over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Let us know which questions you’d like answered on this week’s Q&A tomorrow at 5pm UK time!


EDIT: The Q&A has been moved forward to Tuesday (15/10/2019) this week!

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Rockafellah1

Basilisk Knights

1) Could you release the task weightings for Basilisks for the slayer masters that are currently unknown (Nieve, Duradel, Konar)?

2) Could you release the droprate of the Basilisk Jaw?

3) Are there any plans to further change Basilisk Knights? As it stands they are a horrible task (and even worse to kill offtask) for every combat/gear bracket. Maybe it would be wise to adjust their droptable now that they take a lot longer to kill.

4) Could you filter the messages you get when you are struck by their special attack? Even with filtered chat you get 5+ messages everytime you get hit by the special attack.

5) The Fremennik Exiles seemed very quick and easy to do, even without a guide. What are the parameters you consider when ranking quests as master, grandmaster, etc.? In my opinion TFE felt more like an intermediate quest and I was wondering if the difficulty of quests is getting lower overall.


1) Regarding the Twisted League, it was unclear from the blog post wether we would be able to choose additional relics from the starter ones after picking one of them. Would I for example be able to start with the unlimited run energy relic and then switch that to the 80% ammo saving relic or even pick another one in addition to my starting relic?

2) Would there be any downside to making a new account for the Twisted League and playing both my main account and the league account simultaneously? Are there - apart from the rewards which mostly are tradeable - any things that are untradeable or are tracked on the account that could be helpful in future leagues and/or the main game?

3) Are there plans for non-ironman leagues and is there a possibility for them to have a seperate Grand Exchange? Would grouping in a League require the same engine work that group ironman / clans require or would it be possible before that?

I can answer the leagues questions at least.

  1. Once you select a Relic that choice cannot be undone and you will have that Relic for the rest of the league. At certain league point thresholds you will receive another choice with a different 3 relics to choose from, you will not be able to unlock 2 relics from the same selection so if you want the 80% ammo saving you have to pick that as your first selection and give up on infinite run and auto burying bones.
  2. Your league progress is measured on the account that participates in the league. This affects everything mentioned in the league to league rewards section of this blog https://osrs.game/twisted-league . The only other reward it affects is the untradeable league trophy (if it passes the poll). Every other reward we are polling is tradeable so it won't matter which account you play on unless you're an Ironman.
  3. I've seen some design ideas for non-ironman leagues although the majority of them benefit from being an ironman league to prevent boosting an account up the ranks (for example trading them resources to train skills). If we did I don't see why it couldn't have it's own Grand Exchange similar to DMM. I'd love to do a group league it sounds fun! However that is still reliant on the permanent grouping features that are being developed for both clans and group ironman because we have no way to remember who you were grouped with for the league after you logout.
over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Amaz2007

Regarding the account used for a League not mattering, would the rewards from Leagues be visible in the Collection Log?

No they won't be added to the collection log

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by AggiesWife

I notice in the news report that you had mentioned tier 1-5 mysterious emblemz, as well as tier 10, will be tradeable for gp to an NPC post bounty hunter rework. What about T6-9? Will they be redeemable for 1.2m like T5s or will they be scaled between 1.2m and 2m? I hope they don't just disappear...

Post rework, the mysterious emblems will only exist in tiers 1-5. If we kept all 10, players would be spending too long trying to find a target with emblem upgrade potential.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Xarnathos

Hello Old School RS-Team,

do you have an idea what you will do with Zulrah now? Will you lock him behind a quest, e.g. Mourning's End Part II or will you leave everything as it is right now?

Thank you for your work and your time! I am looking forward to all the great content you are coming up with.

Best regards Xarnathos

Hey Xarnathos, we're considering the idea - plenty of players including yourself have suggested locking Zulrah behind additional requirements. We don't have a decision set in stone just yet though. Glad to hear you're excited about upcoming content!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by meirionh

I know this is probably now closed, but it's the link for QoL suggestions from moobot too, so I'll just leave this here...

Can the action that we are about to take be displayed next to the mouse, as opposed to in the top left corner. RS3 has this, and is such a no-brainer for QoL imo

Thank you


over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by lemon_layers

Suggestion: Would it be possible to bring a Runecrafting guild to the game without affecting the current xp rates?

With each new addition, there seems to be a problem in terms of balancing. Basically, could you guys introduce Runecrafting guild without it being BIS RC xp?

What activities/rewards would you put in there that avoid it being BIS but keep it worthwhile?

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by WobblestheGreat

Can we please look at removing the RDT and putting it as an extra drop? Or removing RDT from all bosses, its very annoying to have this table as all the drops are pretty pointless besides for ironman...

I'll add this to the list of QoL changes for consideration in the next QoL poll.