Transcript (by Youtube)

3s hello and welcome to today's live stream
6s um we are in the full Christ Christmas
10s festive try to do those two words at the
12s same time Spirit today um it's you're
15s joining us for our Christmas parade um
19s super excited uh to get into it
24s um we are for the sake of time I'm going
28s to jump straight into our announcements
30s and then we're going to chat to our
31s lovely um jod guests with us today um
35s because hopefully you have seen around
37s that we do have a bunch of giveaways for
40s you today um it is time to spread some
42s Christmas cheer um and yeah we want to
46s get that first one up and running so
48s bear with me while I do some
50s announcements and get ready to just like
52s spam exclamation marks um okay so first
57s up uh you can use exclamation mark
59s discard
60s uh this is going to take you to our
62s Discord server um where you can chat to
65s other players during the parade and
67s Beyond obviously um and enter the
70s giveaways throughout today's stream uh
73s head to the giveaway Channel and
75s there'll be a bot Post in there that
77s you'll need to hit or react to when
78s those go live um we'll we'll let you
81s know when those are going live though
83s um next you can do exclamation mark TC
87s uh and this is going to bring you to the
88s terms and conditions of those GI
91s giveaways um so you can you can see
94s what's going on and all the rules and
97s stuff um and because uh we're talking
101s about giveaways already um I'm just
103s going to announce our first one we're
105s going to get it started right away out
107s the door um so first up we have three
112s run skip cookbooks uh these are the
114s official cookbooks that came out
116s actually not that long ago um and we
118s have one for three different winners
121s um so you can head to the Discord uh the
125s bot will come up any minute now um I
128s believe we have mud yum in the
130s background sting that out for us uh hit
133s a react on that post and you'll be ented
137s to win uh and we will announce the
139s winners once it closes so we can run on
142s to the next giveaway um but good luck um
146s I'm going to keep going with
147s announcements that's how these things go
149s so we ALS o have exclamation mark my
153s year in um so my year in Old School
156s runscape stat summary is back we loved
160s it last year so we're doing it again
163s make sure that you're opted into emails
165s to see exactly what you've been up to
166s this year um this is accessed via the
169s communication preferences in your
171s account settings uh you can see a little
173s example of what these look like on
175s screen now
178s um yeah see how many how many bosses
180s you've killed how many times you've died
182s um both mine are going to be zero cuz I
184s have just skilled for an entire year
186s solid um but I'm quite excited to see
188s you know how many how much xp I
191s got um okay and you can also share those
195s as well you can use the hash uh my ear
197s in osrs and then we can like NOS you all
199s of your stats and stuff and then finally
202s we have exclamation mark album you might
206s have heard in our opening uh holding
209s screen that we have some new festive
213s songs uh This Is Christmas meets old
216s school uh in our brand new Christmas
219s album so tune in uh to accompany your
223s holiday grinds um I yeah love it it's
227s amazing it's like one of the best
230s things um okay so today we are going to
235s be doing our um Christmas period we are
239s joined today by the lovely modani who I
243s mean' seen a lot of him this year you've
245s been on a lot of our live streams this
247s year H you modani just a couple just a
250s couple um and we also have uh mod
253s Skylock our character
256s artist um how how are you both
260s doing yeah pretty good feeling very
263s festive
265s yeah in the Christmas spirit it is now
267s like the last week basically our
269s Christmas I feel like everyone's like
271s right come on to get the gingerbread out
274s really need to make
276s some I'm I'm gearing up for the copious
279s amounts of roast dinners I'm going to
281s have over the next like 3 weeks
283s considering we got like all family
285s everywhere so I'm going to have I think
288s six roast dinners over two week period
290s so I am I am ready I am ready that's the
294s dream right there wow yeah I had like an
297s early Christmas dinner um at the weekend
299s with the family
300s um so Christmas has officially already
303s started for me um but also if you don't
306s know I keep my Christmas tree up all
308s year long so it's always Christmas in my
314s house I'm kind of a bit sad I've not
316s like decorated in the background but oh
318s well it's fine we know it's there in
320s spirit Blossom it's fine yeah yeah I
323s want my Christmas shirt it's got like
325s little snowlakes on it I should have put
327s my jumper on I'm so gutted I forgot
330s going but I was like I am going to melt
332s if I were a jumper doing
334s this um okay so you can join us for our
337s Christmas parade um I think maybe we can
340s go to the starting uh starting line now
344s um on screen I don't know if we can
346s switch over to uh modani is going to be
349s directing us around today um this is
352s World
354s 326 I believe it might be popped up
357s somewhere on the screen at some point um
360s but yeah it's 326 thank you so much
363s behind the scenes like magic
367s um uh yeah so come along and join us um
370s mod s has decided we are going to be
372s going
373s anticlockwise so um if you if you need
377s to well I going say if you need to catch
378s up but if you he late you haven't heard
380s this bit it's fine um but yeah anti
384s clockwise um we'll be going around
385s having little breaks uh having a bit of
387s a chat yeah um I do also want to shout
390s out that this a lot of this was hosted
393s and organized by our amazing volunteer
395s Discord moderators um they've been
398s running events like for I think like the
401s second half of this year it really
402s kicked in um so if you like this today
405s make sure to to head over there into the
407s events channels because we've got uh
409s plenty more of these lined up even like
412s through the rest of this year honestly
414s um and into
415s next oh okay I've yapped
421s um let's start our first um segment of
426s today um so we did ask you guys to post
430s your um pets pictures in our Discord um
434s and the lovely M Skylock agreed to work
438s on changing some of these into an old
441s school
443s version um so obviously I to be mind
447s none of this is like game content please
450s did not expect to possibly ever see
452s these things in game this is purely for
454s fun um purely just a little bit of you
457s know Christmas I don't know I don't want
460s to say fun again um but on theme for the
463s event um so do we want
467s to maybe jump to the the first screen so
471s yeah mod Sky do you want to chat to us a
473s little bit about this yeah of course uh
476s so obviously the theme of the event was
479s like it was most dogs there was one uh
482s suspiciously cat looking dog in there um
484s but I like when I was looking through
486s all the submissions I noticed we had a
488s lot of cats and even though it was like
