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To nerf a whole combat style and not announce it officially is straight up cruel. We're now a week in Leagues and we've built our whole accounts around choosing the magic relic, whether Desert for ancients or Wilderness for The Abyss or Kand for zenytes and staffs.

This is very typical, the combat triangle has always been unbalanced. Range gets a 97% ammunition save with 1 tick attacks while mages have to save up for costy runes and STILL get nerfed.

Let alone the fact that T6 relics are useless for a mage.

I seriously demand the option to reset my relics and areas now as they've all been centered around Magic.

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Hopefully you saw the recent post about us reverting the silent hotfix from last night. Sorry you didn't hear anything sooner regarding this, it was a decision made quite late in the night.