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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by AlonsoDalton

Genuinely asking for a reason why the name of the lobster pot was changed. It seems like such a weird thing. Is it because it contains the word "pot"? If so, you're gonna have to call THE item "pot" something else.

We wanted the naming to match when you go to a fishing spot. As it tells you to 'cage' not 'pot'. This was just to clear up any confusion players might have had.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by Smiles_Because_Sad

F2p pvp world is 117? Should it be 317?

It should actually be 417. Good catch! :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by jachymb

What is exactly the reasoning for ava's devices being lost on pvp death but not pvm? Also - I assume that this does not hold for assembler, does it?

Ava's devices drop coins on PvP death, so there is a benefit for the attacker and we wanted to retain that aspect. The assembler is retained in PvM death,but will likewise be lost in PvP although it and can still be protected ("locked") for a fee by talking to Trouver, at which point it will no longer be lost on PvP death.

Basically this change makes death in PvM with a device slightly more convenient without affecting any of the PvP aspect.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Hey all. We're seeing a lot of feedback on this change. We thought it'd be a very minor change that might help to avoid any possible confusion among new players when fishing at lobster spots. That said, a lot of you are quite rightly pointing out that things like trees say 'Chop down tree' and axes aren't called 'Tree choppers'! Maybe relying on intuition can be a good thing.

We're more than open to reconsidering this change, we'll review this in our usual update feedback meetings. I can tell that even before the meeting I'd expect us to change it back next week.

That said, I'm definitely going to check the google trend for 'lobster pot' later today.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by gangotf

Imagine being a person who isn't really looking forward to leagues, all these small updates have provided essentially nothing since nightmare/sepulchre came out. not mad or anything, just disappointed that all we have received lately has been roadmaps and gazzetes showcasing future content. Thought that there was tons of new hires coming to the dev team. perhaps it is taking time to train them.

You're right that it does take a lot of time to train and onboard new hires. Not just getting the noobs up to speed, but also time away from the people involved in training them. It'll pay off long-term though!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by Blitzile

Re: Ava's Devices This past week, I dced while doing Venenatis, who dropped my prayer, then finished me off. My +1 was the Assembler, which I lost in 26 Wild.

With the new mechanics, how will Assembler vs PvM work in 20+ Wild?

You will retain your Assembler.

You will only lose it if dying in PvP and if it hasn't been protected by paying a fee to Trouver to lock it.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Less lobster-related and more 🦀-related - we've added a section to the newspost to talk about Rev Caves. Namely we're proposing two other changes to address feedback from last week: a fee to deter raggers/griefers, and a PJ Timer trial, specific to the caves.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Yarasaosrs

Please fix the Ava's Assembler for UIM, we want to continue to lose it on death so Hespori will hold it and so that it falls in our death pile. Currently it stays on our character post-death. (After the new update)

I've passed this on to the devs.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by 07scape123

Are you saying that if i protect my Ava’s with a Trouver, that I won’t lose my Ava’s every skulled PvP death below 20 Wildy and PvP worlds? Or does it break and require repairing? I thought Trouver protection was to keep untradeables above 20 wildy and every death, you loose the Trouver, regardless if you are above or below 20 wild.

The PvP and Trouver behaviours have not changed from before the update.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by jachymb

I am confused now. What you write seems to imply that broken assembler is no longer a thing.

The PvP and Trouver behaviours have not changed from before the update.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by 07fxh

The way the post was worded implies Assemblers now disappear on PvP death like Attractors/Accumulators. It should be "broken" when 20 or lower wild and repaired for a fee at Perdu. That is not what the update post states so it sounds like you changed the mechanics.

I highly doubt the negligible coin drop from Attractors/Accumulators matter to PvPers. It would be a bigger improvement to keep them on death and break like other untradeables to save them from getting brand new items while still paying a fee to use and die with them. You would still giving coins back to the player who PK them.

Imo, it doesn't make a lot of sense to have them behave the way they do when we have the item break mechanic and the fact that you do not lose those items in PvM anymore other than the reason of having PvP be an unnecessary item/coin sink. The same could be said about RFD gloves.

It's really difficult to word something in such a way that everybody understands exactly what it means because of what people read in what ISN'T said. Legal texts are so unbelievably contrived because they attempts to makes sure nothing is implied, and I would preferably not have to resort to that level of detail to make sure the post can cause no confusion whatsoever to anyone. I honestly don't think I could ever ensure of that.

The fact that the Accumulator and Attractor behave differently from the Assembler isn't helping in getting the gist of the change across.

To hopefully clarify. PvP behaviour is EXACTLY the same as before for ALL devices. We just didn't touch it at all.

PvM behaviour is that you now keep the devices on death. Currently that means you literally keep them, although that has proven to be an issue with UIM and might be changed in an upcoming update to drop on your death pile instead.

If you wish it to be changed, we can take suggestions on how it should behave into consideration.