490s mostly dog focused I feel like I could
492s not ignore that many cats especially I I
495s absolutely love cats so I was like yeah
497s of course we're going to do cats um uh
499s yeah so I've kind of mainly taken like
502s the the the existing cat model that we
504s have so like the the iconic kind of like
506s Bob model and stuff um and then I just
509s kind of made a few small adjust
510s adjustments um kind of made a few
513s different color variations as well based
514s on a lot of the images that were sent in
517s um I I don't know if it's like if this
519s is kind of like too different from the
521s original so you know Ju Just disclaimer
523s I'm not planning on like replacing all
525s the cats that we currently have um but
527s I'm curious to see what people think
528s about this kind of thing cuz yeah I did
530s kind of like try and make it a bit more
532s consistent with like the kind of dogs
533s that I've been making as well um but
535s yeah let me know if it's like too far or
538s uh yeah yeah curious what people think
540s and yeah lots of very cute images of
542s cats I think this was like the most um
545s most popular animal that I saw despite
548s expecting a lot of dogs um but yeah very
551s cute I was going to do some long hair
553s ones as well like rag dolls and stuff
554s but I just didn't get time in the end
556s but maybe at some point if May next time
558s maybe maybe if there's a call for it
562s like future discard stages maybe you
564s know we done we did um the art stage
567s before where we kind of pre-made some
569s things that was that was a lot of fun so
571s you know who knows maybe tell us tell us
574s if you if you want to see more of it um
576s do you want to jump onto the next slide
578s and look at some some pups yeah so next
582s up we've got like uh Collies or I guess
584s Border Collies specifically um so saw
587s few of these as well and uh we already
589s have like a a kind of sheep dog Border
591s col in game I believe it's like
593s somewhere in dror um so it kind of makes
595s sense to have more like give give us
598s some little friends and stuff um is was
601s just a really cute dog really pretty dog
602s lots of energy um yeah I don't know why
605s I'm talking like I know loads about dogs
607s like I'm do to do little bit there's not
610s much to say about it it's very cute dogs
612s um I love the one in the Christmas
614s costume as well that that one really
616s spoke to
618s me very on theme very on theme yeah uh
623s next should we go to yeah so this is not
626s one that came up like super often but um
630s really cute dogs this is a I don't know
631s if I'm pronouncing this correct but a
633s Samad Samad not sure um which is yeah
636s big fluffy dog basically looks like a
639s cloud um absolutely adorable I believe
642s one of the dogs in the picture is I
644s think it's the top right but I'm not
646s entirely sure but I believe one of them
647s is called Baymax which is absolutely
649s adorable um so yeah love that um this is
653s very cute cute dog to make very
655s fluffy what more can you say it's fluffy
657s dog
660s and
662s next uh yeah so quite again another one
665s that came up a few times was a a spaniel
668s mostly I think they're [ __ ] spaniols but
670s also I think spring ESP spaniols are I
672s don't really know the difference but
673s they're kind of like somewhat similar
675s even like King Char spels are also kind
676s of similar um yeah a few of these came
678s up thought they were really cute I I no
680s it's no one submitted like one of the
682s red kind of brown ones but I mean I just
685s thought since since I was there I might
687s as well make it anyway uh so yeah some
689s Spong
693s uh and then lastly Labradors which I'm
695s super biased because I did sneak my own
698s dog in there as well um I absolutely
700s love Labradors they're so cute uh we we
702s did have like um I believe for one of
705s the previous game jams we did make like
707s or um bring in like old Labrador models
710s from uh from I don't know if they're
713s from RS3 or like original models or
715s something but I kind of like um reworked
717s those a little bit just to kind of bring
719s them more in line with the kind of stuff
720s that we been doing recently with dogs uh
722s so yeah did a few Labradors so there's a
724s yellow one chocolate black and then red
727s fox I believe it's called or just readed
728s I'm not sure um but yeah really cute uh
732s love a labrador who doesn't and then um
734s yeah lastly uh kind of like a special
737s mention I guess so um we had a player
739s who posted like a really nice message on
741s um Reddit about the event and uh
744s unfortunately uh the their dog who is
747s pitched here Ziggy um unfortunately
748s passed away and they said that it was
750s just kind of really nice to like it was
752s a really awesome event and you know made
754s them feel a bit closer to that so I um
756s had another ice reach out and ask if we
758s could like have some have some photos
760s basically of Ziggy and he sent these
762s absolutely adorable photos I'm in love
764s with the with the broccol thief one uh
767s so yeah I decided to make that as well
768s just as like a little a little um
771s special mention to Ziggy his owner
772s mentioned that uh they were like a
775s really like kind of kind and giving dog
777s and would always make people happy so
779s yeah hopefully this makes people happy
781s as well uh definitely made me happy so
786s yeah and then uh yeah lastly just a
788s special thank you to everyone who
790s submitted stuff uh obviously I couldn't
792s go around to the mall I I kind of did
794s this in my free time over the weekend
796s and as much as I would have loved to do
798s a lot more yeah just I just
800s unfortunately didn't get time for it but
801s um everyone here is people who's um
803s images that I used for the dogs that I
805s have shown but um also thank you to
807s everyone else who submitted as well um
810s yes was really cool really really fun
811s thing to do awesome amazing thank you so
815s much um what we are going to also do um
818s I don't know when it's going to be well
819s we hope for early this week um is to get
823s uh basically the images of all of these
826s dog models onto the Discord um so if
828s your dog was featured here um or maybe
831s you just have a dog that looks similar
833s that's cool too um so you can maybe use
835s them I don't know UND discore download
837s them you have them um but we'll we'll
841s put out some information about that on
842s Discord so make sure you're over
845s there um yeah awesome should we jump
847s back to the parade and see what's going
849s what's going on how's it looking s we're
852s having a good time we're having a good
854s time stopped off and Dro just to chill
857s everyone's very festive I would say and
859s having a good time someone has tried to
862s attack me as Jad to bring the mood down
864s but Goose will always Prevail I believe
867s so I think we're going to crack on to
869s lumbridge now nice oh attacking it's
873s Christmas guys I think it was like a
875s loving attack it was like a warm embrace
877s of an attack rather than a a cold a cold
882s calculated
884s one oh um awesome so you're heading on
887s to lumbridge
889s um cool so I am going to go into the
