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So a year or two ago, my phone was smashed to bits by my crazy brother.

That phone had my google auth with my pure account linked to it, saved password for the email registered, etc..

The recovery process asks me to submit all this info that I would need by accesing the email in which I CANNOT get into. I've tried every password i've ever used and someone I made it something that was typical of myself. I've been reaching out since this happened in 2022.. Completely maxed pure account and i'll never see it again unless a J Mod personally helps me.

the email to the account is a chain email, like patterns, so i have accounts that end in 2711, 27111, 271111 (thats the locked one) and 2711111. I gave away 27111 to a friend, I still use 2711 as my main. and the 2711111 is the new pure I made since I cant get into 2711.

How am I supposed to get this fixed? I want it back so bad, ive tweeted at every J Mod and because im not "famous" I dont get any time of day from them. Can y'all please help me out and try to get this seen by a J mod? I can still log into the account, I just dont have the auth code because like I said, phone was completely smashed and I didn't have a paper writing of the back up. I'd go as far as giving a GP or compensation to a J mod for helping me get this acc back. I spent months getting 99 hp untrim, fully maxed pure stats, quested and all.. I dont know where else to turn. Sorry for my rant, love you all.

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12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Hey u/anon_couple2019

It sounds like a tricky situation but hopefully we can get you sorted, though there are a few hoops to jump through.

If you have access to the account but not the auth, you can remove the Authenticator through the registered contact email on the account.

It looks like you've indicated you don't have access to that email though, so you'll need to submit a recovery, which I can see you've said you've done.

Our recovery process is designed for players to get in touch with us and submit their details in a secure form, which we then review and make a determination about ownership of that account. If your request is successful, we'll apply a new registered email address to your account, which will allow you to receive the link to remove your authenticator and carry on playing.

You can start this request here using your login username/email.

Once you have entered your login username, click "Recover". Depending on the current status of the account you'll either be taken directly to our recovery form, or you will need to click on the "contact Jagex support" link in the box advising you to check your email to go straight to the recovery form.

Your login username will never change, even if you change your in-game display name or registered email, unless you upgrade to a Jagex Account.

We have some advice available here that will help with completing the recovery form.

You should never divulge your passwords or sensitive information if you're contacting Jagex via ticket or email. These should only be known by the account owner and not shared with anyone else, even us!

If you're getting denied it's because the information you're providing isn't enough for us to confidently identify you as the creator of the account. We have stringent requirements for recovering accounts, but I understand it's really frustrating to get appeals denied.

If you're still having issues after following the above, could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

Hopefully this helps!

- Jagex Support

12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Originally posted by anon_couple2019

When i type in the email for the account and click recover, it says a email was sent to the registered email, in which i lost access to because of it being 2step auth'd (along with the runescape account itself) I'm not sure what to do, it feels like dead ends every way i turn in this situation. I can 110% prove its my account, but thats only by me talking with a JMod and telling specific account details that I wont type for the public lol. But you could fact check it and see.

I can provide all previous passwords, I used RS membership codes for the account, never used a CC. I'm still using the same computer, but different internet because i've moved houses. however, i can provide my old address to you.

I'll try again, wish me luck!! i would love it back. I spent a ton of hours at pest control to get my 99 hp cape untrimmed and then get maxed pure stats xD

but yes, i still use email: n***cc2711, 271111, 2711111 but 27111 i gave to my cousin. I can provide proof of all of that


So when you go to recover the account, if you don't have access to the registered email you need to do the following:

  1. Head to this page
  2. Enter in your login username
  3. Click the 'RECOVER' button
  4. Click 'contact Jagex support' when it says 'CHECK YOUR EMAIL'
  5. Complete the form with as much information as possible.
12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Originally posted by anon_couple2019

yeah its gone sadly, I put every password ever used, the dates of the membership codes i used, the amount of membership on em. etc. If it was a automated system it would work but whatever is in place currently is never going to let me get my account back /:

I appreciate you for taking the time out of your day to respond for me. 3 denials in the last 24 hours.

Hey u/anon_couple2019 if your requests are getting auto-denied and not manually reviewed, it means you're not providing enough of the basic information correctly for the system to push it through.

As I said in my first message - if the above hasn't worked can you submit a ticket using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.