in nightmare
3357s zone / mol dollar thing you know this is
3360s the nightmare zone way not happen yeah I
3363s mean if it wasn't for nightmares oh and
3365s yes maybe we can make it Bandhan
3366s nightmare zone but yeah that's a good
3369s point it would be very strong for that
3372s making it even more FK than it already
3374s is
3374s I mean we could written of a spiritual
3377s life literally arbitrarily blocked in in
3381s nightmare zone I mean maybe if it was in
3385s the next slot rather than our most
3387s thought because that way you're
3389s sacrificing quite a lot of bonuses for
3391s it okay well I think we're just about
3396s touching on six o'clock so I'm gonna
3397s wrap things up I don't know if mods
3400s Parrott and most Eve W been sadly the
3402s whole time I have anything to add based
3403s on the chat no I'm getting shaking head
3406s so I think everyone's happy happy as can
3410s be
3412s I'm going to thank everyone on the couch
3413s for their time mod Mars on the chat so
3418s and well you guys for watching of course
3420s we'll see you next week and well have a
3423s have a good one until then bye bye
3430s [Music]