894s next giveaway now um because we have our
898s first three win winners uh of the
900s cookbook giveaway so we have cloudy
905s memory ni fra and mandala art over on
910s Discord you guys have all woron a copy
912s of the cookbook um make please make sure
916s that your friend requests and direct
917s messages from others are enabled in your
920s settings and because one of our Gils
922s will reach out to you basically um to
924s organize organize this um and that
928s brings us into our our second giveaway
930s today and we are going to be giving away
932s a copy of the runes skape battle AES and
937s ballad Final and the runes skip old
939s school Rune breaks final for one winner
942s so one winner is going to get these two
945s fin once again you can use exclamation
947s mark Discord uh that'll get you over
949s into the Discord where you can enter in
951s the giveaway Channel um I believe it
953s will be going live soon if it hasn't
956s already un sure oh no it is live I've
959s got it from behind the scenes that it is
961s now live um so with where am I on my
966s thing um we did release these earlier
969s this year um we worked with composer m m
973s Mikel oh I'm so sorry it's probably not
976s listening let's be real but maybe he is
979s Mel D from region audio uh on Battle AES
983s and ballads um to create the metal
986s versions of iconic RuneScape tracks
989s uh and for the room breaks album this
992s comes from Pizza Hotline and this is a
995s drum base style I don't know compilation
999s album um it's super exciting I
1002s absolutely love doing these um so yeah
1004s make sure you head to discard and enter
1007s um I think we can head back to our
1011s parade now um I believe I can see in
1014s chat that some of you guys are spotting
1016s a couple of our other jods that we do
1018s have some jods who have shout up to uh
1021s joining the parade today um so make sure
1023s to like give them a wave if you see them
1026s um and thank you so much to those J who
1028s have joined us today um it's honestly
1030s it's so wholesome like when we see so
1032s many people in game together um so
1038s 2024 it's like over right it's basically
1042s F yeah yeah basically it's basically
1046s finished um we had our last update of
1049s the year with the Christmas event um
1052s that was uh yours was sky like you you
1056s probably can speak about the event uh
1059s more than any of us um it does start at
1062s fad Park we've gone past that now in the
1065s parade um but do you want to chat to us
1067s a little bit about um the ideas behind
1070s the event yeah definitely uh so it
1073s started off as like a a game Jam project
1076s um between me and a few of mods um I
1079s kind of I don't know I just kind of I've
1081s always loved animals like and yeah I've
1083s always had pets and stuff and uh yeah
1086s just kind of felt like the like it would
1088s be a cute idea for like a kind of
1089s Christmas event especially I don't know
1092s there's there's a lot of kind of like
1093s themes and stuff like how um like you
1096s know dogs not just being for Christmas
1098s you know giving and stuff around
1100s Christmas everyone being awesome so just
1103s kind of like made it um yeah just kind
1105s of like made it in game Jam uh we did
1108s most of the art as well but then it was
1110s um mod Kirby and mod meley who did the
1112s implementation and they did like a
1114s really good job of that it's really fun
1116s to play it myself um uh yeah that's
1120s that's about it really it's just yeah
1122s it's also you know maybe selfishly could
1125s be a segue to you know getting dogs in
1127s the game at some point because you know
1130s we did we did do that game jump project
1132s like I think it was a couple years ago
1133s now um where we like kind of suggested
1136s having pet dogs similar to like pet cats
1138s and stuff and I know people have been
1140s asking me about it since then so maybe
1144s this could be a little little little
1146s segue for that who
1147s knows absolutely it's also really nice
1150s to see like those game Jam projects
1153s coming in um what I guess maybe people
1156s don't necessarily realize is you know
1158s while we put out our game Jam blog of
1160s what we've been doing we do hold some
1162s things back when we know that they're
1163s coming like imminently and they you know
1165s we don't want them to be spoilers um so
1167s we do see that with like holiday Day
1169s events um and sometimes with uh a couple
1172s of quests and things they they do get
1174s worked on as game Jam projects too um so
1177s yeah this is as I said a product of that
1180s um and yeah and it's just really awesome
1182s to see it from like I guess from our
1184s side from concept getting you know
1186s getting that original pitch and now it's
1187s it's in game and and people are loving
1189s it um I need to actually put some time
1192s aside and do it I haven't done it yet
1195s I'm too busy playing Leakes honestly but
1197s like I you know I play tested the then
1199s but I haven't quite played it yet I have
1202s been yeah too too invested in leagues
1205s but we'll get to it eventually it's very
1207s it's there for it's there for a little
1209s while we got time yeah got plenty
1211s time um s how is the how's it going I
1216s see multiple people trying to attack the
1217s goose guys come on again it's not attack
1220s I don't think attack is the right word
1222s they're just you know they're pting
1223s snowboards it's festive I'm I'm here for
1226s it I'm here for it oh okay snowbo that's
1229s fair what I could see it just looked
1231s like someone like bashing
1233s you brutal how do you get the snowball I
1236s I want have join
1237s [Laughter]
1238s it everyone just having a great time I
1241s think we're having a good time we're off
1242s to varac now people so make your
1246s way well since we uh over with you s I
1252s thought maybe we could talk through some
1253s of our highlights from this year um in
1256s chat like tell us your highlights too um
1259s because obviously it might not
1260s necessarily be the same ones as ours um
1264s yeah I'd really love to hear and also
1266s like um if you have got any questions or
1270s anything like do feel feel free to drop
1273s them um and we will try and get to some
1275s um if you do have any I don't know um
1278s yeah s what are some of your highlights
1281s from this year I'm going to start off
1283s with a personal highlight more than a
1285s than a RuneScape highlight I became a
1287s dad this year that is probably the
1290s biggest highlight for me so Christmas is
1292s going to be very very uh very special
1294s this year um even though he won't be too
1296s aware of what's going on it's still
1298s great so I'm I'm very excited about that
1301s um but related to the previous
1304s discussion one of my big highlights
1307s personally talking about game Cham
1308s scaras I mean the Rat King himself the
1311s big boy uh he was a game Jam project
1314s that I originally worked on and
1317s then was handed over to uh the wonderful
1321s mod man and mod daong and they smash out
1323s the park and it's become like an amazing
1326s piece of content which I think everyone
1328s can agree has cemented itself now in
1332s like I would say all players old school
