almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
Today sees Forestry enter Beta using our brand new Beta Worlds!
almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by JKLCS

Using Roots will give you new Tertiary effects that can help you out across various activities in the game.

Using them on what? How do we activate the Tertiary effects?

I've made it clearer in that section but if you read a little further down, there's a full explanation :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Lurker12386354676

Is the clothes pouch only for the woodcutting skilling set or can I take this badboy to motherlode mine?

If the latter, how does it interact with the warmth mechanic in Wintertodt? Is that considered a set bonus or nah?

Only for the Lumberjack outfit. We have said we are open to expanding it, if that is something players want, but that will require polling.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by runner5678

In addition, players chopping the same tree get an invisible Woodcutting bonus that scales with the number of players, up to a maximum of 10 which will help encourage group skilling!

Is this 100% coming in or do we still have time to vote against it?

The natural result of this is that woodcutting will be done not just at specific locations but on designated worlds only so the rest of the worlds will feel more empty.

It’ll be a shame when draynor bank is empty, except for one world. Or when the WC guild is empty, except for one world. Idk, just feels like it’ll sap life out of the game.

Yes, this part has been voted on. We're not against potentially tweaking it based on feedback as I appreciate your concern!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Tuquinha69

If the forestry kit passes we should be able to use it on a Woodcutting cape.

The Forestry Kit has passed and it's something we have spoken about but won't be coming with Phase 1 and would need polling.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Wydstepmomm

Literally the only thing i was looking forward to about forestry won't be in the beta lol

Sorry fam <3

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Cheese_danish54

Could you provide a status on the login servers? I can’t login (“Unable to connect. Login server offline.”). Looks like many others are experiencing the same thing.

The team is currently investigating the issue. Apologies for the inconvenience!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Unfortunately, the Beta for Forestry will be postponed indefinitely due to unforeseen technical issues.

The team are currently discussing potential ideas to give you as much insight into Forestry before its launch.

Stay tuned for an update.