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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by glory_poster

No requirements for 67k xp/hr at 72 agility, already better than ardy 62.3k/hr at 90+, and this will be further buffed when the floor xp's are rebalanced to take away from floor 5 and add to the previous floors

I swear you keep spinning words which I have said to be promises, or at least that's how I'm interpreting it, if I'm wrong then apologies. I haven't said that I am going to take XP from floor 5 and add it to previous floors I'm pretty sure I said something to the extent of

"I'm considering reviewing all of the xp/hr for all floors, perhaps buffing earlier floors but I'd have to test what the xp-rates are first since I don't know how they've changed since the hotfix"

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by glory_poster

I was going off of what you said in aatykon's twitch chat when you said you were considering removing 1k xp from floor 5 and adding 500 xp to floors 1-4. Maybe I'm mistaking somebody else's suggestion in the chat for something you said. No bad intentions. Love the new content, it looks beautiful and is fun to play.

No offense taken, I said considering but perhaps musing was a better word for it.

I have no clue where floors 1,2,3 sit at currently (until your post) and I planned to test both looting and not looting for myself before going ahead with the consideration or not.

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by superfire444

If I may ask (I'm actually curious) how do you test that?

Do you just play runescape on your account and only do floors 1-3 for an hour?

For myself I believe there's no better way to test the content you've created than playing it yourself.

I'd likely run floors 1-3 as you said but more like for 20-30 minutes until xp-rates have been stabilized.

Edit: Also I should also add that in cases where my mechanical skill is worse than the top players (often is) I can use spreadsheets to extrapolate what the xp/hr would be for specific time thresholds which I cannot beat