over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Posnais

I like trains

choo choo

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Mystery_Profile

Did I miss something? Since TOA, people were upset that drop rates were being hidden. Jagex specifically stated on stream that to keep things interesting while also staying transparent, the drop rates for all new bosses will be released 1 week after the update. Where's the drop rates for the new wilderness bosses?

We said we'd be releasing rates up to 2 weeks following release, I expect to be including them for next week's newspost!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Xxweeexd

With every blog post, round table, live stream. I lose more and more faith in this game and company. Just seems like every week they strive to make it worse.

Out of interest, could I ask for some specifics as to why you're losing faith? Whether it's in blogs, streams etc. would be keen to learn more and better understand where you're coming from.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by KriibusLoL

Funnily enough, there's actually multiple weapons in the game that have no character assigned to them for instance "Blade of Saeldor". There's no Saeldor character in OSRS but there is one in RS3 so it's interesting they said "Yeah, Korasi character is in RS3 but not in OSRS so it doesn't make sense we name the weapon Korasi's Sword"

I think on this front it's because Saeldor historically existed within Old School's canon, whereas Korasi has never existed (since at the time of The Void Stares Back she was a living NPC). Meaning Saeldor has a legacy even in our Gielinor, while Korasi has never existed.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by hirmuolio

Technical limitation on how long the text in post can be.

To get around some of the text is uploaded as images instead of actual text.

This is the correct answer. Our News Module has a limit on the number of characters we're able to use (even our tools are Old School...) when we plug HTML in. The easiest way for us to get around it is to use images of the text instead.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Weak_Remote3787

Is there even anything about Saeldor or Faerdhinen in the game outside of the weapons themselves though? The wiki has nothing on them and actually directs you to a RS3 wiki entry for both. Craw seemed to be created along with his bow too. It would be the exact same scenario for Korasi's in that sense. It's not like it has to be exactly like RS2's Korasi either.

That being said tying a Void Knight Korasi into the wilderness bosses wouldn't really make sense either so I'm not saying the Voidwaker should have been called Korasi's.

I agree that I don't think it has to be the exact same, but I'd imagine there might be some demand in the future (however distant) to talk more about the Void Knights? I can't say for certain, but retaining Korasi as a character for future narratives is always on the table.

It might have felt unusual (from a narrative/world-building sense) to whack her on the Void Knight Outpost with her namesake being on a totally different landmass, or to pop her in the Wilderness and just not really build on her character in any meaningful way purely for one item, or to commit her to the history books in case she might have a role to play in a future storyline.

At least that's my understanding of the more 'narrative' side of things