1335s Journeys like it's a great fantastic
1337s boss that
1338s teaches um both movement and uh press
1341s switch in which is something we envision
1343s from the game J they just blew out of
1344s the water like I really enjoy going to
1346s scaras I'm still mad I haven't got the
1348s pet yet so someone in the back end needs
1351s to sort that out quick time for me
1352s please um so yeah I'd probably say
1355s that's one of my like earliest
1357s highlights I think easily Vore is a
1361s second highlight working the map project
1363s quite closely was was great and seeing
1365s just the reception and everything was
1368s was fantastic I think like bmore is
1371s massive and we're still not done we're
1372s still going that's the beauty of it
1374s right we've got one more part coming uh
1378s soon DM can't say when cuz we're not
1381s allowed um but everything about lore
1383s just like it just feels good especially
1387s from the aesthetic side I'm going to
1388s give a big props to Skylar and the art
1390s team but everything aesthetically
1393s Vore super Pleasant it's just so good it
1396s just feels so cool the like Aztec SL
1400s Roman unless I'm mistaken sky but that's
1402s like the sort of core inspiration for
1406s Vore right yeah definitely yeah they're
1408s kind of my own aztech Roman uh kind of
1410s like meso American culture yeah I really
1412s enjoyed that as well really fun from
1414s like a art side of things to really
1416s explore that and pull in a lot of like
1418s kind of real historical references as
1420s well as like a bit of a history nerd is
1422s really
1423s fun yeah yeah exactly and it's it's just
1426s and there's just so much to explore
1428s especially you know even the smaller
1430s bits like I'm going to say it the red
1432s token hunt which I think I think I'm
1434s fine saying it now it's finished it's
1436s over it's done but that was a nice
1438s little all hidden surprise even even for
1441s myself which was lovely um I would be a
1445s Miss to not shout out
1447s leagues I would argue it might be the
1451s best leagues we've ever done question
1454s mark question mark um yeah leagues is
1458s great I've had a b I've had like so many
1460s people like so many of my friends that
1462s don't normally play Old School come back
1465s for this league specifically even though
1467s if they passed on previous ones now
1469s we're raiding together which is really
1471s fun and like raiding with like some of
1473s my close personal friends on on on
1475s leagues has been amazingly fun um it's
1478s just so good I'm just I think I'm more
1480s pumped for like the next one now now I'm
1482s in like the depths of Lee cuz I mean the
1485s team smash it out the park and now we've
1486s entered this new area
1489s of simplistic complexity so like the
1492s Master E is like a simple decision but
1494s it means like so many things can change
1496s what we're going to be doing with that
1498s in the future is massive and then
1502s finally project zorus I mean this is
1505s probably a very personal thing for me
1507s considering I'm the CM on it but like
1510s it's such a big
1511s aspirational project for us and the
1515s whole concept just breathes creativity
1519s which this
1520s community is and I'm going to it's not
1523s controversial because it's true we're
1524s one of the most creative uh communities
1527s in the whole video game industry and it
1530s our YouTube pleer and players speak for
1533s that itself so the fact we can sort of
1535s enable that a bit more with anerous is
1538s massive so just a few highlights you
1541s know nothing nothing nothing too bad
1542s just a couple things just a few just a
1544s small year yeah
1548s exactly um yeah like I think it's been
1551s nice you know being able to have more of
1553s those xous uh Discord stages we've been
1555s doing a lot of that um getting to have
1557s those sort of close convers sessions um
1560s and then I agree on leagues leagues is a
1563s huge one for me um leagues is my like
1566s big big you know project launch I guess
1570s um that I got to work on and there was
1573s so many you know moving Parts with that
1575s um no it was a lot of fun and it's been
1577s really really awesome like seeing how
1578s much everybody's loved it um yeah
1583s awesome um okay I think we can announce
1589s our um vinyl winner now um
1595s so our winner for the two vinyls for one
1599s person is
1601s Tom that is your username let's go Tom
1605s Tom good job
1608s Tom uh make sure that your uh requests
1612s and everything open um so our gam can
1616s get in touch to that for you
1619s um okay I think I'm just going to launch
1624s into our next one just to get it going
1627s um so we yeah just for a sake of time um
1631s so sorry behind the scenes
1633s um changing the script slightly um so
1637s our next giveaway is again for one
1640s winner today um and it's going to be
1643s this is a this is a big one guys this is
1645s a big one so we have uh a copy of the
1648s RuneScape kingdoms shadow of el elag oh
1652s Su close card game plus all of the
1656s expansions um so yeah this is a a huge
1659s one
1661s um same again exclamation mark Discord
1666s uh get yourself into the Discord I hope
1668s that you're there by now cuz we're on
1670s the third one guys um and same again
1674s react wait it
1676s out and I'll tell you in a bit
1679s um who won that but yeah huge um I'm
1682s actually kind of jealous so already I
1686s can recommend anyone that wants a good
1688s ball game
1690s experience enter this giveaway cuz
1692s myself and Goblin have been playing this
1694s campaign with our with our partners for
1696s the last couple months and it has been
1699s very very fun so I would say don't miss
1701s out on it it's very
1702s good yeah awesome um yeah Okay cool so
1706s that should be up and now uh so like get
1709s entering and then we have one more today
1711s um so yeah just make sure you stick
1715s around um cuz if you're not looking this
1717s one maybe you'll be looking the last one
1719s who knows um okay so let's yeah let's
1724s keep going um my sky how are you feeling
1728s about everything you've worked on 2024
1729s is there anything that stands
1732s out uh yeah it's it's like it's
1735s difficult to kind of look back because
1736s like I genuinely have lost all my like
1739s concept of what we like what happened
1741s this year and what was last year after a
1743s while it does all kind of like blend
1744s together a little bit and I'll be like
1746s wait that came that came out this year
1748s what but um yeah similar to S so
1750s definitely farore um just like kind of
1753s seeing how that like started off and and
1756s where it like came to where it is now
1758s and stuff like yeah that was that was
1760s really fun had some really fun like kind
1762s of planning and sessions and stuff
1764s getting really creative with it um I I
1767s got to kind of try my hand a bit like
1768s concept art as well for perilous Moon so
1771s that's like a a very special thing to me
1773s I really yeah really like that piece of
1775s content as well um that was a fun one um
1778s I think a rxa as well um like that was
1781s definitely a highlight kind of doing a
1783s lot of the the kind of Concepts and
1785s modeling for that uh I'm a bit like
