over 1 year ago - - Direct link
Today's blog discusses a whole host of future rebalancing.
over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Perryvdbosch


Can attempt:
- Improve elements of Agility progression
- Improve usefulness of some Thieving NPCs, improve stalls
- Improve early-game Slayer
- Improve various Mining methods
- Consider adjustments to NPC Defences to open up future reward space, and better position existing rewards
- Various item rebalances (nerfs for some, buffs for others)
- Explore changes to run Energy
- Dedicated blogs for all of the above throughout early 2024

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Heavens_Vibe

for players looking to learn tick-manipulation methods,

It's a BUG! Not a feature JAGEX!!

Tick manip has a place in OSRS, I was also an accident and I'm pretty content!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by osrslmao

I understand nerfing the occult but i hope the magic damage isnt all put onto defence requiring gear, this would screw over pures massivley.

If you add it to tormented bracelet and maybe the MA2 cape thatd be cool, or make the elidnis ward no defence req for the base version.

other pvm changes all look good

Agreed on this one, likely something we'll get into for its dedicated blog - only downside of doing an overview like this and expecting people to wait is risking people coming to misunderstandings because of the vagueness, but also a neat chance for us to see if there's gaps in what we're doing and how we might fill them!

Appreciate your comment!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by cookmeplox

Improving the Dorgesh-Kaan Light Orb activity.

yeah you've got my vote

knew I could count on you to lock-on to the weirdest part of the entire thing, wiki guy

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by crocodile1995

You guys touched on Inquisitor being extremely rare and very niche which is true but im curious as to how you guys manage to balance it. You specifically said it is very rare so are you guys thinking of changing drop rates or the use cases of the set?

I think it's important to let people know beforehand whether or not you plan to change drop rates or not because starting such a long grind and then a month later learning that it's going to be made easier would not be a good feeling.

Will be covered in full in a dedicated blog next year. We're not making any of these changes without ample time and giving players a chance to get hands-on with as many of them as possible, but kept things deliberately vague for now so we don't get bogged down in details at too early a stage!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by BozosGibberish

Tl;dr they want EoC but not the kind of EoC they introduced in 2012.

Deliberately joked that we're not evolving combat! Combat remains unchanged, you just might bring a wider variety of stuff to a wider variety of content (but you'll still be able to carry on exactly as you are). If anything, we want to evolve reward space so we can make more cool stuff without feeling on a constant knife's edge :(

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by p0tatohd

A lot of interesting ideas here for sure, most of which seem great for the longevity of the game as it opens up more reward space.

Kinda sad that good old Nightmare doesn't fall in this rebalancing blog, while it's nice that the gear might becoming more desirable and the bossfight is challenging and interesting, the drop rates are abhorrent and a crazy outlier when compared to other content.

I imagine that we might talk about Nightmare when we talk about Inquisitor, but nothing's set in stone yet!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Proton76

If we're introducing ranged specific weaknesses, would it be possible for javelins not to break with every shot as they're a fairly slow resource to gather unless you go super dry at demonics on an iron.

Going drop rate at demonics only gives about 1800 dragon javelin heads which on rapid are gone in under 2 hours.

I understand this is a "you've chosen to restrict yourself" issue but the same number of arrows is multiplied by 5 when wearing an assembler.

Would absolutely make a note to keep this in mind if those changes come to fruition!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Garden_State_Of_Mind

Did you not literally suggest removing zeros from combat?

No, the suggestion is that successful hits (i.e. not misses) will roll from 1 to maxhit rather than 0 to maxhit. Mostly helps people out early on, but also means no guesswork if you DWH spec and it 'hits' a 0, or Arclight 'hits' a 0. Misses are still a thing, so 0s are still a thing.