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To start, I'm happy about the added security and account theft prevention Jagex has implemented. But it has come at a price for me. Currently I'm trying to change my recurring membership to a different card but I cant find the email I used to set up my Jagex account with. I want to try and log out of my Jagex launcher to see if I can see the email connected but if its not their my account is unplayable. I know this is my fault completely and I should have kept track of it but can we not have security within reason? I have my statement's for the last 10 years showing my membership withdrawles and my google authenticater connected to my account on my phone. Is that not enough to show that I am the owner of the account?

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10 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link


I understand this is a bit of a tricky situation, so let's see what we can do to help!

Unfortunately, If you have forgotten the e-mail that is currently setup on the Jagex account this is not something we can reveal to you.

Your login email is visible on the account settings here, which you may be able to access if you're already logged in. If not it may be on the auto-fill on the linked webpage.

I would also recommend looking at any e-mail you've previously used on any of your RuneScape accounts, and checking for previous Jagex account verification codes that have been sent - the subject line will be "##### is your Jagex verification code" where ##### is the code.

Unfortunately, if you cannot find it, I'm afraid there isn't anything further we'll be able to assist you with.

  • Jagex Support