1787s maybe a bit biased because I I really
1789s enjoy like designing like really edgy
1791s kind of edgel stuff so when it was like
1794s oh we got you know raxel this really
1795s kind of like dark and edgy spider and we
1798s need like a cool hellbird and just like
1800s yeah okay so that that was really fun um
1805s uh obviously the Christmas event too
1806s that was really that was really fun one
1808s but I just can't like I I forgot that
1810s that literally started in April so I've
1812s been like literally festive since April
1815s so now I'm just like yeah over Christmas
1819s um uh I feel like there was another
1821s thing as well that I'm like oh leagues
1823s too yeah leagues as well um like I also
1825s really enjoyed working on leagues um
1828s kind of like doing the like the the kind
1831s of echo boss Echo bosses and stuff a
1833s couple of the rewards uh I'm playing it
1835s as well like i' I've really enjoyed
1837s playing leagues um and yes not not quite
1840s at rating level yet but getting
1844s there um yeah I no honestly like all of
1847s it has has been like a real high
1850s highlight this year but yeah I think
1851s those are specific ones awesome yeah
1854s every time like we're talking now about
1856s like what we've done it's like oh God
1858s yeah that was this year and that was
1860s this year it's been it's been a busy one
1863s like that's for sure um for me I guess
1867s like another highlight that we've not
1869s mentioned is while Gothic sleeps that
1871s came out this year too and that was like
1873s I I said Le my first big project but
1875s that was like my first project that
1879s wasn't as big as leag I guess um to work
1882s on uh and that was a lot of fun I really
1884s enjoyed that and then obviously we had
1886s the defender of AR which kind of led up
1888s to that um and it's kind of crazy that
1890s that was this year um honestly it feels
1893s like a lifetime ago now um and then one
1897s of my other favorite things from this
1898s year is just like doing the game jams
1901s like it's kind of the first time I've
1902s really uh been able to be part of game
1905s Jam stuff like I obviously so I joined
1908s um like I started November last year
1910s here um and I'd never really been part
1914s of a game Jam before and I was able to
1916s be part of a few of those this time
1919s um with the most recent one having my
1921s own project um although we then joined
1925s it up with um mod others uh Plus Elena
1930s curse and Ry uh their projects just to
1934s basically because and I'm sure M can
1937s agree with this like as CM we don't get
1939s a lot of time we don't get a lot of time
1942s to put in in those two weeks cuz um yeah
1946s things keep on rolling on um like
1948s socials and game updates and
1951s announcements and things um so I was
1953s really grateful to those guys for sort
1955s of um you know folding in uh my just
1959s very pink idea I basically talk into be
1962s like I would like more pink
1964s please um and we found a really cool way
1967s to do that um and that was really
1969s exciting um and we were able to use uh
1972s my sky like your pink gracewell
1975s design um I was really grateful for that
1978s too and that went down really well um it
1981s yeah it's been really nice seeing all of
1982s your feedback um that survey is still
1985s open I don't have a link to it or
1987s anything um but if you haven't seen them
1989s yet like do make sure um to go and have
1992s a look at that blog um and leave us some
1994s feedback on it I'll be going through it
1996s and um Gathering your thoughts probably
1999s this week um so yeah really interested
2002s to hear but even just like getting to
2004s sit and listen to everybody's um
2007s pictures
2008s uh and even just getting to go down to
2010s the office like I live really really far
2012s away I live in
2015s Scotland um so it's a really really long
2018s journey to get down there so I don't get
2019s to go there very often um so it's just
2022s super nice to go down and just like be
2023s around everyone um and hang out so yeah
2027s that's like some of my highlights um but
2032s I also do want to shout out um our
2035s Discord because a lot of my work I guess
2038s this year has been with our Discord
2040s server um and honestly the moderators
2044s over there just like smash out of the
2046s park every single day like they work
2049s constantly um to keep that place
2052s just taking along basically the the bare
2056s you know burs of it they they just keep
2058s it going um but it's been really really
2061s nice getting to like get to know
2064s everybody over there and uh chat to
2066s players in there
2068s um we're trying to do more more to bring
2071s more things to you through that server
2074s um which uh in the New Year hopefully
2076s you'll start seeing even more of that um
2079s but if you haven't gone over there and
2081s you're probably over there for the
2082s giveaway today which is another big
2084s reason to be on there cuz that is where
2086s we basically run all of our giveaways
2088s through when we do them on streams um
2091s but if you haven't do go and like have a
2093s park around um we've got a newish uh fum
2097s space where
2098s whenever we have like a a bit of an
2100s update um or our blog post uh we Post in
2103s there and that's like a good way to get
2105s some direct conversation going with
2108s mostly with the CM that's on that
2109s project at the
2111s minute um but it's really worthwhile
2114s going in there we also did the um game
2116s Jam uh during game Jam we did a farm
2119s space uh where like my sky also posted
2124s her project idea and and had a bit of
2126s back and forth so yeah absolutely worth
2129s um being in there and then if you're
2132s enjoying today and this parade uh we do
2135s have events on where we're trying to do
2138s an event every month where there's jods
2141s there um to hang out so we've done like
2143s a winter Todd one um we did a temperos
2146s one we did a hide-and seek uh and that's
2149s all organized by our volunteer mods but
2151s then jma's going in and hang out um but
2154s then they're also organizing like lots
2156s of events that you can take part in um
2159s throughout the month um speaking I'm
2163s speaking of I'm going back to game Jam
2166s jumping around a bit here um but my sky
2168s like your um King kayak pitch uh that
2172s you put out uh with this
2175s one like this is a good chance to sort
2177s of maybe like chat about your thoughts
2179s on that here is there anything um like
2183s following feedback I guess that you've
2185s seen or yeah talk us through that
2188s yeah sorry I've been completely
2190s distracted because I didn't I didn't
2192s realize I was like really behind on the
2194s parade and I was just stood in the
2195s middle of our and people were talking to
2197s me and I was like oh my God guys we're
2198s really behind so yeah thank you to
2200s whoever I just followed F so I was I'm
2203s I'm PR bad at more asking right okay
2205s we're in we're in the park now it's all
2206s good
2208s um uh yeah so um yeah I also I
2211s completely forgot about that when I was
2213s talking about my highlights I was like I
2214s feel like I'm forgetting something that
2215s was literally it um yeah the the hunter
2219s um activity uh yeah sorry I'm trying to
2222s Fig out I was now um yeah no that that
2225s was really that was really fun one to do
2227s um and I think that was the first time
2229s like I really had engaged with like the
2231s community like through Discord getting
2233s feedback and stuff and that was like so
2236s helpful um like kind of where it started
2239s and then where it ended up based on all
2241s of the the discussions and stuff we had
2243s in Discord was like yeah it it was it
2245s was really good and yeah just massive
2248s thank you to everyone who helped with
2249s that um I I don't know like how much I'm
2253s really allowed to say about these things
2255s like you know am I all to say whether
2258s it's like approved or
2260s not I think so I think where we're uh at
2263s the the point we're at now um is we're
2268s looking for player feedback basically
2270s right so you want to go and and talk
2273s tell us what you think about it in that
2275s survey and then you know if it comes
2277s back
2278s that it's good and you guys like it then
2281s it will get considered I think
2283s internally um whether it's in scope I
2286s guess we're actually able to do it how
2288s long it'll take etc etc yeah it's one of
2291s those things where like if if people do
2294s like it and uh definitely want to see it
2296s in game uh I guess kind of just like let
2298s me know and stuff but also if you do
2300s have any feedback on how it looks at the
2302s moment I think it was all in the in the
2304s blog and stuff like I kind of put
2305s together a big a big graphic explaining
2307s it but if there's any like anything that
2309s is glaringly like kind of bad or good or
2311s whatever just like let me know because
2312s this it's a kind of thing where like if
2314s enough people do want it like I'm like
2317s definitely down to look at it in a in a
2319s future game Jam uh I do I do have a few
2322s ideas for the next game Jam but also I'm
2325s like always down to do a couple projects
2327s at once um so I can I can always bring
2330s that back because yeah more more I get
2332s done the more feedback I can go through
2334s the more likely it is to kind of uh get
2336s put into game hopefully we'll see but
2339s it's definitely something I'd like to
2340s see in game um but yeah I'm also curious
2343s what other people think too it's not
2345s it's not about
2347s me yeah awesome and the same goes for
2350s all of the ones that are in the um blog
2352s post um so yeah it's always like super
2355s valuable to get your feedback on those
2357s um SNY what's what's going on we're just
2361s having a good time having a good VI look
2362s at all these people having a great time
2364s carry around presents from snowballs I'm
2366s enjoying myself there's multiple mods
2369s now uh transm into some of their
2372s favorite I saw giant moall earlier
2374s roaming around he's emerged from
2376s underneath under under fador Park and
2378s spread some Christmas Joy so having a
2381s great
2383s time awesome I I'm kind of jealous that
2386s I'm not in there I just I don't feel
2388s like I can do like talking on stream
2390s like keeping track of things and also
2392s trying to um keep track of the pray and
2395s being there but um yeah I think I think
2399s Christmas goose was like the right
2401s choice right 100% it was anti Santa
2404s originally but I thought maybe that was
2406s not as vested as as the iconic Christmas
2411s goose amazing um okay
2416s so I
2418s think we can maybe announce the next uh
2422s winner as that giveaway has now closed
2426s um so yeah thank you so much to everyone
2428s who entered it
2430s um the rcap kingdoms board game plus
2435s expansions has been won by fanatic Mouse
2440s I love it when they're like good names
2442s that's such a good name bring back Tom
2444s bring back
2445s Tom Tom is like yeah Tom's the top tier
2448s today
2449s though um yeah congratulations um yeah
2454s make sure that you're everything
2456s messages friend rest is enabled um so
2459s that we can get in touch with
2460s you disrespect no I like
2465s Tom um yeah and I model I'll be in
2469s touch um so I think we do we want to
2473s start up the next one we're a little bit
2476s I'm a bit ahead on time um but let's
2479s just let's just get it going um so our
2484s final giveaway today is
2488s the dragon plushies so um earlier this
2492s year pretty sure these were this year um
2495s we worked with makeship um to create
2500s three dragon plushies uh we've got elag
2503s farath and King black dragon um we today
2508s are giving away one plushy for three
2512s people um they're going to be assigned
2514s at random by us so um there three
2517s winners will be drawn and then you'll
2519s just get one of them assigned to you um
2522s so is one Dragon per one winner
2526s um once
2528s again exclamation mark Discord will give
2531s you that link go and do the react um to
2534s the bot post
2537s um yeah good luck it'll be up and for I
2541s think 10 minutes is um I can't remember
2546s what we put down for this one but
2548s go go and get
2550s enter um okay yeah it's live I've had
2553s that confirmed I have the elog and she
2557s is cute as hell I will
2559s say I don't know if you can see actually
2562s I've got where am I pointing King black
2564s dragon is here oh I've got the vus cool
2568s oh sick full Squad he there as
2572s well forast forast on the corner and
2575s then elv Go's downstairs
2577s um it's ended up like a bookshelf
2581s decoration I guess do you know what I
2583s want to see someone needs to put one of
2585s the r skap plushies on the top of the
2587s Christmas tree like we all right who
2590s would you have Blossom that's the real
2592s question who would you have on top of
2593s the Christmas tree I don't know like for
2595s me I would maybe do like Bob
2599s or
2601s um well or maybe Elva cuz king flat
2604s Dragon of vka are way too big like there
2606s there's no way right
2608s there's no way that they would um stay
2610s off on top of the tree um but I also
2612s think NE might be quite cute up there oh
2615s no child I don't know the the options
2618s are endless um if anyone does do that
2621s take a picture and like tag me I want to
2625s see um I also want to see if anyone has
2628s like old school Christmas decorations I
2630s feel like that's what I'm lacking like I
2631s need some good old school decorations on
2634s my Christmas
2635s tree um not that I've particularly
2638s looked for any they're probably assome
2640s somewhere but um yeah anyway we can um
2644s head back to the uh parade cam now um I
2649s don't know do you want to try do another
2652s lap S I don't know if you um speed run
2655s the parade we're going to speed run the
2657s parade see how quick we can get around I
2660s was going to say put your stamas but I
2661s remember we're in the free to play World
2664s so going to have to deal with it I
2667s actually can move I turned into Jad and
2670s I am like fully unable to
2676s move oh I just had to resist the edge to
2679s like try and turn the camera of the
2683s game muscle memory I was like going to
2685s try and look behind but we're doing
2688s we're doing a speedrun of like full
2690s Rocky Montage sort of camera angle as
2692s well so we're going full full speed
2694s demon at the moment oh my God I'm
2696s already behind a
2699s again I just going to follow someone
2701s else there we go Blossom I'm just going
2704s to ask someone in C chat key you should
2706s take a look at your games necklace
2708s brother I'm I'm I'm 100% convinced tears
2713s of gics is in the
2715s game something is telling me it's in the
2721s game I'm also saying a call for dog
2725s plushies dog plushies would be cute as
2727s hell imagine I would buy all of them if
2732s that was the case if we did some of the
2734s ones from the event oh that would be
2738s amazing sorry I got distracted again I
2741s once again gone the runway oh my God
2743s yeah oh no dog plushies would be great
2746s uh definitely would would uh would not
2748s be opposed to a stray dog plushy kind of
2750s like the one that we've already got in
2751s game I guess
2753s um yeah I'm lost oh my gosh it's not
2756s like I'm lost I just don't know where
2758s s's gone I'm I'm I'm zooming I'm goose
2761s and I'm zoom in that's that's where I am
2763s I'm at dror oh I'm going the wrong way I
2766s I don't know my like Northeast South and
2768s West very well like I still do my whole
2770s never eat Shredded Wheat and I messed it
2772s up this time someone please lead the way
2775s Goblin's asking me to slow down but I
2777s can't this goose is
2780s Unstoppable yeah people keep saying that
2782s to me as well like I'm sorry this this
2784s chicken's too fast got places to be
2786s exactly look at look at him go look at
2788s him waddle he's he's running for his
2790s life I've just gotone back to the park
2793s again oh my
2794s God yeah we'll just meet in the middle
2796s we'll meet in the middle Sky it's
2801s fine oh um another thing from this year
2805s It's All Coming Back to Me Now we also
2807s had dead man this year um and Dead Man
2810s All
2812s Stars
2814s like crazy like honestly the amount of
2816s stuff we've done this yeah like I keep
2818s on forgetting individual things
2821s but um yeah that was awesome um the
2827s particularly I really like dead man all
2828s stars that was so much fun Dead Man All
2831s Star slapped being one of the uh camera
2834s cameramen on the in the office for the
2837s final was very fun um the whole event
2840s was sick big shout out to to solom
2843s machine and the team honestly they
2844s smashed that event um it was just so fun
2848s I think what was really nice as well is
2850s that uh I'm pretty sure it was manked
2853s and pure spam were commenta in the way
2856s they commentate is quite nice for anyone
2858s that doesn't really know PVP I think
2861s they tend to explain the right things at
2863s the right time so that even if you don't
2866s really understand all the fundamentals
2868s of
2869s pvping they at least gave you like a
2871s couple of steps up so you could at least
2873s understand what's going on which I
2874s thought was really really good so I'm
2876s excited to see that bring back if Solo's
2879s Watching Next Year
2881s brother I should see
2885s it there you
2891s go yeah all right it was good it was
2894s good dead man as well dead man was
2895s pretty good this year I'd say I enjoyed
2897s playing dead
2898s man I did not play dead
2901s man so far from my usual
2904s content I told people the strats are
2907s normally have which is do quests that
2909s people wouldn't normally do and then you
2911s got Escape Routes so like Elemental
2912s workshop two and then you can try and
2915s run away into places that people can't
2917s hit you which is normally good but I
2919s feel like once I told people that shout
2920s I had more people find me in in se's
2925s Village than normal so maybe I shouldn't
2927s have said
2932s anything yeah I mean I still haven't
2934s even managed to um play a new league sh
2937s that's so bad is it um I don't know I
2942s don't know if I'll get to it now you've
2944s got the Christmas you got the Christmas
2945s break blon fine you can wish for it any
2948s time to catch up I I don't know I like
2951s wanted to go a bit harder than I ended
2953s up like going like i' you know like I
2954s said I'm still not quite ready for
2956s raiding yet but yeah getting there next
2959s on my list is fight caves then I'll go
2961s raiding I got my first echo echo weapon
2964s so it's all uphill from here where did
2967s you you go Skylock that's where what was
2969s the region choices uh so my first one
2972s was Vore uh which I think was a very
2974s common like kind of first pick this
2976s league and then uh Kent cuz I wanted to
2979s get the hpor weapon and then I'm I don't
2982s remember how far I am off my next like
2984s I'm still not on my third region I'm
2985s yeah slacking a little bit um but I'm
2988s going to go to Desert so I can do te
2990s away um gone gone like a full like kind
2994s of ranged masteries um which has been
2996s really fun uh uh yeah that's pretty much
3001s it sick Blossom where do you think
3004s you're going to go if you manage to find
3006s find time I don't know the only one that
3010s I know that I would want is
3012s Valore um I was pretty undecided on all
3015s of the others
3016s um yeah I just I just really like
3020s Valore in general I just think it has
3023s like a lot I'm not a very you know big
3025s strategy person so
3027s um people might be like oh actually but
3030s um yeah like I feel like for my play
3034s style my my Play Type B probably where I
3036s would go for um I was going to use it as
3041s like a chance to try some of the like
3044s more end game things or bigger bosses
3046s and that kind of thing that I haven't
3048s done before um as I guess to like try
3051s and get used to the the game playay of
3054s it but I just don't even know if I that
3057s far now um at this point uh so who knows
3061s I'll probably just go and skill skill
3064s there just like I skill in normal
3068s um I feel that I feel that with um like
3071s I feel like volore is such a good pick
3073s but then I'm thinking like terms of echo
3075s weapons I'm thinking about Coliseum and
3077s it's like that's just like never going
3079s to happen for me like let's be real
3082s here believe in yourself Skylight you
3084s can do it you can do it I'm not even a
3087s normal Coliseum let alone the fine you
3091s got the power of leagues uh leagues
3093s overpower this on your side you're fine
3095s you'll be
3096s fine
3100s maybe um awesome we also had uh I don't
3104s think we mentioned it before we had the
3105s mobile um update not long oh yes mobile
3109s how can I forget mobile it's been a I
3112s would say a long a long road for us to
3115s get that out and I'm I was hyped when we
3118s recorded that video for the summit and
3121s we could officially finally say yeah
3124s mobile UI updates coming was a
3127s big just a big bit of excitement for me
3129s and the fact we've now got menu entry
3131s swaer officially on the official client
3134s of mobile is massive like I'm definitely
3137s playing a lot more on mobile since the
3139s update which is
3142s great yeah yeah um yeah huge but like
3146s right at theend end of the year um but a
3149s really nice uh a kind of a nice way to I
3152s guess I say wrap up the year I suppose
3154s it was like a m so going now time is
3156s just kind of like blurred into one right
3158s it's just it's just a smudge it's time
3161s um but yeah they doing the Summits as
3164s well like I absolutely love doing those
3167s um coming down going down to the office
3169s for the winter one and then again for um
3171s summer um it's so much fun again that
3174s comes back to my like the game Jam point
3176s though if I just like to be down and
3178s seeing people well the next one's going
3180s to be really interesting considering
3182s it's going to be at room Fest so that is
3185s going to be big hype I mean I've been
3187s looking forward to doing a room Fest
3189s since the four years I've been here so
3190s finally the time is is is nearly
3194s here yeah and to be fair like room fast
3197s as well like even just you know the run
3199s up to that and and everything that's
3200s been going on for that has been this
3201s year um and it's now you know only a few
3205s months away um
3207s That's so exciting uh it'll be like my
3210s first ever won have you been before S no
3214s this is be my first first ever reest
3216s which I that's why I'm so excited I need
3218s to get my sandwich lady outfit ready I'm
3220s not going to lie that's my what I've
3222s always wanted to do
3225s so how about you sky like is that is it
3228s have you been before no I've never been
3230s before um yeah I'm I'm like really
3233s excited also really nervous um yeah to
3237s be honest I haven't really been to like
3238s that many like kind of conventions
3240s before I think I've been to like maybe
3242s insomnia and ComiCon but yeah really
3244s excited for R firstest though it's going
3245s to be fun um yeah I think the whole art
3248s team is really excited cuz some little
3251s things in the
3252s works oh there you
3255s go a little sneak there um yeah I think
3259s it's going to be a lot of our like first
3261s ones honestly um it's going to be kind
3263s of crazy just going and meeting some
3266s many so many players at once um but you
3270s should hopefully see us around um so
3273s yeah like just going to speak for myself
3275s here now I'm sure that's for everyone
3276s but like do you know stop and say hi um
3279s if you do see us it'll be really nice to
3281s meet you all um yeah super excited um so
3285s I
3286s think uh we've
3288s got we've got our last lot of winners um
3292s and then we're about ready to wrap up
3293s today um so the winners of the plushies
3299s now I don't have the list of like who
3301s gets what I think that I'll be decided
3303s um during the communication process by
3306s that jod who will be doing it I think it
3308s probably be mod you um but our three
3311s winners
3312s and the message I got through was that
3315s Tom's got competition here um as one of
3318s our winners is called Luke and then
3321s we've got L yeah I'm be F of just like a
3325s name like a
3327s person name um and then we've got goess
3330s slay and Zed do or zok I'm so sorry um
3335s if I just butchered it um although I
3337s have just had the who won what um added
3341s to the list but I'm I'm going to leave
3342s it for them to discover in their inboxes
3346s um or DMS so yeah make sure those DMS
3348s are open um that is the last giveaway of
3352s today um yeah hopefully spread a little
3355s bit of Christmas cheer
3357s um we like to do to do little giveaways
3359s on our Christmas ones um that pretty
3363s much is going to wrap us up so yeah is
3366s there anything um s that you want to add
3369s or say before we close up today before I
3372s give the announcements
3373s again uh yeah I just want to say a
3376s massive thank you to all of you lovely
3379s lot at home for making this year pretty
3382s pretty damn good I'd say um especially
3385s for Zara stuff that was
3387s quite a scary thing to go into uh in
3390s terms of announcing it but everyone's
3392s been very receptive and had very healthy
3394s discussions so I'm hoping to continue
3396s them long into 2025 so yeah and to Echo
3400s uh Mo Blossom's point you see me at room
3402s Fest you're going to Fest come and say
3403s hello um I'm very excited to meet
3405s everyone so
3408s yeah and how about you uh my
3411s sky uh yeah I just wanted to say uh
3414s Merry Christmas everyone I hope you have
3416s a good holidays um also a shout out to
3420s whoever Steven is uh in the parade right
3423s now um for like let like you know
3427s letting me follow him around cuz I had
3429s no idea where I was going uh we just did
3431s the worst detail ever so yeah sorry
3433s about that
3435s guys yeah yeah hope everyone has a good
3439s Christmas yeah absolutely um I don't
3442s know if people will be hanging around on
3444s this world um for a little bit but you
3446s know go down and and say Hello Maybe um
3450s the J might hang around for a little bit
3452s longer um but I'm going to run us
3455s through uh the last of our announcements
3457s uh oh well the same as our announcements
3459s but there's no point going over the
3460s giveway one again um but we do have
3463s exclamation mark Discord um you can go
3466s there to chat to fellow players uh like
3471s take part in events like this um all
3475s sorts honestly um there are G OD in
3478s there around chat um I'm in there a lot
3481s so if you want to come in and just chat
3482s and hang out um I'll be in there too um
3486s we've also got exclamation mark my year
3488s in so this is the my year in old school
3491s RuneScape stat summary is back uh so
3495s make sure that you are opted in to
3497s emails to see exactly what you've been
3499s getting up to this year um this is
3501s accessed via communication preferences
3504s in your account settings um so I know I
3506s did see in chat a little bit ago that
3508s some people were struggling to find it
3510s you've got to go to your account
3511s settings first um so make sure you've
3514s ticked that I believe the cut off for
3516s that is today like by the end of today
3518s so just make sure that you are opted in
3520s um and then it will be coming out in the
3522s next few days I believe or soon anyway
3527s um so there's that and then we've got
3530s exclamation mark album and this is our
3533s festive songs meets old school RuneScape
3535s Tunes for our Christmas album
3540s uh yeah perfect uh festive music to
3543s accompany our holiday grinds um and
3546s you'll get a link there to to go to that
3550s uh YouTube video playlist I can't
3553s remember what it is um but yeah I think
3556s that's it from us um I think this is it
3559s for the year now so we will see you in
3562s 2025 which is kind of crazy um thank you
3565s so much to everyone who has been here
3567s today um thank you s and sky so much for
3570s joining me today um and sky as well
3573s especially for doing all of those pet
3575s pictures um like I said we will uh get
3578s those up in a Discord Channel um some
3581s point this week uh so if yours was
3583s featured um or maybe if you just have a
3585s similar looking pet you might want to
3587s you know grab it um it'll be there for
3590s you otherwise yeah just like happy
3593s Christmas to um all of us all of us here
3595s on Old School Team all of us are J like
3598s yeah thank you so much for all of the
3599s support this year um and we'll we'll see
3602s you next
3603s year bye you
3607s [Music]